Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A Look at Mike Benz, THEN Tucker Ep. 75

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 6, 2024


On February 16, 2024 Tucker Carlson interviewed Mike Benz which showed up on X/Twitter broadcast of Tucker Carlson Uncensored ( The X/Twitter summary of the 1:04:45-Hour video interview:


‘Ep. 75 The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I’m describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It’s the inversion of democracy."’


Who is Mike Benz?


As of this writing Benz is the Executive Director of Foundation For Freedom Online (FFO). Here is the FFO About Page which two brief paragraphs on the FFO Mission and another on Benz:


Our Mission


Through educational reports, legal assistance, and public policy analysis concerning developing threats to digital liberties, we seek to provide nonpartisan insights and assistance to all peoples taking a stand for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and the free exchange of ideas online.


If that sounds like you, spread the word and come join us too.


Meet Our Founder


Our Executive Director, Mike Benz, is a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Mr. Benz founded FFO as a civil society institution building on his experience in the role of championing digital freedom around the world in the public sector.”


I found a website that seems to delve into – shall I say – the skinny on Mike Benz from HNBGU stands for “Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Government Updates”. Apparently – as in speculating – is somehow connected to a university in northern India (HEMVATI NANDAN BAHUGUNA GARHWAL UNIVERSITY). Yet the university uses a “” url while the HNBGU website uses a “.net” url. The HNBGU About Page briefly makes this claim:


“Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Government Updates is a Government Updates providing website, established in 2022, by Jashveer Singh rana. The name of this website was read as HNBGU because hnbgu university has an important role in educating the Garhwal region. is an education portal where we provide you all the information related to the education sector and through this website, we provide you information about the changes in the education sector and every single activity in the education sector. …”


AND YET the website (or at least the English speaking version) appears to be an information portal on famous people.


The HNBGU listing on Mike Benz is informative (if accurate). The listing examines the Benz crusade against censorship through his FFO association but also informs he was a British actor. So is the author (Sayyed Ayan) reporting on one person or confusing two separate individuals with the same name? I’ll let someone else figure that out. NEVERTHELESS, I like what Ayan writes about Benz in the last paragraph of his entry:


“Free speech on the internet is crucial for fostering open dialogue, facilitating the exchange of ideas, and promoting democratic principles. Mike Benz highlights the importance of safeguarding online speech while addressing emerging challenges in the digital landscape.”


Yves Smith at writes this about the Carlson/Benz interview prior to embedding the X/Twitter video on the post:


“Tucker spoke to former State Department officer Mike Benz,1 who is arguably the top US expert on the workings of the censorship state to go public about the scope and workings of the censorship regime. He also helpfully describes the trajectory that led the US blob to go from seeing the Internet as its friend, particularly for helping facilitate regime changes, to its enemy by allowing non-mainstream views like support of Brexit to drive events. He also describes some major initiatives, like trying to thwart criticism of mail-in ballots.”


Notice that Smith added a footnote on Benz which I share because it delves into MSM efforts to discredit Benz:


“Formally Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information PolicyBureau of Economic and Business Affairs in the Trump Administration. He has also been the subject of a 2023 hit piece by NBC. Benz claimed that his covert seeming white-supremacist project was to fight anti-semitism by converting white supremacists.”


AND in case you want the highlights of the Carlson/Benz interview, Real Clear Politics does a great job of transcribing the text of the interview under the title, “Mike Benz To Tucker Carlson: From NATO's Perspective, The Entire Post-War World Order Would Collapse Unless They Censored The Internet” posted on 2/16/24 by Tim Hains.


AND NOW the video interview which picked up from X/Twitter which has a slightly different length than the Twitter feed at 1:06:32-Hour.


Banned.Video: State Department Insider Reveals How The Military Started Its Censorship Campaign Against US Citizens After Trump Victory

Posted by The Best of Tucker Carlson

Posted on Feb 17, 2024


Most of the DESCRIPTION is largely Alex Jones product promotionals


JRH 3/6/24


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