Thursday, March 28, 2024

Video Collection of Tyranny Past, Present & Future

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 28, 2024


This is a collection of seven videos that are in a random date order showing my interest. The first video is from my UGETube Channel because that platform honors Fair Use doctrine the best and the rest are from my Bitchute Channel. All the videos are from my Telegram Saved subscriptions. In case anyone does Telegram, I place a summary on my Telegram SlantRight 2.0 Channel (which usually points to my CPCR-Blog) for anyone on Telegram who chooses to subscribe.


I have a suspicion my SlantRight 2.0 on Blogger might exercise their Community Guideline vitriol with the last video because it is critical of the LGBTQ movement and Transgenderism from a Christian perspective. Which will be disappointing because that is the only platform that still embeds UGETube and Bitchute videos. I have to upload each video on my Wordpress and Substack blogs. In case anyone is curious, I post the same content on three separate blogs as my way of resisting WOKE censorship. These days Google-owned Blogger seems to be the worst of the WOKE censors.


The first video is about 34-minutes, the last video is nearly 15-minutes and the videos in between are very short.


The titles of the video collection are as follows:


o   UGETube VIDEO: Dr. David Bell: Public Health Is Moving Toward ‘International Fascism’


o   Bitchute VIDEO: 3-Letter Agencies Child Abduction & Experimentation


o   Bitchute VIDEO: Bush Family - Skull & Bones Connection (Excerpt)


o   Bitchute VIDEO: CCP SkyNet Facial Recognition System


o   Bitchute VIDEO: Disney Donald Duck Math Occultic Pentagram Education


o   Bitchute VIDEO: Amazon Alexa Reads Minds?


o   Bitchute VIDEO: Jonathan Cahn Panel - Ancient Pagan Sex-god Demons & TODAY


JRH 3/28/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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UGETube VIDEO: Dr. David Bell: Public Health Is Moving Toward ‘International Fascism’

Posted by John Houk

Published 28 Mar 2024


This is a great video from EPOCH TV’s American Thought Leaders ( Dr. Bell evaluates Globalists and WHO agenda to usurp National Sovereignty via Plandemic Treaty tyranny. I wish I could remember how I found the video. To hazard a guess: Telegram.  It was originally posted 9/30/23 (


EPOCH TV Description:


“People are thinking COVID has gone away and we’re getting back to normal. But in a sort-of international public health world, that’s not the case at all. We’re building new institutions, we’re expanding institutions, and all the expansion is around pandemic preparedness and response.”


In this episode, I sit down with public health physician and Brownstone Institute fellow Dr. David Bell. A former World Health Organization medical officer, he recently published “Pandemic Preparedness and the Road to International Fascism” in the American Journal of Economics and Sociology.


“The hope of writing the paper, and I think of us talking, is to try to get the public health world, who are very much on board with this and going forward with it, of stepping back and really thinking what they’re doing, because they’ve repeatedly done huge harm to society over the last couple of hundred years. And it’s clear that they’re on that path again,” says Dr. Bell.


He argues that public health played a large role in justifying the takeover of populations by colonial empires of Europe, and that given new International Health Regulations, which will have force under international law, it is likely that history may repeat itself.


“Forerunners to the World Health Organization were the Paris Agreements and other agreements of the late 19th century around stopping pandemics coming from the colonies to Europe,” says Dr. Bell.”



Bitchute VIDEO: 3-Letter Agencies Child Abduction & Experimentation

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 13:56 UTC


The basis of this excerpted video clip is the reading of a memoir of Joseph Spencer – a self-described CIA/MIB Agent. The beginning briefly tells of Spencer’s recruitment, chemical brainwashing and Agent-molding. The latter half is about Child abduction and child experimentation for exploitation and Adrenochrome extraction. As read by Tom Keating with additional information from Jim Caviezel.


I found the clip at Telegram Sergeant News Network πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ ( and posted on 2/28/24 (


The memoir reading makes no mention of “Adrenochrome”, but only of child abduction, experimentation and torture. In the Caviezel extrapolations, “Adrenochrome” extraction from children is spoken yet not the reason for extraction.


So, I looked up “Adrenochrome”.


Those on the Conservative aisle claim (labeled debunked Conspiracy Theory by all things Left): Adrenochrome extracted from child is used to stop aging. There are more details to extraction and combinations including blood that I have not grasped and frankly uncertain how onboard with it all I am.


BUT IF the Left cries “FALSE!” Then I have to suspect there are some elements of truth.


Telegram Description:


“This Is Joseph Spencer, Served As United States Top Secret Operative, Worked For 7 Years As A Counterintelligence Agent For The CIA


“Every year, at least 8 million children go missing in the world. I can attest that one third of them are abducted by government operatives and transported to any one of the 1,477 underground military installations on the planet.”


Additional Information by Joseph Spencer & Jim Caviezel” Adrenochrome definition:


Three websites providing Adrenochrome history yet siding with Conspiracy Theory Debunking:


o   Does Adrenochrome Really Exist? [New Research];; Last Updated 2/23/22 -


o   What is Adrenochrome used for and why are conspiracy theorists obsessed with it?; 7/19/23 -


o   Untangling the Conspiracy Theories Around Adrenochrome;; Updated 2/27/24 -


Two websites on young mice blood energized old mice – Hmm.. So much for debunk narrative:


o   Young Blood Rejuvenates Old Bodies: A Call for Reflection when Moving from Mice to Men;; 1/3/18 -


o   The vampire molecule: scientists discover why young blood helps reverse aging;; Last Updated 3/2/18 -



Bitchute VIDEO: Bush Family - Skull & Bones Connection (Excerpt)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 14:27 UTC


I found the excerpted clip on the Secret Society Skull & Bones focused on Bush family membership at Telegram Wide Awake Media ( posted on 3/15/24 ( It was apparently forwarded from Telegram HATS (


Wide Awake Media Description:


“George Bush and his family, represent the satanic skull and bones society.


