Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Seeds of WWIII are in Play NOW

WWIII Already Begun
John R. Houk
© March 26, 2015

This is actually one of those hooks to get you excited about purchasing investment advice.  That is not the reason for me posting. My hook was on the Conspiracy Theory title that incorporated the insinuation Russia and China would initiate a global economic collapse to the tune of $100 TRILLION of bucks. In case you are unaware, you don’t have to be a brainiac economist to comprehend that affects your pocket book and mine.

As an advice ad the offer ends on March 27. So unless you are an investor and trust the reputation of Mike Ward, you might want to hold up in participating in the hype. But what you want to be aware of is that Russia and China are NOT friendly economic competitors with the USA. I would even go so far as to say the ex-Communist Russia and the present Communist China are enemies of the United States of America.

America has a trade interest in both Russia and China (especially China). Ergo being enemies of America is a bit of a stealth nefariousness – at least in a public sense. Conspiracy Theorists, legitimate economists and National Security have been red flagging those two nations for years but for the most part the U.S. government has not really chastised the two rivals to America.

A quiet new Cold War is going on yet all nations involved are willing to embark with trade with the hopes of the economic benefits financially and economically continue.

It may sound a bit off the subject which I just began, but Muslim nations and Muslims devoted to a literal purity of Islam’s Quran are playing into this Russia-China vs. USA rivalry. Muslim nations are lining those three nations to decide which ones will benefit their National Interest and in a lot of circumstances their theopolitical world view. Syria’s Iran-supported civil war, Iraq’s war with ISIS-Daesh in which Shia-Iran is now heavily involved and Saudi Arabian economics and regional conflict with Iran and a growing lack of Saudi trust in Obama-led America in regard to oil-military alliance protection and Israel and undoubtedly more and more:

Arab nations agree on unified military force amid Yemen fighting, Egyptian TV reports (Jerusalem Post 3/26/15)

CAIRO - Arab foreign ministers agreed a draft resolution on Thursday to form a unified military force, the Arab League's secretary general said at a meeting in Egypt.

The agreement came after warplanes from Saudi Arabia and Arab allies struck Shi'ite Muslim rebels fighting to oust Yemen's president on Thursday, in a major gamble by the world's top oil exporter to check Iranian influence in its backyard without direct military backing from Washington.

"The Arab ... ministers agreed on adopting an important principle, which is forming the unified Arab military force," Nabil Elaraby told reporters after the meeting in the resort of Sharm El-Sheik.

"The task of the force will be rapid military intervention to deal with security threats to Arab nations," Elaraby added.

The draft resolution will be referred to the Arab leaders during their March 28-29 summit in Egypt.

Egyptian TV reported earlier that

With Yemen in turmoil, Egypt sends warships to secure Gulf of Aden ( 3/26/15)

Sudan pledges air and ground troops to Saudi-led strikes on Yemen; Kerry offers logistics, intelligence support in Yemen as Iran-backed Houthi rebels advance on the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb.

Egypt and Sudan on Thursday pledged support for the Saudi-led strikes on Iran's Yemen allies the Houthis, even as four Egyptian naval vessels crossed the Suez Canal en route to Yemen to secure the Gulf of Aden.

Maritime sources at the Suez Canal confirmed the vessels' route, saying they expected them to reach the Red Sea by Thursday evening.

Sudan's Defense Minister Abdel Raheem Mohammed Hussein told reporters on Thursday that his country would take part "with air and ground troops in the Decisive Storm operations" against the Houthi rebels, saying Sudanese forces had begun "mechanical movements" towards the area of operations.

US Secretary of State John Kerry spoke with the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Cooperation Council members on Thursday and welcomed their decision to take action against the Houthi, a senior US official said.
"He commended the work of the coalition taking military action against the Houthis and noted the United States' support for those coalition efforts - including READ THE REST

As US lets Yemen fall, Israeli ire pales next to Arab fury (Times of Israel 3/26/15)

Jerusalem is worried by the Iran-backed Houthi takeover of Aden, but Saudi Arabia is burning with anger, and not at Tehran

A few months ago, when Yemen’s Houthi uprising was still in its infancy, Israel was already worriedly watching over the progress of rebel forces making advances in the peninsula

It’s little surprise the group got Jerusalem’s attention. In almost every demonstration held by Houthis in recent months, the slogans heard may as well have been taken straight out of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran: “Death to America, death to Israel, curse the Jews, victory to Islam.”

