Friday, July 24, 2020

Reject Mask Mandates AND Protest

Playing catch-up – two submissions from Justin Smith.

The science behind wearing a mask to combat COVID has changed so often; a forced mandate from a bureaucrats, local and State governments must be withstood in civil disobedience and the Courts as unconstitutional.

JRH 7/24/20
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Reject the Mask Mandates -- Refuse to Comply
Americans: Fight for Your Liberty

By Justin O. Smith
Sent  7/22/2020 8:19 PM

"We are facing the greatest assault on our civil liberties in our lifetimes. The virus is real, but the government reaction is political and totalitarian. As it falls apart, will more Americans start fighting for their liberty?~ Dr Ron Paul, former U.S. Congressman (Texas)

All across America, the people are being prevented from living a normal quality life by the Governors of many states and the mayors of counties and cities, who have looked to the Center for Disease Control, for guidance in how they dictate acceptable behavior in society to the people, regarding the re-opening of businesses and schools and just everyday life. Of late, the most common diktat is compulsory mask wearing mandated in executive orders and delivered by these ill-informed petty tyrants, through the breathless media, thrilling over the prospects of an authoritarian utopian socialist hell.

Many powerful people in the various corporations and government offices have gained -- and are still gaining -- wealth and power from this Covid-19 panic, while good and decent patriotic Americans everywhere are asking what will it take to end this outrage, and that doesn't mean to modify it with any "new normal" decided by who knows whom and what connected authority. And since no one in authority is currently protecting and defending Inalienable Rights and Individual Liberty during this push towards a more authoritarian government ruling over society, a large percentage of Americans are left wondering just who will.

Our history will record one of the most ignoble times we have witnessed, as this massive COVID SCAM is based on a set of untruths and baseless assertions -- often outright lies -- that are being used to maintain fear through a virtual monopoly of communications to forestall challenges to the U.S. ruling class, led by the Democratic Party. And it will note the manner in which a failed opposition by the "majority" Republican Party confirmed the GOP as the ruling class's junior partner, although no default has been greater than that of America's Christian churches, supposedly the guardians of truth. [Bold text Blog Editor Agreement]

[Blog Editor: Consider COVID concepts pooh-poohed by the Left and Establishment:

o   Looking at COVID Tyranny; Posted by John R. Houk; SlantRight 2.0; 7/23/20]

Call it the plague of political agendas or the plague of voodoo science. Either title fits, when observing the ignorant and asinine orders, that emanate from the mania and psychotic neuroses or the Machiavellian desire of power of the petty tyrants, who have found their way to elected positions

However one sees it, when politics rule, science dies.

Even here in my home state of Tennessee, numerous mayors have now mandated masks. Mayor Rogers Anderson of Williamson County attached a hefty fine and a possible 11 months 29 days prison term with his mandate. And two days ago, on June 20th, the Mayor of Rutherford County, my home county, Bill Ketron ordered masks to be worn in an order that took effect today, July 22nd, and will end on August 3rd.

The Mayor of the City of Murfreesboro, TN., Shane McFarland recently told Jason Reynolds (Murfreesboro Post): "The majority of local health care officials ask the community to wear face coverings when social distancing is not possible. It is important for us to do all that we can to prevent the spread of the virus and avoid another shutdown. So, please cover the nose and mouth whenever you cannot social distance."

I guess they want to be seen giving the appearance of doing something.

Rutherford County Sheriff's Department is supposedly going to take a position of trying to "educate" the people on the importance of wearing masks. 

And yet, if the data from the [JOS] Tennessee Department of Health can be believed, Rutherford County has only had 43 die out of 4716 "confirmed and probable cases". This is approximately 1.1 percent, and it doesn't represent an emergency or a pandemic.

Let me educate all of the above who are participating in one of the largest propaganda and misinformation campaigns in United States history, because it appears they have not kept current on the science, or they are not too bright, or they are actively manipulating the people for political purposes that have little to do with any concern for my health or the health of anyone else. 

For all the smug self-assured politicians and healthcare department "inspectors" who haven't cracked a book in the past decade, if you say you are following the science, you are essentially abrogating your own duties and obligations in favor of the technocrats' theories, that aren't concerned with preserving anyone's liberty in the slightest. You always call for the science of this Covid-19 event, that has Americans everywhere making note of the regularly misleading and falsified data many of You have relied upon or advanced as the truth. Well here is your very own science.

