Monday, August 5, 2024

Que-Mala Harris Corrupt Past & (Papal Excommunicated) Abp. Viganò on LGBTQ Paris Olympics

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 5, 2024


Today’s share begins with a Telegram version of Natural News writing about how (Que-Mala) Kamala Harris acting as the California Attorney General initiated (the task was later completed by successor because she became a Senator) prosecuting – I SHOULD SAY POLITICALLY PERSECUTING - David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt for running undercover exposés on illegal Planned Parenthood fetal parts harvesting for sale.


TO BE CLEAR! Daleiden & Merritt were pursued criminally and civilly for exposing Planned Parenthood CRIMES and Planned Parenthood went untouched for their crimes.




Here are some details apart from the Natural News cross post beginning Charges dropped in Texas then pursued in California:


o   Charges dismissed against duo who made anti-Planned Parenthood videos; By CBS/AP; CBS News; 7/26/16


o   Verdict: Undercover Journalists Guilty After Exposing Planned Parenthood's Sale of Baby Body Parts; By James Gottry; CBN News; 11/16/19


o   SCOTUS declines to review Sandra Merritt case; By The Citizen; THE CITIZEN; 10/2/23


o   Kamala Harris accused of ‘weaponizing’ California AG’s office for mega-sponsor Planned Parenthood; By Dana Kennedy; NY Post; 8/2/24  


The Daleiden & Merritt undercover work was accomplished under the auspices of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). Even with political persecution over the organization’s head, CMP keeps battling fetal trafficking (CMP Blog). AND the series of Planned Parenthood exposé videos are AMAZINGLY still up and can be watch on the CMP website under the moniker Human Capital Documentary Web Series.


THEN there is Archbishop Carlo Viganò. It is apparent since the Communist Pope Francis excommunicated Viganò, the Archbishop has become even more unrestrained in his rhetoric. Viganò takes aim at the godless LGBTQ Paris Olympics sliding in some barbs at the French President’s wife Brigitte Macron and BHO’s wife Michelle Obama. Could continuous godless actions by the Communist Pope lead to a 2nd Reformation schism amongst Roman Catholics? Hmm…?


JRH 8/5/24


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TRUTH about Kamala Harris:

She worsened California homelessness and crime while prosecuting pro-life filmmakers


Posted by Telegram Natural News

August 4, 2024

Telegram Natural News


While employed as attorney general of California, Kamala Harris helped destroy the state by being soft on crime. She was too busy, it turns out, prosecuting pro-life journalists for daring to expose Planned Parenthood and its black-market baby body parts racket.


Upon learning that Planned Parenthood was illegally selling and profiting from the sale of aborted baby body parts, David Daleiden and his team went undercover to catch the abortion provider in the act as part of a series of videos that started being released by the Center for Medical Progress in 2015.


After Kamala went after him and his team, Daleiden sued both Planned Parenthood and Kamala for violating his civil rights. The Federalist reported that it was Kamala and then-California attorney general Xavier Becerra who spearheaded the witch hunt against Daleiden and his team under the "guise of state recording laws."


"When the Center for Medical Progress began releasing its undercover videos of Planned Parenthood executives discussing fetal tissue trafficking in 2015, Harris launched an investigation on Daleiden, ordered a raid on his home, and seized his camera equipment and hard drives," reported Madeline Osburn on May 13, 2020.


"Daleiden's undercover videos did not violate California video recording law, which does not prohibit anybody from recording conversations in a public area that anybody can oversee, but that did not stop Planned Parenthood and Harris from wielding a political prosecution against Daleiden."


Kamala: one of the abortion industry's biggest promoters


In early 2019, EWTN posted a segment to YouTube in which Daleiden sat down and explained the close connections Kamala has to Planned Parenthood – watch below:


Youtube VIDEO: David Daleiden on Kamala Harris and Planned Parenthood

[Posted by EWTN

Posted on Jan 25, 2019


We sit down with David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress on what he wants you to know about presidential candidate Kamala Harris and her connections to Planned Parenthood.]


The Washington Examiner also published a piece about how Kamala is "an abortion extremist" who has never had to answer for her extreme pro-death position.


Kamala supports taxpayer-funded abortion all the way up to the moment of birth, as does Biden. So-called late-term abortion is another favorite of Kamala who believes it is a woman's choice to murder her baby even as it is about to exit the womb during birth.


