Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Catching Up on ‘Remember the TYRANNY’ Videos

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 3, 2024


I pray you live in a U.S. region in which the Dem-Marxist/Globalist Agenda to control the lives of Individuals on a mass-scale has not affected YOU. I live in Oklahoma which means much of the control Tyranny was limited and (somewhat) disappeared early. NEVERTHELESS the COVID mass manipulation taught me Liberty can be fleeting, EVEN IN AMERICA.


I discovered most of these videos in August 2024 (a couple from July) while some while notice are older regardless of my time-frame. SO REMEMBER! Tyranny is a creeping political demon that no matter how much its screws are tightened on Individuals, UNITY of purpose will always defeat a tyrannical agenda in one fashion or another. GOD BLESS AMERICA!


JRH 9/3/24


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Brighteon VIDEO (H/T Telegram Natural News posted 7/22/24)): Episode 07.10.2024 - Why Dr. Ardis, DC is scared of the Bird Flu

Posted by The Dr. Ardis Show

Published 4 Weeks Ago (date I watched 8/10/24)


Welcome to this week's episode of The Dr. Ardis Show, hosted by Dr. Bryan Ardis. In this informative and eye-opening presentation, Dr. Ardis delves into the widespread concerns surrounding the bird flu, which has been a hot topic in mainstream media. Titled "Why I Am So Scared of the Bird Flu and What You Need to Know," this episode aims to alleviate fears and provide crucial information to keep you and your loved ones informed and at ease.


Dr. Ardis, DC begins by reflecting on the recent Fourth of July celebrations, emphasizing the importance of freedom and how his presentations are designed to protect the liberties enshrined in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. He reassures viewers that there is no need to panic about the bird flu and promises to equip them with the knowledge to stay safe and worry-free.


Throughout the 47-minute episode, Dr. Ardis, DC presents a comprehensive PowerPoint filled with research, references, and solutions to counteract the bird flu scare. He critiques media narratives, particularly those from sources like NBC News and the CDC, highlighting inconsistencies and potential misinformation regarding the bird flu's presence in wastewater.

The episode is sponsored by Dr. Ardis, DC's own Biodefense product and Bio-active Copper, reinforcing the show's commitment to offering practical and effective health solutions.


Stay tuned for this critical episode and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter by scanning the QR code on the screen. Subscribers receive weekly updates on the latest research, documentaries, presentations, and special offers.



Rumble VIDEO: Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to Turbo Cancer


Posted by The People's Voice

Published August 13, 2024


Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Fenbendazole here: https://pills4ever.com - use coupon code 'peoplesvoice' for 15% off.


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- Visit https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/IPV6 to take back control of the Internet


Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and blowing the whistle on the devastating turbo cancer epidemic sweeping the world have been found dead.


The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two resident medics were found on Friday in the wreckage of a plane that plunged from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.


The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo where they were set to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion of turbo cancers and autoimmune disease wreaking havoc around the world today.


Mainstream media are working overtime to brush this story under the carpet on behalf of Big Pharma, but the facts are damning and we are not going to let them cover up the truth.



Rumble VIDEO: ‘Unsafe and Ineffective’, de grootste leugen die ooit aan het volk is verkocht


Posted by BLCKBX

Published August 14, 2024


[Blog Editor: The original Description is in Dutch. I’m using Google Translate for an English version.]


In December 2020, large pharmaceutical companies hurried to the market with new "vaccines" to curb a global "pandemie".


Produced with an unprecedented speed, based on new formulations from previously problematic MRNA biotechnology, the media received the vaccines as a gift from heaven.


They considered governments all over the world to be a triumph of innovation and emphasized that they were both safe and effective, or "unsafe and ineffective."


How different turned out to be reality. In addition to the many side effects, there are gigantic, global excess mortality and nobody who dares to name the connection. Some do that, but not without cracks.


Making the connection is a career ride or exemption from the group. The documentary "Unsafe and Ineffective" outlines the true story of the greatest lie that has ever been sold to the people. More about the maker: [link to the Maker's website] More about the documentary: "Unsafe and Ineffective" is more than a film; It is an in -depth investigation into the dynamics of social changes and its unexpected consequences.


Through personal stories and expert analyzes, this documentary reveals the complexity of current health crisis and the challenges that people are confronted with worldwide. Do you appreciate this video (s)? Like this video, subscribe to our channel and support the independent journalism of BLCKBX with a donation https://www.blckbx.tv/buddy


… The Rest Of The DESCRIPTION is Social Media Promotions



Rumble VIDEO [H/T The Exposé]: As The Last Bell Tolls (Documentary)


Posted by DrRobertYoung

Published August 1, 2024


[DrRobertYoung Description is largely promotional in nature. Below is a summary from The Exposé.]


The documentary ‘As The Last Bell Tolls’  is a compilation of clips from various sources featuring various experts over the years, some of whom are sadly no longer with us.  It leads the viewer through the story of the covid era that governments and their advisers have tried to keep hidden from the public, beginning after the rollout of covid “vaccines.”


There is no information about who compiled the video clips into documentary format or when.  Dr. Robert Young seems to have been the first to share the documentary, which may indicate he is the originator.  Underneath the video on Rumble and BitChute, Dr. Young has listed several hyperlinks to additional resources.


