Tuesday, February 20, 2024

15-Minute Smart City Prisons – IF YOU PAY ATTENTION!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 20, 2024


If you believed everything you were told about the CCP-inspired Plandemic and loved LOCKDOWNS, Useless Masks, Dangerous mRNA Experimental Injections and trust everything the government and Big Pharma tells you; THEN you’ll love the 15-Minute Smart City coming to a neighborhood where you might live.


I did a Duck-Duck-Go search with this phrase: “15-Minute Smart City Tyranny in America”.


I was stunned to read listing after listing in the search either promoting the Smart City concept or denigrating detractors of Smart Cities as Conspiracy Theory Misinformation/Disinformation propagandists! SO FAR (I’m still strolling downward) I’ve only found a minuscule listings addressing the tyranny-control aspects of living in a Smart City.


Mind you, this was not a Google Search. I have to wonder if any search engine exists that is honest enough to focus on the parameters of a specified search rather than be dominated by a New World Order Globalist CONTROL narrative.


So a post from THE EXPOSÉ (found on a Telegram subscription) is what got me thinking along these lines. The posts is from 2/18/24 and is entitled, “America’s First 15-Minute City Has Been Created In Tempe, Arizona – Do Residents Know What’s in Store for Them?


The Globalist-Elitists push the brainwashing propaganda of convenience and Climate Hoax Hysteria for people to be grouped in 15-MINUTE urban zones to own nothing and be happy.


AND since you might have a little difficulty using a search engine (even non-Google search engines) to find the despotism that WILL BE institutionalized for herds of the masses, I’m going to make this a lengthy post that includes more sources other than just THE EXPOSE which goes first. Most of the sources are from 2023 but might have embedded videos that are older. I SHARE IT ALL.


JRH 2/20/24


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[Blog Editor: Blogger has Censored my post “Video Compendium of Medical & Globalist Tyranny”. It was mirrored at CPCR]


America’s First 15-Minute City Has Been Created In Tempe, Arizona – Do Residents Know What’s in Store for Them?

Tempe AZ Smart City Suburb [THE EXPOSÉ Photo]


FEBRUARY 18, 2024 



A Tempe, Arizona, neighborhood has been named “Culdesac” and is America’s first example of a 15-minute city, a vision of the World Economic Forum and the globalist cult, who are pitching the concept as being more environmentally friendly. Instead of seeing this development as a dystopian nightmare, Culdesac residents appear to be thrilled at their new way of life, do they have any idea what they have in store for them?


A 15-minute city is a SMART City in an urban environment with omnipresent surveillance and data harvesting technologies that will monitor and record even the most intimate, personal details of every individual inhabiting it. 


The globalist goal is to collect the data of every individual and will know:


·       What they eat and drink,


·       Where they go,


·       What they buy,


·       Who they meet,


·       What they think and feel


·       Their opinions and habits


·       Their health and vaccination status. Etc, etc..


In other words, every little detail, and as the oft-quoted Noah Yuval Harari has said, those who own that data will know you better than you know yourself. Yet this all-encompassing surveillance has been justified as we are told that it will be essential for the future of the planet, and to save it from “climate change.”


They also guarantee it will make your life more connected, safer, and healthier and it looks like the Culdesac residents have bought the idea.


A 12 News report promoted the community as helping with sustainability which includes them giving up their own vehicles as Culdesac is the first community in the nation to be designed around car-free living, but instead of being unhappy about this, the report showed a Culdesac employee who seemed to be thrilled about the alternate transportation provided in the neighborhood due to gas vehicles being prohibited from the area.


The employee told 12 News “Residents can own one [a car] as long as it’s not parked on site. “Can you imagine living on top of your grocery store?” the employee asked the news outlet.


“What’s the appeal of living on top of a grocery store?” asked the People’s voice” who say that “of course, the development will be used to push similar Agenda 2030 nightmare neighborhoods across America.”


Youtube VIDEO: Car-free neighborhood opens in Tempe

[Posted by 12 News

Posted on Jul 29, 2023




A more recent report by NBC News promoted the car-free community to a national audience, talking with Culdesac co-founder Ryan Johnson, who claimed, “Every generation and including 90% of Gen Z would like to pay more to live in a walkable neighborhood.”


Do they know what their “walkable neighbourhood” is really all about though? While they may be thinking that it is like a scene from a 1950s movie, with white picket fences and all, or at its worst, it would be more akin to “Nosedive” an episode of Black Mirror. However, as the creator of Black Mirror states, is “satire, on acceptance, and the images we like to portray and project to others” and he says “it is basically, the world we live in.”


