Saturday, December 3, 2022

Tear Down This Dem-Marxist Wall!



John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 3, 2022


I’ve NEVER been a fan of Big Bro Government going through my childhood and teen years in the 1960s and 1970s. I suspect I may have made the mistake of nominal trust when ideological favorite Ronald Reagan proved closer to his Conservative words than apart from them.


Then enter, we are going to fundamentally transform America Barry Soetoro (aka Barrack Hussein Obama). Old Barry set the stage for Bureaucratic political corruption to have Teflon unaccountability. No, I have not forgotten Clinton Crime Family exploits, it’s just Obama perfected Marxist rule while the Clintons perfected monied self-aggrandizement.


America’s UNELECTED Bureaucracy has become so Marxist and so unaccountable, that the Soetoro (and no doubt, other Globalist-Marxist-Corporatist Elitists) puppet strings will be difficult to clip under the U.S. Constitutions now rendered useless Rule of Law.


ERGO now, I am more DO NOT trust Big Bro Government more than ever!


OBVIOUS Election/Voting criminality occurred in 2020 and 2022. The Constitutional Rule of Law apparatus then and I have no doubt also now, was and is impotent due to political corruption in government. The Dems are infected with Marxism. The GOP is infected with Establishment RINO Leadership who like the Pharisees of Jesus’s earthly walk, are more concerned with maintaining their position than the nation’s Liberty and Constitutional Original Intent.


For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons.

For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds,

[Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One), -- 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 AMPC


I could be wrong (I hope I am wrong), but looking to human agency to reverse this corruption probably will not happen – at least in a peaceful manner.


SO, if YOU are a Believer in the Risen Savior, it’s time to enter into the Holy Hands spiritual warfare and tear down anything daring to array itself against God Almighty in the NAME OF JESUS!


Reagan told Gorbachev to tear down this wall of Communism. Believers need to stand en masse demanding the Dem-Marxist Wall of Tyranny be torn down along with the spiritual devils behind the Dem-Marxists in the NAME OF JESUS!


The context of these musings that you should read:


o   Worldwide shadow government behind “elected” government officials and public health institutions – By Ethan Huff


o   Elon Musk Releases Documents Showing U.S. Government Instructed Twitter Platform to Remove Political Content, a Clear First Amendment Violation – By Sundance


o   Under Deposition FBI Admits Giving Targeting Instructions to Tech Giants and Social Media Companies for Blocks and Content Removal – By Sundance


JRH 12/3/22

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Worldwide shadow government behind “elected” government officials and public health institutions


MSM Propaganda & Puppeteer


By Ethan Huff

December 2, 2022

Natural News


(Natural News) Despite appearing like a Democrat operation, the global vaccine infrastructure we are seeing unfold was actually architected by a hidden shadow government that quietly and in the background pulls the strings of the visible governments we are all allowed to see. And this shadow government has been busy with this for many, many decades.


The Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNICEF, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), GAVI, USAID, the World Bank, and many other globalist entities and groups have all been working in tandem to orchestrate this global vaccine regime, which is just about complete.


Wealthy investors often create funds of “non-profit” organizations that pose as public health institutions. Their money is then funneled into deep state operations aimed at force-jabbing the entire world with experimental pharmaceuticals such as Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”


These money-grubbing power brokers also routinely buy off politicians and control their every move – and they do this on both sides of the political aisle. (Related: Check out this video from to learn more about how to fight back against deep state tyranny).


“In short, wealthy organisations and individuals are getting you and your government to pay for and implement private interests through public policies,” reports The Exposé. “Policies that are geared towards a pre-determined conclusion that is to the benefit of those wealthy interests.”


Thirty-eight people control the lives of the other eight billion, says French billionaire


According to French billionaire and RDH President Philippe Argillier, this shadow government infrastructure is behind the government officials who are paraded in front of the world. The people we see, in other words, are just puppets following the globalists’ orders.


Some of these politicians are paid off with bribes while others are blackmailed into compliance. The worst of the worst politicians, i.e., the ones who visit places like Epstein Island via the Lolita Express, are eager to obey in order to prevent their filthy deeds from being exposed to the world.


“Altogether, 38 individuals run the daily lives of eight billion people on earth,” Argillier is quoted as saying to Nations in Action. “The Biden administration is under the control of the shadow government. I can confirm this without any hesitation based upon the information that I have.”


Not just politicians but also high-level finance folks are also under the full control of the hidden globalists who pull the strings of power from behind the curtain, much like what was depicted in the film The Wizard of Oz. They avoid the spotlight and most people on earth have no idea who they even are, by design.


