Friday, October 13, 2023

Moving from RAGE over Pseudo-Palestinians to WWJD


Hamas Terrorist toon ( – From Santa Cruz Sentinel - PHOTO

By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 13, 2023


When I began to read and see the video feed of Hamas atrocities against Jews and Westerners caught in the indiscriminate terrorist attacks in Israel, the same rage began to creep up that I felt when Islamic terrorists hijacked passenger airlines (whether by Intel design or neglect is irrelevant – Islam teaches hate toward all things non-Islamic and Muslims were found more than willing to kill the infidel on a suicide mission) to murder people on U.S. soil.


The 9/11 rage was roughly 22-years ago. That rage would have no problem turning Afghanistan and the epicenter of Islam (Mecca-Medina area) into a nuked sea of glass. And now as I type this, I have read the death toll (aside from the wounded, maimed and raped) of Muslim Hamas terrorism has reached 1300.


AND AGAIN I had enough rage against this Antisemitism – this Anti-Westernism – this Anti-Christianity – to concur these Muslim Pseudo-Palestinians no longer should be allowed to demonstrate their hate by exacting their murderous ways.


AND THEN as the initial rage subsided, I as a Christian, began to experience a What-Would-Jesus-Do inward witness. We Believers (no matter our differences in creeds and Biblical interpretations) ALL KNOW Jesus would not choose to eradicate a wicked population without at least a last-breath opportunity to offer repentance and Redemption.


Now it is my opinion that for all dedicated Muslims, for most their only shot at Redemption will be the last-breath call on Jesus as the Redemptive Risen Lord and Savior. Why? These people are brainwashed from cradle to grave Jesus IS NOT the Incarnate Son of God and He was NOT Crucified and He did NOT Arise from death-to-life in a Glorified body to sit at the Right Hand of the Father. To believe such things in the Muslim world can get you killed if you proclaim it out loud. And the same Quran, Hadith and Sira (Islamic revered writings) that blaspheme the centrality of Christianity, tell the worshippers of the demon-god Allah as relayed by the (murdering-pillaging-enslaving) perfect Muhammad, that Jews are the descendant of apes and pigs and hence are worthy of death for not submitting to Allah.


As such I cannot call Israel guilty of war crimes for cutting off utilities, food and water to a people how believe they will go to a Muslim heaven for killing a Jew.


And yet to slaughter the Pseudo-Palestinians for their own genocidal war crimes would make Israel no better than the lunatic Muslim Pseudo-Palestinians.


And at this point I need to point out Israel currently suffers the same ideological Leftist-Conservative political divide that now ails America. In my opinion this is of worse consequence for Israel than it is for America. The reason is Israel’s existence from a Biblical standpoint is based on the Almighty’s Covenant with Abraham. The danger for Leftists vying for power in Israel is that history shows when Jews no longer honor their Covenant with the Almighty, Jews are expelled from their Covenanted Promised Homeland. When Jews return to God and Covenant, history and the Bible shows repatriation to their Homeland.


Today’s Leftist Jews cling to their heritage while abandoning their Covenant. That does not cut it with the Almighty. And therein lay the existential danger for Israel.


Upfront, I do not have an inside track to this information. ERGO, whether it is Conspiracy or Conspiracy Theory, I cannot validate either way. NAMELY, many are saying Israel’s Intel Community (i.e. Mossad) allowed the Hamas terrorist to sneak into Israel to perpetrate heinous murder to give the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) an excuse to wipe out wicked Palestinians. WORSE, many are suggesting America’s CIA may have aided and abetted Mossad in this endeavor. The underlying reason being the failure of the Ukraine war to begin a Globalist WWIII, perhaps Israeli revenge might spark WWIII.


Now here’s what lends credence the Conspiracy Theory is a Conspiracy Fact (and I’m NOT saying it is): American Intel (not just the CIA, but most if not all the Intel Alphabets) has been promoting a Globalist NWO for decades contrary to the U.S. Constitution, contrary to American Heritage and definitely contrary to the benefit of WE-THE-PEOPLE. It is my guess Israel has the same Globalist-Leftist infection particularly among its Intel Community and government bureaucracies.


Another conjectural guess: If there was a Leftist Israeli Intel Conspiracy to allow Hamas infiltration, my suspicion is the clueless morons miscalculated on the scale of the genocidal rampage that was perpetrated and occurred that killed 1300 people so far.


Allow me to also add the events of the unleashing of the CCP virus (aka COVID – which in reality was probably only a little worse than Flu epidemics), the conspiring prevention of EFFECTIVE inexpensive drug and vitamin prophylactics which increased CCP virus deaths, Forced Medical Tyranny (Lockdowns, useless masks, etc.), Pushing and in Most Cases Mandating a dangerous experimental mRNA Jab (which has been proven INEFFECTIVE & UNSAFE), an Election Coup in 2020 and a corrupt 2022 Election, Climate Hoax, Globalist Great Reset/UN Agenda 2030 One World Government designs AND MORE – Has awakened many Americans to totally mistrust a tyrannical extra-constitutional government.


