Saturday, April 18, 2015

Michele Bachmann, Faith and Politics

Michele Bachmann

John R. Houk
© April 18, 2015

Thanks to being on Newsmax’s email subscription list I discovered that former Rep. Michele Bachmann castigated President Barack Hussein Obama’s foreign policy moves. In and of itself that is not surprising with Bachmann’s admirable Conservative credentials as one of the House’s leaders of the Tea Party caucus. Maybe some of you knew that Bachmann is also a devout Christian who has been a member of an Evangelical-Charismatic believing Lutheran Church in Minnesota. This Michele Bachmann is a Bible believing tongue-talker – like me (See HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE).

I would cross post the Newsmax piece but they are a bit protect of their copyright brand and they have emailed (politely) their displeasure in the past. Newsmax tells me I can only use three or four paragraphs of their copyrighted material. Oh well.

Newsmax portrays itself as a Conservative media outlet. Oddly their Bachmann story was source from Right Wing Watch (Christian perspective that RWW is sure to hate) which is dedicated in vilifying all things Conservative as fringe politics much like I disparage Democrats as idiotic Leftists willing to toss the Founding Fathers’ Original Intent of the Constitution and replace it with a Living Constitution interpretation. The problem is the Living Constitution paradigm is all about molding laws to fit baby killing, terminating free speech that is contrary to the Leftist agenda, validating immoral alternative lifestyles and so on.

Bachmann’s Christian faith has exposed her to criticism from the Lame-Stream Media and a few Conservatives as well. Leftists and Republican Establishment elites view Bible believing Charismatics as dangerous extremism when it comes to politics. This is especially the case in Presidential politics. America’s press took no time at all to question Bachmann’s religious views as too Christian and backward for national leadership. It was irrelevant to the fact that a politician with strong political views were less corruptible than Leftists or Establishment Republicans.

Michele and her husband Marcus were vilified by the press for being involved in special Christian counseling clinics that exercised therapy for homosexuals to overcome the God-viewed abomination lifestyle. I mean - my God! Imagine a Bible believer being against homosexuality. After all the press and famous entertainers were just fine with a Presidential candidate that attended a White-hating BLT racist Pastor’s Church in Chicago for about 20 years. Or a candidate that that was mentored by an openly Communist White-hating African American considered a Leftist intellectual whose hobby was pornography with some evidence of pedophilia (HERE and HERE). Or a candidate that subscribed to a Leftist political training community organizing of Saul Alinsky who desired to end the Free Market American dream. Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn went on a Communist terrorist revolution spree of violence in the 1960s and still evaded prison due to the same legal technicalities they tried to take down as terrorists. Despite of the Obama/Ayers lies, these two had a tight relationship, but the media has done everything to twist this fact.

See Also:

Even with these Left Wing red flags, Barack Hussein Obama was elected President in 2008. AND even with a burgeoning explosion of scandals, the White House has done remarkably well to stall or lie to Congressional investigations to reelect a President Obama in 2012. All this presents an image of an ethical compulsive liar.

Michele Bachmann takes a moral and Christian faith stand and the Lame Stream Media fries her and her husband for being extreme. Go figure, right?

No longer in Congress, Michele Bachmann is less concerned about Lame Stream Media fallout. This is evident in the Newsmax article about Bachmann appearing on a radio podcast interview with Jan Markell in which former Rep. Bachmann discusses President Obama’s foreign policy pertaining to the agenda of making any kind of deal with Iran with the excuse some kind of deal is better than no deal. Bachmann believes if Obama is successful with an Iran nuke deal that will lead to nuclear weapons of mass destruction (WMD), Obama will be ushering in the circumstances that will lead to an End Times Armageddon which essentially lead to the Second Coming of Christ.

America’s Left jumped on Michele Bachmann’s assertion on a Christian program as further evidence of a Right Wing Christian nut job. I view the Markell/Bachmann interview as a bad news/good news prediction. Bad because of the needless idiotic suffering Obama will initiate that will make Hitler’s WWII genocide look like a picnic. AND good because the Savior Jesus Christ will finally return to reverse the curse of Leftist ideologues, Jew-haters and Christian-haters (cough – can you say Islam?).