Youtube VIDEO: Black Mirror | Nosedive Featurette [HD] | Netflix

[Posted by Netflix

Posted on Oct 12, 2016




The Chinese Social Credit System.


We cannot even say that 15-minute cities, will be like China’s Social Credit System (SCS), which is “a policy project that aims to incentivize lawful, honest behavior and expand financial services.”

The term “Social Credit System” is problematic for various reasons. One, it makes the policy plan sound like a singular, coherent entity, when really it’s a “hodgepodge of public administration and legal reform initiatives”, as Ocean University of China associate professor Xin Dai puts it in his award-winning paper on the topic.


However, a social credit system despite being on the totalitarian spectrum, cannot be compared to the “hodgepodge of public administration and legal reform initiatives that the global cult has planned for us.


Most of us are aware of this, however, it is clear by the optimistic attitude of the Culdesac residents, that many more need to be made aware. The following information is from Stop World Control. Source


15 Minute Cities


According to Stop World Control, every aspect of life in a Smart City will be monitored by a wide variety of data-harvesting technologies:


·       SMART Lights


·       SMART Poles


·       SMART Cars


·       SMART Neighborhoods


·       SMART Homes


·       SMART Appliances


·       SMART Energy


·       SMART Transportation and many other SMART technologies.


·       Together they will form an omnipresent surveillance grid, continually collecting all information about every little detail of the life of the people. Source


Smart Cities create the Internet of Bodies 

Internet of Bodies [THE EXPOSÉ Photo via Stop World Control]


These external SMART devices are being synchronized with devices that are directly connected to the human body, like SMART watches on our wrists or SMART phones in our hands. These devices are able to gather information about what is happening inside our body and even have the ability to alter functions of the human body. In the near future, they will be implanted inside the human body to collect even more data and have a lot more influence on what happens inside of us. 


The personal information gathered by these billions of devices worldwide form a network called the Internet of Bodies, or in short, IoB. Currently we are all familiar with the Internet of Things (IoT), which allows us to access unlimited information about everything. The Internet of Bodies will essentially be the same, except it will gather all the personal, most intimate information about everybody. This data will be in the hands of global corporations, governments, banking imperiums, etc. Source


A Smart City limits your movement


Smart City Surveillance [THE EXPOSÉ Photo via Stop World Control]


In order to make sure that everyone remains within the perimeter of data harvesting, movement in Smart Cities will be limited to 15 – 20 minutes from home. This concept has coined the phrase “15 Minute Cities” and is being promoted as the best idea ever for saving the planet from climate change. Everything you need will be made available within a short distance, so no one ever needs to go beyond that perimeter. For longer distances, a permit will be required.


On top of this, 30% of all wilderness areas will be closed off as an encouragement for people to seek their happiness inside the Smart Cities instead of venturing into the majestic outdoors. Virtual realities are being created as an alternative to spending time in nature. Examples are the MetaVerse and all its alternatives. Again, a “wonderful idea to save the planet”: lock the world population up inside Smart Cities, where they “enjoy life” in a virtual realm. Source


There is zero privacy in a Smart City


Smart City Zero Privacy [THE EXPOSÉ Photo via Stop World Control]


The World Economic Forum wrote an article on Forbes.com that describes the experience of a citizen inside a Smart City, who praises it as heaven on earth: “How come we never thought of this before?” One of the characteristics will be that no one will own anything. Everything will be shared: homes, cars, tools, cars, even clothes. At the end of the post, the citizen expresses one concern about life in a Smart City:


“Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. All in all, it is a good life.”


The central nervous system of Smart Cities will be 5G. According to former Chilean president Sebastián Piñera, 5G is not only able to read our thoughts but can also insert thoughts and emotions into everyone. He stated that it will become the central nervous system of society, and he guaranteed that they will make sure it reaches every home in the country. Interestingly, all streetlights in Smart Cities are also concealed 5G antennas. Source


Smart Cities harvest everyone’s data


Smart City Data Harvesting  


Why do they want everyone to live in Smart Cities, and what is their motivation behind recording every little detail about all of us? The answer is given by Israeli professor Yuval Noah Harari, who is an advisor to the World Economic Forum. He explains:


“The new masters of the world will be those that own the data.”


The wealth of today is no longer gold or oil. It is data. The more data a corporation, government, or banking imperium has about the population, the more power it affords them. Smart Cities will be an unprecedented way to use humanity as one massive herd of data cows.


Personal data will be milked from us all day long, and even while we sleep.


