Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Arm of Monetary Censorship

John R. Houk
© January 10, 2018

I was suspended from Google AdSense for not having enough original content. My blogs tend to be of an aggregate nature. So, aggregate commenting and/or sharing others’ content for a comment (especially on G+ communities and Facebook Groups), is not original enough? If the answer is no, I request a review. If the answer is yes, then the requirements are too stringent!

AdSense was not a real big revenue source, yet the small remuneration produced a good feeling. I found it interesting my AdSense account was suspended just a mere $4.00 from a payout.

At any rate, it would be a great sign if a couple of bucks (or Euros???) were kicked in every now and then to make up for the tiny lost feel-good pittance from AdSense.

You could toss in those couple of bucks at my PayPal button at SlantRight 2.0 or the NCCR blog readers can CLICK HERE or the Ubiquitous8Thoughts readers can go to SlantRight 2.0 or click HERE for a PayPal monetary appreciation for any of my thoughts you agree with.

The AdSense suspension gave me an idea about helping my lovely wife Diana with here coffee business. Diana has a healthy coffee for purchase website and the website shows you how to make your own money on a part time to full time basis. I even placed a healthy coffee banner at SlantRight 2.0 that will take you to Diana’s website to pique any curiosity about coffee that tastes great (I ad cream) with ingredients that can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight:

That’s the pitch. All thanks to an AdSense suspension for the lame of excuse of not enough original content. I suspect the actual reason for a suspension is more about disagreeing with the content I post than a concern of a lack of original content.

Essentially, this is a censorship effect through the purse.

1 comment:

  1. Those who pose no threat merit no attention from their enemies.

    Congratulations. You have rattled someone's cage, somewhere.