They perform human sacrifices & secret sex rituals for money.


The skull & bones society have committed many crimes against humanity, grave robbing geronimos skull & bones, including the genocide of native Americans & attacks on world trade centres on 9/11.”


o   Detailed though probably speculative Yale Skull & Bones history (11/2/18):


o   Skull & Bones history with focus on Bush Family (date provided 1991):


o on Skull & Bones (9/30/19):


o on Skull & Bones (10/26/21):


o on Skull & Bones (10/5/21 Updated: 7/8/22):



Bitchute VIDEO: CCP SkyNet Facial Recognition System

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 14:42 UTC 


Watch the “Terminator” movie franchise. In this very short excerpted clip, an obviously dedicated CCP-dedicated scientist claims his Chinese government’s SkyNet system is “good” and not evil as in the movie Terminator. Sounds like brainwashing BS to me.


The clip is from Telegram The Rabbit Hole (an ask-to-join Channel) posted on 3/16/24 (


The Rabbit Hole Description:


“China’s SkyNet Facial Recognition system. 850 million surveillance cameras all interlinked to track you every step of your daily life — store, work, airport, hotel, concerts, sports games, etc.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Disney Donald Duck Math Occultic Pentagram Education

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 15:03 UTC


Telegram THE WHITE RABBIT ( found a Disney (I would NEVER trust Disney with your children if I were you) educational video promoting mathematics learning yet if you pay attention – IT IS OCCULT BASED MATH VIA THE PENTAGRAM! Posted on THE WHITE RABBIT 3/3/24 ( The brief one-sentence description: “They use to teach us”.



Bitchute VIDEO: Amazon Alexa Reads Minds?

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 15:09 UTC


I found this clip meant to be an amusing Ad to promote AI usage of Amazon Alexa, BUT smacks of an emerging Terminator experience of future AI tyranny. I found the clip at Telegram Truth Seekers (an ask-to-join channel) posted on 2/26/24 (no post link).


Truth Seekers Description:


“Amazon commercial about Alexa reading your mind, and you can also see a subtle one eyed symbolism at 45 sec.


Situations like this really make you think about who could be listening to you and watching you through your Alexa, Google Home, laptops, and your smartphones, and what are they doing it with that information about you?


Is there some kind of hidden "social credit" system going on behind the scenes that we do not know about? Most likely, as a matter of fact, if you are using any mainstream social media, and you have been trashing your government, you bet that it is well noted and recorded on some google server, and will be used.


I will tell you a story, someone asked a man in China, how are the things going on over there?


The man replied: "I can't complain."


As George Orwell says in his 1984 book, "Big Brother is watching you"


Thank you for your patience,


All my love to you good people”



Bitchute VIDEO: Jonathan Cahn Panel - Ancient Pagan Sex-god Demons & TODAY

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 28th, 2024 15:47 UTC


I derived the title of this clip from the theme of the panel discussion I found on Telegram Sound of Freedom – Redpilling ( posted on 2/20/24. When I tried to discover from whence this revealing panel discussion came from, what I did discover was Jonathan Cahn interviews & Church settings talking about the book all this information is based on entitled, “The Return of the Gods” published in September 2022 (Amazon: I found a bunch of Cahn videos discussing the book info but not the one I was looking for.


What I heard was the ancient pagan-demonic gods of the Greeks and Middle East are resurging in this present time influencing sexual perversion to be normalized. AS IN out-of-wedlock heterosexual encounters & LGBTQ perversions which includes brainwashed Transgenderism.


Sound of Freedom – Redpilling Description:


“Pagan sex gods are the reason for everything we are witnessing today”.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Could The Baltimore Bridge Collapse be a Cyber-Attack?

Is Globalist Related Terrorism a NWO Transformation Agenda?


John R. Houk, Blog Editor

March 27, 2024


You’ve probably heard, read and/or seen the news that a large cargo ship lost power and crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge near Baltimore, Maryland causing the bridge’s collapse.

Combined Photo: Lara Logan & Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse (Bridge Collapse Photo from LA Daily News with photo credit Jerry Jackson/Staff)


I ran into some interesting news from a Vlad Tepes post from 3/26/24 entitled, “Lara Logan on the Baltimore bridge as a major attack and more: Links 1 for March 26th, 2024”. Annoyingly, Vlad begins the post with alternate (though interesting) Globalist-evil news separate from the headline and finishes with a Lara Logan tweet and a no-audio of the ship causing the bridge collapse. Logan speculates the incident was a Globalist-terrorist attack in U.S. infrastructure via cyberwarfare causing the ship to lose control.


It sounds credible enough to me that I begin with the Youtube footage and end with the Lara Logan Tweet.


JRH 3/27/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Youtube VIDEO: RAW: Cargo ship loses power, crashes into the Baltimore Bridge

Posted by WRAL

Posted on Mar 26, 2024


Francis Scott Key Bridge collapses after being struck by a large cargo ship.


Credit: @brick_suit5223 on X



Lara Logan - @laralogan

12:23 PM · Mar 26, 2024


Multiple intel sources: Baltimore bridge collapse was an “absolutely brilliant strategic attack” on US critical infrastructure - most likely cyber - & our intel agencies know it. In information warfare terms, they just divided the US along the Mason Dixon line exactly like the Civil War.


Second busiest strategic roadway in the nation for hazardous material now down for 4-5 years - which is how long they say it will take to recover. Bridge was built specifically to move hazardous material - fuel, diesel, propane gas, nitrogen, highly flammable materials, chemicals and oversized cargo that cannot fit in the tunnels - that supply chain now crippled.


Make no mistake: this was an extraordinary attack in terms of planning, timing & execution.


