Saturday, May 4, 2024

DO NOT Allow Medical Tyranny to Continue – Refresher Videos Pt. ONE

Beginning with Why I’m Voting Trump

By John R. Houk

© May 4, 2024


Election 2024 is coming in November. To be clear! I’m voting for Trump, even if Dem-Marxist corrupt Lawfare sends the actually 2020 elected President to jail (can you say, A CORRUPT JUDICIARY?). I’m voting for Trump even though his support for the mRNA Jab (as far as I’ve heard so far) is a positive. Past Jabs called vaccines that have done far less harm than the documented mRNA Jab were pulled from almost immediately.




Because the Dem-Marxist hate and fear of Trump is so visceral, they are pulling every corrupt Lawfare and Election interference tactic they can think to throw against the wall of evil to see if it will stick. There is something about Trump the Dem-Marxists and ONE-World Globalists fear about Trump. AND at least Trump is against ALL Medical Tyranny Mandates. He believes in the Liberty of Americans to make their own informed choices.


AND SO, I have a huge batch of ANTI-Medical Tyranny videos I’m sharing as a refresher for reasons to DUMP Dem-Marxists on Election Day OR at the very least expose before your very eyes another Election Coup to retain despotic power and control over WE-THE-PEOPLE. I begin with a Pro-Trump video explaining the Dem-Marxist Lawfare then the rest of the video will be a Medical Tyranny refresher.


JRH 5/4/24


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Rumble VIDEO: Mike Davis Warns Democrats Orchestrating Lawfare

Posted by Bannons War Room

Published April 26, 2024


[Blog Editor: I found this video via a We The People Convention post on 4/26/24 under the title, “This is WHY You and I MUST give All We've Got to Win this Year!” The video opens with Mockingbird Media outlets trashing SCOTUS for indicating the Majority will give President at least partial immunity. Then the video proceeds how a Trump will prosecute Lawfare Dems for political persecution. The WTPC post has the link to the 300-page PDF report from the House Judiciary Committee referred to in the video: “Click Here to Read or Download the 300 Page Report: An Anatomy of Political Prosecution.pdf”]


“There Are Going To Be The Most Severe Legal, Political, And Financial Consequences Come January 20th, 2025”

Aired On: 4/26/2024


Rumble VIDEO [H/T: Telegram World Council for Health]: WHO's Global Power Grab - PART 1 (+1 hour)

Posted by ChildrensHealthDefenseAfrica

Published April 28, 2024


WHO's #GlobalPowerGrab is a must watch two-part film featuring over 100 health freedom advocates and politicians speaking out about the WHO-facilitated corporate power grab. This powerful public interest film was created, compiled and launched in South Africa in 2024, ahead of WHO's World Health Assembly 77 in May.

This informative and empowering film - which includes excerpts from news, interviews and conferences - highlights:

- What is the WHO? Who funds it, where are the hidden conflicts of interests?

- Who is its director-general Tedros? How did he come to power, despite his controversial history and protests?
- Understanding the WHO's Power Grab through constantly changing but legally binding IHR 2005 amendments + a proposed new pandemic treaty
- How does this power grab connect to the New World Order and the agenda to erode democracy through global governance?
- How are a growing number of politicians responding internationally? Is this an elections, voting and boycott issue?
- What about the role of mainstream media and factcheckers in censorship, misinformation and disinformation?
- How can We The People resist this global corporate coup? What actions can we take nationally and internationally?

Review 1, Age 18: "If I didn't know anything about the WHO-lead power grab, this film would bring me up to speed quickly and help me realise why we must resist in every country, and exit the WHO in 2024."


Review 2, age 67: "WHO's demand for unfettered power (behind secret doors) through organized tyranny must be challenged. It will override every country's health laws and systems through a one world order which will become legally binding, eroding every human being's personal freedom through oppression, mass surveillance, enslavement, and totalitarianism. If not challenged, this will be the order of the day and a dystopian future awaits all of us. Fascism comes to mind, which is rooted in the unfettered demand to be subjugated by corporations. A most frightening thought, unless we stand up collectively to rally against it. Wake up!"


