Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Coming Storm

Sharia- Terror's Secret Weapon

Thanks to President Barack Hussein Obama there is a coming storm aimed at America’s Christians. Justin Smith lays it out in this report.
JRH 4/19/15
The Coming Storm
By Justin O. Smith
Sent: 4/19/2015 3:08 AM
Christians in America today are under assault and facing persecution from an unholy alliance of marxofascist Progressives, Islamofascists and secular humanists, and although this started in the 1960s counterculture through leftist radicals in the media, government, academia and churches, Obama and his regime have launched an unprecedented assault on Christianity and religious liberty over the past six years. They are abusing their power, overreaching and attempting to transform "freedom of religion" into "freedom from religion" for those who hate the Christian faith, essentially using the courts and government agencies to eradicate Christian expression.
Since Barack Obama's rise to power, America has witnessed his administration issue a Homeland Security memorandum in 2009 that called evangelical Christians and pro-life groups "future threats to national security." This same administration pressed for this threat assessment to be released at West Point's Combating Terrorism Center and included in war games at Ft Leavenworth; and, they are also forcing Christian pastors serving in the U.S. military to stop referencing Jesus during official ceremonies, just as occurred during the 2012 Memorial Day ceremony honoring U.S. Veterans at Houston's National Cemetery.
Also, doesn't it alarm anyone that the mayor of a major U.S. city would have the arrogance and temerity to subpoena all the city's pastors for any sermons dealing with homosexuality and gender identity, trampling on their religious freedom?
Houston's openly lesbian mayor, Annise Parker, attempted this very thing in 2014, in an effort to make political and social commentary inside the church a crime. Her actions violated these pastors' rights of freedom of religion and the free exercise of their faith, even though she was eventually forced to abandon her assault.
America is also witnessing its school officials act in fanatical fashion in order to remove every trace of Christian expression from our school system. School valedictorians are commanded not to reference Jesus in their speeches, and in 2013, a Florida Atlantic student was banned from class for refusing to stomp on the name of Jesus during a class exercise, while a Sonoma State University student was ordered to remove a cross she was wearing because someone "could be offended." And even a little six-year old girl was not spared from their withering malevolence at a North Carolina elementary school, as she was ordered to remove the word "God" from a poem that she had written to honor her grandfathers, who both had served in the Vietnam War.
In 2009, Obama nominated a radical Leftist activist judge, David Hamilton, to the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. Hamilton has been repeatedly hostile against Christianity in the public arena. In Hinrichs v Bosma, he prohibited Christian prayers in the Indiana House of Representatives, and yet, he allowed prayers mentioning Allah.
More than this, America's Christians are made to suffer a lying, malevolent fool of a president, who earlier this year equivocated Islam's moral standing with that of Christianity, even though Islam has never been reformed and Christianity has; then over Easter holiday, Obama insulted Christians and misrepresented their views on the Religious Freedom Act.
During the first week of April 2015, Representative Louie Gohmert told the Faith and Liberty Radio Show that "Christians are the only people that it is politically correct to persecute" in America, and he warned that the U.S. is "not going to continue to see the blessings that America has experienced in the past" because of widespread anti-Christian persecution. Gohmert added that it is "extremely unfortunate that Christians all over the country now are being persecuted for believing what Moses said" about marriage.
Christianity is not allowed to cross the public school threshold, but under Obama, the public education system has been restructured to teach Islam through Common Core, while the Dept. of Justice has been instructed to censor any negative media and social discussion about Islam (e.g. Manchester, TN); and Muslim Brotherhood Members have been placed in the highest echelons of government, including Homeland Security, which is supposed to protect Americans from the very terrorists the Muslim Brotherhood trains and funds - all by design and all by the decree of Obama, an Islamofascist appeaser and enabler, who says he will "stand with Muslims if the political wind shifts in an ugly direction."
The only ugly, shifting political winds are blowing from Obama's Oval Office. It doesn't get much uglier than American Christians being attacked as "Islamophobes" and "homophobes," and worse, if they speak against the Islamists and the outrageously flamboyant celebration of homosexuality. Both the Islamists and the homosexuals, a combined 8% of the population who normally hate each other, hold an inordinate amount of power in U.S. politics and the government, receiving preferential treatment and privilege, and they have joined forces in order to eliminate the Christian heritage and Judeo-Christian principles in America.
Only Obama's sycophant supporters could have expected different results from a man whose father and step-father were Muslims. Not one person should have expected anything different from a man who attended Islamic schools during his formative years.
Early in March 2015, Reverend Franklin Graham warned on Fox News, that the White House and the Democrats "hate Israel and they hate Christians, and so the storm is coming ... we're going to see persecution in this country ... Nobody seems to be alarmed ... Nobody is saying anything about this, and we as Christians are going to lose."
Christian Americans aren't victims of faith-based murders on any large scale, not yet anyway, unless one counts those murdered by Islamofascist terrorists' attacks. As a new America flirts with fascism, do you think it's an implausible possibility? So did the Jews who survived the Holocaust.
America's Christians, most ordinary secular Americans and many religious minorities recognize the country faces a dire situation in the very near future. We understand that constrained faith, eventually leads to the constraint of all individual liberties, and in order to continue to succeed and thrive as a nation, good men and women must stop the Progressive self-destructive course and name and fight the evil that seeks to destroy good. And as citizens of a great nation founded on the principles of Christianity, we must be potent, resolved and resolute, as we stand in the face of any threat for our beliefs, free to make choices, to be generous, to live and ultimately to defend freedoms for America's Children.
By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
All links provided by this blog’s Editor intended to provide some background.
© Justin O. Smith

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