The two critical components on that bridge are the two load-bearing pylons on each end, closest to the shore. They are bigger, thicker and deeper than anything else. These are the anchor points and they knew that hitting either one of them would be a fatal wound to the integrity of the bridge.


Half a mile of bridge went in the river - likely you will have to build a new one. Also caused so much damage to the structural integrity of the bottom concrete part that you cannot see & won’t know until they take the wreckage apart. Structural destruction likely absolute.


Attack perfectly targeted.


“They have figured out how to bring us down. As long as you stay away from the teeth of the US military, you can pick the US apart. We are arrogant and ignorant - lethal combination. Obama said they would fundamentally change America and they did. We are in a free-fall ride on a roller coaster right now - no brakes - just picking up speed.”


The footage shows the cargo ship never got in the approach lane in the channel. You have to be in the channel before you get into that turn. Location was precise/deliberate: chose a bend in the river where you have to slow down and commit yourself - once you are committed in that area there is not enough room to maneuver.


Should have had a harbor pilot to pilot the boat. You are not supposed to traverse any obstacles without the harbor pilot.


They chose a full moon so they would have maximum tidal shift - rise and fall. Brisk flow in that river on a normal day & have had a lot of rain recently so water was already moving along at a good pace.


Hit it with enough kinetic energy to knock the load-bearing pylon out from under the highway - which fatally weakens the span and then 50 percent of the bridge fell into the water.


All these factors when you look at it - this is how you teach people how to do this type of attack and there are so few people left in the system who know this. We have a Junior varsity team on the field.


Tremendous navigational obstruction. Huge logistical nightmare to clean this up. Number of dead is tragic but not the whole measure of the attack.


That kind-of bridge constantly under repair - always at night because there is so much traffic and they cannot obstruct that during the day. So concern is for repair guys who were on foot (out of their vehicles) working who may now be in the water - 48 degrees at most at this time of year.


When you choke off Baltimore you have cut the main north-south hazardous corridor (I95) in half. Now has to go around the city - or go somewhere else.


To move some of that cargo through the tunnel you may be able to get a permit but those are slow to get and require an escort system that is expensive and has to be done at night.


For every $100 dollars that goes into the city, $12 comes from shipping. Believe this will cripple the city of Baltimore at a time when they do not have the resources to recover.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Reprising ShadowGate Documentaries:

With Dr. Mercola 3/23/24 Analysis to 2020 Documentary

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

Intro © March 25, 2024


On 3/23/24 Dr. Joseph Mercola decided to do some commentary on the Millie Weaver Documentary ShadowGate posted in 2020. As you read the Dr. Mercola cross post I share (and I’ve noticed I’m not the only blogger sharing which means Dr. Mercola has stumbled upon something Patriots will be interested in), he points out the Documentary has a difficult time remaining on Google-owned Youtube. I have noticed some remaining video-posts and some removed. Which probably indicates censorship is ongoing.


I decided to Duck-Duck-Go Millie Weaver and discovered (unsurprisingly) Leftist Fact Checkers and Mockingbird Media sites vilifying the Documentary and Millie Weaver. I found the WikiSpooks bio on Weaver to be the most evenhanded (post last updated 8/9/21) but still a bit critical.


I found it interesting her haters had no problem reporting her arrest in 2020 obviously attempting to discredit Weaver’s integrity, but there was little hater fanfare reporting all charges were dropped due to lack of evidence ( reports on the indictment & arrest but not her exoneration).


Here is the Millie Weaver X/Tweet from 10/21/20 on ALL charges being dropped:


AND Back to ShadowGate


When trying to figure out how to embed the ShadowGate Documentary that Dr. Mercola uses, I discovered Millie Weaver made a ShadowGate 2.0 in the same 2020 year. So, this is how I’m going to proceed in my version of a cross post.


Dr. Mercola places the Documentary at the top of his webpage then proceeds to his commentary/analysis. I’m reversing the order placing his text first and embedding an odysee version of ShadowGate after the commentary.


THEN I’m cross posting ShadowGate 2.0 from the post on which has the date 10/14/20. I couldn’t find an embed code on MillennialMillie, so I’m uploading the video to my Bitchute Channel.


LATE NOTE: In the process of looking into ShadowGate I noticed the two Whistleblowers (Tore Maras-Lindeman & Patrick Bergy) have been vilified largely by the Mockingbird Media and the Leftist Fact Checkers. For me, that adds to their credibility rather than subtracts. BUT YOU should do your own research and do your own critical thinking to draw your conclusions.


JRH 3/25/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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Shadowgate Documentary


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

March 23, 2024

Dynalogy Corp screengrab from ShadowGate Documentary (placed here instead of video which will be below)




Ø “Shadowgate” reveals how a “shadow government” is manipulating society from behind the scenes and using psychological warfare tactics against the American public


Ø Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty of covering up an even bigger scandal than the fact that Obama’s administration illegally spied on and tried to frame President Trump and others using manufactured evidence


Ø The shadow government consists of government contractors and defense and intelligence officials who are stealing the personal data collected by the NSA on all Americans, and have privatized and weaponized its use


Ø “Shadowgate” features two whistleblowers who have spent many years helping to develop the psychological warfare programs that are now directed at the American people and used to influence our elections


Ø We can protect our freedoms, first by rejecting and abandoning companies like Google and Facebook, which are the largest data collectors and manipulators; second, by promoting and aiding in the effort to expose Big Tech’s manipulations; and third, by restructuring legislatures and the government, and establishing new civil society institutions and news media that support and promote freedom rather than censorship and control


Most people have never even heard and there’s a reason for that. Technocrats have worked in the proverbial shadows for decades, trying to implement a grand economic plan that is global in scope. To beat them, we must be just as persistent in our efforts to implement a “whole-of-society” plan of action that leads to freedom, and I firmly believe we can.


While technocracy is an economic system and not a political system in and of itself, it does require the undermining and erosion of the democratic system of governance. This is particularly true for the United States, as our Constitution is a major barrier to the implementation of technocracy.