The Houthi Zaidiyyahs belong to a Shia school of Islamic thought which is distinct from the beliefs held by Shiites in Iran, but they act in accordance with the regime in Tehran, which supplies the Yemenite rebels with advanced equipment that allows them to wage battle on the forces of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

Firstly, an Iranian takeover of the strategic Bab el Mandeb Strait and the possibility of a Israeli ships coming under fire with no one officially taking responsibility for such attacks would not bode well for the Jewish state.

But aside from the threat of assaults on ships, the Iranian-Houthi takeover of Yemen raises another serious concern for Israel, namely, the potential rising influence of Iran in the region, which READ THE REST

Beware ISIS strategy that fortifies Russia, Iran, and Syria (Washington Times 3/2/15)

In asking Congress to authorize the use of military force against Islamic State militants, President Obama stressed the importance of showing the world “we are united in our resolve.” Demonstration of united resolve against blood-thirsty terrorists whose ranks, ambitions and territory have grown exponentially is important. But forging strategy to battle ISIS without also forging strategy to thwart Syria, Russia and Iran is a terrible mistake.

Although the President now highlights the brutality and aggression of the Islamic State, he still whitewashes the brutality and aggression of established states Syria, Russia and Iran, and still ignores the need for grand strategy to deal with them. When nation-states escalate weapons programs, enact egregious human rights violations, foment regional chaos and war, and plot against the United States and its allies, history tells us to take it seriously.

We must, therefore, take Iran, Russia and Syria, and the collusion between them, seriously. With the apparatus of the state at their disposal and the backing of each other, they are, potentially, an even greater threat to the “free world” than ISIS. Because they are terror sponsors and supporters, WMD in their control means WMD out of control, susceptible to READ THE REST

DIA: Islamic State Spreading Beyond Syria and Iraq (Washington Free Beacon 2/3/15)

The ultra-violent Islamic State terrorist group is expanding beyond Syria and Iraq and is establishing a foothold in Libya, which is becoming a safe haven for terrorists, the nation’s top military intelligence official told Congress Tuesday.

China, meanwhile, is deploying its aircraft carrier-killing DF-21D missile, and Russia is significantly expanding its strategic nuclear forces with new missiles, Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart said in testimony to House Armed Services Committee on global threats.

Stewart presented a dire picture of growing threats in Iraq and Afghanistan—where national forces remain unable to defend their countries without foreign assistance, despite billions of U.S. dollars in support and training.

The growing threats posed by China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are being made more difficult to deal with because of cuts in U.S. defense spending, Stewart said in READ THE REST

After highlighting what I feel are the beginnings of WWIII you can now read the Mike Ward email that started my musings on the probable war adversaries and the tinder that will undoubtedly lead to global war. Apart from the Russia-China hook involved here the information available here is to entice to purchase a money making program called the Project Prophecy 2.0 Wealth System. The system is supposed to help you survive a global collapse inspired Russia and China to push America out as the global standard for monetary solvency.

In email portion there are about three links that will lead to a 45 minute infomercial which you can skip by reading the portion by Jim Rikards which promotes that which the video promotes.

JRH 3/26/15
Russia and China could Start $100 Trillion Collapse (CIA Intel Warns)

By Mike Ward
Email ad Sent by: Total Conservative
Sent: 3/24/2015 8:57 AM

Details are beginning to emerge concerning a secret attack on the U.S. economy being carried out by both the Chinese and Russian governments.

To this point, the media has kept the American people in the dark about everything.

a shocking video
, the CIA's Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor has revealed we were able to fend off the first wave of this dangerous assault. But it was a close call.

However, he and many of the highest-ranking members of the U.S. Intelligence Community are now stepping forward because they fear this could quickly escalate into something terrifying.