WHO's Global Power Grab (Part 1 and 2) features visuals of or content from:


A. The following films:





X/Twitter VIDEO (H/T Telegram Sergeant News Network): Tucker-Naomi Wolf Interview – Ostracized by Left for Fighting Medical Tyranny

Posted by Tucker Carlson

Posted on April 11, 2024


Naomi Wolf was one of the most famous liberal intellectuals in America. Then she questioned lockdowns and the Covid vax. It’s pretty amazing what happened next.


Rumble VIDEO: Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body

Posted by Reese Report

Published April 18, 2024


Blog Editor: The Rumble Description only has three links: Reese Substack Page, his Banned.Video Channel & a donation link. I am cross posting the Reese Substack page associated to this video which is essentially a transcript.


Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body

Humans being turned into batteries to fuel digital A.I. prison.



APR 18, 2024

The Reese Report


The 248 page patent for the Moderna technology that was administered to people in the COVID shots was filed in 2020. The patent lists several embodiments, or variations, of this technology. And while we don’t know who got what embodiment, we know that several different batch numbers were deployed. And some were far more deadly than others.


According to the Moderna patent, this technology contains self-assembled nanoparticles. And in certain variations these nanoparticles can be used for the controlled release of compounds once they are in the human body. These lipid nanoparticles are encapsulated into a polymer hydrogel, a controlled release coating that includes polyvinyls. This has been verified by Ana Mihalcea and Clifford Carnicom’s research.

In a 2013 TEDMED talk, Dr. Ido Bachelet says that these nano robots have already been successfully developed in Israel. And that they can be injected into the body with a basic syringe. He shows an image of what they look like, and they appear to be the same structures that the Fifth Column found in their research and claimed was powered by 5G, which was confirmed by Dr. Bachelet.

“My team developed nano-robots that carry antenna. These antenna are made from metal nanoparticles. Now the antenna enable the nanobots to respond to externally applied electromagnetic fields. So these version of nanobots can actually be activated with a press of a button on a joystick.” ~ Dr. Ido Bachelet

In the following video it is being discussed by developers in 2015.

The nano-robot we designed and fabricated is a machine that can be programmed to autonomously recognize target cells and deliver payloads to those cells. ~ Dr. Ido Bachelet So the basic idea is to make a cage or a basket that protects a fragile, or toxic, or precious payload, and only releases it when it's at the right moment. ~ George Church The nano-robot that we designed actually looks like an open ended barrel or a clam-shell that has two halves. So the two halves of this open ended barrel or clam-shell are linked together by flexible DNA hinges, and the entire structure is held shut by latches or locks that are actually DNA double helixes. The way it works is that, in the absence of the key, which is a molecule or protein, the duplexes are held sufficiently strong to maintain the entire structure closed. But when the key is present, that piece of DNA that we designed to recognize that key, switches to bind to that key and the duplex zips open. ~ Dr. Ido Bachelet

The work of Todd Callender’s team at have concluded that these shots contain a variety of synthetic pathogens that can be released with external 5G frequencies. The Moderna patent describes these nanoparticle mimics, which mimic the delivery of a variety of pathogens and lists over a hundred of them within the patent.

And according to the work at vaxxchoice, these synthetic pathogens each have an IP address, they are cataloged by the Department of Energy, and they use Caesium-137, which we have been contaminated with from the environment, as a building block for their construction within our bodies using external frequency. And their research shows that the Microsoft patent filed in 2020, 060606 cryptocurrency system using body activity data, is now in effect and that this technology is turning the human body into an antenna which can output energy. Meaning that humans are being turned into batteries to fuel the digital A.I. prison that is being built around us. And if you choose not to comply, the technology includes a kill switch.

Thanks to many independent researchers and scientists, we are figuring out their agenda. But they continue to walk freely among us, unrestrained by any justice whatsoever.



Bitchute VIDEO: VNN-Elijah Schaffer Reports on mRNA Suppresses Immune Response & Stimulates Cancer

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 4th, 2024 15:11 UTC


I found this clip at Telegram The Vigilant Fox ( posted on 4/18/24 ( The title is derived from the video content.


