Saturday, March 28, 2015

ISIS training camp at Cornell?

Joseph Scaffido musing ISIS Speaker at Cornell
Joseph Scaffido musing ISIS Speaker at Cornell

Occasional post submitter Paul Sutliff recommended I watch and share this Project Veritas video exposé on Cornell University’s apparent support for Islamic terrorists in the name of idiotic Multicultural Diversity.

The Project Veritas video was sent as both an exposé and fund raiser email. If you a person with extra dough you should seriously consider supporting these guys. Here’s an excerpt from their About Page:

Founded by James O’Keefe, the mission of Project Veritas is:
Investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.

Project Veritas is the most effective non-profit on the national scene, period. 

We’ve had dozens of successes, many of which are detailed on this site.  The pattern is clear:

Project Veritas launches an investigation with the placement of our undercover journalists. The rollout of our findings creates a growing and uncontainable firestorm of press coverage. Corruption is exposed, leaders resign, and organizations are shut down.
We get immediate, measurable and impactful results, and our return on investment is unparalleled.

Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization.  Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues that are raised through its investigations, nor do we encourage others to do so. Our goal is to inform the public of wrongdoing and allow the public to make judgments on the issues.

JRH 3/28/15
ISIS training camp at Cornell?

Email by James O'Keefe
Paul Sutliff sent on 3/25/2015 12:08 PM
Origin: Project Veritas

Allowing an ISIS "freedom fighter" to conduct a training camp for Cornell students is ". . . like bringing in a coach, to do training on a sports team or something."

That's what Joseph Scaffido, Assistant Dean of Students at Cornell, said to our undercover investigator when they discussed creating a campus club focused on aiding Hamas and ISIS.

Does that outrage you as much as it does me?

You won't believe what else Scaffido had to say. You can watch the four-minute video here:

Published by veritasvisuals
Published on Mar 24, 2015

Joseph Scaffido, Assistant Dean at Cornell University, is captured on hidden camera advising a Project Veritas investigative journalist on how to start and fund a pro-ISIS club on campus, how to obtain funding to send care packages to ISIS and Hamas, and astonishingly, how to bring a member of ISIS to Cornell to run a “training camp.”


Other outlandish ideas Scaffido agreed with included sending care packages to ISIS, providing funding sources for the club, and allowing the club to bring an ISIS "freedom fighter" to campus to give a lecture.

He said "programs like that really do have a good place here at Cornell."

After you watch the video, please forward it to your friends and family — even people who may not agree with your political views.

We want to spread this video far and wide to raise awareness about the lunacy that's going on at college campuses around the country.

And can I count on you to continue to support our work by making a tax-deductible donation?

This is just the first story in our new campus investigation series. So watch for more videos in the coming weeks.

I hope you enjoy the video.

In Truth,

James O'Keefe
Project Veritas

P.S. Take a few minutes to watch this shocking video: Watch Cornell video here.

This is a story that the mainstream media will never cover unless we force them to through our undercover investigations.

And as I said earlier, I hope you'll share the video with your friends, family and neighbors.

Thank you for continued support.

1214 West Boston Post Road No. 156
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

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