Friday, June 14, 2024

Dem-Marxist Political Persecution Could be Knocking on YOUR Door

Dem-Marxists Knock on YOUR Door (modified political cartoon)

 John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© June 14, 2024


President Trump’s political persecution Soviet-style show trials are a symbol of what the Dem-Marxists installed into power by a combination of a 2020 corrupt Election Coup and an UNELECTED unaccountable Bureaucracy (Executive Branch, Judicial Branch & Legislative Branch) intend for Conservative-Patriots resisting the Fundamental Transformation of America.


There are a number of these Patriots already in jail (e.g. J6’ers & praying Christians). The FBI (American-Gestapo or American-KGB) is still looking for J6 Protesters. The CIA (and probably other Alphabet Intel Agencies) are corruptly monitoring American Citizens rather than focusing on foreign spies or American traitors aligned with foreign Haters of America’s Liberty Heritage.


This video of Tucker Carlson interviewing Steve Bannon about impending political gulag imprisonment should make every American loving an Originalist Constitution interpretation and a Christian heritage, WATCH THEIR BACK and begin congregating around a TRUST JESUS crowd. ONLY a Like-Minded Resistance raising up leadership will successfully restore America as Dem-Marxists incarcerate more publicly notable MAGA persons such as Steve Bannon and others I’m sure you can name.


I’m posting the Tucker/Bannon interview as posted on We The People Convention due to the links at the bottom of that post that should inspire acts of resistance (Conservative-Style rather than violent Leftist-Stylethough that latter page may someday emerge) against Dem-Marxist Lawfare Political Persecution.


JRH 6/14/24


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You and I are the Next Men Up after Bannon and Trump

Tucker - Steve Bannon (screengrab)


By Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson

Source: Tucker

Posted by Tom Zawistowski

Posted 2024-06-11

We The People Convention


Steve Bannon makes clear in no uncertain terms that we, YOU AND I, are at Litteral War in the US with the Marxist who have taken control of our Government and that we are all going to prison if we do not stand up RIGHT NOW and Fight Them with Everything We've Got! In this moving and Patriotic interview Bannon talks directly to YOU and I and spells out exactly what is happening and what we need to do about it! Watch and Share and ACT NOW!


CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN NOW and Tell them to Do what Congressman Massie says the House should do to stop Bannon from Going to Prison!


Rumble VIDEO: Uncensored: Steve Bannon Responds to Being Ordered to Prison

[Posted by Tucker Carlson | Gutfeld | Five | Jesse Watters Primetime

Published June 12, 2024




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