As WHO has recently declared another public health emergency of international concern (“PHEIC” pronounced as “fake”), this time for mpox, it is worthwhile watching the documentary (below) to remind ourselves about what happened during the covid era and what many have concluded the pandemic agenda is all about.  For some, who have only recently become aware that something is wrong, watching this documentary may be an eye-opening experience.”



Rumble VIDEO: CIA & DARPA Whistleblower & Security Expert Admit…


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 3, 2024


This video was shared on a Social Media platform I cannot recall – sorry about that. The original title is very long: “CIA & DARPA Whistleblower & Security Expert Admit They Target Certain Individuals To Test The Internet Of Living Things On Their Brains. They Will Roll This Mind Control Out On A Mass Scale When Needed”. It is posted on the librty (https://librti.com/) video platform, posted on 8/27/24 (https://librti.com/view-video/cia-darpa-whistleblower-security). Posted by Odessa Orlewicz. ORIGINAL TITLE: “CIA & DARPA Whistleblower & Security Expert Admit They Target Certain Individuals To Test The Internet Of Living Things On Their Brains. They Will Roll This Mind Control Out On A Mass Scale When Needed.


Odessa Orlewicz Description:


‘"CIA & DARPA Whistleblower & Security Expert Discuss How They've Been Targeting Individuals Amongst Us (Without Permission) To Test Out The "Internet Of Living Things" On Our Brains... Which They Plan On Rolling Out Eventually On A Mass Scale To Control Us." ...This tech is destroying victims lives as they are used as lab rats unknowingly. Scientists also admit on stage they have this technology and a company on the news admits they use their tech to kill people. I show a wide variety of videos and screenshots.


*If you want fenbendazole, ivermectin or HCQ you can get it in Canada or the US from Sunshinehealth@proton.me They deliver. They are legit. I order from them regularly... the product is already here in Canada and already in the US.


*Contact my very AWAKE friend & financial investment advisor Adrian Spitters to get information on how to invest/capitalize on the massive amounts of homes being built in Canada to help you with inflation/wealth building (just info/no pressure) Email: adrian@adrianspitters.com Web: www.adrianspitters.com [Blog Editor: Link did not work in my browser or re-directed to https://pfcwealthsolutions.mailchimpsites.com/. I got the redirect from Adrian Spitters Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/adrianspitters].Tell him Odessa sent you.


MORE DESCRIPTION along the promotional line.



Rumble VIDEO: Nestlé Exposé


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 3, 2024


I found this mini-documentary branding Nestlé as evil at Telegram The 'Great Reset' Exposed (https://t.me/GreatReset1) posted on 7/30/24 (https://t.me/GreatReset1/740). This story sounds like the precursor to the current Big Pharma Medical Tyranny. Endure the brief toward the end and get to the section on Nestlé child slavery conditions in their chocolate production.


The 'Great Reset' Exposed Description:


“Nestle have been starving babies of nutrients and used aggressive tactics to blackmail mothers to stop breastfeeding newborn babies.


The result is that many children have suffered stunted growth and deformities. Truly evil.”



Rumble VIDEO: BREAKING: You Won't BELIEVE What Just Happened | The Poplar Report


Posted by RVM News

Published August 27, 2024


As we are well into the Summer shortage season we're seeing major issues in dairy, pasta, and in potatoes. Whether you are a Prepper, a homesteader, or a concerned homemaker there are serious issues happening right now.


MORE DESCRIPTION largely promotional



Bitchute VIDEO: Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled? - Matthew 24 - Wars & Rumors of Wars, Nation Shall Rise Against Nation...


Posted by SlantRight2

Published September 3, 2024


I found this 1:13:28-Hour video at Substack Clay Clark (https://clayclark.substack.com/) posted on 8/14/24 (https://bit.ly/3X3ORSq).


As is typical of Clay Clark/Thrivetime videos, there is a compilation of other videos related to the title intermixed with Clay Clark commentary and interviews. It’s worth watching. The original Substack title: “Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled? | Matthew 24 | Wars & Rumors of Wars, Nation Shall Rise Against Nation, Famines & Pestilences..."Bird Flu Vaccines Prepped." - USA Today + Trump Back On X (8/12/24)”.



Rumble VIDEO: Who REALLY is Kamala? With Documentary Filmmaker Joel Gilbert


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 3, 2024


I found this video at Substack STONE COLD TRUTH (https://tinyurl.com/4rjhhtdt) posted 8/30/24 (https://tinyurl.com/2ztfj6u9).


The full Substack Title: “Who REALLY is Kamala? w/ Documentary Filmmaker Joel Gilbert: Gilbert lays out a stunning exposé of Kamala as an ambitious, overly nervous, Xanax popping mess, famous for screaming obscenities at her staff while firing them.”


After the Gilbert Intro, The Video Description:


“Gilbert exposes Kamala Harris as an opportunist who has done little to actually help black Americans and other minorities.


Gilbert lays out a stunning exposé of Kamala as an ambitious, overly nervous, Xanax popping mess, famous for screaming obscenities at her staff while firing them.


Stone points out that her 2020 campaign was a disaster. He also notes that their turnover in her Vice Presidential office was over 70% with many of her former staff leaking her outrageous and abusive personal behavior.


Stone points out that the Vice President still has not done a press conference and that the interview scheduled with CNN is with her running mate who she has said is like her "service animal."


Troy Smith also discusses the aggressive campaign on TikTok by Tulsi Gabbard, who endorsed Donald Trump last week.”

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