All 16 intelligence agencies have officially released a single report that warns this situation has grown so dangerous, we could suffer "a worldwide economic collapse" that would cast us into "an extended period of global anarchy."

You can view their official release here

And some of the world's richest investors appear to be rushing to prepare for this frightening scenario.

Warren Buffett has now taken $55 billion of Berkshire Hathaway capital out of the markets. And George Soros has moved 16% of his net worth into a short position that shields him from an imminent Wall Street collapse.

It's critical you understand what's developing, because millions of Americans could soon be blindsided by a historic $100 trillion financial catastrophe...

Click here to continue reading

Stay Safe,

Mike Ward
Money Morning

The Project Prophecy 2.0 WEALTH SYSTEM
By Jim Rikards

Get the entire resource package FREE
(Until March 27, 2015)

Dear Reader,

I'm Jim Rickards, and I want to thank you for viewing my video today.

There's no doubt that America's economy is teetering on disaster. We're up against a systemic financial crisis that shows no signs of reversing.

People who've worked their adult lives could lose everything if they don't take a few critical steps today.

That's why I'm compelled to do something urgent to help...

And it's why I've teamed up with Money Morning and its Chief Investment Strategist, Keith Fitz-Gerald.

Together we're prepared to give you a Total Wealth System unlike anything in existence.

It's the most profound piece of intelligence you can lay your hands on. And together, it's something I believe people absolutely need.

Here's everything you'll get, starting with my critical Project Prophecy 2.0 package that you'll receive at no charge:

Resource #1: The Death of Money (a $28 gift)

This is my New York Times bestseller, where I reveal all of the gaping cracks in our financial markets... the dollar... the banking system... and the chaos it's about to unleash on society. You need to know what you're up against.

Resource #2: My Controversial Unpublished Chapter: The Day-After Plan Declassified (a $9 gift)

You'll get all the details on the emergency measures that the U.S. military and intelligence agencies have put into place. You'll be shocked to learn what measures are already in the works...And what assets could be confiscated.

Resource #3: The Digital Debriefing (a $28 gift)

Learn in detail which sectors are about to tank the worst... the warning signs, one by one... and what you can expect to see before your assets deteriorate.

Resource #4: Wealth Defense Blueprint (a $99 gift)

Thousands of hours of research went into this exclusive report. It reveals the top 10 investments set to soar. Including lucrative plays on the dollar... income and dividends... the "Golden Parachute" play... the two critical "crisis" stocks that could send you over $5,600 in dividends this year... and the six must-have goods people will soon pay a fortune for.

Resource #5: The Watch List (a $99 gift)

My extensive research reveals the 30 TIME BOMBS that are likely sitting in your own accounts – whether you realize it or not. This critical guide could save your future in less than three minutes.

Resource #6: The Hard Assets Playbook (a $49 gift)

Get land for pennies on the dollar... Buy the most lucrative precious metal coins for maximum appreciation... Make use of the ultimate tax-free security the IRS is blind to... Plus much more...

Like I said, I want to ship you this Project Prophecy 2.0 Package FREE of charge. It will come in a beautiful box... And you won't even pay shipping.

I'm recommending that you get Keith Fitz-Gerald's Money Map Report and the intelligence network that goes with it as part of a TOTAL WEALTH SYSTEM.

And I'm doing this for one reason you can take straight to the bank:

Famous investors... insiders... and billionaires... they're going to become extremely wealthy in the next 12 months.

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That's where the Money Map Report comes in.

Our Chief Strategist, Keith Fitz-Gerald, can help you make a lot of money. It's that simple.

You see, in every crisis, money moves into new and highly lucrative directions. And it does so very rapidly. Often in a near frenzy that can make the gains extremely large.

Remember, during the depths of the Great Recession, 3,981 NEW millionaires were being created each and every day.

Already, the average billionaire has allocated $600 million in cash to stockpile underpriced investments. The ones destined to surge in the days and months ahead.

Warren Buffett has been quietly building a $55.5 billion stockpile of Berkshire Hathaway capital...

In the months leading up to this bold move, Buffett had already allocated an additional $4.6 billion to investments in rail and utilities.