The reference is "Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings -- Personal Protective and Environmental Measures' that was published in 'Emerging Infectious Diseases, Volume 26, Number 5, May 2020. This journal is published by the Center for Disease Control. 

This is an [JOS] excerpt from the abstract: "Here, we review the evidence base on the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical personal protective measures and environmental hygiene measures in non-healthcare settings and discuss their potential in pandemic plans. Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on the effectiveness of improved hygiene and environmental cleaning."

The following are excerpts from pages 970 through 972 of the review:

"In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs [randomized controlled trials] that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946 -- July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks .... There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure. Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. ... we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission ... [And] ... We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons [source control] or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility ...".

However, this is the same CDC that appears to be partners in crime with Democrat and RINO led states, Big Pharma and the Leftstream Media that cherry-picks data, omits real science, and positions mask-wearing as an absolute necessary rule, in line with taking a mandated vaccine.

China's own example proves definitively that the COVID virus is a whole lot less like the Plague, that it has been presented to the American people to be, and not too unlike the ordinary influenza virus. All the chaos in America surrounding this virus has been a direct result of the falsification of this basic truth.

This same CDC toyed with reporting deaths by attributing anything that looked similar to Covid, as a case of Covid, and so pneumonia, influenza and Covid were all documented as PIC. This expanded the death figure and caused it to exceed 100,000. However, if the same methods and criterion had been used, as was used with the SARS virus, namely "severe acute respiratory distress syndrome", by the end of June, the number would have been a mere 16,000. 

The "Best and Brightest" of our technocrats and medical professionals, the bumbling fools such as Dr Anthony Fauci, head of the NIH, and Dr Deborah Birx, predicted that two million Americans would die from "the Virus". They were joined by the U.S. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation that provided information justifying the lockdowns; this is the same institution that predicted on May 3rd, Sweden would be suffering 2800 daily deaths by May 14th, and the actual 40 deaths proved them horribly wrong, just like Fauci. Whether massive lies, reckless incompetence or willful complicity with Socialists and globalists determined to bring America down, just what justifies listening to -- or paying -- people who produce such flawed and deceptive "science"?

In May, the CDC, a fairly well discredited institution by now -- although the Leftist Media still aligns with it -- was forced to conclude that the lethality rate wasn't their originally predicted five percent, but rather, it was 0.26 percent, just double a typical flu. They were only able to achieve such a high percentage by once again falsifying data and factoring an unrealistically low figure for asymptomatic infections and inflating the figures of death by Covid. But rather than amending its recommendations in the face of reality, the U.S. federal government and many state governments have attempted to hide reality by playing a shell game with the definition and number of Covid "cases".

An infectious disease's true lethality is established in a characteristically straightforward manner. One tests a large sample of the population proportionately representative of location, age, sex, race and socioeconomic categories, and a month later, follow up with the subjects, in order to tally the rate of infections and learn the results. Period. America today still lacks this definitive, direct knowledge of Covid's true lethality, because bureaucrats have prevented widespread testing for the purpose of establishing the one figure that matters most, and without the true figure, they continue to get away with their despicable fearmongering.

Even the current rise in COVID-19 "cases" around the country, including over 2000 active cases in Rutherford County (TN), is misleading at best, and it is not a viable measure of a public health threat. It is following the same path as the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic and runs parallel to it in many regards.

Fear of a new illness, the Swine Flu -- led to a dramatic spike in testing, making it seem like a significant threat existed, as many tested positive. And yet, the death toll was fairly insignificant, once compared to the positive tests. America is witnessing the same thing happening with the Covid event; and the sudden availability of tests and the widespread testing of asymptomatic people is now driving the numbers of Covid "cases" skyward. 

Anthony Fauci called masks "necessary" in July, although he told 60 Minutes they did more harm than good in March, without the slightest scientific proof for either assertions. But, in surreal fashion, we hear L.A's Health Department specify that people should wash their hands after placing a face mask on their face and refrain from touching their face, except to don the face mask that contaminates their hands to begin with. Where's the science, Folks? Fauci also advocated for governors to permit people to congregate by the hundreds at places like Walmart and Krogers, but Heaven Forbid they try to worship in their churches. This Disgrace to Science also gave his imprimatur to sex among strangers but suggested Christians should not take Communion, as it was too intimate. What level of partisan stupidity does it require to believe any of this?