Apart from gathering tremendous amounts of data, these technologies also allow for levels of control that are unheard of in previous civilizations. A former Silicon Valley engineer, Aman Jabbi, is sounding the alarm that Smart Cities will essentially be open concentration camps:


“By giving them your data, you give them the ability to monitor and assess your behavior, which can now be converted into a social credit score. That score is then used to determine what privileges you qualify for and which ones you don’t in the new slave society.”


This social credit score is already being deployed in China, and during the 2020 pandemic, many nations implemented the first steps toward this system of control. Digital IDs and digital currencies will be at the center of this grid. When people disobey, or criticize the system, their spending will be curtailed, and access to basic aspects of society will be blocked. Again, this is happening already in China, which is the testing ground for the rest of the world. Source


Will Smart Cities edit the human genome?


Smart City LED Light Gene Editing [THE EXPOSÉ Photo via Stop World Control]


A concerning fact about Smart Cities is that all streetlights are LED lights, which have the ability to manipulate the human genome. Gene expression can be turned off or on with LED lights, which can also activate mRNA inside the human body. Scientific studies documenting these facts abound online.  Which begs the question: is this why authorities insist on injecting all of humanity with mRNA technologies that can be activated through LED light? Source


Where Next?


Culdesac today but it is coming to a city near you soon!

Chattanooga G20 Smart City Alliance [THE EXPOSÉ Photo]

Chattanooga, Tennessee is one of only two cities chosen in the United States that have agreed to ‘pioneer’ a new roadmap for adopting new technology as part of the World Economic Forum’s G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance. In the United States, Chattanooga, along with San Jose, California have agreed to implement a roadmap, designed by the World Economic Forum, to give cities laws, procedures and regulations to “ethically and responsibly” use new data and technologies.


Other cities chosen as ‘Pioneer cities’ include:


Apeldoorn, Netherlands; Barcelona, Spain; Belfast, UK; Bengaluru, India; Bilbao, Spain; Bogotá, Colombia; Brasilia, Brazil; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Cordoba, Argentina; Daegu, South Korea; Dubai, UAE; eThekwini (Durban), South Africa; Faridabad, India; Gaziantep, Turkey; Hamamatsu, Japan; Hyderabad, India; Indore, India; Istanbul, Turkey; Kaga, Japan; Kakogawa, Japan; Kampala, Uganda; Karlsruhe, Germany; Leeds, UK; Lisbon, Portugal; London, UK; Maebashi, Japan; Manila, Philippines; Medellín, Colombia; Melbourne, Australia; Mexico City, Mexico; Milan, Italy; Moscow, Russia; Newcastle, Australia; and Toronto, Canada……….


When it does reach your city, remember, just like Hotel California, “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave” The time to resist is now.




o   The People’s Voice https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/americas-first-15-minute-city-created-in-tempe-arizona/


o   Stop World Control – https://stopworldcontrol.com/smart-city/


o   Tennessee Conservative News – https://tennesseeconservativenews.com/chattanooga-agrees-to-adopt-world-economic-forums-smart-city-technology-roadmap/






UGETube VIDEO: Christine Anderson - From 15-Minute Cities to Climate Lockdowns, the Onslaught of Digital Tyranny

Posted by John Houk

Published 19 Feb 2024


I was doing a 15-Minute Smart City Tyranny search came upon this EPOCH TV/American Thought Leaders video from 4/25/23 (https://tinyurl.com/2s4ja734). Jan Jekielek interviews Christine Anderson about the tyranny agenda behind Smart Cities.


EPOCH TV Description:


“The Digital Green Certificate, the COVID pass, that was a test balloon to get people to [have] to produce some kind of a QR code, just getting people used to that. Now, what they’re slamming us with is these 15-minute cities. Make no mistake. It’s not about your convenience,” argues Christine Anderson. She’s a member of the European Parliament, representing the Alternative for Germany Party.


Anderson was one of the European Parliament’s most vocal critics of COVID-19 policies in Europe, Canada, and beyond.


Western democracies are gradually moving toward digital tyranny, she argues. The next step? Climate lockdowns.


“Once we end up in a totalitarian regime and it’s fully blown, given the technological means they have at their disposal today, we’re not talking about 30 years of GDR [German Democratic Republic], 40 years of GDR. We’re not talking about 70 years of the Soviet Union. We’re talking about a very, very long time. That’s what you should fear,” Anderson says.


