Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Pondering Trump-Musk X Discussion

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© August 14, 2024


I listened to the Trump/Musk discussion session on the Youtube Barry Cunningham Channel rebroadcast. As of 8/13/24 nearly 4:00pm (CT), there were over 30,000 LIKES to the video.


I noticed most of the Mockingbird MSM (viewed via a search engine) panned negative headlines. A Yahoo News link grudgingly signaled 95 MILLION listeners followed by an assertion of much lower numbers: “Trump’s Elon Musk Interview Gets More Than 95 Million Views, but Real Engagement Is Far Lower (8/13/24 1:08 AM CDT)


The X/Twitter Feed of Trump-Musk posted 8/12/24 at 6:47pm shows a resounding “224M Views” again as of 8/13/24 circa 4:00pm (CT).


IN FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a Trump voter. And even though I have some issues with some of Trump’s stands, I AM STILL VOTING TRUMP 2024!


Trump’s promotion of the mRNA Jab is a huge disappointment for me. BUT AT LEAST President Trump is pro-Medical choice over tyrannical mandates.


AND I have some issues with Elon Musk as well. Musk’s promotions of Artificial Intelligence and Transhumanism (as in plugging one’s mind into a computer or an AI) is scary stuff for me. BUT, Musk appears to be a Free Speech advocate and appears to push back on some Globalist issues (though I suspect X/Twitter is still involved in a bit of shadow banning).


After listening to Trump/Musk, I could tell they disagreed on some issues, yet agreed on most issues. AND AT ALL TIMES, their discussion was pleasant - like a couple of guys engaging amiably over a cup of coffee. AND THIS amiable banter is probably what drove the Mockingbird MSM nuts. Which led to negative MSM reviews.


I for one listened with interest and a bit of fascination. In case you are not one of the millions who listened to the Trump/Musk discussion on X, I’m cross posting the Youtube version I listened to. Be patient, there is a bit of a Conservative-Patriot intro in this Youtube video version. But the bulk of the video is Trump-Musk. AND, since I have little trust in Youtube, I’m going to upload the video to my Bitchute Channel in case Woke Google-owned Youtube decides to remove the video.


JRH 8/14/24


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Youtube VIDEO: WATCH THE REPLAY! The Elon Musk & Donald Trump Interview That Will Save America!

Posted by Barry Cunningham

Streamed August 12, 2024


The Elon Musk and Donald Trump Interview: What to expect on Monday night At a press conference Thursday, Trump raved that the Austin tech magnate had endorsed him "full throated" ahead of their interview together next week.


Tech billionaire Elon Musk will interview Donald Trump Monday night as Trump returns to X, formerly Twitter.


Over 100 Million people are expected to watch the interview!



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