Sunday, July 21, 2024

Video Theme: USA Republic vs USA Traitors

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© July 21, 2024


Our U.S. government has become so corrupted on every Constitutional Branch I doubt our Founding Fathers would recognize the instruments of governance today.


The Mockingbird MSM has been doing their brainwashing job for decades telling people we live in a Democracy rather than the U.S. Constitution construct of a Representative Republic.


The Founders rejected they concept of the tyranny of the majority, which is a Democracy. Rather the Constitution is constructed that so the minority opinion is NOT persecuted politically. The Rule of Law is to protect ALL We-The-People regardless of what majority is representatively elected. AND the Founders concept of Religious Liberty was for the government to stay out of the Christian Church, BUT the Christian Church (as in Christian Morality and ethics) is to be an influence on government.


When SCOTUS began to act by re-interpretating Original Constitutional Intent to rule Separation of Church and State meant Christian Faith cannot be expressed by taxpayer supported government institutions, that forbade a Founder Original Intent to keep government in good operation.


The videos I’m about to share demonstrate my opinion that diluting the Original Intent of the U.S. Republic and U.S. Constitution has perpetrated an American reality where a tyranny of bureaucratic oligarchy has used the smoke and mirrors of “Democracy” to construct the illusion the tyranny of the majority is fundamentally transforming America AWAY from the intended shining light on a hill into the dark Mordor godless evil.


That is the American treason that gets American Patriots removed or shot up to and including assassinating Presidents looking to a Republic of and for We-The-People.


HENCE the title, “USA Republic vs USA Traitors”.


The first video is from a Greg Reese Substack. I mention this because I agree with the Reese premise, yet I’m a bit annoyed of his inclusion of the Joy Reid (Leftist Traitor) clip calling the Trump assassination attempt a staged GOP event to garner sympathy for the actually 2020-elected President Trump. I suspect that Reese inclusion was a fairness in reporting principle. And Reese’s brief inclusion of Never-Trumper Christians who view Trump being shot in the ear as a sign of a risen Antichrist is misleading. The Antichrist of the Book of Revelation was shot dead in the head then Satanically brought back to life. Donald Trump’s ear wound did not kill him thus there was no resurrection. Trump survived an assassination attempt more than likely by the Grace of God, not the will of Satan.


That said, I leave the interpretation of the following videos to your own critical thinking rather than to Leftist spin doctors.


JRH 7/21/24


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Evidence of Multiple Shooters at Trump Assassination Attempt

More questions and no official answers


By Greg Reese

July 20, 2024

The Reese Report (Substack)


Rumble VIDEO: Evidence of Multiple Shooters at Trump Assassination Attempt


[Posted by Reese Report

Published July 20, 2024




Historically, government assassinations are often carried out with a patsy to take the fall and a professional, or team of professionals, to execute the target. This ensures success and gives the appearance that there was no conspiracy. It all gets blamed on a mentally disturbed lone gunman.


But the alleged would-be Trump assassin was willing to go on a suicide mission. It was an easy shot and he had at least five years of marksmanship training. The independent work of Azget Industries shows how our young suicide assassin could have been the lone gunman. But she is restricted to using the limited information we have gotten.


According to the sound analysis of Mike Adams, there were at least three shooters.


I think round one is probably Crooks. Round two is Crooks. Round three is Crooks. I think these three rounds are Crooks. It's my guess. Rounds four and five are from the same distance as Crooks but they are not Crooks. I think rounds four and five, right here, I think rounds four and five are from a rogue Secret Service team in the building that Crooks was on top of. So that's my guess. Round six is from medium range sniper, round seven is long range sniper.”

~ Mike Adams


Several witnesses that day claimed that there was a second shooter in the water tower. FOX News live-streamed the following testimony, but omitted it from final edits.


that's where the other shooter was. There was one I heard in the water tower, there was one by the fence.”

~ witness


NBC live-streamed the following testimony of a woman who was in the front row[.]


He could see the sharpshooter behind Trump. He said the sharpshooter shot to the left. He killed the gentleman in the water tower here.”

~ witness


And omitted the following from the final edit.


Now they feel that there was two shooters on both sides, so they got the one on the tower on this side, but the one on the right side, they never got. So that's why they wanted us to leave immediately because they thought there's still a shooter out there somewhere. I'm glad that guy's no longer with us any more in that tower. And I hope they get the other one, too.”