In the 1920s and 1930s, “Germany was a highly developed society, I mean, lots of smart people, well-educated people, but it was possible for this society to turn evil to an extent that is unimaginable …We always get asked: ‘How was that even possible?’ Well, take a look at the last three years, and you have your answer,” Anderson argues.


“We just need to be clear on one thing: each and every one of us is capable of inflicting the most horrible atrocities on our fellow mankind, given the right circumstances. But if you are not aware of the fact that yes, you are able to do the same thing, then you have no mechanism to fight it,” Anderson says.”


If you are a paid subscriber of The Epoch Times, you can click the tiny url above for a transcript of the video.



China's Ghost Cities, Maui, 15-Minute Cities & The Globalists Dystopian Plans For The Future - Signs 'Open Air Prison Cells' Masquerading As 'Cities' Are Being Constructed Before Our Eye


China's 15-Minute Smart City Dystopia [ANP Photo]


By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

September 3, 2023

All News Pipeline


While Americans get no real answers from 'TPTB' about the fires in Maui and how there are SO MANY different bizarre 'coincidences' on topics such as: why residents were blocked from leaving; why the alarm systems were turned off; why the water system was turned off; and how these 'fires' so precisely burnt out the poorer residents of Lahaina, leaving 'upscale' homes untouched as heard in the 1st two videos at the bottom of this story, we'll be taking a look at a theory shared by ANP reader 'Scaryfish' that Lahaina isn't only going to be a '15-minute smart city,' but it’s also going to serve a purpose, to detain and process whatever's left of the population, while the western hemisphere is being "returned to nature", by way of fires. Those processed will then be sent to their final destination, to China's 15-minute smart cities, aka the 'ghost cities'.


With joe biden having completely 'sold out' America and the American people to China and the globalist highest bidders as Susan Duclos had reported in this August 13th ANP story, enriching himself and his family to the tune of millions if not billions of dollars, while committing not only treason but genocide upon our lands and our people, this also comes at a time when a whopping 61% of Americans or more are living paycheck to paycheck, and at a time when America's banking sector is collapsing.


And as we've reported numerous times on ANP, with America's southern border wide open for human traffickers, drug smugglers and fighting age Chinese males to get across at any time that they might want despite what biden's press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently claimed when she said biden “has done more to secure the border to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else,” as we'd asked in this May 1st of 2023 ANP story titled "Signs Chinese Troops Were Invited Into America To Disarm And Carry Out Executions Of Patriots For The Globalists," WHAT DID China get for all that money they paid to the biden's? No doubt that something stinks to the high heavens here in America in 2023.


As Steve Quayle and Doug Hagmann of the Hagmann Report argue in the must-watch 1st video at the bottom of this story, if you aren't angry about everything that's happening now to America and the American people under joe biden and this 'crime cabal' which is unlawfully seizing unjust powers in an attempt to rule over us like a dictator, then you don't have a clue about 'reality'.


Yet warning that most Americans just continue to take things in stride as America becomes a nightmare, Doug quotes St. Thomas Aquinas and these eternal words of wisdom that should be a guide for all of us.:


"He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust."


ANP Emergency Fundraiser: 

Ghost City [ANP Photo]


Over at the website 'All That's Interesting,' they have a very interesting story titled "34 Unforgettable Photos Of China’s Uninhabited Ghost Citiesa story within which they lay out for us not only the country's highly ambitious plans for urban growth that have led to more than 50 abandoned cities whose empty buildings paint a dystopian landscape as seen in the photographs above, below and at the top of this story, but as that story tells us, a number of these 'cities' are already fully functioning metropolises, complete with everything, except 'residents.' 


With these 'cities' being built at the very same time as the globalists are continuously and endlessly pushing for their '15-minute cities,' and China leading the way in the development of such cities that have quite aptly been described as 'open air prison cells,' take note that this is also all happening at a time when the globalists are carrying out in-our-faces 'depopulation' as Steve and Doug also warn in the 1st video below.


Yet we shouldn't be the least bit surprised. As we'd reported in this April 23rd of 2023 story on ANP titled "As 'A Diabolical Experiment' Is Carried Out Before The Blinded Eyes Of The American People, Absolute Proof America And Western Civilization Are Targeted For 'Elimination'," all the way back in  2014, the globalists called for ‘depopulation’ as the 'best answer to the problems the Earth was facing.'


But they never bothered to explain to 'the masses' that 'depopulation' was also more appropriately known as 'genocide' or 'mass murder'. But that's 'ok' in their insane eyes if the "government" is doing the killing? As we'd also warned in this April 23rd ANP story, according to a story written by Leo Hohmann"All of the globalist policies over the last three years are driving toward one thing, mass depopulation. Yes, they want to kill us." 


