Friday, September 20, 2024

Do Deep State Oligarchs Assassinate Threats to Power?

YUP! Historical Observations Appears That’s the Case.

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© September 20, 2024


Unless one is just way too gullible in trusting the dark corridors of the U.S. Government, one should at the very least be aware there are puppeteers pulling clandestine strings to remove Donald Trump from any kind power mechanism. Even if that means managing a behind the curtains assassination.


On 9/16/24 I cross posted Dr. Robert Malone’s musings on yet ANOTHER attempted Trump assassination (the cross post & Dr. Malone original). Dr. Malone mused that the tentacles of the CIA might be involved.


On 9/17/24 Greg Reese posted on his Substack page a rough (and highly probable) history of U.S. clandestine operations assassinating individuals the Deep State found objectionable to their grip on power implying MK Ultra was never disbanded.


(I found this interesting post on MK Ultra from 2013 from a website called Elite Agenda [The website’s last post appears to be 2018 so who knows how long it will exist]: MK-Ultra: Then and Now – A thorough analysis of mind control – Part ONE & TWO)


Then on September 17 and 18, Roger Stone’s Substack page ran two posts on the Donald Trump assassination attempt. I uploaded this Substack videos to my Rumble Channel which I’ll post last.


THE POST that got the wheels of my grey matter turning is a Vigilant News Network post highlighting 2:42-Minutes of a Jesse Watters monologue wondering just what was the source of Ryan Routh’s income over the last few years in travel and living expenses that led to an attempt on Donald Trump’s life at a Florida Golf Course?


My sense is Watters spoke in questioning generalities trying to avoid Fox News (Mockingbird – SEE [dates from oldest to newest] HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, & HERE) head honchos’ wrath. BUT the implications are clear: SOMEBODY in the U.S. GOVERNMENT is pulling strings to end Donald Trump.


Watch and listen to these fellows. I SUSPECT you will come to the same conclusions that a U.S. Deep State hit job agenda is in operation (unless of course you are one of the brainwashed minions of the Dem-Marxist Party).


JRH 9/20/24


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Something Stinks About Trump’s Would-Be Assassin, and Jesse Watters Can Smell It

The deeper you dive into Ryan Routh’s past, the more suspicious it gets.


By Vigilant Fox

September 19, 2024


Watters on Ryan Routh (VNN Photo)


On Thursday evening, Jesse Watters raised some serious questions about the would-be assassin in the latest attempt on Trump’s life. The deeper you dive into Ryan Routh’s past, the more suspicious it gets. And when you piece it all together, none of it makes sense.


Take a moment to consider Routh’s circumstances:


1. How was Ryan Routh, “a man with no money for child support,” able to suddenly start living in a pricey house in Hawaii and afford flights to Taiwan, Turkey, Poland, and Ukraine?


2. Why has Routh “never served a day in jail” when he has “100 different counts” to his name?


3. Why was Routh’s fiancée, who just lost her job at Victoria’s Secret, okay with him flying to Ukraine for months at a time?


4. How was he able to feed himself in Ukraine when he only had “$68 in [his] bank account.”


5. “And everywhere he goes, he gets press from the local papers to the New York Times to Newsweek.”


The whole thing stinks, and it suggests that someone other than his “fiancée” was supporting him.


WATCH [Blog Editor: VNN embedded the X/Twitter video. I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and will use that version]:


Bitchute VIDEO: Jesse Watters - Something Stinks About Trump’s Would-Be Assassin

[Posted by SlantRight2

Published September 20, 2024




Click here to watch the full report from Jesse Watters on X.


Copyright © 2024 Fox Media Group Inc. All rights reserved unless otherwise noted.





Lone Gunmen and Tell Tale Signs of an MK Ultra Assassin

Second failed Trump assassination by mind controlled drone


By Greg Reese

September 17, 2024

The Reese Report (Substack)


Rumble VIDEO: Lone Gunmen and Tell Tale Signs of an MK Ultra Assassin

[Posted by Reese Report

Published September 17, 2024




From what we learn about the recent would be Trump assassin, he seems to have clearly been an asset of the Deep State. He’s been criminally charged over a hundred times including once for possessing an unregistered fully automatic firearm.


He was recruiting mercenaries to fight in Ukraine and was on the mainstream news to discuss this. He appeared in a video promoting the Azov Brigade.


And despite all this, he was somehow able to get a rifle across state lines and within shooting distance to Donald Trump just two months after a failed assassination attempt.