The Vigilant Fox Description:


“Bad News for the COVID Vaccinated


Countless warnings about the COVID shots have been labeled “conspiracy theories” only to be later confirmed.


The latest example comes from a comprehensive review by an international consortium of scientists who raised concerns that a specific vaccine ingredient, N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ), may play a role in immune suppression and cancer proliferation.


The review stresses that incorporating N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) in mRNA vaccines significantly compromises critical immune responses, severely hindering the body’s initial interferon signaling.


Interferon is vital for the immune system’s ability to fend off infections and combat diseases like cancer.


The researchers wrote:


“Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ (N1-methyl-pseudouridine) modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.”


Given the extensive “immune suppression” observed, it’s not a stretch to say the COVID shots are largely responsible for the alarming rise in cancer cases among young people.


However, corporate media outlets like The Wall Street Journal continue to run cover for Big Pharma.


One of their recent headlines reads: “Cancer Is Striking More Young People, and Doctors Are Alarmed and Baffled.”


Watch the video for more disturbing details on what other mechanisms could be causing cancer. Dr. Peter McCullough breaks it down.”



Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. McCullough Schools Leftist on ACTUAL mRNA Detrimental Data

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 4th, 2024 15:23 UTC


Telegram user Sir Robert Miles KT forwarded to the Telegram Channel The American Patriot Movement (I didn’t realize until now no Channel link so it’s either private or Ask-To-Join) posted on 4/18/24 forwarded from Telegram The Vigilant Fox (


The American Patriot Movement Description:


“Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots


BRIAN SHAPIRO: “You are... far less likely to get the effects of having to go into the ICU or possibly dying if you were vaccinated. Am I wrong?”


DR. MCCULLOUGH: “Yeah, you’re wrong. And here’s the reason why.”


• “The prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of the vaccines never showed a reduction in severity.”


• “They never showed a reduction in hospitalization and death.”


• “In a recent paper by Norman Fenton from the UK, he shown that there was tremendous misclassification bias.” This misclassification bias led to the false claim that 90% of people dying in the hospital were unvaccinated.


• “In countries that actually did have the vaccine status, like the UK, they found far more vaccinated in the hospital on ventilators and dying than the unvaccinated.”


• “With every single injection, one is more and more likely to get COVID-19.”


• “Our safety system for vaccines records, on average, 150 deaths in a year on average. The COVID-19 vaccines roll out... 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine. 1150 die on the same day they take the shot! Some die in the vaccine center. 1200 die the next day.”


• 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine doesn’t account for the underreporting factor of 30. “We’re looking, as we sit here today, at 550,000 plus Americans who have died after the vaccine. The same pattern is seen worldwide.”


Dr. McCullough ended with this statement:


“There are calls to pull these vaccines off the market. They’re so grossly unsafe because people die quickly after taking them.”


Watch the full clip [X/Twitter Chief Nerd]:


Give Dr. McCullough a follow on Telegram:



Bitchute VIDEO: Dr. Pierre Kory – NEVER Take Another mRNA Jab & Remedy for Jab Injury

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published May 4th, 2024 15:44 UTC


I found this clip at Telegram Wide Awake Media ( posted on 4/19/24 ( Dr. Kory is part of the Anti-Medical Tyranny website of doctors working against Globalist control medical narrative (FLCCC Alliance - Toward the end of this very short clip you hear Dr. Kory share the FLCCC has a remedy protocol for the mRNA injured. HERE is that website info: FLCCC PDF entitled, “I-PREVENT: Vaccine Injury Protocol: An Approach to Post-Vaccine Cardiovascular and Cancer Care” -


Wide Awake Media Description:


‘Dr. Pierre Kory issues an urgent warning to anybody who took the mRNA Covid "vaccines":


"Do not get vaccinated, ever again, with an mRNA vaccine. Do not let family members get vaccinated... The farther you are out from your last one, I think your prognosis is much, much better."’

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