"Until you understand that, you will never understand what’s going onYou will never make sense of it. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but reject it at your own risk. Those who live in denial will get duped, again." 


Yet besides unleashing bioweapons upon our country and the planet, and those bioweapons taking both the forms of 'viruses' and 'vaccines,' how might they finish accomplishing that? As we'd pointed out in this May 1st ANP story, there are a number of alarming signs that's exactly why joe biden has left our southern border wide open, so Chinese soldiers can come in and 'deal with' US patriots who refuse to go along with tyranny. Briefly, from that story before we continue.:


While this alarming story over at the Daily Mail that Steve Quayle linked to on his website on Saturday called it 'a match made in hell,' that description of criminals linked to China's communist party helping Mexico's drug cartels flood America with the deadly drug 'fentanyldoesn't even begin to accurately describe the full depth of what's now happening at America's southern border, with the 'biden crime cabal' quite literally rolling out the red carpet for the ChiCom invasion of America we've been reporting on recently in numerous stories here at ANP.


With ANP reporting back in March that illegal border crossings by Chinese military-aged-men were up a whopping 900% thanks to joe biden's treason, with Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in McAllen, Texas recently claiming they used to see only one Chinese person a month but now, all of a sudden, they're witnessing a massive surge of people from China, take note that this is all happening as China continues to buy up American farmland, with Chinese ownership of U.S. farmland jumping more than 20-fold in a decade from $81 million in 2010 to nearly $1.9 billion in 2021, with far too much of that farmland being near U.S. military bases.


A perfect example of that being a China-based chemical manufacturing company called the Fufeng Group buying up 300 acres of farm land, allegedly to build a corn mill, in Grand Forks, North Dakota, just 12 miles outside of the Grand Forks Air Base, home to U.S. intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance units and top-secret drone technology, also take note that this is happening at the exact same time as over 1,900 US food processing plants have been destroyed, in JUST ONE YEAR, as Tap News Wire reports in this story, another sign that something incredibly sinister is going on behind the backs of most Americans who still don't have a clue that America is right now 'under attack.'


And while Chinese criminals tied to the Chinese Communist party working with Mexican drug cartels such as El Chapo's Sinaloa clanflooding America with enough fentanyl to kill the entire population of North America, (TWICE according to California governor Gavin Newsome's office,) should have been enough to make joe biden get off of his l@zy @ss and do something about it long ago, we can see the globalists plans unfolding before our eyes if we look hard enough, with China setting up secret police stations across America called 'just the tip of the iceberg,' while the biden crime family had at least 12 members involved in shady business deals involving China and Ukraine, leading some to ask, WHAT EXACTLY DID CHINA GET in return for the millions and millions of dollars they sent to joe and his flunkies?


With Mike Adams of Natural News warning us that a shocking Chinese video shows Chinese nationals exactly how to illegally enter the USA using UN migrant camps, while warning us that an estimated 500,000 CCP operatives are already pre-positioned across the USA, awaiting their orders, we wouldn't put it past those 'orders' coming from joe biden himself, with the 'orders' being to go out and round-up American patriots, because many in the US military and law enforcement would refuse such orders, many of them being 'Patriots' themselves.

ANP Photo (Uncertain Connotation)


So with these 'fully functioning,' but nearly completely empty, 'ghost cities' already completely prepared for a huge population to be 'shipped in,' but China showing us over many years that they apparently have no intention of moving their own 'people' into those regions, might the theory shared by 'Scaryfish' be right on the money, with these '15-minute cities' being set up to be the 'final destinations' for 'patriots' or others who finally figure out what's happening, and who refuse to go along with their plans? From this "All That's Interesting" story about China's absolutely bizarre 'ghost cities'.


Extravagant monuments, spacious parks, modern buildings, and interconnected roads would all seem to indicate a bustling metropolis. But in China, there is an increasing number of uninhabited "ghost" cities that seem to have been abandoned after years of construction


It is unclear how many of these Chinese ghost cities currently exist, but estimates put the number as high as 50 municipalities. 


Some of these cities have yet to be completed while others are fully functioning metropolises, save for the lack of residents. The occurrence of these ghost cities across China has, unsurprisingly, attracted significant attention from international observers.


"All of them are bizarre, all of them are surreal. There's no other way to describe a city meant for thousands of people that's just completely empty," explained Samuel Stevenson-Yang, a photographer working to document this modern Chinese phenomenon, in an interview with ABC Australia.


