Thursday, September 5, 2024

Shining Light on Shadowy Leftist Intentions

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 5, 2024


I’ve run into a bit of inspiration issue and finding something to grouse about. AND SO, I’m going to share three posts that intrigued me enough to engage the thought processes in the grey matter of mind.


The Substack page Unlicensed Punditry posted a photo from the Star Trek Next Generation series of the Borg Queen engaging Captain Picard. Yup, I’m an old Trekkie. And yes, I realize Trekkie promotes Humanism and ONE-World Government. NEVERTHELESS the Sci-Fi themes affecting individuals are still intriguing to me. AND this post is about the evil COLLECTIVE (hence, the Borg) and entitled, “Believe Them: Hayek noted the committed collectivist must be prepared to do anything, even things that shock the conscience”.


Then I was intrigued by the rare Conservative esoteric thinking of John Leake writing at Substack COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE under the title, “The Spirit that Negates: Reflections on the satanic state and its war on the citizenry”.


And Last of all the Vlad Tepes website has some introductory thoughts prior to embedding an 11-Minute video of John Campbell PhD talking about Gates, Soros and WEF tyrants preparing the masses for “inhale-able mRNA ‘vaccines’” under the title, “Gates admits to working on cheap, global scale inhale-able mRNA ‘vaccines’”.


JRH 9/5/24


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Believe Them

Hayek noted the committed collectivist must be prepared to do anything, even things that shock the conscience


By Michael Smith

September 4, 2024

Unlicensed Punditry


Borg Queen (Collective) & Capt. Picard (Individual) [Unlicensed Punditry Photo]


The most interesting aspect of Kamala Harris isn't necessarily her and her elusive policy positions. I expected that of her. Anyone who would conspire to hide the mental and physical weaknesses of a president, someone she claimed to be in contact with daily, could - no, should - be expected to do literally anything to advance herself.


Hardly surprising.


What is surprising is that her followers – the regular members of the Democrat Party – have so enthusiastically shown themselves to be completely devoid of independent, critical thought and any semblance of feigned integrity. They have fallen into synchronized goosestep with their Borg Queen and the rest of the Borg collective, claiming to support every policy she is now allegedly “supporting” – policies they claimed to be racist, sexist, xenophobic and every other thing they could scrape from the slime and sludge at the bottom of the barrel.


I must deduce Harris is lying, they know she is lying, she knows they know she is lying, and they just expect the old Kamala to rise from the grave like Lazarus after the election.


This is the first time in my memory a political party, en masse, has revealed itself to be fully willing to deceive everybody, including themselves, to win an election. Yes, I know every party does it, but I have never seen a sell-out this aggressive and this public. In the past, at least in America, they have at least tried to camouflage it, but not this time.


I guess I should not be surprised.


It has been foretold – eighty years ago.


In 19444's "Road to Serfdom", F.A. Hayek pointed out that the committed collectivist must be prepared to do anything, even things that shock the conscience, if that thing "serves 'the good of the whole,' because that is to him the only criterion of what ought to be done."


Hayek continued:


"Once you admit that the individual is merely a means to serve the ends of the higher entity called society or the nation, most of those features of totalitarianism which horrify us follow of necessity. From the collectivist standpoint intolerance and brutal suppression of dissent, deception and spying, the complete disregard of the life and happiness of the individual are essential and unavoidable. Acts which revolt all our feelings, such as the shooting of hostages or the killing of the old or sick, are treated as mere matters of expediency; the compulsory uprooting and transportation of hundreds of thousands becomes an instrument of policy approved by almost everybody except the victims. To be a useful assistant in the running of a totalitarian state, therefore, a man must be prepared to break every moral rule he has ever known if this seems necessary to achieve the end set for him.”


It also explains why we see nothing but the most perfunctory sympathy toward any killed in the pursuit of the collectivist goals – the failure of either Biden or Harris to personally acknowledge the soldiers unnecessarily killed at Abbey Gate and their families, any sympathy for American hostages held and/or killed by Hamas in Gaza, or any American arrested and held in foreign jails, are part and parcel of that – they were acceptable losses in the pursuit of Biden’s horrific decision to exit Afghanistan and other Democrat policies.


Pay attention. The Democrats are telling us who they are, and they should be believed.


And this collectivist iteration of that party should be consigned to the dustbin of history.


© 2024 Michael Smith

Unlicensed Punditry HOMEPAGE

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The Spirit that Negates

Reflections on the satanic state and its war on the citizenry


By John Leake

September 5, 2024



While Dr. McCullough remains largely focused on matters of medicine and public health, I often venture into other topics of a more overtly political nature. In response to my posts, many readers have angrily reproached me—and sometimes Dr. McCullough—for what they perceived as straying from this Substack’s primary subject matter.


And yet, it seems to me that when we examine the actions of the STATE—both the federal state and that of individual states—the exact same spirit of negation is expressed in all major public policy initiatives of recent years.


Most people see that the following are closely related.


1). Lab origin of SARS-CoV-2.


2). Suppression of early treatment for COVID-19 illness.