As noted by Dr. Ron Paul, even some Republicans are now being influenced and swayed by the mammoth amount of propaganda that inundates the media airways today, as he recently wrote: "Faced with a virus that has killed about one-third as many people as the normal, seasonal flu virus in 2018, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has endorsed a partial shutdown of the economy resulting in millions tossed into the despair of unemployment. ... he arbitrarily shut down bars because massively increased testing showed more people have been exposed to the virus. And he mandated that people wear face masks. Neither shutting down bars (instead of restaurants or Walmarts) nor forcing people to wear masks will have any effect on the progression of the virus through society. But at least he looks like he's doing 'something'."

No one can miss the manner in which those who would be King have hyped the dangers of Covid-19 and integrated them into the agendas of their constituency's manifold components to add force and momentum to the longstanding demands of each. The activists of Black Lives Matter, Women's Rights/ Feminism, Antifa and Global Warming have readily adopted and support all manner of socioeconomic restrictions on the pretense of saving lives from the Virus, as if it were their own cause. As the activists of Black Lives Matter and Antifa burn down our cities, they also wear masks in solidarity for their Red Brigade Communist Comrades, to show their commitment to the public's health, while simultaneously screaming their support of the deviant LGBTQ sexuality, abortion and ending the nuclear family. And it's all focused on "the fundamental transformation of America" and ensuring President Trump is unseated in November.

Going forward into the next decade, just as COVID-19 has been weaponized and politicized by the Far Left and Democratic Party's advocates of All That is Marx and Mao, as in abortion, global warming, open borders and the censorship of anything they deem to be "hate speech", every new virus, every sneeze and Gesundheit, every cough will be a new justification to step up controls and force Americans to comply with some other bit of tyranny. Their concern with the human condition has far less to do with humane treatment or the human rights of anyone than with seizing ever more power for themselves.

Today, it's "wear the mask or you can't buy groceries". What will it be tomorrow? You can't buy food unless You give up your firearms? You can't buy food unless you accept the mandated "Wonder Vaccine"? You can't buy food unless you lick my boots? Maybe it accelerates to "wear the mask or get on the train ... we have a nice camp and hot showers waiting for you".

All America has been subjected to unbridled government control through most of 2020, under the guise of a national emergency that has been used to trample on our constitutional rights, by way of an onslaught of executive orders that restricted every aspect of our personal lives, from work to play to the education of our children and on to when and how we can worship. They've dictated our medical treatment and forced us to follow "guidelines" that are not evidenced based "for the greater good". And although government plays a role in controlling the spread of infectious diseases, every individual has the right to be responsible for their own life and any perceived risks they may take; it is not the government's place to supplant anyone's moral and intellectual capacity to make sound decisions for themselves and their children, and it is dangerous to allow it to ever take place, sacrificing one's personal right for the collective.

Mandatory medicine and mandated interventions, such as social distancing and mask-wearing have no place in a free society. Every American has the right to make responsible decisions for themselves and their children based on their own unique medical needs and particular set of circumstances. 

Reject the mask mandates. Refuse to comply.

Never before in American history has there been so great a need for all America's true patriots to stand up and defend their Inalienable Rights. 

By Justin O. Smith
The Protest

This photo is courtesy of 
Audra Shelley Spence --- That's her, knelling and wearing the pink shirt with the flag. Andy Olsen is the Big Guy wearing the dark blue shirt with III 1776 on it to my left --- if You're looking at the pic, he's to the right of the pic. That's Jay Hill to the far right in the light blue shirt. Mike Johnson is to the left of me, looking at the pic. And that's Breanna King from LaVergne, kneeling in the blue dress, who was highly displeased with the answers she was receiving from Mayor Jason Cole of LaVergne. Sara in the Old Navy shirt. Melissa in the red. Unfortunately, I can't recall the other two ladies' names --- only that the lady wearing the striped shirt is a nurse, who hit Ketron hard with some real science. And of course, that's me in the "Born Ready" shirt, looking homely as all hell ..... HAhaHahaha.

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 7/23/2020 3:39 PM

I just returned from a meeting with Mayor Ketron that was arranged by Andy Olsen, and it was also quite telling. Essentially, Ketron has passed the buck to Gov. Bill Lee, explaining that the Gov had asked all the state's mayors to support this mandate, in a meeting they held on Monday. So, he's going along with this until August 3rd, in light of "the increase in Covid cases" in Rutherford County. He also mentioned that he personally had a good friend that was just placed on a ventilator.