So what are the true purposes of China's 'ghost cities' and what they're now doing to Lahaina, Maui? Might 'Scaryfish's' theory be right on the money?


As Steve and Doug discuss in the 1st video below, with all of the anomalies that happened in Maui, and now a HUGE cover-up in progress signified by the 'biden curtain' going up around Lahaina, blocking reporters from getting into the area, all forensic evidence points to even more depopulation in progress. And with Maui almost halfway between the mainland USA and China, who'd put it past the globalists?


And if you think that all of the independent media reports about Maui and '15-minute cities' are just some 'grand conspiracy theory,' we suggest you read the words of Dr. Kathy J. Forti in this LinkedIn entry titled "What Really Happened on Maui - I Was There."


I live in Maui and am okay, but I was there in Lahaina that morning and the whole truth is yet to come out (please read my personal story below).


I want to thank all of you who have reached out to me from across the world after seeing pictures and videos of the devastating destruction that took place on Tuesday, August 8th which destroyed the Old Historic town of Lahaina. It also rampaged through agricultural lands in Kula in the Upcountry region of this beautiful valley island in the middle of the Pacific.


My story of what happened: The Strange Maui Fires 


A friend called me early on the morning of Tuesday, August 8th and told me he had a strong urge to visit Lahaina that day. Tempting me with lunch at Cool Cats, one of my favorite eateries in Old Lahaina, I said “Okay. Let’s go!”


The 30 minute drive was without incident, without winds, and without any warning advisories. As soon as we reached Lahaina, all power got zapped. Cell phone, internet, traffic lights, GPS, the 911 emergency system (which is never supposed to go down) and the power outage caused every store and shopping mall to immediately close. Nothing was open. 


Then the winds came in, bringing with it a rare rainless hurricane with gusts from 60-80mph. Trees became uprooted and branches were coming down everywhere, along with power poles. I heard a crash behind me and where I was less than 30 seconds prior was a crashed and uprooted tree. It was time to get out of there.


No evacuation sirens ever went off that day when the fires began. They failed as well. My friend and I had to escape through the back road going all the way around the island as all traffic was blocked in the other direction. Many might not have known about this back route since GPS was down.


These fires were indeed strange. The night before both my friend and many others claimed to have had very restless sleep. I personally experienced a strange flooding wave of energy in my head, almost like seizure activity, which I have come to identity as dark energy coming inThis flooding energy continued on and off the next morning, more so when I was in Lahaina. This told me there was directed energy involved in what was occurring. 


This was not just a random act of mother nature. It reminded me of the strange fires in Paradise, California a few years back which swept through and wiped it off the mapTheir only crime was getting in the way of a high speed railway project slated to come through the town. 


A little bit of history to draw your own conclusions: Historic Lahaina is the key harbor seaport on the island. The Lanai Ferry goes back and forth from there, all the commercial snorkeling and scuba diving firms set sail from there and tourists flock there in daily droves.


The problem with Historic Lahaina was that it had a large old Hawaiian community that was in the way of the developers. Now it’s like ground zero, declared a disaster area, and federal and states rules are probably going to be tossed aside. It’s a toxic mess. They will undoubtedly blame it all on climate change and welcome in the developers to totally bull doze and level it. 


All over the island tracts of land are being bought up by corporations and no one knows who is behind them. Foreign interests? The people on this island are beginning to put the pieces of the puzzle together and suspect this was a major power land grab. 


In January 2023 there was a Smart City Conference where they discussed turning Maui into a 15-minute “smart island”. Next month there is a Digital Summit to discuss turning the island digital and all AI. I kid you not. 


Fires started in the agricultural lands upcountry first, the bread basket of Maui, and resources were sent there first, so Lahaina, when it happened, had few resources to fight the wall of fire that swept through the entire area trapping hundreds who could not get out and sadly perished. No sirens warned them to get out either. 


Right now Maui needs your spiritual prayers more than ever to strengthen the land against these destructive forces. So many people are missing or homeless. We are not out of the woods yet. There are still ongoing fires. 


The old Hawaiian Ho’oponopono prayer chant to the ancestral land is: “I’m sorry. Please forgive. I thank you. I love you.” Please give in the Aloha spirt with your contributions, love and prayers. Forward this to others who might want the truth. Mahalo.


