Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Irritated With Transformation Yet? Let’s Do America First!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 12, 2024


My childhood from birth to age 12 was roughly 1956 – 1968. I grew up in what was then mostly Conservative (even the Dems) rural Eastern Washington State. Baby Boomers will understand when I say, “Life was a  lot like ‘Leave it to Beaver’” (Endearing ReviewIntellectualized Review). If you are a post-Boomer, you’ll probably have to look it up to attempt to understand.


I mention my upbringing for you to hopefully comprehend my irritated feelings toward the Obama Fundamental Transformation of America overtly pushed pedal-to-the-metal and perpetuated by the Dementia Joe puppet regime behind-the-curtain lever-pullers.


On a personal level, I hope younger generations awaken to the grand manipulation that has the apparent end goal of eradicating the last molecules of the Founding Fathers’ Republic fought for in 1776 and institutionalized when nine States ratified the U.S. Constitution by June 1788 with Rhode Island being the last hold out in 1790 (USConstitution.net).


These videos I’m about to share reflect my irritation and my conflict with those determined to fundamentally transform the America I love into a godless cesspool of tyranny. If the transformation circle is completed, Individual Liberty, Religious Freedom, Christian Morality and Independent Thinking will terminate.


At my age, my sense is cantankerous personal resistance is my part. I pray younger people participate in a more active resistance. SAVE THE REPUBLIC! RESIST TYRANNY like it’s 1776!




o   Jordan Peterson warns of dangers posed by 'superstate'... (Substack)




o   BIDEN's PLANNED CIVIL WAR: Journalists Michael Yon & Ann Vandersteel Discuss This With Clay Morris (3.9.24) Redacted


o   “The COVID Vaccines Are the Most Dangerous Vaccines of All Time”


And a BONUS video that questions how the world’s population is determined by comparing official statistics from an outcome based on extrapolated math. It’s a thinker. You might have to do some personal digging on the extrapolated math to arrive at agreement or disagreement:


o   The Overpopulation Hoax - The Earth is NOT Overpopulated and There's More Than Enough Room For Everyone!


JRH 3/12/24


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Bitchute VIDEO: Jordan Peterson warns of dangers posed by 'superstate'... (Substack)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 11th, 2024 19:47 UTC


I found this video as a Substack post from DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD at COVID INTEL (https://tinyurl.com/3634z988) under the lengthy title, “VIDEO - Jordan Peterson warns of dangers posed by "superstate" - "ultimate fascist collusion between gigantic, self-interested corporations & paranoid, security-obsessed anti-human govt (Mar.7, 2024)”. The actual date of the post is 3/11/24 (https://tinyurl.com/2p83k2s4). The Substack post sources Youtube - The Daily Signal (https://tinyurl.com/593zec4u).




Posted by Conservative Politics,anti-NWO,anti-left/socialist - Starblazer692003

First Published March 10th, 2024 14:12 UTC


Why Biden's Regime Wants to Brand YOU a 'Christian Nationalist' | Glenn TV | Ep 337

[Blog Editor: Starblazer promote Xephula of which I also am a member] Trump/patriot-friendly free speech social media & video sites... - https://xephula.com/blogs/406213/Trump-patriot-friendly-free-speech-social-media-video-sites-list



Rumble VIDEO: BIDEN's PLANNED CIVIL WAR: Journalists Michael Yon & Ann Vandersteel Discuss This With Clay Morris (3.9.24) Redacted

Posted by Truths Unlimited

Published March 10, 2024


Journalists Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel join us to discuss the on going border crisis and new revelations about a government coverup in the Darien Gap.


Enjoyed this video? Join redacted Locals community for exclusive content at redacted.locals.com!


SOURCE (FULL SHOW) https://rumble.com/v4hue1i-bidens-planned-civil-war-is-starting-right-now-at-our-border-redacted-w-nat.html



Rumble VIDEO: “The COVID Vaccines Are the Most Dangerous Vaccines of All Time”

Posted by Vigilant News Network

Published March 9, 2024


“Not only is there NO clinical benefit that is demonstrated, but it kills you,” says @stkirsch.


“Far more people have been killed by the vaccines than by the COVID virus.”


“It has killed probably on the order of — it’s over 10 million people worldwide have been killed by these vaccines. Far more people have been killed by the vaccines than by the COVID virus. And most of the deaths, like 90% of the deaths from the COVID virus are from the hospital treatment protocols.”


Original clip: https://tinyurl.com/52v2r3s6


Protect you and your family from the deadly spike protein: https://bit.ly/Spike-Support


Don't get caught unprepared for the 'next pandemic' [Blog Editor: “Plandemic” a better term]https://bit.ly/TWC-Emergency-Kit


Stock up on mRNA-free beef from a freedom-loving former marine: https://vigilantbeef.com


Protect your wealth from Bidenflation and economic uncertainty: https://genesisvf.com/



Rumble VIDEO: The Overpopulation Hoax - The Earth is NOT Overpopulated and There's More Than Enough Room For Everyone!

Posted by Real Truth Real News

Published February 26, 2024


We've already shown that it's not efficient and we know that there is plenty of room for everyone. Well, the answer is that a few dozen psychopaths want us to tear each other to pieces so that we won't unite against our slave masters. We are part of a giant laboratory experiment and each of us is just an expendable little white lab mouse.


πŸ‘‰ Our Beautiful Planet Earth Is NOT Overpopulated! https://tinyurl.com/5a7btpdr

πŸ‘‰ The United Nations: Population Control http://www.europeanaction.com/id49.html

πŸ‘‰ The Deagel Report Predicts Massive Depopulation By 2025/2030 https://tinyurl.com/5n6u5xr2

πŸ‘‰ What is the myth of overpopulation? https://tinyurl.com/yfm6sm65

πŸ‘‰ Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth: https://tinyurl.com/4nuanwfb

πŸ‘‰ Overpopulation Myth Videos: https://tinyurl.com/j95kb6f5

πŸ‘‰ The History, Origins and Intentions of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset, Secret Societies and the New World Order Cult https://tinyurl.com/4k23r7aw



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