Friday, August 30, 2024

The Shadow & Slumber of Tyranny – AWAKEN!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 30, 2024

There is a tyranny in the lives of Americans (and the once-upon-a-time Free West) that has enveloped our lives like a slow moving dark shadow. So slow, many have slept through the erasure of Liberty nearly unnoticed. AND SOME of us have awakened.


Once again I have acquired or visited a slew amount of videos that I am sharing to remind or awaken to that shadow of tyranny squeezing out Liberty. The subjects vary from Medical, Globalist and Criminal tyranny in a random order of my interest.


Use some critical thinking in your viewing. Sift between credible and sketchy and make an informed decision. You may not agree with all, but there is enough truth to awaken from the shadow of tyranny.


JRH 8/30/24


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Odysee VIDEO: Nanotechnology Used in Over 2,000 Food Items Goes Unlabeled Due to Weird FDA Loophole

Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published August 29, 2024


This EpochTV/Facts Matter clip with Roman Balmakov was found at Telegram The 'Great Reset' Exposed ( posted on 8/1/24 ( The only description is the title. The existence of Nano-Tech in processed foods should be concerning to every single human being.



Rumble VIDEO: LEAKED German health institute (RKI) Documents Illustrate Scamdemic

Posted by SlantRight

Published August 29, 2024


I found this clip of a German gal talking about leaked German documents at Telegram Sound of Freedom Back up Channel ( posted on 7/23/24 (


My fellow informed Patriots, if you thought Medical Tyranny was bad in the USA, it was and is worse in Europe. There is no USA-like Bill of Rights in Europe. European civil rights are basically submerged by the tyranny of the majority. In Europe, the majority at this point are ONE-World Globalists at the beck and call of Control-The-Masses Elitists. My suspicion is this German gal is in a heap of trouble for sharing this information.


Sound of Freedom Back up Channel Description:


LEAKED DOCUMENTS prove that the German health institute RKI was obliged to propagate government narratives AGAINST THE SCIENCE:


They LIED in court about vaccines


They EXAGGERATED their fear-mongering”.



Rumble VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Show – Geof Sheppard Interview & Nixon Resignation (A Coup?)


Posted by SlantRight

Published August 12, 2024


I found this 2:21:54-Hours interview at Telegram Trump Source ( posted on 8/8/24 ( . In full disclosure, way back during the Watergate scandal and the Nixon Resignation by 1974, I was convinced Nixon was a crooked President. Over the years information is showing the light Nixon was the victim of an American Intel Community Coup.


Trump Source Description:


“Tucker Carlson:

 Fifty years to the day after Richard Nixon’s resignation, newly-unearthed documents show Watergate was a scam from start to finish. Geoff Shepard saw it happen. The parallels to what’s currently happening to Trump are remarkable.


(0:51) Who Is Geoff Shepard?

(2:22) What Was Watergate?

(12:07) The CIA’s Involvement in Watergate

(20:13) The Break-in

(38:11) Unanswered Questions About the Break-in

(49:10) The Core Criminals of Watergate

(53:03) The Smoking Gun Tapes

(56:14) The Press’s Role in Watergate

(1:11:39) Political Persecution of Richard Nixon

(1:40:17) Hillary Clinton’s Role in Watergate

(1:47:05) The Similarities to Donald Trump

(1:57:22) What Did Nixon Think of All This?

(2:14:57) Did Nixon Believe the Election Was Stolen?”



Rumble VIDEO [H/T: Telegram The X Files 8/12/24]: The Big Banks Are Guilty Of Crimes Against Humanity


Posted by Reese Report

Published October 6, 2021



Youtube VIDEO: Lenin and the Brutal Magic of Communism

Posted by New Discourses

Published Aug 16, 2024


The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Ep. 146


One of the great paradoxes of Communism is that in the end, the state is supposed to "wither away," leaving a stateless, classless society in which there is high functioning and little or no want. This circumstance is presented as different to the other stages of history, which are said to proceed through revolutionary overthrow of the existing system. In particular, socialism is meant to be born out of capitalism through a violent proletarian revolution that seizes the means of production and establishes itself as an all-powerful "dictatorship of the proletariat." But this absolute totalitarian state is also exactly what's supposed to "wither away" to make room for Communism. How can that be? In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, host James Lindsay takes you through the fifth chapter of Vladimir Lenin's The State and Revolution (, written in 1917, to show you Lenin's vision for socialism and his vague but terrifying plan for this magical transition. Join him on this maiden voyage into Leninism on the New Discourses Podcast.


MORE DESCRIPTION mostly promotional



X/Twitter VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Casey Means (Stanford-educated surgeon & Her Brother Calley (Pharma Lobbyist & Food Industry) - Both Quit Their Jobs


Posted by Tucker Carlson

Posted on August 16, 2024


Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. Richard Fleming - The Truth About mRNA Vaccines & MORE


Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 29, 2024


This 3:33-Minute clip is an excerpt of a longer video from the Rumble Channel Conservative Daily Podcast ( entitled, “Joe Oltmann and David Clements: Media Attempts to Resurrect COVID Narrative Before The Election?! | Guest Dr. Richard Fleming - Tina Peters Trial Continues | 5 August 2024 4PM EST” ( The full video length is 1:49:28-Hour.


I found the excerpted version at Telegram David Clements ( posted on 8/6/24 (


David Clements Description:


“The Truth About mRNA Vaccines & How They Are Used as Transfection Tools”.



Bitchute VIDEO: Massive New Study Finds NO EVIDENCE That COVID ‘Vaccines’ Offer Any Benefit


Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 29, 2024


I found this Maria Zeee clip on Telegram The Vigilant Fox ( posted on 8/11/24 (


The Vigilant Fox Description:


‘The “conspiracy theorists” were right again.


Instead of saving lives, the research revealed that COVID “vaccines” are linked to persistent excess deaths across 125 countries.


The study also found that vaccinated individuals might spread infections to unvaccinated people, exacerbating the issue.


Australia showed a notable spike in mortality following a booster rollout in January 2022.


Study researcher Joseph Hickey concluded, “The excess mortality is caused by political interventions, including vaccine rollouts, which show no evidence of preventing excess deaths.”


Lead researcher Denis Rancourt added that the idea that COVID vaccines saved lives is “ridiculous.”’

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