As Edward Snowden pointed out, there is an ‘Oswald Vibe’ here. And he’s right. Almost every assassination conspiracy in history has the same tell tale signs.


Take deep-state heavyweight George H.W. Bush for instance.


Although he said he didn’t remember where he was that day, George Bush was in Dallas when JFK was shot. He confidentially reported in to the FBI with a cryptic message an hour after the assassination from the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel. During this time, George Bush was covertly working for the CIA.


CIA asset George de Mohrenschildt, who became friends with Lee Harvey Oswald a year before the JFK assassination, was family friends with George Bush. Bush wrote in an internal CIA memo that he "first met him in the early 40's.” and was associated with him for over a decade.


Fast forward to when George Bush was Vice President alongside President Ronald Reagan, and Reagan was shot by John Hinckley. The Hinckley family was friends with the Bush family since the nineteen-fifties when they were neighbors in Midland, Texas. The Hinckleys were donors to George Bush’s political campaigns. And supported George W. when he first launched his political career. The families were still close at the time of the shooting, but this was ignored by the media.


George Bush’s son, Neil Bush, said that he was scheduled to have dinner with John Hinckley’s brother, Scott, the day after the shooting. And told the press that Scott Hinckley had been at his house for his surprise birthday party a couple of months earlier.


John Hinckley Jr. was living with his parents during the time he shot Reagan. His father, John Hinckley Sr., was employed at World Vision, a nonprofit funded by CIA proxy USAID. The lone gunman who shot and killed John Lennon, Mark David Chapman, was also an employee of World Vision.


In the fall of 1980, Hinckley was arrested at Nashville airport carrying three guns and was believed to have been stalking President Jimmy Carter, the political opponent of George Bush at the time. The police let him go. Right after that, Hinckley was reportedly stalking the actress Jodie Foster and claimed to have been hearing “voices” in his head.


Notes written by Hinckley were later found where he wrote of a conspiracy to assassinate the president. This was dismissed by his parents as being “an imaginary conspiracy.” And ignored by the court. Dozens of pages concerning Hinckley’s personality, his associates, and his financials were deleted by the FBI, and It was decided that Hinckley was insane and acting alone. He was sent to St. Elizabeth’s mental hospital, a hospital with a long history of involvement with the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program.


This is just quick glimpse at one of many old soldiers of the deep-state. This sort of thing has been going on forever.


The only difference now is that the younger generation, most likely victims of trauma based mind control themselves, don’t seem to have the skills or the motivation that their parents and grandparents had. And because of the internet, more people are seeing it and pushing for the truth. And maybe someday we will stand up against it, rather than watching it slowly eat us all.


© 2024 Greg Reese

The Reese Report HOMEPAGE




Rumble VIDEO: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump – EXCLUSIVE Analysis - Jack Posobiec & Roger Stone


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 20, 2024


This Roger Stone video is from his Substack STONE COLD TRUTH ( posted on 9/17/24 ( The full title: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump – EXCLUSIVE Analysis w/ Jack Posobiec & Roger Stone: Posobiec recalls that Stone predicted after the assassination assault on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th, that there would be a second.


Opening 1st Two Paragraphs:


“Roger Stone is joined by Jack Posobiec, Human Events Senior Editor and former U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer, to review developing information regarding the second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump which occurred yesterday on a West Palm Beach golf course.


Posobiec recalls that Stone predicted after the assassination assault on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th, that there would be a second and perhaps third assassination attempt on the former president.”



Rumble VIDEO: Why Florida Will Conduct Its Own Probe on LATEST Attempted Hit on Trump – Owen Shroyer


Posted by SlantRight

Published September 20, 2024


This Roger Stone video is from his Substack STONE COLD TRUTH ( posted on 9/18/24 ( The full title: “Why Florida Will Conduct Its Own Probe on LATEST Attempted Hit on Trump – w/ Owen Shroyer: Stone notes that the accused shooter was able to fly from Hawaii to West Palm Beach because, unlike Tulsi Gabbard, he was not on a secret TSA domestic terrorist watch list”.


Opening 1st Two Paragraphs:


“Owen Shroyer, host of The War Room on Infowars, joins Roger Stone and Editor-in-Chief Troy Smith to discuss the latest developments in the recent second assassination attempt on President Donald Trump.


