Friday, September 13, 2024

Old Cow Wisdom

Eat the Hay – Spit Out the Sticks

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 13, 2024


In a short period of time I’ve acquired another long list of videos relating to Tyranny affecting individual Liberty. Today’s focus are the videos which have the hand or relationship more towards politically Tyranny.


If you are like me, you might not agree with all that you hear or see. I advise harnessing your Critical Thinking to digest the hay and spit out the sticks. A wise preacher described this process as being at least as wise as an old cow.


JRH 9/13/24


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Bitchute VIDEO: "Gigglin's Island"

Posted by WJCharliee

Published September 6, 2024


NO DESCRIPTION – Political Parody/Satire



[Blog Editor: By the time I share this Reese Report, its purpose will have elapsed. For ME, the point is the once so-called premiere Federal Law Enforcement known as the FBI is nothing more than a Big Brother American Gestapo organization.]


Rumble VIDEO: TOMORROW! Jeremy Brown Exposes the FEDS in DC Court


Posted by Reese Report

Published September 3, 2024



Bitchute VIDEO: Communist China Hacks Into Humanity


Posted by BNN

Published September 4, 2024


Bowne Report


The backdoors that Communist China has plugged into the rest of humanity are numerous. The science is unregulated and Governments are increasingly falling behind on regulation and basic knowledge.


MORE DESCRIPTION promotional in nature



Youtube VIDEO: Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech

Posted by Tucker Carlson

Aug 28, 2024


Was the Biden administration involved in the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov? Mike Benz explains.


MORE DESCRIPTION largely promotional in nature



UGETube VIDEO: America’s Judgment Day

Posted by John Houk

Published 12 Sep 2024


This is a marketing Infomercial that caught my attention with the hook of introducing “Five Powerful Men” plotting the end of the U.S. Dollar. The opinion in the video is shared by many. The marketing plan to offset the Dollar collapse is not something I’m personally promoting, HOWEVER the danger of a Dollar collapse is something that will affect American lives. Some of us who are already strapped by Bidenomics will have no choice but to scramble and pray we land on our feet to survive some kind of economic collapse. And some of you who have enough means to make a plan to survive economic hard times, might want to find a path or two to prepare for future currency and economic changes.


Addison Wiggin is the presenter and promoter of the Grey Swan Fraternity (ABOUT -


Wiggin Bio Links:







Rumble VIDEO: Clay Clark - What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? (Flynn & Gold)


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 12, 2024


I found this 1:35-Hour video at Substack Clay Clark ( posted under the title, “General Flynn & Dr. Simone Gold | What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? -Thrivetime Show | The Great ReAwakening versus The Great Reset”. Posted on 9/11/24 (


General Flynn & Dr. Gold interact initially then at about the 30-Minute mark the participants begin discussing the WEF Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda. Which is basically total Globalist control.


From Clay Clark Post:


General Flynn & Dr. Simone Gold | What Is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? "Artificial Is Not a Tool In Our Hands. It Is An Agent. It Has a Potential to Change Every Area, Finance, Military, Religion." - Yuval Noah Harari (9/9/24)MORE TO READ



Bitchute VIDEO: MTG Pro-Trump & Pro-MAGA Collage


Posted by SlantRight2

Published September 12, 2024


Frankly Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has had a few Conservative miscues through the Biden/Harris installed regime. NEVERTHELESS, for the most part she has been more Conservative/Patriot than not. This fan collage represents the latter.


The clip was found at Telegram Marjorie Taylor Greene ( posted on 9/8/24 (


MTG Description:


“This video was created by a supporter of mine from the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas.


The MAGA movement is filled with the biggest patriots. You are the reason we will SAVE AMERICA. I love you all!”



Rumble VIDEO: Ken Beyer - Cleansing Constitutionalists from GOP


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 12, 2024


This 7:41-Minute Clip was found at Telegram David Clements ( posted on 9/9/24 ( forward from Telegram Got Your 6


The focus is Michigan, yet the accusation undoubtedly is a nation-wide phenomenon.


David Clements Description:


“This video reveals how the establishment turned on its own, purging those who stand for the Constitution and persecuting grassroots voices fighting for truth.


💥 Inside the Republican party, a Nation wide war is raging. The mission? To silence and remove anyone who won’t bow to big money and corruption. Christians, constitutionalists, and anyone standing for true freedom are being pushed out, labeled disruptors, and persecuted.


👉 This explosive video uncovers the purge of Godly voices from the movement and the betrayal by party leadership. The question is: Are you part of the persecution, or standing with the persecuted?


🎥 Watch now and see why this fight is about more than politics—it’s about the soul of our nation.”



Rumble VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Live with Tulsi Gabbard


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 12, 2024


This 44:51-Minute episode is from Telegram TUCKER CARLSON FAN SOCIETY ( posted on 9/9/24 (


Tucker Description:


‘Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney’s Lust for Nuclear War, and Why She’s on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist"’.



[Blog Editor: I found this video on Youtube (H/T Telegram Sir Robert Miles KT [] on the Telegram Channel The American Patriot Movement [Private Channel]). I downloaded the video in case of Youtube censorship. Focus: Luciferian Illuminati History (Do some critical thinking as in eat the hay and spit out the sticks because there is way too much of a hint of Antisemitism).]


Youtube VIDEO: This Is One Of The Most Banned Recordings On Youtube

Posted by Anonymous Official

Posted on September 2, 2024


1,000,000 MUST WATCH - See This Before It Is Deleted message strange truth world news current events 2024 today this week this month motivation In a world where every significant event has been meticulously documented centuries in advance, the shocking revelations of Myron C. Fagin come to light through a 1967 recording. Fagin, a renowned Hollywood writer who unearthed dark secrets within the entertainment industry, claims that the world's major events have been orchestrated by an elusive and powerful group. This secretive faction, which he identifies as the Illuminati, has purportedly been manipulating global affairs since its inception in the 18th century. According to Fagin, this clandestine organization has been intricately involved in shaping history through a series of carefully planned events and covert operations.


Fagin’s account details how the Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt in the late 1700s, infiltrated various institutions to further its agenda. The Illuminati, he asserts, evolved into the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in the United States after World War I, maintaining its influence under different guises. This transition was designed to mask their ongoing manipulations and to control media narratives. By acquiring control over mass communications and press outlets, Fagin argues that the CFR, as a modern incarnation of the Illuminati, has ensured that the public remains misled and uninformed about the true nature of global conspiracies.


Fagin elaborates on the mechanisms of this grand conspiracy, explaining how key historical events, including major wars and revolutions, were strategically fomented by the Illuminati. The plan, he claims, involved orchestrating conflicts such as World Wars I and II, and using them to advance their ultimate goal of establishing a one-world government. This strategy also included promoting ideological divisions and supporting revolutionary movements to destabilize nations and religions. According to Fagin, these historical manipulations were part of a broader scheme devised by figures like Albert Pike and Giuseppe Mazzini to achieve long-term control over global affairs.


Finally, Fagin warns of an impending cataclysmic upheaval, predicted by the Illuminati’s historical documents, aimed at destroying Christianity and atheism simultaneously. This upheaval, he asserts, will pave the way for the establishment of a new world order under the direct influence of the Illuminati’s true doctrine. The conspirators’ ultimate aim is to create a world in chaos, where the remaining populace, disillusioned and leaderless, will accept a new form of global domination. This dire forecast serves as a chilling reminder of the alleged depths of control and manipulation exercised by the Illuminati throughout history.


[Blog Editor: In Case of Youtube Censorship, cross posting to my odysee channel.]

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