That being said, I have undergone the kind of transformation that IS NOT even close to Obama’s predictive Fundamental Transformation of America. RATHER I have transformed from a former Neocon-like promote American Interests and American Institutions on an international basis thinking that would secure a better/safer America to EMBRACING Isolationism – the one-time historical National Policy of America. As in NO FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS!


That means, even though I am a HUGE supporter of Israel and God’s Promised Land for the Jews, America should no be involved in sending anything other than know-how and humanitarian aid to Israel. One cannot trust powerful Leftist Globalists in the Israeli government any more than American Patriots can trust Dem-Marxists controlling the U.S. government. American taxes and American resources must be utilized to maximize the benefit of WE-THE-PEOPLE as intended from the heritage of our Founding Fathers.


JRH 10/13/23


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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!

My 10/10/23 Blogger post was Censored (Can Be Read at CPCR) AND Blogger Might Censor This ALSO!


Blog Editor: BELOW are some Pro-Israel posts adding context that Hamas & Pseudo-Palestinians are Muslim Terrorist thugs, and it is doubtful there is an innocent non-Jew-Hating civilian among them.


o   On Israel, Hamas, and what happens now [FULL COPY for free subscribers]: Part 2: Existential threats require an existential response; By ALEX BERENSON; Unreported Truths [Substack]; Free copy posted 10/11/23


o   An existential evil: Israel's battle is a war for civilisation against barbarism; By MELANIE PHILLIPS; Melanie Phillips [Substack]; 10/11/23


o   Civilisation’s fifth columnists: The depravity shown by Hamas has entered the collective mind of the west itself; By MELANIE PHILLIPS; Melanie Phillips [Substack]; 10/13/23


o   ‘Hamas is ISIS': Here's how we know - Hamas and ISIS share ideological foundations and revere the same philosophical figures that developed them; By MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMAN; The Jerusalem Post; 10/10/23 21:15 – UPDATED 10/11/23 14:54




Commentary and Discussion by Paul Sutliff of The Sutliffian Report:


Youtube VIDEO: Israel - Hamas War and the Effects of the Hijrah

Posted by The Sutliffian Report

Streamed live on October 12, 2023


Hijrah is the Arabic word migration. which is required before a jihad. History records many hijrahs before jihads. Now that the hijrah has spread Muslims across the world and Hamas has attacked Israel how has the hijrah effected the areas they moved to?



Israel, Israel vs. Hamas, hamas, war, hijrah, koran, Quran, Muhammad, islamic history, updates on the war, terrorism, Muslim Brotherhood.



Bitchute VIDEO: Exposing the Red–Green Alliance Behind the Hamas Terror Attack: Trevor Loudon

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 11th, 2023 20:40 UTC


I found a great 6:22-minute video reminiscent of the days I focused on Counterjihad thoughts more than anti-Globalist and anti-Medical Tyranny NWO thoughts. BUT thanks to crazy Muslim Jew-Hatred arising via Hamas terrorism, it is time to AGAIN look at two ideologies that are uniting for a common goal of destroy Western Christian Culture and Jewish Israel in what has been termed the Red-Green Alliance (sometimes Axis). (Which translates as Red = Leftist/Marxist & Green = Islam). The Red-Green is a flawed alliance, for if their common goal is ever achieved, then the Red and the Green will turn on each other. History records Red-goals and Green-goals are ALWAYS performed by exacting as much blood of their enemy as needed for an utter victory.


And so, the video is from EPOCH-TV and it from its CrossRoads programing posted on 10/10/23 ( Essentially it is an interview between Joshua Philipp and Trevor Loudon.


The EPOCH-TV Description:


‘Israel has declared war on Hamas. The Biden administration is standing alongside Israel in what could become a drawn-out conflict. There are credible reports that Iran played a role in orchestrating the attacks on Israel, and that it’s possible even Russia could have played a hand. From the standpoint of history, this would all make sense. And to understand this we need to talk about the so-called Red-Green Alliance. Here to speak with us about this is Trevor Loudon, Epoch Times contributor and author of “The Enemies Within.”’



Below is an email I received from Robert Stearns and Eagles' Wings which I could not locate a corresponding link to share.


Israel at War: Understanding Israel's Enemies


Sent by Robert Stearns and Eagles' Wings (

Sent Oct 13 at 10:59 AM ABOUT PAGE


Dear John,


Unthinkable horrors... acts of hate and terror against innocent Israeli civilians - men, women, children, the elderly, and even infants - have stunned the nation of Israel in the last several days. Unfortunately, the war is far from over and a ground invasion of Gaza could begin any day now...

With enemies trying to breach Israel's borders on many sides, it is time NOW for all of us to awaken ourselves to what's really going on.

