Tuesday, August 27, 2024

MORE on Pavel Durov Arrest in France

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

August 27, 2024


Yesterday I posted the information I had on Pavel Durov’s (Telegram Founder/CEO) arrest (Posted to three blogs, HERE’s the Substack version). As I noted yesterday, I have a small Telegram presence, THUS DUROV’s ARREST IS A SOURCE OF PERSONAL OUTRAGE!


The French are trying to paint Durov’s arrest is due to Telegram’s refusal to allow backdoor entrance by police to track child pornographers and terrorists. Telegram has officially claimed such criminals are given the boot when discovered.


THE REALITY THEN IS Durov was arrested to force Telegram to be under police censorship control.


Below is some added information (with some duplication) that was not in yesterday’s post.


JRH 8/27/24


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[Blog Editor: The Hill posted a 9:49-Minute news video on Durov’s arrest on 8/27/24. But there is no embed. I’m uploading it to my Bitchute Channel for embed purposes.]


Pavel Durov’s arrest sparks outrage in Russia; France must release or charge him


Posted on RISING

August 27, 2024

The Hill


Bitchute VIDEO: Pavel Durov’s arrest sparks outrage…

[Posted by SlantRight2

Published August 27, 2024




Jessica Burbank and Robby Soave discuss how Telegram CEO Pavel Durov still being held in jail by French authorities.


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[H/T: Razing Cane of ProAmericaOnly Social Media]


Mike Benz: US State Department Is Behind the Arrest of Telegram CEO in France – “I Believe the State Dept., at the Very Least, – Is Participating in this Political Prosecution” (VIDEO)


By Jim Hoft

August 25, 2024

The Gateway Pundit

Mike Benz points to the US State Department as an accomplice in the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France. (TGP Photo)


On Saturday, the CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram was arrested at Le Bourget airport in France for refusing to comply with the country’s censorship laws.


Pavel Durov, 39, was arrested on the tarmac as he got off his private jet from Azerbaijan.


On Saturday evening Mike Benz, the founder and Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online released a video explaining who he believes is behind this arrest – The US State Department.


Benz is an authority of the Deep State and the US government operations in Europe and abroad.


Mike Benz: I’m here in the airport in Austin, and was just on this space with Mario and Andrew Tate and kim. Com and a bunch of people. I wanted to make a point, but I think they booted me before I could say anything, so I’m just going to make it here. On the news of Pavel’s arrest, the founder of Telegram, this is something that I see going up to the US State Department. Wow, surprise, surprise, that’s my take, but that’s what it is.


One of the things they’re talking about in the space right now is what can be done. The fact is, the House Foreign Affairs Committee could subpoena or could demand as part of its oversight all communications between the US Embassy in Paris, that is the State Department’s branch in France, for their communications with prosecutors or government officials about Havel’s arrest prior to the arrest.


Because I believe the State Department is, at the very least, if not outright pushing, participating in this political prosecution. The State Department has been going after Telegram. Now, they don’t want to shut Telegram down. Let me explain this. Telegram is a double-edged sword for the State Department.


Telegram played a major role in the State Department’s fomenting of the Colour Revolution in Belarus in the summer of 2020. The National Endowment for Democracy, the US State Department, and USAID were all funding the major organisers of the street riots in Belarus and using Telegram as the main channel to organise those street riots because Telegram has such ubiquitous use in Eastern Europe, also in Russia, also in Ukraine. So they loved Telegram as a way to organise, rent a riots, to destabilise Lukashenko’s government.


And I bet that they would do the same if they didn’t. I’m not aware of it just because I haven’t looked into it. But I bet that when Alexei Navalny was deployed against Russia from his right wing flank in organising peaceful protests in Russia. I bet Telegram was used by the State Department as the coordination then because I know that it was in Belarus. Now, on the other hand, the State Department pressured actually astrtufed with tens of millions of dollars, the government of Brazil, to bring Telegram to its knees. Brazil passed a ban, actually made it a crime to access Telegram for several weeks in 2022 until Telegram agreed to the new counter-misinformation laws that were lobbied for by the US State Department’s NGO Soft Power Swarm.


So what they want to do is not kill Telegram like they wanted to kill Wikileaks. They want to control it. And the problem was, is they didn’t have the ability to put sufficient pressure on Pavel to break his will. So he was living in Dubai. Now they have leverage. I believe that’s the purpose of this prosecution, not to establish a legal precedent that every encrypted chat app, its founder, is personally responsible for all illegal conversations or transactions on the platform, but rather to force Telegram to become WhatsApp.


This is what they did to WhatsApp, by the way. Through this regulatory pressure, WhatsApp is owned by Facebook. They broke WhatsApps back. Now, this is why I always say, don’t say anything on WhatsApp that you don’t want put on a Times Square Jumbotron, because the whole thing is fed f*cking central. They broke it.


I watched that happen, by the way. The Atlantic Council played a huge role in that with seven CIA directors on its board and annual funding from the Pentagon, the State Department, and CIA cutouts like the NED. Sorry, I’m just in the airport, so I’m looking around.


They didn’t want to shut down WhatsApp. Whatsapp is used by everybody in Latin America and South America, and half in India. They want to control it, to be able to have their own personnel in place to install and oversee the policies in every country on Earth in order to shape the political outcomes from the inside of every country on Earth to determine their elections. This is what they did to WhatsApp and Telegram in Brazil.


