Saturday, March 9, 2024

VOTE TRUMP – Overcome Dem-Marxist/RINO Lies – Video Share

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 9, 2024


I’ve been spending a couple of days preparing videos to upload primarily to my Bitchute Chanel and a few (due to Fair Use issues) to my UGETube Channel. I post on three blog platforms to overcome Woke censorship issues. Unfortunately Wordpress has stopped embedding Bitchute and never embedded UGETube. And as far as I know, Substack only embeds Youtube. Ergo, my Wordpress & Substack readers get uploaded platform videos with links to Bitchute or UGETube.


The first batch of shared videos reflects VOTE-FOR-TRUMP in the midst of Dem-Marxist/RINO government LIES. Each video post has my thoughts in the description section which also includes quotes from the video source.




o   Bitchute VIDEO: Biden State of Union Hilariously Mocked


o   Bitchute VIDEO: Tucker TRUTHFULLY Sets Biden Straight - SOTU 3/7/24


o   Bitchute VIDEO: When Globalist-Fascist-Marxists Are the State


o   Bitchute VIDEO: AI Dystopian Society – ‘Capitol of Conformity’


o   Bitchute VIDEO: Freedomtirade - Warmonger Lies (Telegram)


JRH 3/9/24


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Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 7th, 2024 17:47 UTC


TO BE CLEAR: I support Trump, but not because he is perfect. His imperfections are numerous. AND I’m not even pointing to his lips shooting before thinking that rubs so many the wrong way. His first term of Office was riddled with bad choices in his Cabinet and his Advisors who had no problem in stabbing him in the back, working against him clandestinely or were simply outright traitors to MAGA principles. My biggest qualm toward Trump is his support of the mRNA Jab.


BUT THERE IS A SYMBOL that stirs hatred from DESTROY-AMERICA-FROM-WITHIN Leftists – a hatred so unbalanced the Left fears Trump’s return to a second and Constitutionally final term of Office as POTUS.


It is that SYMBOL that drives my passion to support Trump.


AND SO, I share this Trump-campaign video I saved from Telegram Linda Forsythe (C-VINE) [] posted on 2/22/24 (


The Telegram description links to a Rumble video from MJTruth ( from which I derive the title and it was posted there on 2/21/24.


Telegram Description:


“Trump Inspired Video Ad


There is a Storm Brewing… ⛈️

This is a Battle of Good vs Evil





Bitchute VIDEO: Biden State of Union Hilariously Mocked

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 9th, 2024 15:31 UTC


Telegram War Room: Official Telegram Channel ( posted a Trump attributed mocking of Dementia Joe’s 3/7/24 State of the Union Address. It was posted on 3/7/24 ( HILARIOUS!



Bitchute VIDEO: Tucker TRUTHFULLY Sets Biden Straight - SOTU 3/7/24

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 9th, 2024 15:59 UTC


Telegram Tucker Carlson ( posted a Heritage Foundation sponsored live response to Dem-Marxist puppet-leader Dementia Joe’s so-called State of the Union (SOTU) LIES to the American people on 3/7/24. The response was live by Tucker Carlson posted after Biden lied (and apparently Speaker Johnson was on board with) late 3/7/24 (


Tucker talks with Victor Davis Hanson & Alex Jones alternately about Dementia Joe lies spoken at SOTU. And I have to say, Jones nails it in commentary.



Bitchute VIDEO: When Globalist-Fascist-Marxists Are the State

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 9th, 2024 16:06 UTC


According to Telegram HATS ( this cartoon is from 60-years ago meaning circa 1964. Posted at HATS 2/28/24 (


HATS Description:


“This cartoon was made 60 years ago yet we hear today advocates of abolition of private property, and that they will try to take your freedom in exchange for security.”



Bitchute VIDEO: AI Dystopian Society – ‘Capitol of Conformity’

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 9th, 2024 16:19 UTC


I saved this clip from Telegram Wide Awake Media ( posted on 2/28/24 (


Unless you have been blinded by “Own nothing and be happy” WEF propaganda, you may have noticed the promotion of all things Artificial Intelligence (AI). BEWARE!


Wide Awake Media Telegram Description:


“Incredible AI generated short film ('Capitol of Conformity') offers a disturbing glimpse into the kind of nightmarish dystopian world our self-appointed technocratic overlords at the World Economic Forum and elsewhere would love to impose upon us, if we allow them to.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Freedomtirade - Warmonger Lies (Telegram)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 9th, 2024 16:31 UTC 


I found this 12:30-Minute clip on Telegram freedomtirade ( posted on 2/17/24 ( with this description:


“From two years ago, montage after montage cautioning about the war madness.... but still the UK pushes Johnson the warmonger, and  trudges blindly into conscription to be led deeper into war on the back of more and more lies ....because 'Putin must fail'”


Freedomtirade also operates an odysee channel ( where this video was posted on 3/13/22 (

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