Here is my allotted Newsmax excerpt followed by a cross post of a Christian Post article of similar information but minus using Right Wing Watch as a source.

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., believes that President Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran, and his opposition to Israel, is going to bring on the biblical End Times, plunging the U.S., and the world, into Armageddon.

On the radio show, "Understanding the End Times" with Jan Markell, Bachmann insisted that Obama's actions will bring economic and natural disaster on the U.S.
Right Wing Watch Audio

Bachmann said that Obama's "anti-Israel" and "pro the goals of Islamic jihad" policies will have dire consequences for the U.S.

"Our president is as ignorant of Islamic scripture as he is of Islamic history, or he is trying to intentionally lie to the American people," Bachmann told Markell.

Right Wing Watch Audio

… (Michele Bachmann Predicts Return of Jesus Due to Obama; By John Blosser; Newsmax; 4/15/15 12:04 PM)

JRH 4/18/15
Michele Bachmann Says Jesus' Second Coming is 'Imminent;' Obama's Nuclear Negotiations With Iran Are 'Pro Islamic Jihad'
April 16, 2015|5:20 pm

Former congresswoman and 2012 Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has accused President Barack Obama of being "pro the goals of Islamic jihad," which she explains includes welcoming the "hidden imam" to bring on the apocalypse.

In appearing on the "Understanding the End Times" radio program with Jan Markell last weekend, the 59-year-old Minnesotan bashed the president's foreign policy goals as being aligned with the goals of Islamic extremists, who she argues have the ultimate goal of bringing about the end of the world and paving the way for the Islamic Messiah.

"Our president, who is as consistent in his foreign policy world view, which is to be anti-Israel and pro, and I'll say it in my own words, pro the goals of Islamic jihad, because that is what we are seeing," Bachmann asserted. "These are the goals of Islamic jihad."

She explained that in February, Obama tried to justify the potential nuclear agreement with Iran by saying that Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said it was against Islam to obtain a nuclear weapon.

Bachmann decried that "myth" and stated that Obama is either "ignorant of Islamic scripture" or he is trying to perpetuate a lie to the American public.

"Not only is there any such fatwa, he said that the supreme leader issued a fatwa, issuing a religious opinion, that it said that it was against Islam to obtain a nuclear weapon. Only there has ever been this fatwa found, nobody has ever seen it or heard it. It has never been published," Bachmann said. "But, it reveals that our president is as ignorant of Islamic scripture as he is at Islamic history. Or, he is trying to intentionally lie to the American people. We don't know which it is."

Bachmann also called out the fact that Iran's President Hassan Rouhani labeled Iran's diplomacy with the United States as an "active jihad" in early March.

"Our negotiations with the world powers are a source of national pride," Rouhani said in March. "Yesterday your brave generals stood against the enemy on the battlefield and defended their country. Today, your diplomatic generals are defending [our nation] in the field of diplomacy — this, too, is jihad."

Bachmann goes on to further explain Iran's Shia Muslim goals by stating that they foresee and eventual world were only Islam reigns.

"Islam is a flame because they see to that their scripture is being fulfilled. If you are a Shia, you believe that we are going to see the hidden imam soon come back and we will have an apocalypse and we will have an all-out war and then peace will come with only Islam reigning," she said. "If you are Sunni Islam, you also believe that it is the end of the age. As Christians, we know that the word of God is true. Let's preach the true living word of God from every pulpit so that believers can know what God's time clock is."

She urged more pastors to speak from their pulpits about the end of times, which she says is coming near. She contends that while Christian pastors and priests are not speaking on the end of times, Muslims are preparing for the coming of their twelfth imam.

"Talk about what you see in the newspaper every single day. We can talk about God's time clock and the fact that Jesus Christ's return is imminent. Is there anything more important to talk about?" Bachmann asked. "That needs to occupy our time and our thoughts from virtually morning to night because we have very little time, in my opinion, left before the second return of Christ."
Michele Bachmann, Faith and Politics
John R. Houk
© April 18, 2015
Michele Bachmann Says Jesus' Second Coming is 'Imminent;' Obama's Nuclear Negotiations With Iran Are 'Pro Islamic Jihad'

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