Friday, March 27, 2015

Ted Cruz, Chris Matthews and McCarthyism

John R. Houk
(with hat tip to Robert Smith)
© March 27, 2015

Published on Jan 6, 2015

Robert Smith sent a submission that isn’t really long enough for a stand-alone post, but Robert’s point should be taken into consideration. This is the email that Robert sent on 3/24/15:

Today, 3-24-15, Chris Matthews, MSNBC, accused Senator Ted Cruz of being another Joe McCarthy.
Matthews intended this accusation to be derogatory to Senator Cruz, however looking back at history this remark could be considered praise of the highest order for Senator Cruz.

The 1995 declassification of the Venona Files absolutely vindicated Senator Joe McCarthy of any wrong doing and it is a historical fact that every one of those named by Senator McCarthy were indeed either a communist or a communist sympathizer. Not one time was he found to be in error.

When someone says "McCarthyism" to me in a derogatory manner I know they are liberal leftists or know very little about the history of our country.

I don’t know what they’re teaching in schools today about Senator Joe McCarthy but I suspect it is still pejorative misinformation. I was a child in the 1960s and a teen most of the 1970s. Education in Public School and in my college experience was still treating Joe McCarthy as a pariah. Television documentaries and biographies of McCarthy portrayed as a monster who ruined peoples’ lives with false accusations as a Communist in the 1950s.

The reality is Senator Joe McCarthy was actually validly exposing Soviet Communist infiltration in our American government and classified sensitive civilian work. The only place Senator McCarthy was out of line with was in going after entertainment and journalistic media individuals as Communists. The political climate of the 1950s and early 1960s was the fear of a Soviet Russian threat of nuclear war aimed at ridding American citizens of their Constitutional Rights and even their lives via a nuclear holocaust. I mean remember as a kid practicing drills for nuclear attacks with instructions to hide under our classroom desks (as if that would have provided any protection from aFallout Shelter Signs nuclear blast and ensuing radiation fallout). In the small town I grew up in I even recall building with yellow signs indicating Fallout Shelters in case of a nuke attack. All those ineffective drills and practices have ended long ago.

There was an authentic fear of nuclear destruction among Joe-American citizens in the 1950s and 1960s. AND Americans were fully aware those nuclear threats emanated primarily from the Communist Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR – Russian Federation today). So if you were an American that were deluded enough to believe a totalitarian Communist State would better humanity into a humanist utopia non-existent of religion, devoid of military conflict, no ownership and NO individual Rights for decision making or choices of a life path; THEN you would not be a popular person in your neighborhood or community.

Ergo when citizens exercised their First Amendment to be a political and social moron by placing stock into Communist ideology were ostracized from their Middle Class and Upper Middle Class jobs. ON THE OTHER HAND those were the days Soviet Communists were actually recruiting “Fellow Travellers” to inspire the concept of a proletariat revolution to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and replacing with it the false humanist visions of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. The Communist future utopia was a lie in the past and it still is a lie. It is too bad America’s entertainment media and journalistic Mainstream Media have romanticized Marxism under various deceitful names (e.g. Progressivism) so much no one is concerned that another Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn (friends of President Barack Hussein Obama) could be your agitating neighbor next door.

Senator McCarthy had the cajones to expose Soviet Communism in the U.S. government. Here is an example of Venona Files revelations that show McCarthy was vigilantly more correct than a delusional paranoid loon:

To give you an idea of how serious [the] Soviet infiltration [was] check out this 1995 article from the Baltimore Sun:

An aggressive Soviet spy network penetrated a key strategy meeting between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II and tried to recruit friends of first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, according to decoded Soviet messages released yesterday by the National Security Agency.

NSA declassified 250 messages sent between Moscow and the Soviet spy headquarters in New York in 1942 and 1943.

They confirm that a number of wartime American intelligence agents were secretly working for the Kremlin.

The messages from the so-called "Venona" project document the tireless efforts of Soviet leader Josef Stalin to recruit agents across the United States and Mexico.

But from the timing, NSA historians concluded that the still-unidentified "19" was a high-level agent who had penetrated Roosevelt's inner circle and attended at least part of the two-week conference in Washington and Williamsburg, Va., code-named Trident, a major strategy meeting.

