Sunday, August 11, 2024

VIDEOS – Remember The Tyranny PT 1

There is a Tyranny to Resist – Jog Your Memory

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 11, 2024


As the loyal readers are aware, I accrue numerous videos I’ve downloaded or saved from various Social and Video Platforms due to personal interest or fascination. I may not agree with everything said in the videos but probably agree with most of the content. This is where you employ some of your own critical thinking.


This haul of videos has become huge, which means there is no way I’ll be sharing them in one post. Some are short and a few are long, so watch as your time permits.


There will be a mixture addressing political tyranny and medical tyranny. And some videos might be a little dated, in which case consider the viewing a refresher course.


JRH 8/11/24


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Bitchute VIDEO: Medical Mutilation is a Crime

Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 10, 2024


I first discovered the link to this video either Telegram AFLDS or Simone Gold, cannot remember which. The link ( sends to an AFLDS post of Dr. Simone Gold talking (16:56) about the Medical Mutilation of Children brainwashed into believing they should change the gender that God Almighty gave them at birth.


AFLDS Description:


“What is commonly referred to as Gender-Affirming Care involves life-altering procedures that carry high risks. Recognizing the profound, irreversible harm associated with hormonal and surgical interventions aimed at addressing gender dysphoria, AFLDS calls for an immediate moratorium on these interventions for children.”



X-Twitter VIDEO (derived title): The Rubber Duck ™ - 2-Min. of Deep State Info from X-Twitter


Posted by The Rubber Duck ™

Posted on July 20, 2024


blue lit flat black screens. the ClA. the Mafia. operation paperclip. MKUltra. Vegas. and RFKjr. all in 2 minutes.



X-Twitter VIDEO [H/T: The Last Refuge/]: Donald Trump narrates the assassination attempt on his life over the actual footage


Posted by MilkBarTV (X/Twitter)

Posted on July 22, 2024



Bitchute VIDEO: The Highwire Episode 381 - COUNTERING THE NARRATIVE


Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 10, 2024


I found this 1:31:25-Hour episode on The Highwire website ( posted on 7/18/24 (


The Highwire Description:


“The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on a Key Piece of the Puzzle That Contributed to the Attempt on Donald Trump’s Life, Former CDC Director Exposes a Data Coverup, and California Passes Yet Another Law That Puts the State Between the Parent and their Child; New Dangers from Baby Formula to Your Growing Baby.


Guests: Byron Rodgers, Zen Honeycutt, Michelle Perro M.D.”



UGETube VIDEO: Why the CCP is Trying to Revive Marxism


Posted by John Houk

Published August 10, 2024


I found this EPOCH TV ( Cross Roads ( news story about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) making the visible effort to revive the Chinese version of Marxism with a modern or restructured Maoism. Posted 7/2/24 (


Cross Roads Description


“There’s a new campaign taking place in China, where the CCP is trying to revive Marxism by merging it into Chinese culture. The campaign isn’t limited to just theory. It represents changes taking place throughout the country, from farms to the military, and from business to the CCP leadership. It appears that the CCP is planning to become more isolated from the world and, as new alliances are forming amid growing threats of war, the regime is trying to roll the country back to Maoist-era policies. We’ll discuss the changes currently taking place, and what they mean, on this episode of Crossroads.


Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.



Odysee VIDEO: Special TV Series Ep. 3-- Mass Killing in the East Pt. 1 - How the Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World


Posted by SlantRight 2.0

Published August 1, 2024


I subscribe to The Epoch Times ( I realize TET will post articles and videos that non-subscribers might miss out on. This is one of those occasions. TET is very protective of its copyright and typically does not recognize Fair Use principles in sharing. That’s when I share on platforms dedicated to Fair Use.


As such, I’m cross posting a 10:39-Minute video billed as part of the series “How the Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World” ( It was posted on 7/29/20 (


EPOCH TV Description to Episode 3


“NTD has produced a special TV series adapted from the book “How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World,” by the editorial team of ”Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.” Watch the third episode, ”Mass Killing in the East Pt. 1,” here.


It has been a full century since the Communist Party seized power in the Soviet Union. According to records compiled by the U.S. Congress, communist regimes were responsible for the deaths of at least 100 million people. The Black Book of Communism details this history of murder.


From documents declassified by the governments of nations in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, as well as official records on the victims of communist political campaigns in China and North Korea, the public has gained a good picture of the Communist Party’s addiction to killing.


Communist totalitarianism is often compared to that of the Nazis. While there are many parallels to be found, there is one crucial distinction that is often overlooked: The Nazis aimed to eliminate the Jewish people, but the goal of communism goes beyond physical slaughter.


People of faith do not consider physical demise to be one’s true death, since the soul goes to heaven or is born again in the cycle of reincarnation. The Communist Party uses killing as an instrument to plant the seeds of terror in the minds of the people, forcing them to accept its evil ideology. Through the destruction of morality, people’s souls are fated to damnation. The Communist Party aims not just to destroy man’s physical body, but also his soul.


Read more: Chapter Three: Tyranny in the East

Watch the full series here and listen to the audiobook here.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Financial Update with Lara Logan & Dr. Kirk Elliott


Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 10, 2024


I found this Lara Logan interview of Dr. Kirk Elliot on Lara Logan's Substack ( posted on 7/8/24 but the post indicated the interview took place on 7/3/24 (


Dr. Elliot discusses the failure of Bidenomics in terms of inflation and probable Bank failures.

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