3). COVID-19 mass vaccination program.


4). Transgender medicine.


5). Public health policies focused on optimizing Big Pharma profits.


6). America’s processed food industry and obesity epidemic. However, many may fail to see how the above issues are related to the following.


7). Constant talk of racial differences, thereby promoting resentment and disharmony.


8). Fraudulent claims of human-induced climate crisis.


9). Constant antagonism and baiting of Russia into war.


10). Censorship.


11). Out of control debt financing, debasement of the currency, inflation.


12). Glorifying sexual identities and practices outside of the traditional family.


13). Systematic destruction of the education system, replacing a grounding in reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and civics with a garish parade of garbage.


What all of the above practices have in common is that they are inimical to a strong and healthy American citizenry that can take care of itself, inform itself, make sensible decisions, and perpetuate itself.


While I tend to avoid seeking explanations in the realm of metaphysics and religion, I cannot rid myself of the perception that the STATE has become infused with a satanic spirit.


Scarcely a day goes by that I don’t think about the character of Mephistopheles in Goethe’s Faust, who introduces himself as follows [Blog Editor: Leake begins with the German original followed by the English translation]:


Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint!


Und das mit Recht; denn alles was entsteht


ist werth daß es zu Grunde geht;


Drum besser wär's daß nichts entstünde.


So ist denn alles was ihr Sünde,


Zerstörung, kurz das Böse nennt,


Mein eigentliches Element.


I am the spirit that constantly negates!


And rightfully so, for all that comes into being,


Deserves to be destroyed.


It would be better if nothing came into being.


So, everything that you call sin,


Destruction, in short, evil,


Is my actual element.



Mephistopheles in Goethe’s Faust [Courageous Discourse Photo]


Many have translated the German verb verneinen into English as “deny,” but I think this misses Goethe’s intention. Note that verneinen is closely related to vernichtento annihilate, or literally “to make into nothing.” English speaking students of the Holocaust may be familiar with the ominous German word “Vernichtungslager”—literally “annihilation camp.”


Note that Mephistopheles plainly introduces what he is about to Dr. Faust. He doesn’t try to conceal it. It’s all out in the open. The people who are now running the state do NOT share his candor, but nor do they try to conceal their designs, apart from dressing them up a little with shallow, sanctimonious rhetoric. It’s a testament to how brainwashed so many Americans are that they do not see that our current administration consists of the most spectacular wolves in sheep’s clothing who have ever walked the earth.


Mephistopheles is the “Spirit that Negates,” but he also possesses immense earthly knowledge, and he shares much of it with Faust. Goethe was himself one of the most voraciously curious men who has ever lived, so it’s remarkable that he seems to suggest that voracious curiosity is inclined to yield to the temptations offered by the devil. The idea goes all the way back to Genesis, when Eve yields to the temptation to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The ancient association of curiosity with yielding to evil temptation has long struck me as mysterious.


Goethe and his character Faust were men of vast and serious intellect, which contrasts them with the overlords of our contemporary Domain of Nincompoopery. For all of contemporary man’s technical ability—especially in the realm of electronics and computable numbers—he is conspicuously ignorant about the rich patrimony he (unwittingly) inherited from Western Civilization.


© 2024 Peter McCullough MD MPH

Courageous Discourse HOMEPAGE

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Gates admits to working on cheap, global scale inhale-able mRNA ‘vaccines’


By Eeyore

September 5, 2024

Vlad Tepes


Like nearly all language used by the state today to force us under tyrannical rule, the word, “”philanthropist” now means someone who uses their vast wealth and influence to crush our rights and even perception of reality. George Soros is a Philanthropist”. Bill Gates is a “Philanthropist”. Elon Musk however, is not referred to as such, although of the public billionaire class, he would be the only real one according to how the word is meant to be understood. Billionaires who do this against the interests of our state of course are “oligarchs”. These terms are fungible depending on the issue at hand. Think 1984: “We have always been at war with East Asia”. “We have never been at war with East Asia”. Russian wealthy and influential people today are all oligarchs. They were philanthropist’s most likely when they were selected to lead Russia to a free market after communism.


Another thing about these tyrants, from Soros, to Gates, Trudeau to Schwab, they tell you what they plan to do to you.


In the clip below, John Campbell PhD pulls his punches. And the temptation is to drift a little as he presents his case. But pay attention. The bottom line? Bill Gates has made it clear he plans to make cheap, 2$ per dose, scalable to a global level, mRNA vaccines which can be delivered by means other than injection. Patches or inhale-able.


This means even the illusion of choice we had in the last round of global tyranny will be gone. Do you breathe? You will take the vaxx. What is in it? Whatever they tell you is in it. What is it for? whatever they tell you it is for. And by the time, if and when you find out what it actually does, it will be too late.


Youtube VIDEO: Bill Gates, new RNA vaccines

[Posted by Dr. John Campbell

Posted on May 6, 2024




About Eeyore: Canadian artist and counter-jihad and freedom of speech activist as well as devout Schrödinger's catholic. -- View all posts by Eeyore


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