Stone notes that the accused shooter, Ryan Wesley Routh, was able to fly from Hawaii to West Palm Beach because, unlike Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Ryan Wesley Routh was not on a secret TSA domestic terrorist watch list. Stone also noted that Wesley Routh lay in wait for Trump for over twelve hours, which indicated that he had certain advance knowledge that Trump would play golf at his West Palm Beach golf club.”

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Intro to Wanjiru Njoya ‘Newspeak’ Brainwashing

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

September 19, 2024


The American Democratic Party is devolved whole heartedly into a TRANSFORM AMERICA organization away from America’s FOUNDING PRINCIPLES into a Globalist/Marxist totalitarian State.


How has this process become so successful?


Largely by twisting original meanings of words associated with American Liberty into something sounding beneficial BUT is actually cloaked in masking EVIL as GOOD.


George Orwell’s “1984” called this deceptive brainwashing process “Newspeak”.


Wanjiru Njoya is an Academic who has been associated with University of Exeter Law School (UK) and the Mises Institute has written an essay on how the Globalist Left has used “Newspeak” to warp the thoughts of the masses beginning with the premise of Human Rights. Reading the essay could be a step for brainwashed minions to STOP being a controlled Sheeple Class.

Wanjiru Njoya ( Photo)


JRH 9/19/24


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers to chip in $5 - $10 - $25 - $50 - $100 (one-time or recurring). PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

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The Ruling Elites Create an Orwellian Reinterpretation of Human Rights


By Wanjiru Njoya –

September 18, 2024


Ludwig von Mises depicts the aim of revolutionary socialism as: “to clear the ground for building up a new civilization by liquidating the old one.” One of the main strategies in liquidating a civilization involves dismantling its legal and philosophical foundations. This role is fulfilled by activists who embark upon “sabotage and revolution” by subverting the meaning of words: “The socialists have engineered a semantic revolution in converting the meaning of terms into their opposite.”


George Orwell famously called this subversive language “Newspeak.” Peter Foster describes Newspeak as “a sort of totalitarian Esperanto that sought gradually to diminish the range of what was thinkable by eliminating, contracting, and manufacturing words.”


Mises explains that dictators express their ideas in Newspeak precisely because, if they did not, nobody would support their schemes:


This reversal of the traditional connotation of all words of the political terminology is not merely a peculiarity of the language of the Russian Communists and their Fascist and Nazi disciples. The social order that in abolishing private property deprives the consumers of their autonomy and independence, and thereby subjects every man to the arbitrary discretion of the central planning board, could not win the support of the masses if they were not to camouflage its main character. The socialists would have never duped the voters if they had openly told them that their ultimate end is to cast them into bondage. (emphasis added)


[Blog Editor: At this point places a link to a paperback copy of Orwell’s “1984” – AMAZON]


In the proliferation of Newspeak, the reinterpretation of “human rights” has proved to be one of the most powerful weapons of sabotage and revolution. Activists have seized control of a vast empire of international law, NGOs, and human rights charities with a global network of staff who monitor respect for “human rights.” They wield their significant influence in the human rights industry to undermine human liberty by redefining the meaning of “human rights” to denote the antidiscrimination principle. Under the banner of equality and nondiscrimination, they restrict free speech and other human liberties. In other words, the doctrine of “human rights” now denotes the precise opposite: the destruction of human liberty.


The “human right” to non-discrimination


Human rights no longer mean what many might suppose: the right to life, liberty, and property. The vast corpus of human rights in international law has been categorized by Karel Vašák into three: civil-political, socio-economic, and collective-developmental. These categories are said to encompass negative rights (things the state must not do, such interfering with life, liberty, or property), positive rights (things the state must do, for example, provide citizens with food, shelter, education, healthcare, etc.), and rights of solidarity between citizens such as wealth redistribution through social welfare schemes and equal participation in economic progress through measures such as the minimum wage or equal pay.


Human rights organizations monitor progress against these categories and ensure that the legal system works in favor of socialist goals and against liberty. For example, the United Nations human rights program educates the public on the need to eradicate “hate speech” and interprets “equal protection” of the law, as a fundamental human right, to mean protection from hate speech. The UN says:


Addressing hate speech does not mean limiting or prohibiting freedom of speech. It means keeping hate speech from escalating into more something more dangerous, particularly incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence, which is prohibited under international law.


From that description, it can be seen that the UN takes a concept which is well-established in the criminal law, namely, prohibiting incitement to violence, and links it to notions of incitement to discrimination and incitement to hostility, which have never before been recognized as crimes. They annex discrimination and hostility to the charge of inciting violence because, if they did not, it would be immediately clear to everyone that criminalizing “discrimination” or “hostility” amounts to nothing less than Newspeakian crimethink.


