Sunday, August 25, 2024

RFK Jr Trump Endorsement & Anti-Medical Tyranny

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 25, 2024


RFK Jr & Trump Shake Hands at Arizona Rally 8/23/24 (Getty Image from Breitbart)


If you are a Trump supporter or an RFK, Jr supporter, by now you have watched (or at least read) the RFK, Jr endorsement of Donald Trump for President.


I have been an admirer of R.F. Kennedy Jr’s anti-Medical Tyranny stand in relation to the mRNA Jab as a truth teller. However, Kennedy is laden with too many Liberal Dem-policies to have ever convinced me to vote for him to become POTUS.


That said … Kennedy’s anti-Medical Tyranny stand would make him a great reformer of the American Medical Establishment in some form of Cabinet Post. I’m thinking U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.


As to the Kennedy speech endorsing Donald Trump on Friday August 23, it could go down as one of America’s historic speeches if Donald Trump is able to overcome massive Dem-Marxist Election Fraud in 2024. The Dems have a Voter Fraud Machine backed by a Mockingbird Press mouthpiece and a corrupt Judicial System. That will be a formidable process for Trump to overcome. I PRAY THE ALMIGHTY’S HAND raises Trump to overcome Election Corruption in 2024!


Today’s cross post shares will begin with Robert F. Kennedy Jr explaining his stand on vaccines on a short Rumbled video. The explanation is what endears RFK, Jr to Anti-Medical Tyranny Patriots. This Rumble video was posted the day before he endorsed Trump. THEN I want to include a glowing RFK, Jr speech analysis from the Substack of Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin. THEN for the few of you who missed RFK, Jr’s Trump endorsement on Friday, I am including the Newsmax-Youtube version of the endorsement which s about 31-Minutes. After a little searching, I discovered the full speech was a little longer. I found it interesting that the RFK, Jr endorsement is actually a suspension of his campaign for President and not a withdrawal. Kennedy is only removing his name from battleground States and leaving his name on typically brainwashed Blue-State Dem-voting States.


JRH 8/25/24


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Rumble VIDEO: Kennedy: My Most Controversial Issue


Posted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Published August 22, 2024


Today I’m going to set the record straight by explaining my exact posture, point-by-point, on what is probably the most controversial issue of my campaign—a medical safety issue that impacts every one of us. If you take a few minutes to listen, I think you might be surprised to find out how much we actually agree.




Bobby Kennedy: May your speech change the course of history!

In supporting Trump, the first and only openly anti-globalist, pro-America president since George Washington, Bobby Kennedy is daring to defy the darkest and most deadly power in the world....


RFK Jr (Breggin Substack Photo)


By Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

August 24, 2024

Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators


On August 23, 2024, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., known to all of us as Bobby Kennedy, told the world that, after deep prayer, he would support Donald Trump’s election to a second term.


Throughout his career, Bobby has been protecting children, including their brains and minds, from pollution, vaccines, and other threats. That is why he founded the Children’s Defense Fund. Although his work dovetailed with ours, we never connected, in part because of political differences and sadly because we lacked appreciation of the danger of vaccines in general.


Americans, we have now witnessed one of the few times in our lives when a man with a substantial amount of power and money is defying his constituency and the global powers by throwing his weight behind Donald Trump. His speech and actions are earth-shaking, not merely because he endorsed President Trump, not even because he explicitly exposed the corrupt death throes of the Democratic Party, and not even because he took a profoundly moral stand in defense of America and its children.


In supporting Trump, the first and only openly anti-globalist, pro-America president since George Washington, Bobby Kennedy is daring to defy the darkest and most deadly power in the world — powerful predatory globalists who corrupted and coopted the Democrat Party and who are trying to take America down.


I was stunned by the honesty with which he criticizes the Deep State, including the FDA, CDC, NIH, CIA, and others by name; the clarity with which he described the sacrifice of the young people and children in Ukraine for the benefit of NATO, the military-industrial complex, and other predators; how he excoriated the drug companies and others who advocate the drugging of children and the rest of the population. He even briefly refers to those who aspire to create an “American global hegemony,” although we see that being replaced by a Western Global Empire that is hostile to America.


In supporting Trump in this speech and in expressing many specific criticisms of the world’s most influential and corrupt institutions, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has placed himself directly in opposition to all the most powerful and evil individuals and institutions in the world. That ugly collaboration of evil-doers now arrayed against him includes the Chinese Communist Party, which leads the Eastern Global Empire, and the Western Global Empire, which includes most of our recent presidents, the U.S. Deep State, billionaires like Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum that helps them organize the predators, global banking, global industry, the UN, NATO, EU, and many, many others.


And please don’t think it was easy for Bobby because he already has a great family name, fame, and money. It’s the opposite! The more money and influence you have, the more violent and even murderous the global predators become. Bobby and his family know that as well or better than anyone else in the world, and we join with humanity in begging God to protect him.


Our Contacts with Bobby


When Ginger and I first became active in the health freedom movement, Children’s Health Defense contacted us to say that Bobby was inviting us into an email group involving some of his closest confidants. We were honored and did join, but somehow, we never seemed to fit in, and we never regularly engaged by email with Bobby or his colleagues. Then, in the early months of 2023, Bobby called me for some information about the health freedom movement, and we chatted very cordially, but Ginger and I were both ill, I was dealing with a severe pneumonia that required five days of hospitalization to keep me alive, and I did not have my usual capacity to connect as warmly and personally as I would have wished. Perhaps I was also afraid that our political differences might be insurmountable.


Now, with Bobby Kennedy’s announcement of his intention to take such a radical step as supporting Trump for the sake of America and its children, all my hesitation has evaporated:


Bobby, you are indeed one of the bravest and most honorable men in history, as demonstrated by the actions you are taking based on your conscience, your faith in God, and your love for children and for America. I deeply admire you and will support you in any way that I can.


Paraphrasing what Malcolm, the man behind America Out Loud, said to me today, “If every American would listen to Bobby’s speech and let it sink in, it would shock the soul of the nation back to life.” Robert F. Kennedy is genuinely risking all a man can risk for us and humanity. Let’s join him in every way we can.

May God bless Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and America at this critical time in history.


Primary author: Peter R. Breggin MD


Editor’s Note: Dr. Breggin discusses this historic moment with Malcolm Out Loud Sunday, August 25, 2024 on at 10 am and 6 pm on Viewpoint: the News Magazine with Malcolm Out Loud and other guests.


Originally published on


© 2024 Ginger Breggin

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Blog Editor: SEE ALSO:


o   RFK Jr. Endorses Trump, Makes Suprise Appearance at Former President’s Arizona Rally; By Anthony Gonzalez; Resist The Mainstream; 8/23/24


o   Trump Vows To Give RFK Jr. The Power To Release Documents About Who Killed JFK [VIDEO]; By RVM News Staff; RVM; 8/24/24


o   Jim McLaughlin to Newsmax: RFK Jr. Endorsement a 'Game Changer'; By James Morley III; Newsmax; 8/24/24



Youtube VIDEO: BREAKING: RFK Jr. endorses Trump due to left's censorship, war, chronic disease

Posted by Newsmax  

Published Aug 23, 2024


Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorses former President Donald Trump and suspends his campaign in key battleground states.


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