Wednesday, July 17, 2024

My Trump Assassination Attempt Suspicion


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

July 17, 2024


The attempted assassination of the actually 2020 elected President Trump is receiving Dem-Marxist, RINO and Never-Trumper ludicrous Conspiracy Theories ranging from Trump staged a shooting for sympathy (moronic), Trump stumbled (Leftist cover for Dementia Biden), A Republican tried to kill Trump (OOPS – Crooks was a Primary RINO voter & Dem General Election Voter), Gravity indicates of blood flow makes no sense (Geniuses, Trump hit the dirt so figure out the gravity) and probably more ludicrous explanations.


The most plausible Conspiracy Theory that might not be proved in my lifetime (like the Kennedy assassination controversies) IS THAT the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job from one or more government agencies overwhelmed by Dem-Marxist/Globalist New World Order Agenda Bureaucrats.


BELOW are a few cross posts that line up with my train of thought though I have to critically think about some details I’m not to sure about (especially the latter portions of The Reese Report) yet concur with most.


JRH 7/17/24


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Bongino Source: Secret Service Cover-Up Coming From The Top [VIDEO]

Bongino Source Secret Service Cover-Up RVM screengrab


By RVM News Staff

July 17, 2024

Red Voice Media (RVM)


In a recent statement, former Secret Service Agent and top podcast host Dan Bongino raised serious concerns about the absence of a police post at the location where a fatal shooting occurred during a Trump rally.


Bongino claims that the administration and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary instructed the Secret Service Director to keep quiet about the issue, suggesting a cover-up.


MORE NEWS: Local Cops Refute Secret Service Director’s Claims About Assassination Attempt [VIDEOS]


“So I was just showing Tucker some material from an unimpeachable source,” Bongino began. “According to my source, that roof was supposed to be a police post. Someone was supposed to be there. They’re now making up excuses saying the pitch of the roof was the reason, but my source says no one knows why the post didn’t show up. That’s a nonsense story they’re putting out in the media.”


Bongino emphasized the potential danger of not following proper security protocols, stating, “I was also told that the Secret Service Director has been given instructions from the administration and the DHS Secretary: if you want to keep your job, you’ll keep your mouth shut about this. They’re not putting that out there.”


Bongino called for verification of the site post logs and police instructions for the event to determine if a roof post was indeed scheduled and why it was not staffed. “If you get those site post logs and those police instructions, and it was a post on there and they didn’t show up, and no one checked. Someone could have got your dad killed within millimeters,” he argued, highlighting the potential consequences of the oversight.


The incident raises serious questions about security measures and transparency, with Bongino’s allegations pointing to a need for further investigation into the handling of the event.





10 Major Anomalies Observed in the Trump Assassination Attempt

An in-depth analysis.


By Vigilant News [Staff]

July 16, 2024



Something stinks about the whole Trump assassination attempt, and two of the world’s top minds can smell it.


Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake have conducted a 1-hour deep dive, and what they uncovered is alarming.


Here’s a summary of the anomalies they found:

[Blog Editor: VNN posts an 1:06:10-Hour video captured from X/Twitter at this point. I uploaded the video to my Bitchute Channel, but I’m placing after the VNN text summary.]


1. No local law enforcement was on the rooftop used by the shooter.


2. When law enforcement was notified by citizens of the shooter, there was no prompt action at the rooftop to neutralize the shooter.


3. Local law enforcement failed to initiate active shooter protocol to protect Trump and the crowd.


4. There was no apparent communication from local law enforcement to the USSS to get Trump to a secure location.


5. Police snipers on the roof used binoculars to track the shooter’s position and did not warn the USSS below to get Trump off the stage.


6. Police snipers under scope vision allowed the shooter to get set and shoot six rounds at Trump.


7. A police sniper got off the scope and looked with the naked eye to be sure the shooter had taken his shots and never looked down at Trump.


8. Finally, a police sniper shot Crooks.


9. No local police went up on the roof immediately after Crooks was shot to take away his gun and check on his status.


10. All the while, there was no active shooter protocol, and no warning was given to Trump or the audience.


Follow Courageous Discourse on Substack and the McCullough Foundation on 𝕏 for more in-depth analyses on the Trump assassination attempt and COVID-19.


Bitchute VIDEO: 10 Major Anomalies Observed in the Trump Assassination Attempt – VNN

[Posted by SlantRight2

Published July 17, 2024




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The Failed Assassination Attempt on President Trump

America lives to fight another day


By Greg Reese

July 16, 2024

The Reese Report (Substack)


[Blog Editor: Below is the Rumble Video version which may differ a bit from the Substack video version which follows by a Reese transcript.]


Rumble VIDEO: The Failed Assassination Attempt on President Trump

[Posted by Reese Report

Published July 16, 2024




According to a CNN report, Thomas Crooks purchased a five-foot ladder on his way to the rally and was able to somehow carry this ladder along with his rifle to a building with a direct line of sight to Trump’s podium. A building that was occupied by heavily armed police.


With rifle in hand, Crooks used this ladder to climb the building and was spotted on the rooftop 30 minutes before he opened fire. He was photographed by police and reported twenty-five minutes before the shooting. He was even confronted while on the roof before the shooting.


Bystanders began pointing out Crooks to police a full two minutes before he opened fire. The defensive sniper detail was looking directly at him a full forty seconds before he opened fire, and allowed him to fire of a few shots before taking him out.


The first shot fired grazed Trump’s right ear as he turned his head towards the shooter. Had he not turned his head, he would have been murdered on live television.


According to a classmate, Crooks was shooting competitively as early as his freshman year and was a member of local gun club. So he’s been training with a rifle for at least five years. And the mathematics submitted by Mike Adams and verified by Michael Yon suggest that the shots were fired by Crooks.


So far, Crooks is an enigma which fits the profile of a mind control assassin. But either way, this was undoubtedly an inside job to assassinate President Trump. And leads directly to Mayorkas.


Viktor Orbán has been privately meeting with Ukraine President Zelenskyy, Russian President Putin, and former president Donald Trump to negotiate a peace deal. And Putin recently announced that he is open to discussing this further.


Astrologers have been predicting events around a rare planetary transit occurring on July 15th involving the star Algol, known as the “Demon Star” which represents Medusa’s beheading and is considered to be one of the most violent and unfortunate stars in astrology. And the assassination attempt occurred on the same day as the Bohemian Club’s occult ritual, the Cremation of Care at the Bohemian Grove, where an effigy is sacrificed in fire.


Whether you call them the Illuminati, the Deep State, or the Synagogue of Satan, they do not want peace. But America lives to fight another day.


© 2024 Greg Reese

The Reese Report HOMEPAGE




Blog Editor: Four More Posts Contributing to my INSIDE JOB Suspicions:


o   The Three "Other" Reasons They Want to Stop Trump at All Costs: The main reasons your neighbors don't like Donald Trump are obvious. The real reasons the powers-that-be don't like him are completely different; By JD Rucker; America First Report (Substack); 7/16/24


o   8 Shocking Details That Have Just Emerged That Are Sparking New Theories About The Attempt On Trump’s Life; By Michael Snyder; Activist Post; 7/16/24


o   The Deep State’s Next Assassination Attempt; By Cliff Kincaid; News With Views; 7/16/24


o   Report: Secret Service Snipers Instructed NOT to Fire Until AFTER Assassin Takes the First Shot; By Discern Reporter; THE LIBERTY DAILY; 7/15/24

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