"I will always fight for a woman's right to make a decision about her own body," Kamala said at the only vice-presidential debate she participated in back in 2020. "It should be her decision and not that of Donald Trump, and the Vice President, Michael Pence ...," she continued before trailing off and changing the topic with no further probing from the debate moderators.


Kamala has made it clear that she views pro-life laws in the same way as Jim Crow laws. States that pass their own laws criminalizing abortion are to be treated as criminal states, she believes. Kamala also considers the pro-life position in general to be outside the bounds of allowable opinion in the United States.


"On this issue, I'm a former prosecutor," Kamala made abundantly clear about how she looks at pro-life journalists like Daleiden who seek to expose the abortion industry's crimes against unborn humanity.


If elected as president this fall, you can be sure Kamala will strip all conscience protections for doctors and nurses who oppose abortion and refuse to take part in performing them. This is one of the provisions in the so-called "Woman's Reproductive Protection Act," which she co-sponsored.


"She comes from San Francisco, of all places," commented former Rep. Kevin McCarthy in a recent Fox News interview about Kamala's past – San Francisco is collapsing, by the way, due to her far-left policies.


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Archbishop Viganò’s Shocking Accusations Against Macron’s Wife and Michelle Obama

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò [Finish The Race Photo]


By Dan Veld

August 4, 2024

Finish The Race


Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has once again taken a bold stance against what he perceives as the moral degradation of contemporary society, specifically targeting prominent political figures and the recent Olympics. His latest remarks, which include labeling French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife, Brigitte Macron, a “transvestite” and mocking former First Lady Michelle Obama as a “muscular man in a wig,” have sparked significant controversy.



The archbishop’s comments emerged as he condemned the recent “Satanic Olympics,” a term he used to describe the corruption and moral ambiguity he believes surrounds the event. His strong words reflect a broader concern with the erosion of traditional values and the increasing visibility of what he perceives as morally questionable behaviors.


During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, a controversial scene depicted a group of provocatively dressed drag queens standing behind a long table, seemingly recreating the Last Supper. Another part of the ceremony featured a pale horse racing at full speed with a rider wearing an Olympic cape. These images, according to Viganò and many conservative commentators, symbolize a troubling departure from decency and reverence.

Emmanuel Macron with his wife, Brigitte Macron [Finish The Race Photo]


Archbishop Viganò’s outspoken nature is not new. He has consistently voiced his concerns about the moral direction of society and the influence of powerful figures who, in his view, promote values contrary to traditional Christian teachings. His recent comments about Brigitte Macron and Michelle Obama are part of a larger critique of the global elite and their impact on cultural norms.

Vigano Statement on Paris Olympics Immorality (1) – Finish The Race Photo

Vigano Statement on Paris Olympics Immorality (2) – Finish The Race Photo


Archbishop Carlo Viganò, who was recently excommunicated by Red Pope Francis for sharing the word of Jesus Christ, did not hold back in his criticism of Macron, referring to the French leader’s wife, Brigitte Macron, as a “transvestite.” This perspective aligns with a conservative viewpoint that upholds traditional gender roles and resists the acceptance of non-binary and transgender identities. By labeling her in such a manner, Viganò seeks to highlight his disapproval of the modern shift in gender dynamics.

Barack & Michelle Obama younger days [Finish The Race Photo]


Viganò’s condemnation of the “Satanic Olympics” further underscores his belief that contemporary society is straying from its moral foundations. The imagery he describes from the opening ceremony—the drag queens and the rider on the pale horse—are interpreted by him and like-minded observers as symbols of a broader cultural and spiritual decline. For Viganò, these elements are not merely artistic expressions but rather indicative of a deeper malaise afflicting modern civilization.


Conservative commentators have echoed Viganò’s sentiments, emphasizing the need to return to traditional values and resist the encroachment of what they view as morally ambiguous or outright corrupt influences. The portrayal of the Last Supper with drag queens, in particular, has been criticized as blasphemous and disrespectful to Christian beliefs. This reaction highlights the tension between contemporary cultural expressions and the preservation of religious reverence.


While Viganò’s remarks have been met with backlash from progressive circles, they resonate with a significant portion of the conservative community that shares his concerns about the direction of society. His critiques are seen as a rallying cry for those who believe that moral clarity and traditional values are under threat from liberal ideologies and the actions of influential public figures.


Dan Veld - I strive to inform readers about current events in an engaging yet responsible manner. I'm an educated journalist always on the lookout for the next scoop. Don't believe the fake news - you can trust me to get to the real story! #FactsMatter


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