The documentary above, “Shadowgate,” is produced and narrated by Millie Weaver, an independent journalist and contributing reporter to Infowars. Coincidentally, Weaver and her boyfriend, Gavin Wince, were arrested shortly after posting a trailer of the film online, announcing its release.1


According to Basin Report2 and News 5 Cleveland,3 Weaver and Wince were both charged with “robbery (second-degree felony), tampering with evidence (third-degree felony), obstructing justice (fifth-degree felony), and domestic violence.” According to the Portage County Sheriff’s Office, the secret indictment against Weaver and Wince was filed July 20, 2020.




“Shadowgate,” while banned on YouTube, is available on alternative non-censoring sites such as Bitchute and The film reveals how a “shadow government” is manipulating society from behind the scenes and using psychological warfare tactics against the American public.


“What if I were to tell you that a small group of government contractors were hired by government officials to frame the Trump campaign, set him up for the Russia Collusion investigation, provided witnesses for the impeachment hearings, and provided administrative support services to the Department of Justice during the Mueller investigation?


And what if it just so happened that this same group of contractors are behind the fake news in mainstream media, influence operations on social media, and the civil unrest nationwide, pushing the defund the police movement? The Obamagate scandal only scratches the surface,” Weaver says at the start of the film.4 “Talk about a cover story. What really happened is much more alarming.”


According to Weaver, both parties — Democrats and Republicans — are equally guilty of covering up an even bigger scandal than the fact that Obama’s administration illegally spied on and tried to frame President Trump and a number of other individuals using manufactured evidence.


“Shadowgate” reveals what Weaver claims is the tactical and operational role that the shadow government played behind the scenes to carry out the attempted coup.


It’s the things that spy novels and movies are made of, for sure. YouTube, which pulled the film almost as soon as it was uploaded, claims it violates the channel’s policy on hate speech. I urge you to watch it and decide for yourself whether YouTube was justified in taking it down.


According to a Spiro Skouras summary on YouTube, the film “showcases two whistleblowers who allege there is a secretive network of government contractors which consists of government and military insiders (both current and former) who have ‘back door’ access to intelligence agencies and all of the information that they collect on everyone including politicians and how this information is used to blackmail powerful people to control them.”


The film also “alleges that military psychological warfare programs are being used against the people primarily through the mainstream corporate media and social media to control the population.” As noted by Weaver, “The information presented in this video should concern people of all political affiliations.”


Who Are the Real ‘Puppet Masters’?


While many career politicians are certainly part of the so-called shadow government, the real puppet masters behind it all are people that most of us are unfamiliar with. These are the individuals Weaver focuses on in her film. The real shadow government, Weaver says, consists of government contractors and defense and intelligence officials.


“[Government] contractors have used their connections, power and influence to create an unprecedented international criminal enterprise where blackmail is traded and people’s personal data is gold.” ~ Millie Weaver


But just how could a shadow government arise in the first place? According to Weaver, the reason they’ve managed to operate in the shadows and gain power for so long is because most of the actual work in government is done by subcontractors. This way, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests aimed at government departments turn up very little out of the ordinary. The real “dirt” remains hidden in the archives of “contractors in clandestine networks.”


“These contractors have used their connections, power and influence to create an unprecedented international criminal enterprise,” Weaver says, “where blackmail is traded and people’s personal data is gold.”


Whistleblower Tore’s Story


“Shadowgate” features two whistleblowers: Tore, a linguist and Navy intelligence contractor, and Patrick Bergy, a cyber security officer and Army PSYOP program developer. Tore claims to have been approached by people who worked for John O. Brennan while she was undergoing her Naval specialist training.


She was initially recruited into The Analysis Corporation’s (TAC) electronic warfare program, run by Brennan, which later morphed into information warfare. According to Tore, she worked with intelligence agencies that were privately created and run.


In other words, they were not, and are not, official parts of government. “Unlike what most people think, our intelligence doesn’t stay within our borders or within federal buildings,” she says. Tore worked on something called “localization strategy,” which involves finding a group of people (an organization, city, entire country or religious group, for example) and “getting into their mind.”


The object is to figure out how they behave, how they think, what pushes them into certain actions and so on. This information is then used to manipulate them in ways that will further your own particular product, agenda or ideology.


The collection of information on individuals goes far beyond what most people can imagine. As explained by Tore, the information is so detailed, it can be easily used to blackmail or hurt just about anyone.


As an example, if they know you have an old hockey injury, they know where to hit you in order to cause the most pain and damage, were a physical attack to be ordered against you.


They also know what you fear most, and who the people are in your social circle, and who might be best able to influence you. Tore claims she actually helped train the algorithms for the program Bergy developed, using these localization strategies.


Whistleblower Patrick Bergy’s Story


For eight years, Bergy worked for the Dynology Corporation, owned by former President Obama’s national security adviser, Gen. James Jones. Bergy worked directly under the General’s son, Jim Jones. From 2007 to 2010, Bergy’s primary focus was the development of interactive internet activity capabilities, including hacking capabilities.


He also claims to have worked on information operations, so-called “influence operations.” Like Tore, Bergy worked on intelligence operations run by private companies. ShadowNet is the commercial version of an interactive internet activities (IIA) weapon, which Bergy developed.


Fake news, false news stories and the falsified dossier used to frame the Trump campaign are all characteristic of IIA, which Bergy refers to as “social media psychological warfare.” According to Bergy, Dynology has been conducting IIA operations for the Department of Defense since 2007.


The ShadowNet program Bergy developed was based on the localization strategies that Tore worked on. As explained by Bergy, it can very effectively control large groups of people by pushing the right hot-buttons. The COVID-19 hysteria and Black Lives Matter riots are two real-world examples of what this kind of PSYOP program can accomplish, Bergy says.