Now he's targeted energy infrastructure, liquid natural gas production, and leaders in farm equipment manufacturing.

George Soros recently increased his short position on the S&P 500 from $299 million to $2.2 billion.

And he's gone "all in" on agriculture and farmland... Argentinian shale oil... and natural gas from the Eastern U.S.

Altogether, Soros has added 182 new holdings to his portfolio. (Do you know which ones?)

As my predictions unfold, he could well become the wealthiest man on the planet – while others are losing their shirts.

If you take just this one critical step today, you could be on the winning side of that equation. A victor not a victim.

And it all begins with the Money Map Report.

You see, Keith has worked for some of the market's most important firms, including Wilshire and Associates.

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Each month Keith releases the findings of his own research and that of his exclusive network in a powerful briefing called The Money Map Report.

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Remember, every time an event happens – good or bad – it sends waves of money in very specific directions.

When huge amounts of capital flow, you can follow it and get very rich in the process.

Keith's early recommendations on disposable medical supplies (so critical in the Ebola crisis)... his early picks on the Iraqi oil exodus... even the government sponsored vaccine boom he uncovered...

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Since launching in 2007 the Money Map Report has delivered 112 double- and triple- digit gains.

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A $567,292 Payday

The chart below reveals how well you would've performed if you had been following The Money Map Report's groundbreaking investment research from 2000 until today.

Money Map Support System vs the S&P 500 (2014)

The average American nearing retirement age has about $127,000 saved up across their investments.

Had that been allocated to the S&P 500 it would've risen 34%, hitting $170,282.

Not bad by any standard.

But had that been invested in The Money Map Report's system, it would've transformed into $567,292.

That's right. Even during the Great Recession.

It proves that the intelligence network provided by the Money Map Report is absolutely critical to get in on.

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Michael Robinson was there as Lee Iacocca and Roger Smith, the CEOs of Chrysler and GM, led the robotics revolution that saved the U.S. automotive industry. He even has a way to get you in on venture capital gains that you can't buy on eTrade or through "normal" brokers.
Shah Gilani sat on the Chicago Board Options Exchange and is one of the world's top bond experts. He also helped create the Volatility Index (also known as the VIX), the key standard for measuring market fear and pricing expectations.
Bill Patalon is an award winning investigative stock journalist, and considered by many as "the best stock picker in the world." His book, Contrarian Investing, with a foreword by Jim Rogers, is considered the standard of thinking in the field.
Sid Riggs is a veteran small- and micro-cap analyst. He's renowned for his foundational thinking and work in "catalyst analytics" to identify trends in momentum-based price fluctuations.
Ernest Tremblay is a 33-year veteran of medical science, editing the work of luminaries from Harvard, Columbia and Yale universities. His specialty is helping people capture huge gains when new breakthroughs go commercial.

Here's what you need to know:

People like Buffett, Soros and billionaires have a large network of analysts and "connected" individuals.

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However, I believe, and Money Morning agrees, that it's so important for you to get your hands on this intelligence before the American economy disintegrates...

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I'd like you to take the next 90 days to carefully review The Project Prophecy 2.0 WEALTH SYSTEM, including all of my resource and everything you get with the Money Map Report.

This will allow you to review every resource I've put together... And start getting all of the critical Alerts and Recommendations from the Keith and his esteemed experts at the Money Map Report.

If you feel, for any reason, this solution isn't right for you, simply contact us and you will receive a complete refund, guaranteed.

And I insist on only one thing:

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I want you to be able to take these critical resources and protect you and family – and ensure you're continued wealth and success for decades to come.

That's my most critical and urgent wish for you.


Jim Rickards

Financial Threat and Asymmetric Warfare Advisor CIA & The Director of National Intelligence

If you are an investor the offer in this ad to date is only available until March 27, 2015 – As to this post, that is tomorrow.
The Seeds of WWIII are in Play NOW
John R. Houk
© March 26, 2015
Russia and China could Start $100 Trillion Collapse (CIA Intel Warns)

About Money Morning and HERE
Edited by John R. Houk

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