So while we are unable to confirm at this time that what happened in Lahaina, Maui, is all part of the 'globalists dystopian plans for the future,' and, of course, those same globalists will surely call this theory a 'crazy conspiracy theory,' keep your eyes and ears wide open in the days, weeks and months ahead with us drawing closer every day to all of these 'crazy conspiracy theories' of a tyrannical global government and a 'new world order' of the globalists 'building back better' coming to fruition before our very eyes. And please stay completely prepared for anything and everything in the coming days. And as always, please let us know what you think in our comment section below. 


Brighteon VIDEO: EP 4516: America - Disgraced, Replaced & Depopulation in Place | Steve Quayle Joins Doug Hagman

[Posted by Hagmann Report

Posted on August 31, 2023




Rumble VIDEO: WEF Caught Paying Arsonists To 'Burn Down the World' as Part of Sick Depopulation Plan

[Posted by The People's Voice

Published August 31, 2023




Youtube VIDEO: China's Ghost Cities: The Truth Behind The Empty Megacities

[Posted by Buildr

Posted on Feb 1, 2023




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Russia begins construction of prison-style 15-MINUTE CITIES

Creative Communication & Internet Network [Natural News Photo]


By Ava Grace 


Natural News


Russia has started the construction of a prison-style 15-minute city (FMC), with more to come.


The Daily Expose reported on this development, citing the new city of Dobrograd in Russia's Vladimir Oblast (province). According to the outlet, construction in the city located east of the capital Moscow has been ongoing for a year.


But Dobrograd is not the only FMC to be built in Russia. The website of the state-owned financial services firm Sberbank features a detailed presentation of another "smart city" – with its title hinting at the same FMC model espoused by the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF). (Related: The globalist vision: “15 Minute” prison cities and the end of private property.)


In August 2021, the 15-minute triangle project of the Moscow city plan was included in the Top 30 of the FMC international "Urban Design Competition." This triangular FMC, which measures three by three kilometers, is in the form of a polycentric urban planning system.

The main transport networks are located underground, with only bicycle and pedestrian routes at surface level. Meanwhile, the buildings are raised on supports. Much detail is on energy efficiency, with the FMC intending to use renewable sources such as solar, water and wind.


Edward Slavsquat expounded on this triangular FMC, dubbed "SberCity." He remarked that this area "will one day be home to more than 65,000 lucky residents."


"The 'smart city' was initially reserved for [Sberbank] employees. But now, anyone insane enough to want to live in [Sberbank Chairman and CEO] Herman Gref's ant farm is welcome to do so."


FMCs are PRISON CITIES to round up people


The idea of an FMC, in which residents live within a short walk or bike ride of all their daily needs, has been embraced by many mayors around the world during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as a central planning tenet. But it is not without its drawbacks.


According to Bloomberg, urban experts warn that a popular post-pandemic design principle may not translate well from Europe to North America and could exacerbate inequality. Toronto-based urban designer Jay Pitter is one of them. During the CityLab 2021 conference, he warned that transplanting the FMC template across the Atlantic could be "presumptive and colonial."


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, a member of the Conservative (Tory) Party, hit out at the FMC concept. According to him, there was a "relentless attack" on motorists who "depend on their cars to get to work, take their kids to school, do their shopping [and] see the doctor."


British Transport Secretary Mark Harper, a fellow Tory, agreed with Sunak. He continued by saying that the FMC concept was a movement backed by the U.K. Labor Party "to remove your freedom to get from A to B how you want."


"What is sinister – and what we shouldn't tolerate – is the idea that local councils can decide how often you go to the shops, and they can ration who uses the roads and when. They police it all with CCTV," said Harper. He added that the government would look into ways to stop "overzealous" councils restricting road use "if they don't follow the rules."


Head over to Enslaved.news for more stories about FMCs.


Watch this video that discusses why FMCs are "prison cities" and "death cities."



[Posted by High Hopes

Posted on May 29, 2023




This video is from the High Hopes channel on Brighteon.com.


More related stories:


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Rosemount, Minnesota trying to establish 15-minute city with the help of Zuckerberg’s Meta.


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Sources include:






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15-Minute Cities: Tyranny, Autonomy, and Methodology


Protests in Oxford, England, February 18, 2023 [ISTORIA MINISTRIES Photo]



FEB 19, 2023



Thousands of people gathered in the streets of Oxford, England, on Saturday, February 18, 2023, to protest their city commission. The commissioners adopted a proposal to turn Oxford into a 15-Minute City.


15-Minute Cities began as a concept at the World Economic Conference (WEF) meetings in Davos, Switzerland. The elite who gathered at this year’s 2023 World Economic Forum urged all western governments to multiply the number of 15-Minute Cities.


The Davos Men further urged governments to enforce citizen compliance with the specific laws of 15-Minute Cities.