Interestingly, while these kinds of psychological operations were initially conducted by individual operators or agents, much of it has since been taken over by artificial intelligence, which executes the programming based on the behavioral profile targets the programmer selects.


As noted by Bergy, with enough information about any given individual, you can predict how they will react to a given stimulus with a high degree of accuracy. So, has this technology been used to influence American elections? According to Bergy, yes.


While American tax payers paid for the development of the program, Dynology holds the intellectual property and has been using it against the American people for years, propping up certain politicians and undermining others.


How the Shadow Intelligence Apparatus Works


As explained in the film, Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Act allows government to spy on American citizens with a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (FISA) court.


The upstream data collected by the NSA on all Americans is only stored for 72 hours before being dumped. We’re talking about all phone calls, texts, emails, social media interactions, online activity, facial and voice recognition data and much more, of all Americans.

But what’s actually happening is that this data stream is being duplicated, stored indefinitely and privatized by companies such as the Global Strategies Group, Clearforce and the Canadian Global Information (CGI) Group.


The Global Strategies Group is a hub for this information, according to Tore. So, while these companies claim to be consulting firms, they’re not actually consulting at all. They’re stealing everyone’s data and using it against us in psychological operations designed to move society in one direction or another.


Tore claims she worked for Brennan at The Analysis Corporation and the Global Strategies Group, and that she conducted what were later described as “hacks” at the request of higher-ups. According to Tore, Brennan’s modus operandi is that when he wants a piece of information about someone — or if he wants to alter data relating to a target — he simply blames it on hackers.


According to the whistleblowers featured in this film, these privatized intelligence companies helped get Barack Obama elected using sophisticated internet influence operations.


The film also reviews a variety of other scandals that have emerged, and how the truth has been spun and covered up, including the illegal “hacking” and surveillance of the U.S. Congress, which occurred while Brennan was director of the CIA.


Private Intelligence Companies Dictate the News


Have you ever wondered who creates the talking points being regurgitated across dozens if not hundreds of news outlets on a daily basis? According to Bergy, this is the work of this network of privatized intelligence companies, utilizing tools such as ShadowNet.

When asked whether IIA has been used against President Trump, Bergy replies, “Absolutely.” According to Bergy, the Steele dossier was manufactured and used as a weapon to frame Trump and remove him from office.


Tore agrees. They have been and continue to use military-grade psychological warfare tactics against the president. She also discusses the IIA strategies employed in an effort to get Hillary Clinton elected.


Backdoor Access to All Data


According to Tore, she had backdoor access to all data and has personally viewed the kind of data collected on political figures. She’s also seen how that illegal data collection is used.


If someone steps out of line, it’s used to blackmail them back into lockstep with whatever the agenda might be. And, according to Tore, deep state shadow government actors are equally spread between the two political parties of the United States.


She also claims the Cambridge Analytica scandal was an IIA operation to make it appear as though Russia helped Trump win the election. This way, the Russia collusion hoax narrative would “stick” better. In reality, the PSYOP was conducted by the privatized intelligence network.


There’s a lot to digest in this film, but I urge you to set aside the hour and a half to do so. It answers many questions, revealing how government contractors are subverting our justice and political systems to further their own hidden aims. At the heart of it all is Gen. Jones.


According to Tore and Bergy, Jones, who heads up Clearforce, took ShadowNet and made it what it is today — a PSYOPs weapon used against the American people and the shadow government’s enemies.


Jones is also the chairman of the board of the Atlantic Council, and according to Bergy, one of the first things he did after being appointed chairman was to enter the Atlantic Council into a partnership with Facebook “to restore election integrity worldwide.”


In other words, Facebook is partnered with the owner of ShadowNet, one of the greatest PSYOP weapons in the world. To think this partnership will actually prevent election interference would be delusional, as its purpose is to do the complete opposite.


The Ultimate Surveillance State Is Near Completion


“More stuff is fake and fabricated now, in the news, than is actually real,” Bergy says. The reason for this is because IIA is in full force. As explained by Tore, IIA is essentially an AI program that tells you what you need to do, what message you need to put out, in order to get a specific outcome. It’s now running continuously.


Similar technology is even being used to undermine our judicial system. According to Tore and Bergy, a program will select jurors most likely to either acquit or find a defendant guilty (depending on the desired outcome).


While jury selection process is supposed to be random, it’s not. From that initial pool, jurors are then selected by the attorneys. But they were all non-randomly preselected in the first place, based on their proclivities, ways of thinking and behaving, and their belief systems. And, the data used to make that selection was siphoned from the NSA by these private intelligence companies.


“This is the biggest and boldest move toward the ultimate surveillance state ever made, and it’s near completion,” Weaver says, noting that in order to effectively micromanage the surveillance and manipulation of the global population, the technology must be integrated with AI and the Internet of Things, and that is already underway.


Part of the plan is to automate policing using robots and other technologies. According to Weaver, this may be why there’s now such a strong push to defund police departments across the U.S. This would allow the shadow government players to directly benefit by offering up new AI technologies to take over police functions.


Again, I hope you take the time to watch “Shadowgate.” Then, if you haven’t done so already, listen to my interview with Patrick Wood, featured in “The Pressing Dangers of Technocracy.” It’s really crucial for everyone to start wrapping their minds around what’s happening, and what’s in store for us if we don’t fight back and demand the restoration of privacy, both online and off.


Time to Break the IIA Programming


The good news is, there’s still time to break the IIA programming. How do we do it? First, by rejecting and abandoning the surveillance state’s primary data collection centers — Google and Facebook. Both have tremendous, hidden surveillance powers, act as censoring agencies for the technocratic cabal, and have the power to manipulate public opinion en masse.


For example, Robert Epstein, Ph.D., has demonstrated that Google has the ability to shift voting preferences among undecided voters by a whopping 48% to 63%, and the power to determine 25% of global elections. What’s more, this manipulation is entirely undetectable and untraceable. Epstein is now working to make Google’s manipulations transparent, through an organization called Feed the Watchdogs.


