Sunday, September 19, 2010

When RINOs Fight Back

John R. Houk
© September 19, 2010

Lisa Murkowski is undoubtedly an example of the Republican Party establishment trying to steer the Party away from a Conservatism that is for limited government, less taxes, Original Intent Constitutionalism and America’s Christian influence on American principles of governance and society. Senator Murkowski lost her GOP primary bid to retain her Republican aegis to Republican nominee Joe Miller.

After a close primary count Murkowski finally conceded when it became apparent that a 60% pick-up in Absentee Ballots would be needed to win. At the time I thought it was to Murkowski’s credit that she did not use the Republican establishment machine to pull a Dem stunt by calling for poll recounts until a predetermined win of Murkowski occurred.

Now it has come out that Senator Murkowski is coming out and calling for a Write-in candidacy to remain Alaska’s Senator. She is not basing a Write-in campaign on what she brings to Alaska as an incumbent. Rather Murkowski has decided to accuse Joe Miller of extremist Conservatism and the Tea Party Movement a racist political movement.

I pray that Alaskan voters see this RINO Senator Murkowski as running as a Leftist in Democratic Party form even though the Dems have their own nominee in Scott McAdams. McAdams’ political strategy is to NOT reveal any stand that a typically Conservative can weigh in on. When Murkowski lost the GOP primary the Dems must told McAdams to keep his mouth shut and then began to paint Joe Miller as an extremist connected to Leftist propagandizing that the Tea Party Movement (with a focus on the Tea Party Express) are a bunch of racist Right Wingnuts. Murkowski has picked up the Left Wing propaganda of if you can’t beat’em then smear’em. This proves ABSOLUTELY that Murkowski was a Republican in Name Only.

Here are two Tea Party Express emails talking about Murkowski’s sore loser decision to run as a write-in as well as talking about other RINOs going down in flames and then running as an Independent or supporting the Democratic Party opponent.

JRH 9/19/10
Lisa Murkowski Called You "Extremist" and "Racist"

Sent by: Tea Party Express
Sent: 9/18/2010 6:55 PM

The famed liberal RINO, defeated Sen. Lisa Murkowski, continued her attack on you, the supporters of the Tea Party Express.

Murkowski had twice previously called the Tea Party Express "racist."

Friday, Murkowski repeatedly told both the news media and supporters at the launch of her "Write In" campaign that the Tea Party Express was an "extremist" group. She also repeatedly called us "outsiders" and said we had hijacked the Republican Party.

We've always marveled at how Murkowski refers to fellow Americans as "outsiders" - especially since we have thousands of Tea Party Express members in the state of Alaska. Their voices don't count in Lisa Murkowski's world.

We're used to the attacks by the establishment that the tea party movement is "racist" and "extremists" - it's shameful and dishonest, but we're used to it. The one area we could at least find agreement with Lisa Murkowski with is that we are going to "hijack the Republican Party."

That's right Lisa Murkowski - it is indeed our plan to hijack this party from corrupt, failed, establishment liberals like you and your buddy Mike Castle in Delaware. It was liberal politicians like you and Arlen Specter and Olympia Snowe who defied the Republican Party platform and the beliefs and principles of Republican voters, to try and turn the Republican Party into a mirror image of the tax-spend-bailout Democrat Party.

Well, your time in power is up. And apparently in your specific case we're going to have to defeat you not just once but twice - as you didn't get the message "YOU'RE FIRED" very clearly the first time.

To our supporters we ask that you please make the most generous contribution you can to our campaign supporting Joe Miller so we can defeat Lisa Murkowski yet again. You can make a contribution online - HERE.

You can give as little as $5 and as much as $5,000 under FEC laws and regulations.

If you prefer you can mail in a contribution payable to "Tea Party Express" to our headquarters:

Tea Party Express
P.O. Box 1863
Sacramento, CA 95812
MUST SEE VIDEO: Watch Lisa Murkowski Attack YOU on CNN today

Sent by: Tea Party Express
Sent: 9/19/2010 1:10 PM

We've been telling you about Lisa Murkowski's attacks against all of you who have supported the Tea Party Express.

Today she stepped up her attacks on you, and showed utter contempt for the people of Alaska who rejected her candidacy in the Republican primary. You've got to see her in her own words from this clip on CNN - watch it below:

These liberal RINO politicians are shameful - they tell us about their "big tent" and then display complete hypocrisy when the voters reject them.

Remember Arlen Specter? He left the Republican Party when it was clear he would lose against his conservative challenger, Pat Toomey, in the U.S. Senate primary in Pennsylvania.

Remember Dede Scozzafava? She was the liberal Republican running for Congress in the special election in NY-23 last year - and she left the Republicans and endorsed the Democrat when Republicans in her district rallied around Doug Hoffman.

Remember Charlie Crist? He left the Republican Party to run as an Independent in the U.S. Senate race in Florida when it was clear that conservative challenger Marco Rubio was going to defeat him.

This past week we saw the same kind of behavior from Mike Castle in Delaware who is refusing to endorse the Republican nominee for Senate, Christine O'Donnell.

And now you have Lisa Murkowski - who pledged just 5 days before the election in Alaska that she would back the Republican primary winner - launching a write-in campaign, after she first tried to steal the election by altering the count of late absentee ballots after the Election Day results showed her trailing behind Joe Miller.

What do all of these people have in common? They want everyone to abide by the election results and live in their "big tent" -- so long as THEY are the winners. It's all about power for THEM.

This is why the status quo, political establishment is so wrong and why they've failed us. They don't care about their country so much as they care about their own power. That's why these politicians never listened to the tea party protests against bailouts, against Cap & Trade, against the stimulus, against ObamaCare, etc...

And this is why we must defeat them and make it very clear for them that the voters have sent this unmistakable message through their votes at the polls: YOU'RE FIRED!

Since Lisa Murkowski didn't get the message the first time, we're going to have to make sure she dang well gets the message the second time - and we must defeat her "write-in" campaign in a resounding fashion.

To our supporters we ask that you please make the most generous contribution you can to our campaign supporting Joe Miller so we can defeat Lisa Murkowski yet again. You can make a contribution online - HERE.

You can give as little as $5 and as much as $5,000 under FEC laws and regulations.

If you prefer you can mail in a contribution payable to "Tea Party Express" to our headquarters:

Tea Party Express
P.O. Box 1863
Sacramento, CA 95812

When RINOs Fight Back
John R. Houk
© September 19, 2010
Tea Party Express Emails

Paid for and authorized by the Our Country Deserves Better PAC/, a federal political action committee, which is responsible for the content of this message. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contributions are not tax detectable for tax purposes.

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