The meaning of human rights


In his article, “There’s no such thing as Human Rights,” the British journalist Peter Hitchens argues that,


Human rights do not exist. They are an invention, made out of pure wind. If you are seriously interested in staying free, you should not rely on these flatulent, vague phrases to help you.


They are in fact a weapon in the hands of those who wish to remove your liberty and transform society, though this is probably an accident. It is only in the past 50 years or so that radical judges have realised these baseless declarations can be used (for example) to abolish national frontiers or give criminals the right to vote.


In that context, Hitchens is referring not to the ancient liberties protected by Magna Carta, but to the Newspeakian rights now enshrined in human rights instruments, such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights. Human rights have been transformed into wooly concepts which merely reflect political and partisan demands.


Murray Rothbard avoids the ambiguity surrounding the meaning of human rights by defining them as property rights. In the Ethics of Liberty, he explains:


…the concept of “rights” only makes sense as property rights. For not only are there no human rights which are not also property rights, but the former rights lose their absoluteness and clarity and become fuzzy and vulnerable when property rights are not used as the standard.


In the first place, there are two senses in which property rights are identical with human rights: one, that property can only accrue to humans, so that their rights to property are rights that belong to human beings; and two, that the person’s right to his own body, his personal liberty, is a property right in his own person as well as a “human right.” But more importantly for our discussion, human rights, when not put in terms of property rights, turn out to be vague and contradictory, causing liberals to weaken those rights on behalf of “public policy” or the “public good.”


Thus, the Rothbardian interpretation of human rights denotes the universal right to self-ownership and private property that vests in all human beings.


Bureaucratic reinterpretation


In practice, the meaning of human rights is subject to interpretation by courts or other law enforcement officials. Therefore, human rights ultimately mean only what they are interpreted to mean by law enforcement, not what they may theoretically, politically, or philosophically. Lowell B. Mason, an attorney and former chair of the Federal Trade Commission explains the significance of bureaucratic interpretation by observing wryly that:


When in private practice I never told clients what the law was; I always told them what the bureaucrats thought the law was… The legality or illegality of what you do often depends not on the words of a statute enacted by your elected representatives, but on the state of the collective liver of a dozen anonymous bureaucrats.


Being well aware of this, the goal of activists is to ensure that “human rights” are interpreted so as to advance their goals. This explains the concerted efforts to depict “hate speech” as a human rights violation. In this way the commitment of states to protecting “human rights” is transformed, through the prism of the antidiscrimination principle, into an edict to prohibit hate speech. The word “hate” is interpreted to mean having the temerity to disagree with socialists, and similarly, the word “equality” is interpreted to mean wealth redistribution to achieve equality of material conditions.


Mason explains how it is possible for bureaucrats, charged with law enforcement, to reinterpret the Constitution to suit whatever they think the law ought to achieve. No matter how carefully a law is drafted, it will always require interpretation, and this is where the bureaucrats strike as they purport to be applying the “evolving” meaning of the Constitution. Mason explains:


“Of course,” he will reassure you, “the Constitution still stands as a bulwark to liberty but it is a growing instrument that adapts itself to the times, and while it has not been repealed or amended, it has necessarily been reinterpreted so that due process (as it was known in the past) no longer unduly encumbers the administration of the law.”


Through Newspeak, the Constitution itself has been reinterpreted, enabling socialists to claim that they support free speech and also support the prohibition of “hate speech.” Mises explains that this subverts the concept of freedom into its very opposite: “Freedom implies the right to choose between assent and dissent. But in Newspeak it means the duty to assent unconditionally and strict interdiction of dissent.” In that sense, the concept of “hate speech” is not compatible with free speech. In denoting any dissent as “hate,” it is the very negation of free speech and freedom of thought. Through Orwellian Newspeak, ordinary words like “liberty,” “justice,” and “equality”—values that most people would support—have been subverted and harnessed to promote socialism.


Note: The views expressed on are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.


Dr. Wanjiru Njoya is a Scholar-in-Residence for the Mises Institute. She is the author of Economic Freedom and Social Justice (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021), Redressing Historical Injustice (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, with David Gordon) and “A Critique of Equality Legislation in Liberal Market Economies” (Journal of Libertarian Studies, 2021). HOMEPAGE ABOUT PAGE DONATION PAGE