The city commission of Oxford decided to implement the 15-Minute City plan this month. The people of  Oxford, England, went to the streets to protest.


You should be paying attention before the same tragedy happens in your city.


What Are 15-Minute Cities?


15-Minute Smart City Propaganda [ISTORIA MINISTRIES Photo]


15-Minute Cities are local municipalities where citizens can only travel in a 15-minute area or be fined by the government for traveling without permission from authorities. First proposed by the World Economic Forum as part of their plan to “save the environment” from harmful carbon as part of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations, 15-Minute Cities have exploded in number. Governments use specialized car tags and facial recognition technology to ensure that nobody drives outside their 15-Minute City without government permission.


Violators risk fines and imprisonment.


The WEF believes that during the next pandemic, 15-Minute Cities can be used to track the unvaccinated and others who leave their homes with the potential of spreading disease like a parasite.


The City Commission of Oxford, England, voted to turn their city into a 15-Minute City last week. Thousands of people gathered in the streets of Oxford on Saturday to protest the loss of their autonomy.


ANTIFA Shouts ‘NAZIS!’ at Protestors of 15-Minute Cities


Antifa Harasses Smart City Protestors [ISTORIA MINISTRIES Photo]


Antifa, the radical, left-wing communist thugs who burned the cities of America in 2019, came to Oxford to heckle the protestors of 15-Minute Cities.


Why do out-of-town paid protestors come to a city where they don’t live to heckle citizens of that city?


Because Antifa is a Marxist organization that wishes to take down Western Civilization.


Antifa called the Oxford protestors NAZI’S, WHITE SUPREMACISTS, and FASCISTS as they covered their faces and yelled slurs, curse words, and vulgar epithets at the citizens of Oxford concerned with the loss of their individual autonomy and the rise of government tyranny.


In cities worldwide, men and women who fight for liberty and against tyranny are called “White Supremacists” and “NAZIS” by Antifa.


The WEF Puts Out WOKE Videos


Of course, the World Economic Forum promotes 15-Minute Cities as something that will “save the environment,” will make cities “more friendly to walkers and bikers,” and are cities that benefit the entire world!


The video below explains 15-Minute Cities from the World Economic Forum’s perspective. The young college girl acts as if these cities are harmless, and opposition to 15-Minute Cities is ignorance.


[Blog Editor: The website embedded a Tik Tok video. I don’t Tik Tok because of its connection to the CCP. So, I uploaded the video to my Bitchute Channel.]



[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published February 19th, 2024 19:15 UTC




This young woman represents the product of modern, liberal education. Individual liberty is in trouble. Government tyranny is deemed normal by the WOKE.


Local Government Is Far More Critical 

15-Minute City Protestors [ISTORIA MINISTRIES Photo]


Don’t let your city become a 15-Minute City.


The citizens of Oxford now realize that their city council is responsible for adopting the 15-Minute City protocols for Oxford. They ask themselves how they could have been asleep at the wheel and allowed leftists to represent them on the city commission.


Your city mayor, city commission, local sheriff, local boards, local paper, and local law enforcement are much more critical government officials in the day of impending government control. Next up are your state officials, and then last, your national leaders.


Having government officials take your liberty to individually DECIDE to walk, bike, or drive as little or as much, as short or as far, as often or not at all, is a huge problem.


When elites who run your government think they know what’s best for you and demand you conform, they’ve sacrificed your autonomy at the altar of government tyranny.


When the elite think they’re smarter, freedom is something they barter.




About Wade Burleson




[Blog Editor: TruthTalk.uk [ABOUT] cross posted a RAIR Foundation article under the title, “UN Agenda 2030 Beware: ‘15-Minute Cities’ Are Another Globalist Scheme to Control, Punish, Surveil and Imprison You” on 1//1/23 (12/31/22 at RAIR).


You should read the text of the post, but here I’m just sharing the videos embedded on the post except the video of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán only because it is in Hungarian with English subtitles.]


Rumble VIDEO: Oxfordshire County Council 15 Minute City"-inspired plan

[Posted by RAIRFoundationUSA

Published December 31, 2022




Rumble VIDEO: Agenda 2030: Blueprint for the Global Enslavement of Humanity under the boot of Corporate Masters

[Posted by RAIRFoundationUSA

Published February 27, 2022




Rumble VIDEO: UN Agenda 2030: 15-minute Cities Are Another Globalist Scheme to Control, Surveil, and Imprison You

[Posted by RAIRFoundationUSA

Published December 31, 2022



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