They have more than 13,000 watchdogs who monitor Big Tech for election bias 24/7 by collecting the ephemeral data that Google and other Big Tech companies are sending out to manipulate voters. You can help in this indispensable work by making a one-time or recurrent donation. For just $25, you can sponsor one month of data collecting.


At the time of this writing, Feed the Watchdogs had captured nearly 80,000 pages sent by Google, Facebook, YouTube and others to manipulate Americans. As their tactics become provable and more well-known, they’ll have little choice but to quit. Of course, I believe the best strategy is to ditch them all before then.


Say Goodbye to Google


Quitting Facebook is a simple enough affair. Just cancel your account. Evading Google, however, can be a bit more complicated, as their products span a wide range of products. For a comprehensive purge, be sure to eliminate all of the following:


Google Chrome browser — Uninstall Google Chrome and use Brave or Opera instead. Everything you do on Chrome is surveilled, including keystrokes and every webpage you've ever visited. Brave is a great alternative that takes privacy seriously.

Google search engine — Stop using Google search engines or any extension of Google, such as Bing or Yahoo, both of which draw search results from Google. Instead, use a default search engine that offers privacy, such as Presearch, Startpage, DuckDuckGo, Qwant and many others.

Gmail — Close your Gmail account and switch to a secure email service like ProtonMail. If you have children, don’t transfer their student Google account into a personal account once they’re out of school.

Google Docs — Ditch Google Docs and use another alternative such as Zoho Office, Etherpad, CryptPad, OnlyOffice or Nuclino, all of which are recommended by NordVPN.5

Google apps — Delete all Google apps from your phone and purge Google hardware. Better yet, get a de-Googled phone. Several companies now offer them, including Above Phone.

Avoid websites that use Google Analytics — To do that, you’ll need to check the website’s privacy policy and search for “Google.” Websites are required to disclose if they use a third-party surveillance tool. If they use Google Analytics, ask them to switch!

Google Home — Don't use Google Home devices in your house or apartment. These devices record everything that occurs in your home, both speech and sounds such as brushing your teeth and boiling water, even when they appear to be inactive, and send that information back to Google. The same goes for Google's home thermostat Nest and Amazon's Alexa.

Android cell phones — Don't use an Android cellphone, as it’s owned by Google.

Siri — Ditch Siri, which draws all its answers from Google.

Fitbit — Don’t use Fitbit, as it has been purchased by Google and will provide them with all your physiological information and activity levels, in addition to everything else that Google already has on you.


Additional tips to protect your privacy are included in the following graphic, such as making sure you’re using a secure messaging system and virtual private network (VPN) for your web searches.


[Blog Editor: Dr. Mercola inserts a photo that has this PDF link embedded in it: When I clicked the link it went to “File Not Found” in my browser. Here’s a link to a website I hope has similar advice:]


Building a Whole-of-Society Solution


In addition to getting yourself (and as many of your friends and family as possible) off Google and Facebook, we also need to build a society that values freedom above all.


According to the Department of Homeland Security, misinformation online is a whole-of-society problem that requires a whole-of-society solution. By that, they mean that four types of institutions must fuse together as a seamless whole:


1. Government institutions, which provide funding and coordination.


2. Private sector institutions that do the censorship and dedicate funds to censorship through corporate-social responsibility programs.


3. Civil society institutions (universities, NGOs, academia, foundations, nonprofits and activists) that do the research, the spying and collecting of data that are then given to the private sector to censor.


4. News media/fact checking institutions, which put pressure on institutions, platforms and businesses to comply with the censorship demands.


To effectively combat the globalist technocrats’ takeover, we need to do the same. Here, an organization called Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO) comes to the rescue.


FFO educates people about this structure, and the ways in which legislatures and the government can be restructured, how civil society institutions can be established, and how news media can be created to support and promote freedom rather than censorship. To learn how you can be part of the solution, check out


I firmly believe that we can turn this situation around, if for no other reason than the fact that there are some eight billion of us who want freedom, while those who seek to enslave us number in the thousands, or tens of thousands at the most. Either way, they’re clearly outnumbered.


But we need to spread the word, and help our friends and family understand how important our decisions are. We either support the network that seeks to take our freedom, or the network that seeks to protect it.


The Power of Choice


Lastly, I encourage you to seek Joy. At the end of the day, that’s what life is all about. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of feeling like the sky is falling. What we’re facing is serious, yes. But we can overcome it. And, I believe that Joy-seeking may be a crucial component to winning.


Why? Because when you focus on what brings you Joy, everything else falls into place. New ideas arise. New solutions. And that’s precisely what we need. We need a world full of joyful, inspired people who are living their dreams, and in so doing, end up bringing new solutions to the world.


Odysee VIDEO: ShadowGate - Full Documentary

[Posted by Real Millie Weaver

Posted on August 14, 2020




Sources and References


1, 4 Gateway Pundit August 16, 2020

2 Basin Report August 17, 2020 (Archived)

3 News 5 Cleveland August 17, 2020

5 NordVPN February 5, 2019


© 1997-2024 Dr. Joseph Mercola. All Rights Reserved. HOMEPAGE



Shadow Gate 2.0 - Full Movie

The Fake News Industrial Complex


By Millie Weaver

Oct 14, 2020


Bitchute VIDEO: ShadowGate 2.0 - Millie Weaver

[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 24th, 2024




The first installment of Shadow Gate demonstrated that the shadow government consists of government contractors; defense, intelligence, security, and so on.


When the first trailer was aired, a little known Anonymizer project called ION 2 was scrapped.


On the day Shadow Gate had an early release, a well-planned targeted smear campaign by media outlets and social media influencers was launched to distract away from the subtle panic the military industrial complex was going through in the background.