I explained to him that the increase was only in "positive results" from an increase in testing and not actual confirmed cases of Covid. Further, I made note that masks are proven not to be effective in stopping the infected from passing the virus or preventing the uninfected from catching it. 

Something else I addressed was the fact that he was penalizing the greater majority of the population, since 99 percent of those who catch the virus survive, noting that of some 4700 cases in Rutherford County only 43 have died -- equal to 1.1 percent mortality rate from this virus, with national figures actually even much lower at .05%, and as such, his imprimatur on the masks has given added incentive for groceries to carry on with their own private policy requiring masks.

Ketron initially responded that he mandated the mask because so many people were ignoring his guidelines under "Rutherford Responsible", which got an uproar from people in the group, such as Jay Hill. All of us were of the same mind that we all, each and every single one of us have the moral and intellectual capacity to decide what is right and proper for our own health care and concerns. As one young lady noted, she doesn't wear a mask, but she does respect other people's space and tries to "social distance" if someone is nearby and wearing a mask, as she takes that as a sign, they have greater concerns over the lethal nature of Covid than she does. The point being, we just aren't going to wear the mask. 

His answer was, "I won't be enforcing it. Officers will only stop people to 'educate' them" to the dangers of the virus, which I said was a violation of our civil rights too. If he isn't going to enforce the mask mandate, then why even bother stopping anyone? It's all a great show and it's like I wrote in the article. He must be seen as doing something.

He said his order came after groceries started this, to which I told him that some groceries in Rutherford Co were not mandating masks, like Jrs Foodland, until he issued his order. Along with all the other mayors' illegitimate "orders", groceries now feel justified in following suit.

Many in attendance also addressed the religious rights aspect of this and the harmful effects that occur from catching the virus waste inside a mask and constantly rebreathing it, along with the lowered levels of oxygen. Several women with young children were in attendance and were actually concerned over known damage to a human body from wearing masks over extended period of times, and they didn't want their children wearing them.

Bill Ketron stated that children under 12 are not in the order and do not have to wear a mask in school, as his own order countermands the School Board's decision to require masks. So, we have competing government entities mandating several different things.

As reported by WKRN: "The Rutherford County School Board voted unanimously Tuesday night to require students to wear masks in schools. The decision came after a nearly two-hour discussion by school board members, who at first were divided on the issue."

One woman, Melissa, thanked Bill Ketron for taking the time to listen to everyone, and to his credit, he did stand there on the steps of the Courthouse, in the heat, and actually gave everyone an opportunity to voice their concerns and be heard. After I made mention of all the Left-wingers and communists at MTSU who had probably burned his phone lines up, he gave a little chuckle and said "yes .. last week this side got chewed (slapping his left backside) and today this side is getting chewed (slapping his right backside).

At that point, Mrs. Audra Spence asked if he was aware that many of the doctors and other proponents in the group advocating for the mask mandate were leftist Democrats who had donated funds and raised money for the Biden campaign.

In the end, he said he will be listening to all sides and make a decision whether or not to extend the order past August 3rd, when that day arrives, after someone in the crowd said that Governor Bill Lee was looking at extending the mandate past that point.

One woman, Audra Shelley Spence, a business owner in Shelbyville, drove to Murfreesboro to attend this, as did another young lady from the Manchester area. It wasn't a large crowd, but it was a great crowd of fine patriots who knew their minds and the issue at hand and made an outstanding showing and a firm and strong stand for Liberty.

It's not over by a long shot, since Andy Olsen, the event organizer, is filing a lawsuit to halt the mask mandate in Rutherford County. All those who understand that this is about so much more than a fairly survivable virus had better be standing up and being recognized, by throwing all the support they can his way. This is about stopping an unconscionable, reprehensible overreach of power by the state and county governments, that can and will have severe detrimental repercussions and consequences in the future, if left unanswered, as if it were "normal"

By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Text embraced brackets and embedded links except where indicated by “JOS” are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

1 comment:

  1. You have spoken the TRUTH and hot every topic. Thank you for the information..GREAT JOB!
    Now if people would take the time and read this they will see the lies and what really is going on...