 Understanding Israel's Enemies PHOTO


With the death toll of over 1,300 people massacred, many of them were innocent Israeli civilians murdered in cold blood. Nearly 3,300 Israelis have been wounded and over 5,000 rockets have been launched at Israel in the last 6 days, with more than 150 Israeli hostages taken captive.

Who are some of the main enemies surrounding Israel, and how do we distinguish between the different groups? Here are some quick facts:

Hamas Hamas is an acronym of the Arabic phrase arakah al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah, meaning "Islamic Resistance Movement."  It is a terrorist organization with a long history of violence, including suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and other forms of armed resistance, against Israeli civilians and military targets. The group's founding charter explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel and its replacement with an Islamic state, which further solidifying its stance as an anti-Israeli entity and an enemy of Israel.


Additionally, its tactics have resulted in numerous casualties, including innocent civilians, making it a significant security concern. Hamas is nothing short of a terrorist organization. The Hamas terrorists are at the forefront of causing the current unimaginable suffering in Israel and they must be stopped!


[Blog Editor: I’m actually uploading the Facebook video of the CNN presentation to my Bitchute Channel for sharing purposes.]


Bitchute VIDEO: Son of founder of Hamas, Mosab Yousef, explains motive of Hamas for targeting Israel

[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 13th, 2023 17:41 UTC


This CNN clip was acquired from a Facebook video (


 Hezbollah izbu 'llāh, lit. 'Party of Allah' or 'Party of God' is a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group, led since 1992 by its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. This is another terrorist group established in Lebanon in the 1980s with support from Iran. Hezbollah's primary goal is to resist Israeli presence in the region and promote the interests of its Iranian backers. The group has a history of engaging in terrorism, including high-profile attacks, such as the 1983 bombings of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut and the U.S. Embassy in the same city, which resulted in numerous casualties. Hezbollah continues to pose a threat to Israel. The presence of this heavily armed group remains a destabilizing factor in the region, contributing to security risks for Israel, especially as they have fired rockets into the north of Israel, and could open up another front in the war. 

And even though it may weaken its strategic advantage against these enemies, Israel is STILL doing all it can to protect innocent Palestinians:


A reliable source in Israel has shared with us the extraordinary lengths that Israel is going to, to protect the people of Gaza.



We at Eagles' Wings say that Israel has more than enough enemies... and we believe it is our mandate to be and recruit more allies for the State of Israel!

Will you be an ally?

In response to the urgent situation that has been unfolding over these days, Eagles' Wings has launched on behalf of the global Christian community the "I Stand With Israel" emergency campaign, to raise $250,000 to strengthen Israel in this critical time. Join us today in bringing tangible support to the people of Israel in their urgent hour of need. No gift is too small to make an impact!




Our Abraham's Bread Feeding Centers in Jerusalem and Tiberias are working around the clock to help meet the needs of the people that are increasing with every day that passes. Many are stuck in their homes, unable to get supplies as the war continues on.

Our centers have become gathering and distribution hubs for humanitarian aid to suffering communities throughout Israel. This is in addition to daily serving hundreds of Israelis from all different backgrounds who are in need, including young families, new immigrants from Ukraine, and elderly Holocaust survivors.

Eagles’ Wings is also supporting United Hatzalah, a community-based volunteer emergency medical services (EMS) organization committed to providing the fastest response to medical emergencies across Israel completely free of charge. This amazing organization is providing emergency services and medical supplies to all the victims of this horrific attack and to those who continue to need help throughout Israel.

As thousands of Israelis head to the frontlines, many communities are left in need of supplies to defend themselves. These communities include Sde Boaz in the hills above Bethlehem, which is bordered by hostile Arab villages. We are working with trusted friends in that community to provide practical equipment like flashlights, radios, and other security items so they can protect their community from further attack.

These and other emergency needs and initiatives are being helped by the "I Stand With Israel” emergency campaign.




Please keep the people of Israel in urgent prayer, including those brave Israeli men and women who are risking their lives to protect and defend their families, neighbors, and the State of Israel.

I want to thank all of you who have given already to bless and support Israel, and I want to encourage those of you who have not yet given to donate today towards helping these worthy and vital causes.

Now is a time when we must respond in prayer AND action. One practical way you can do this, in addition to giving a gift, is to download and share the image below on your social media, showing that you stand with Israel:




Please continue to pray and stand with Israel, joining with people from around the world in this crucial moment.

Any gift you can give today will help efforts to support Israel including feeding those who are in great need, delivering life-saving medical supplies and emergency services, protecting communities of Israelis, and other vital initiatives in the midst of this war. 

Your prayers and giving can make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by this crisis. Your contribution, no matter the size, can go a long way in standing with Israel at this time. 

I urge you to continue to follow me on social media (see links below) as I give updates on this unfolding situation in the days to come. 

Together, let us remain vigilant as Watchmen on the Wall, strengthening the people of Israel in this critical time.



Robert Stearns


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