~ witness


Images of the water tower show a shadow at the very top. Frame by frame analysis shows what could be described as muzzle flash or the reflection of a scope lens.


Before any shots were fired, police were seen running towards the water tower.


Multiple shooters makes more sense. But then, how did they miss? Many are insisting that it was a staged event to inflame Trump’s popularity.


We still don't know for sure whether Donald Trump was hit by a bullet, whether he was hit by glass fragments, whether he was hit by shrapnel. We don't have those details. We actually have no details from his physician, even though this man is still a secret service protected, you know, and, presidential candidate, We know almost nothing. Why? Why don't we know that much? We don't know why for nine full seconds, Donald Trump was allowed to stand back up during an active shooting, an active shooter situation. Even though they at that point had said the shooter, the shooter was down, how would have they known? How would they have known if there were more shooters or not? Nobody knew that. There could have been five shooters for all they knew. Yet they allowed him to stand up in the middle of that, you know, crisis and pose for a photo, and fist pump the air so he could get the iconic photo. And then they allowed him to stand up again outside of the SUV instead of just shoving him into the SUV. That seems really unusual. What is the actual injury to Donald Trump's ear that's under that bandage? Shouldn't we know that by now?

~ Joy Reid


If it was fake, it was a flawless performance. And if it was authentic, it was not only sloppy, it was a millimeter away from Chaos. Either way, Trump is now seen by many religious people as being ordained by god, and others as being the Anti-Christ. Who believers have been expecting to survive an assassination attempt.


© 2024 Greg Reese

The Reese Report HOMEPAGE




Rumble VIDEO: The Secret Service During The Assassination Attempt

Posted by Awaken With JP

Published July 19, 2024


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Bitchute VIDEO: Alex Jones on Trump Assassination Attempt Includes Warning


Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 20, 2024


I found this clip of Alex Jones sharing his opinion the attempted Trump assassination was a result of a Deep State stand down order to keep out of OFFICE. The Deep State does not want to end FOREVER WARS. Jones’ warning and analysis makes sense to me.


Clip found at Telegram Sound of Freedom Back up Channel ( posted 7/14/24 (


Sound of Freedom Back up Channel Description:


“Alex Jones - the Globalist Deep State Is Desperate And Will Try To Kill Trump Again!”



Bitchute VIDEO: Thomas Crooks Spotted on Roof Before Shots 7/13/24

Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 20, 2024


I found this short clip of Thomas Crooks crawling on a roof prior to attempting to assassinate President Trump on ®️ Telegram channel ( posted on 7/14/24 (


FrankSpeech Description:


NEW: Wild video shows the shooter crawling into position ( while folks point him out to law enforcement at Trump rally. (



Bitchute VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Speech at RNC 2024


Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 20, 2024


I found this clip of Tucker Carlson speaking at the Republican National Convention 2024 at Telegram Tucker Carlson Fanbase ( posted on 7/18/24 (


Tucker Carlson Fanbase Description:


“Tucker Carlson's full speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention”.



Bitchute VIDEO: Peter Navarro Speaks at RNC 2024


Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 20, 2024


This Navarro speech was found at Telegram Stand Against Tyranny World Wide ( posted 7/17/24 (


Stand Against Tyranny World Wide Description:


“Peter Navarro- I went to prison so you don’t have too!”



Bitchute VIDEO: Nixon Booted Out of Office – See How It Works


Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 20, 2024


This very short clip from Tucker Carlson with the only description of “See how it works” describes how the U.S. Deep State/Intel Community kicked the most popularly elected President (to date) ever elected was removed from Office. Found at Telegram USA Freedom Hub ( posted on 7/11/24 ( It was forwarded by someone at Telegram We The Ultra Patriots (



Youtube VIDEO: MTG Finally SNAPS on Secret Service: ‘How Many Shooters Were There!?’ | Trump Assassination Coverup

Posted by Benny Johnson

Posted on Jul 19, 2024


MTG Might be on to something... We need answers.


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Rumble VIDEO: Chris Martenson: 'Rock Solid' Evidence of 'At Least' Two Shooters in Trump Assassination Attempt


Posted by TheLibertyDaily

Published July 19, 2024


MORE DESCRIPTION (primarily pay-the-bills & promotional links)



Rumble VIDEO: Shocking New Details On Trump Assassination Attempt! THEY LET HIM On Stage Even AFTER Threat Report

Posted by The Quartering

Published July 18, 2024


It's my opinion they let this all happen.







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