The websites of Dynology, Jones Group International, and ClearForce were removed, modified, and changed in what appears to be a cover-up.


But why? What was so dangerous about Shadow Gate and our whistleblowers that the documentary created such a knee-jerk reaction? That is the subject of this documentary.


Millennial Millie HOMEPAGE

DONATE to Millennial Millie

Friday, March 22, 2024

Lest YOU Are Brainwashed to be Happy in an Age of Transformation Tyranny:

Videos & Commentary to Refresh YOUR Memory to at Least Awaken Personal Resistance!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© March 22, 2024


And yet another examination of saved videos and in that process, MORE discovered videos that I pray lights a spark of resistance rather than an ALL-IS-LOST defeatist submission. So VOTE! If voting doesn’t work due to corruption, THEN DO NOT COMPLY! Find like-minded individuals in your local community, THEN GET INVOLVED!


Whatever your reaction, at least do something on an individual basis. DO NOT wait for someone else to do something because that will produce nothing. If you are the grammar police: Neither will it produce anything.


The videos and/or articles are in a rough order of my interest rather than any chronological order.


JRH 3/22/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support SlantRight 2.0

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


UGETube VIDEO: Behind the Globalist Strategy to Control Your Life: Seamus Bruner Exposes the ‘Controligarch’ Agenda

Posted by John Houk

Published 21 Mar 2024


I actually found this Crossroads ( episode via Telegram The Epoch Times ( which linked to EPOCH TV. The episode was posted on 2/21/24 (


EPOCH TV Description:


There’s a global power grab going on. But it’s not between multinational corporations, or between politicians. This power grab seeks to take power away from individuals and to transfer it to the “controligarchs.” We speak to Seamus Bruner, author of “Controligarchs,” about who these people are, what they want, and what it means for individual freedoms.


Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.


Amazon Title: “Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life” -


A couple of Breitbart posts on “Controligarchs”:


o   Seamus Bruner’s ‘Controligarchs’ Reveals Bill Gates’ Hidden Agenda as He Buys Up U.S. Farmland – 11/14/23 -


o   Levin: Seamus Bruner’s ‘Controligarchs’ Is a ‘Fascinating’ and ‘Frightening’ Book – 12/6/23 -



UGETube VIDEO: Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry | NEW Documentary

Posted by John Houk

Published 22 Mar 2024


I became aware of this Documentary via Telegram The Epoch Times ( The Epoch Times post I placed in my saved file from 3/20/24 had this description:


It’s a "very important documentary,” said actress Trish Cook, who praised “#HollywoodTakeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry.” This groundbreaking film unveils the truth about CCP’s takeover of the US by controlling access to our minds through film. Watch here!πŸ‘‰ [Blog Editor: This TET link takes one to purchase options to view the /documentary.]


This is a MUST-SEE film that follows Chris Fenton, a former Hollywood executive, and Tiffany Meier, an investigative reporter, through their journey of discovering how Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) takeover of Hollywood is part of the CCP's information war targeting the US population. Watch exclusively on EpochTV.”


Since I subscribe to The Epoch Times, I found the EPOCH TV link to the Documentary posted on 3/8/24 ( TET is largely an Online subscription journal producing TV News and Documentaries to add to their profit margin, Thus, they watch over their copyrighted material. For that reason I share Epoch Times/EPOCH TV information on UGETube – a video platform more enable to Fair Use doctrine.


HERE is the EPOCH TV description of Chinese Communist Party infiltrating Hollywood – America’s largest source of Big Screen entertainment (You should think: CCP Propaganda Tool):


News: On March 4, YouTube took down the trailer of the new NTD Original Documentary “Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry” and removed the Hollywood Takeover YouTube account. The account and trailer were only reinstated two days later after a news outlet asked Youtube why and reported about this news.


“Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry” is an NTD Original Documentary that pulls back the curtain on how Hollywood is helping to further a global adversary’s agenda, the consequences of that on the future, and what brave individuals are doing to change the tide.


“Hollywood Takeover” follows Chris Fenton, a former Hollywood executive, and Tiffany Meier, an investigative news reporter, on their journey to uncover the must-tell story behind Hollywood and China’s lucrative union, which didn’t happen by accident.


The survival of the United States depends on people waking up to the Chinese Communist Party’s relentless literal and cognitive takeover of our country. At this crucial historical moment, the truth may be inconvenient to many, but we all have a choice to make: will we continue to feed the red dragon?


Official website:


Please give and share this documentary:


Join us for the star-studded red carpet premiere event of “Hollywood Takeover”:


Also the panel after the red carpet premiere:



Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on Mass Mind Control Operation in 7/10/23 THEN Arrested October 2023


A video from Rumble Channel Stew Peters Network which was posted 7/10/23. I first became aware of it from Telegram Reiner Fuellmich πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ/πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§/πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί posted on 3/19/24. I’m posting the Rumble video, but here is the Reiner Fuellmich description:


“Covid-19 Was A Mass Mind Control Operation: Pandemic Used To Inflict Psychological Terror On World


What do transgenderism, pedophilia, and Covid-19 have in common?


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is here to talk about the mental terrorism inflicted on the world during the Covid pandemic.


According to Dr. Fuellmich’s findings, Covid was all fake.


It was an act of psychological terrorism acting as a pilot program for mass mind-control.


In effect, the purpose of all of it was to dumb down the population, making them more reliant on powerful institutions and more suggestible to extreme ideas.


One of the ultimate goals is also depopulation.”