The 250 messages are the second of a series of planned releases of the cables intercepted between 1942 and 1946 and decoded and analyzed over many years under the American code name Venona. (Standing with Sources and more FDR Criticism – PT 3; By John R. Houk; SlantRight 2.0; 8/20/14)

And a book review from Bernie Reeves of M. Stanton Evans’ McCarthy biography entitled “Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies” talks about validating the McCarthy quest to stifle out Communism:

In 1995, the NSA and CIA turned the wheel of history toward the truth by declassifying the Venona files, intercepted messages from Moscow to their American agents from 1942 until 1964. And lo and behold there they are: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, Lachlan Currie and hundreds of other American Soviet agents working for the US government – code names and all. Not only were these alleged victims guilty, they and their apologists made fools of us all. Yet, what followed in the national press after Venona was resounding silence.

After Venona sank in, despite violent opposition by the usual suspects, some of the more rational members of the intellectual Left – such as the venerated historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. – opined that McCarthy may have been right after all, but he was a bad person and he did great harm to innocent people. Then it was back to the same shopworn clichés, such as “McCarthy didn’t uncover one communist.” Actually, according to Venona, he was way short in his estimations, but the anti-McCarthy propaganda machinery churned on to be sure history goes their way. …

Final Verdict

And that’s where things stood until November 2007 with the publication of Blacklisted by M. Stanton Evans, columnist, editor and former director of the National Journalism Center in Washington, DC. Drawing on previously classified FBI and governmental files – and new information available from Venona – Evans upends the McCarthy myth and turns the tables on the real guilty parties: Presidents Truman and Eisenhower; a majority of Congress; heads of several government agencies; lawyer Joseph Welch … (Let’s Call it GOOD McCarthyism for a Good America
; By John R. Houk; SlantRight 2.0; 4/15/14)

Joe McCarthy - Told-U-So

SO now you can I understand that I completely agree with Robert Smith on the false flag vilification of Senator Joe McCarthy and to comprehend just how much of a deluded Leftist Chris Matthews is for trying to throw mud on Senator Ted Cruz because of his Conservative principles.

To get an idea of Matthews Leftist rant against Senator Cruz read this from Moonbattery:

Peter King isn’t the only moonbat to validate Ted Cruz’s candidacy with an unhinged denunciation that among sensible people serves as an endorsement. Chris “Tweety” Matthews lets loose:

“This guy [Senator Ted Cruz] goes pretty far. I think he fits in the tradition of Father Coughlin and [Joe] McCarthy and, of course, maybe to a lesser extent, Pat Buchanan and, of course, [Bill] O’Reilly. These guys are hard right-wing guys. They look a lot a like. They have that, we call the Black Irish look to them. They don’t smile much.” (Chris Matthews Denounces Ted Cruz for Looking Irish and Not Smiling; By Dave Blount; Moonbattery; 3/25/15)

David Rutz writing for the Washington Free Beacon made these observation about Chris Matthews’ unhinged dislike for Senator Cruz:

MSNBC host Chris Matthews is incredibly proud of his negative comparison of Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) to former Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R., Wis.), who rose to prominence in the 1950s for his staunch anti-Communism and controversial methods of political attacks.

So much so that Matthews has made that direct attack at least 31 times on his MSNBC program, Hardball.

It’s the place for politics–or more accurately, the place for Matthews to flip out about Cruz whenever he does something like say Chuck Hagel would make a poor Defense Secretary (McCarthyism!), opposing executive order amnesty (McCarthyism!) or questioning President Obama’s allegiance to Israel (McCarthyism!).

In fact, Matthews, who supposedly opposes judging people for what they look like given his very strong anti-racist credentials, is fond of pointing out Cruz even resembles McCarthy, showing a side-by-side graphic of them during their Senate tenures.

“Ted Cruz reminds me of this guy!” he yelled at one picture.

Actually, he constantly says Cruz reminds him of McCarthy, and he’s made such pronouncements as “Joe McCarthy imitator,” “not since Joe McCarthy have we seen a senator with such sinister self-assuredness,” and “there are echoes of Joe McCarthy there.”

I am with Robert Smith in his email: Matthews called Senator Cruz a McCarthyist as a point of derogatory derision. I suspect Matthews has been so indoctrinated with Leftist hatred that he actually felt he was insulting Senator Cruz’s integrity. Senator Cruz should address Chris Matthews one day and give him a heartfelt thank you and a knowing smile. That would undoubtedly chap the Leftist’s hide.

Chris Matthews scowling
Chris Matthews Leftist Loon

JRH 3/27/15

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