Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Looking at ‘The Great Setup with Dr. David Martin Parts 1 & 2’


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 5, 2024


I found a Two-Part Documentary/Discussion with Dr. David Martin via a Telegram COVID-19 Up (https://t.me/COVID19Up) post (which was cross posted from Telegram Vigilant Fox) with the date 2/21/24 (https://t.me/COVID19Up/19578).


COVID-19 Up Description:


“Who are “THEY”?


“We have to name the names” in the worst miscarriage of medical science in history.


Is it the World Health Organization?


Dr. David Martin says Tedros is just a puppet with a “giant stick up his ass.”


“But who’s moving the stick for the puppet?”


The answer is, according to Dr. David Martin:


• Bill Gates

• The Wellcome Trust

• The Rockefeller Foundation


“By 2023, which is kind of where we are right now, Gates represents 88% of the donations to the World Health Organization from donor organizations and agencies. By any definition, that’s a controlling interest.”


Bill Gates is no philanthropist; he’s laundering money into the World Health Organization.


And when Gates and others state that having vaccinations where they are needed could potentially lead to as much as a 20% reduction in the Earth’s population, according to Dr. Martin, “those are not allegations; those are stated objectives. …”


COVID-19 Up/Vigilant Fox on Telegram posted a roughly 4-minute excerpt of Dr. Martin but I was so enthralled I went to the page recommended to watch the full interview (https://www.uimedianetwork.com/293535/The-Great-Setup.htm) and found out there were two parts.


I had to sign up to sign up with UI Media Network (free) to access the Dr. Martin videos. I am uploading those videos to my Bitchute Channel.


Bitchute VIDEO: The Great Setup with Dr. David Martin Part One

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 4th, 2024 21:04 UTC


UI Media Network Description:


In this riveting and eye-opening documentary, "The Great Setup" delves into the unsettling world of global genocide. Where one man, Dr. David Martin, courageously exposes a hidden web of sinister plans through an unexpected lens – patents. This two - part docuseries serves as a wake-up call, urging audiences to reevaluate the consequences of blindly accepting what they've been told without questioning the implications. Sit back as Dr. David Martin unravels the tightly woven fabric of a clandestine agenda that transcends borders. Original Link: https://www.uimedianetwork.com/293534/the-great-setup-part1.htm



Bitchute VIDEO: The Great Setup with Dr. David Martin Part Two

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 4th, 2024 21:13 UTC


UI Media Network Description:


In this riveting and eye-opening documentary, "The Great Setup" delves into the unsettling world of global genocide. Where one man, Dr. David Martin, courageously exposes a hidden web of sinister plans through an unexpected lens – patents. This two - part docuseries serves as a wake-up call, urging audiences to reevaluate the consequences of blindly accepting what theyve been told without questioning the implications. Sit back as Dr. David Martin unravels the tightly woven fabric of a clandestine agenda that transcends borders. Original Link: https://www.uimedianetwork.com/294633/the-great-setup-part2.htm

JRH 3/5/24


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