Since the July interview with Stew Peters, Dr. Fuellmich was arrested in October 2023 which smacks a lot like internal greed from a Fuellmich associate (a Judas if you will) and EU-Globalist persecution to shut-up and shut-down Europe’s most famous critic of the COVID-Narrative and the mRNA-Narrative. Elsa Schieder (a Canadian Academic) is an ardent Fuellmich supporter and provided updates of Fuellmich’s arrest and show-trial persecution on two of her Substack pages: Elsa is Elsa and The Truth Summit. Elsa has a great rundown of how the EU trapped Dr. Fuellmich into an arrest on her 10/15/23 post entitled, “UPDATE on REINER FUELLMICH'S ARREST”. Len Kinder on his Substack page provides a decent evenhanded account of Fuellmich political persecution posted on 2/15/24 under the title, “PERSECUTION OF REINER FUELLMICH”. The most recent Duck-Duck-Go search I found on Dr. Fuellmich plight is at posted 3/19/24 (but points to Elsa as an update source) under the title, “Dr. Fuellmich provides insightful updates about his trial and arrest”.


And now the video:


Rumble VIDEO: Covid-19 Was A Mass Mind Control Operation: Pandemic Used To Inflict Psychological Terror On World

Posted by Stew Peters Network

Published July 10, 2023


What do transgenderism, pedophilia, and Covid-19 have in common?

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is here to talk about the mental terrorism inflicted on the world during the Covid pandemic.

According to Dr. Fuellmich’s findings, Covid was all fake.

It was an act of psychological terrorism acting as a pilot program for mass mind-control.

In effect, the purpose of all of it was too dumb down the population, making them more reliant on powerful institutions and more suggestible to extreme ideas.

One of the ultimate goals is also depopulation.

For some strange reason the global elites responsible for this mind control also want humanity to consent.

They want us to choose to put things in our body that are harmful and ultimately lead to death.

This mind control is more effective in the western world than in Africa.

The excess mortality rates from the bioweapon injections are high in developed countries.

The masses bought into the fear tactics and brainwashing and voluntarily injected themselves with deadly poison.

Most of our leaders and those in positions of power are actually psychopaths.

However, these leaders couldn’t have risen to power if the masses didn’t play along.

This is because the general public has been dumbed down due to the collapse of our education system.

We have been taught to follow orders and not think for ourselves.

There are a lot of people who are highly educated but also very stupid.

Cowardice fuels the stupidity of the general public.

Those who have perpetuated these crimes against humanity must be held accountable at Nuremberg 2.0.


MORE DESCRIPTION Stew Peters product related



Coup-Installed Biden Documented Foreign Bribes…Dems & RINOs: ‘Nothing to See Here – ONLY Believe False Trump Accusations’


Telegram Hidden Truth (an ASK-TO-JOIN Channel) posted an NTD News video of Senator Josh Hawley grilling FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate about FBI-hidden document FD-1023 showing Coup-Installed Biden took bribes from foreign sources. The Hidden Truth posted the video on 3/20/24 ( with only this description: “The FBI hates Americans”.


When Dems ACTIVELY cover up crimes by a sitting President, the smell of massive political treason by all involved (Congress & Executive Branch UNELECTED Bureaucrats) THERE is a stench Americans who still want a Land-of-the-Free-and-Home-of-the-Brave to be fumigated – VIGOROUSLY.


It is now March 2024 and these revelations of Coup-Installed Biden occurred in the Senate in June 2023. Dem-Marxists and RINOs are so entrenched in retaining power there has not been a smidgen of an effort to remove Biden from an Office he was installed at.


I’m going with the NTD News article that includes Youtube video:


Sen. Hawley Presses FBI Official to Release Biden ‘Bribery’ Document to American Public


By NTD Newsroom

June 13, 2023

NTD News


Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) questioned Deputy FBI Director Paul Abbate about an FD-1023 form about the Biden family at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday. The document allegedly shows President Joe Biden was involved in a pay-for-play scheme.


Youtube VIDEO: Sen Hawley Presses FBI Official to Release Biden ‘Bribery’ Document to American Public

Posted by NTD News

Posted on Jun 14, 2023





Bitchute VIDEO: Social Credit Systems Control Tyranny

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published March 21st, 2024 23:39 UTC


I found this clip on Telegram Hidden Truth (an ask-to-join channel) posted on 2/24/24. Since the channel is ask-to-join, there is channel-link and unusual – there is no post link either.


The very short clip is about a Social Credit System (as used by the CCP to control Chinese citizens) is utilized to CONTROL every aspect of an individual’s life, choices, decisions, purchases and so on. Hamlet Yousef (CFA Society of NY Bio:, the Managing Partner of Irongate Capital Advisors (Pitchbook profile: shares.


I found a Youtube version of the clip that claims Yousef was a part of a Netflix series on “Spycraft” posted on 3/19/22 ( Wikipedia on Netflix “Spycraft”: Netflix 2021 link to the Docuseries:


Telegram Description:


“Western surveillance technology helping to prop up China's technocratic and tyrannical  Social Credit System.


Be under no illusion this is just the pilot for what's to be rolled out across the western world.”



Rumble VIDEO (H/T: Telegram Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel - The End Of Human History As We Know It (Google Gemini & The CIA) | HelioWave

Posted by Just a Dude

Published March 13, 2024


In "The End of Human History As We Know It" by "HelioWave," [Blog Editor: Youtube HelioWave Channel ( Youtube version of video:] the narrator paints a chilling vision of a future where power has shifted away from humans to an alien intelligence, a non-human entity. The documentary focuses on the Google Gemini scandal, revealing how artificial intelligence is being crafted to sow division among humans and manipulate human behavior. The film highlights the dangers of companies like Google infusing identity politics into their code, arguing that this could lead to the erasure of human history. The narrator warns of the grave consequences that might arise from climate change narratives being embedded in AI, potentially resulting in a future where humanity is seen as a plague. The documentary also investigates the intricate connections between major tech companies and intelligence agencies, and their influence in swaying elections. The narrator provides a psychological analysis of the left's drive towards radicalization and misguided thinking due to ideological subversion. This must-watch documentary is essential for anyone seeking to understand the darker implications of AI and its potential repercussions on human history and society.