When I say they, I don’t mean the government of Brazil. I mean the US State Department, the US Embassy, the US-funded institutions like the Atlantic Council, the Wilson Centre, the God, there’s a million of them. The National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, the NED. Thousands of these, at least hundreds that I’ve documented, were all capacity-built. Then there’s The whole government programme, SETs, which you’re going to be learning a lot more about in the months ahead. The $150 annual budget and $40 million of it was in Brazil to lobby for these censorship laws. I believe that they thought that they needed leverage against Telegram to finally be able to bring it under their control.


Remember, this is very important in the State Department and the Pentagon’s view for winning the war against Russia via Ukraine, because all the Russians use Telegram chats for the ability to have a backdoor to access.


Here is the video, via Mike Benz.


Mike Benz also pointed out that a CIA cut-out is bragging about the utility of arresting Pavel Durov and its significance in winning the globalist’s military war against Russia.


Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.


© 2024 The Gateway Pundit



Edward Dowd: My Personal Opinion on the Pavel Durov Situation is That This is a CIA (and Their Intelligence Network) Operation

"We are noticing a dramatic increase in global censorship, unlike anything we’ve seen before."


Posted by Lioness of Judah Ministry

August 26, 2024

Exposing The Darkness

By Edward Dowd [Telegram] August 26, 2024


My personal opinion on the Pavel Durov situation is that this is a CIA (and their intelligence network) operation. France is part of the Nine Eyes network (an extension of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance).


Telegram has been on their radar for a long time.

Four months ago Pavel Durov gives his first interview in almost a decade to Tucker Carlson in which he reveals that U.S. intelligence agencies have been trying to recruit them, to get control of, and to compromise Telegram.


When something like this is publicly revealed and to such a large worldwide audience, this usually doesn't sit well with the intelligence agencies.


He's been safe while in Dubai and in other countries that are outside the Five Eyes/Nine Eyes/14 Eyes sphere of influence.

Then Pavel decided to leave and the perfect chance appeared to snatch him.


Now they will attempt to coerce Pavel in France to provide backdoor access to Telegram or face 20+ years in jail for made-up crimes that have nothing to do with him.


Desperate times call for desperate measures; and when such things are being done in front of people, this is the sign of such changing times that we're living in.


Rumble has received censorship demands from Australia, New Zealand, and other countries that infringe on everyone’s human rights.


We are noticing a dramatic increase in global censorship, unlike anything we’ve seen before.


[Blog Editor: Lioness of Judah Ministry or Eduard Dowd posts a 2:48-Minute excerpt from the Tucker/Durov interview from April 2024. I’m not reposting the video short but YOU can watch the full interview HERE.]


© 2024 Lioness of Judah

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How Is Mystery Woman Juli Vavilova Involved In Telegram CEO's Arrest

Juli Vavilova, who was reportedly travelling with Durov before his arrest, has not been heard from since the tech mogul was detained at Le Bourget airport near Paris this past weekend

Juli Vavilova, who was reportedly travelling with Mr Durov before his arrest [NDTV-World Photo)

[possible Durov Honey Trap]


Edited by NDTV News Desk

August 27, 2024 12:39 pm IST



Juli Vavilova, a 24-year-old "crypto coach" and video game streamer, has gone missing, fuelling online speculation that she was potentially involved in the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov in France.


Durov, who fled Russia in 2014 after refusing to hand over encrypted data to the Kremlin, has long been a target of international law enforcement. French authorities issued a search warrant for Mr Durov as part of an ongoing investigation by the Interior Ministry into alleged crimes against minors, including claims of complicity in global drug trafficking and paedophilia due to Telegram's lack of moderation and the platform's use of cryptocurrencies.


Ms Vavilova, who was reportedly travelling with Mr Durov before his arrest, has not been heard from since the tech mogul was detained at Le Bourget airport near Paris this past weekend. Ms Vavilova's family has been increasingly concerned, telling AFP that they have been unable to contact her since the incident.


French privacy data researcher Baptiste Robert has noted the potential implications of Ms Vavilova's social media activity. According to Mr Robert, Ms Vavilova's posts, which documented her travels through Azerbaijan with Pavel Durov, may have inadvertently revealed the Telegram founder's movements, leading to his arrest. "It's complicated to say if her posts played a direct role in his arrest, but if you were following her on social media, you could easily track Durov's movements," he told the NY Post.


Mr Robert's compilation of Juli Vavilova's posts shared on X, shows a striking correlation between her travels and Mr Durov's known itinerary. This includes videos of the duo together in Uzbekistan and also a picture that showed Ms Vavilova in the passenger seat of Mr Durov's car in Azerbaijan on August 21.


Other posts indicate they visited the same shooting range and hotel in the Azerbaijani capital. Despite their seemingly close relationship, the exact nature of their connection remains unclear. It is unknown when or how they met, but both live in Dubai, where Telegram is headquartered.


However, the timing of her disappearance and the arrest of Mr Durov has fuelled theories that she may have been used as a 'honey-trap' by those seeking to capture the elusive tech billionaire. Despite these speculations, no concrete evidence has emerged linking her to any such plot.


Durov's company has stated that the 39-year-old was not in hiding nor on the run, as he regularly travelled to Europe as a dual-French citizen. 







o   Telegram CEO Arrested: Is This the End of Free Speech? Nation First investigates how Pavel Durov’s arrest signals a crackdown on online free speech; By George Christensen; Nation First [Substack]; 8/25/24


o   Rumble CEO Escapes France After Telegram Boss Arrested for Not Censoring Speech; By Jordyn M.; Resist The Mainstream; 8/26/24

1 comment:

  1. Here is an interesting Durov update Substack Homefront Crusade posted on 8/27/24: https://crusadergal.substack.com/p/telegram-ceo-arrest-is-just-the-beginning
