Thursday, June 13, 2024

Videos Looking at Tyranny – Part TWO

Medical, Globalist & Government  

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© June 13, 2024


This is Part TWO of informative videos of various lengths which I have amassed, typically a perspective on aspects of Tyranny: Medical, Globalist and Government. Part ONE HERE.


This batch of info represents primarily my Bitchute Channel, some other Bitchute shares and a Rumble Video. Again, the order is not chronological but represent my interests.


JRH 6/13/24


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Bitchute VIDEO: TheBannedBeard4 – Dems Commit Crimes Trump Accused of with NO Consequences

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published June 13th, 2024 13:47 UTC


I found this insightful clip at Telegram Sound of Freedom Back up Channel ( posted on 6/12/24 ( forwarded by Sergeant News Network (


Sound of Freedom Back up Channel Description:


“Hillary Clinton, The DNC & The FBI All Committed Felonies & Treason. The Evidence Is Documented & Publicly Available.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Facebook Fact Checkers Partly Funded by Big Pharma

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published June 13th, 2024 14:02 UTC


For we Conservatives still Facebook more out of maintaining relationships than love Facebook (or whatever descriptive expletive deleted), are fully aware FB Fact Checkers are more akin to Dis-Mis-Mal-INFORMATION Narrative spreaders than disseminators of facts. This short clip I found on Telegram Sergeant News Network ( posted on 6/4/24 ( should bring some understanding when a FB Fact Checker cries “Not True”. Which typically actually means “Darn-Straight, those are the facts Jack”.


Sergeant News Network Description:


“Facebook is in BIG TROUBLE.


It has just been discovered that the Facebook Covid vaccine Fat-Checkers are funded by vaccine companies.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Lara Logan EXPLAINS Govt Manipulation of People

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published June 13th, 2024 14:08 UTC


This clip is from Telegram Sergeant News Network ( posted on 6/10/24 (


Sergeant News Network Description:


“Lara tells it like it is...”



Bitchute VIDEO: MEP Christine Anderson on mRNA Lies, Injuries & Death

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published June 13th, 2024 14:15 UTC


This short clip of Anderson telling the truth about the mRNA Jab was found on Telegram Agents of Innocence ( posted on 6/10/24 ( Evidently the clip was forwarded Agents of Innocence from Dr. Judy Mikovits [A Telegram search shows many Dr. Mikovits Telegram Channels. I have no idea which is authentic or if the actual Dr. Mikovits did the forwarding. Here’s the Channel at the top of the list with over 27,000 subscribers:] which via examination was excerpted from The Vigilant Fox on X/Twitter.


Agents of Innocence Decription:


‘“The mRNA [COVID] injections, they may have very well k*lled 17 million people around the world.”


MEP Christine Anderson knows the data behind this number.


Denis Rancourt and his fellow scientists found that all-cause mortality INCREASED every time the COVID-19 shots were deployed.


Here’s the 50,000-foot view:


For every 800 injections administered, Rancourt and his colleagues concluded in their 180-page paper that one vaccine-related death occurred.


This 1-in-800 number becomes even more alarming when you consider how many doses were given.


At the time of Rancourt and colleagues’ report, 13.5 billion COVID-19 injections were administered.


Divide that number by 800, and you end up with approximately 17 million COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths.’




Posted by Americans United Against The New World Order -


First Published June 9th, 2024 14:34 UTC


Please help us financially by clicking the link$AmericansUnited

We need your financial support. Your donations serve to aid our mission to educate and inform. Without funding this service will have to come to end so that we can earn much needed funding elsewhere. You can prevent that by graciously donating in any amount via Cash App and using our cashtag, $AmericansUnited. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated as they help us to continue bringing you informative content.



Rumble VIDEO: Documentary: Corporate Fascism 'The Destruction of America's Middle Class'

Posted by The Michelle Moore Show

Streamed on Jun 8, 9:00 pm EDT


Corporate Fascism 'The Destruction of America's Middle Class' (2010) is a James Jaeger documentary detailing a kind of fascism has taken over America: the merger of corporations and government whereby corporate power dominates. With the emergence of ever-larger multinational corporations -- due to consolidation facilitated by the Federal Reserve's endless FIAT money -- the corporatocracy has been in a position to literally purchase the U.S. Congress.


The Michelle Moore Show (Weekdays)
3 p.m. - 4 p.m. CST
4 p.m. - 5 p.m. EST





Bitchute VIDEO: Internet History - Google & The CIA Are Watching You

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published June 13th, 2024 14:35 UTC


You can tell this clip of Russell Brand conducting an interview is edited by the tiny glitches in the dialogue. Even so, Brand manages to plug in a couple of pay-the-bills ads. NEVERTHELESS, this 17:24-Minute clip astoundingly shares the Internet – which all sides of the political spectrum uses – was created by U.S. Intel (cough: CIA) as an American world domination modus operandi. AND Google is a part of that CIA Spycraft.


Clip was found at Telegram Russell Brand ( posted on 6/4/24 (


Russell Brand Description:


“Edward Snowden Was Right! Google & The CIA Are Watching You Do This!”



Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. Robert Malone on mRNA Danger to Children

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published June 13th, 2024 14:44 UTC 


I found this clip on Telegram Robert W Malone, MD ( posted on 6/12/24 (


Robert W Malone, MD Description:


“Still true.

I must have recorded this sometime in either 2021 or early 2022. 

I think my message has stood up to the test of time.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. David Martin – Big Pharma KNEW mRNA is Gene Therapy

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published  June 13th, 2024 14:51 UTC


I found this excerpted clip at Telegram Agents of Innocence ( posted on 6/12/24 ( which was forwarded by Dr. Judy Mikovits (


Agents of Innocence Description:


Dr. David Martin Reveals the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots


It turns out that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are not vaccines after all.


Both BioNTech (Pfizer’s company) and Moderna once referred to the mRNA injections as “gene therapies.”


Now, pharma execs are laughing because they know that if they had called the shots what they were (gene therapies), nobody would have taken them.


Instead, they called it a vaccine and got away with it.


Here’s what’s even worse. Scientific studies by 2018 indicated that pseudouridine “was known to be a cancer promoter.”


Guess what’s in the mRNA injections? Pseudouridine. Now, young people are getting cancer, unlike at any other time in history.


Here is the disturbing truth, according to Dr. David Martin.


“Ladies and gentlemen, you were injected with a thing to make you a customer of the industry [Big Pharma] that has been in the business of k*lling the world’s citizens since 1604.”’




Posted by Americans United Against The New World Order -


First Published June 9th, 2024 14:44 UTC


Please help us financially by clicking the link$AmericansUnited

We need your financial support. Your donations serve to aid our mission to educate and inform. Without funding this service will have to come to end so that we can earn much needed funding elsewhere. You can prevent that by graciously donating in any amount via Cash App and using our cashtag, $AmericansUnited. Any and all donations are greatly appreciated as they help us to continue bringing you informative content.

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