“Argillier explained that the shadow government is almost like a corporation with a short, medium and long-term agenda,” reports The Exposé. “Most of the time their influence is based on economics, or money. But usually, their influence is directed at geopolitical agreements, with military intervention if needed, along with some of the most powerful countries.”


“For example, the USA, China and France are the most powerful countries working with the shadow government behind the scenes.”


As you might expect, none of the people who comprise the shadow government possess any sense of conscience or moral values. They are ruthless, choosing instead to steal, kill, and destroy from those who produce while amassing all the money and control for themselves.


“When you’re at the top, at the very top [as] they believe they are, [they say], ‘let’s create our own world; let’s decide on behalf of eight billion people on earth,” Argillier says.


“It’s almost like playing a game of Monopoly where you decide what the big next step will be. So far it’s worked because with that type of money you can buy anything you want.”


More related news coverage can be found at


Sources for this article include:


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Elon Musk Releases Documents Showing U.S. Government Instructed Twitter Platform to Remove Political Content, a Clear First Amendment Violation




By Sundance

December 2, 2022

The Conservative Treehouse


Twitter CEO Elon Musk selected Matt Taibbi, one of the rare independent voices in media, as the vessel to review and share a litany of internal documents from within the social media platform showing details of how the federal government and DNC officials gave instructions to Twitter personnel to remove content.


Matt Taibbi released a stream of Twitter Communication showing the documents and details – SEE HERE


Elon Musk followed up the current release with a statement saying, “Twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a 1st amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech, with no judicial review, is.”


Elon-Musk-Twitter-Free-Speech-and-Violations Screen Capture




Journalist Matt Taibbi signs off on this release with the following notation, “There is much more to come, including answers to questions about issues like shadow-banning, boosting, follower counts, the fate of various individual accounts, and more. These issues are not limited to the political right.”


Read Documents Here


© 2022 The Conservative Treehouse



Under Deposition FBI Admits Giving Targeting Instructions to Tech Giants and Social Media Companies for Blocks and Content Removal


By Sundance

December 2, 2022

The Conservative Treehouse


It is very well known by now that FBI agents worked within social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram through direct portals connecting the government to the backdoors of the networks.  The Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) continue to operate in partnership with various tech systems and platforms to monitor content.




During a deposition this week the FBI admitted to giving instructions to tech companies like Google, Apple and Microsoft to block URLs without a basis in legality.  Essentially the ideology of the FBI and DHS determines the targets of the content removal, blockage and/or censoring.


To repeat, these are not FBI and DHS instructions based on defined criminal activity, these are government instructions based on disagreements over ‘information’ as espoused by the content provider.


Information the government agrees with is safe; however, information the U.S. government doesn’t agree with is targeted.   Obviously, a person of reasonable intelligence can see the problem with allowing law enforcement to determine which information is valid and which information is invalid.


(Fox News) – On Tuesday, lawyers from the offices of Attorneys General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana deposed FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan as part of their lawsuit against the Biden administration. That suit accuses high-ranking government officials of working with giant social media companies “under the guise of combating misinformation” to achieve greater censorship.


Chan, who serves in the FBI’s San Francisco bureau, was questioned under oath by court order about his alleged “critical role” in “coordinating with social-media platforms relating to censorship and suppression of speech on their platforms.”


During the deposition, Chan said that he, along with the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force and senior Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency officials, had weekly meetings with major social media companies … Fox News Digital also learned that, according to Chan’s testimony, the FBI regularly sends social media companies lists of internet URLs and social media accounts that should be taken down because they are “disinformation” from “malign foreign influence operations.” The FBI then inquires whether the platforms have taken down the content. On many occasions, the platforms take down the accounts flagged by the FBI.


“Since filing our lawsuit, we’ve uncovered troves of discovery that show a massive ‘censorship enterprise,'” Attorney General Eric Schmitt told Fox News Digital. “Now, we’re deposing top government officials, and we’re one of the first to get a look under the hood — the information we’ve uncovered through those depositions has been shocking to say the least. It’s clear from Tuesday’s deposition that the FBI has an extremely close role in working to censor freedom of speech.” (read more)





[DISCLAIMER:  CTH has a heightened awareness on this issue because I received a congressional subpoena based entirely on a Tweet that was discovered to have been attributed to an account set up by a Twitter employee to create CTH as a target. What we discovered was that Twitter employees have the ability to manipulate the platform to create real world outcomes. A variation on “swatting” by Twitter.  As a result, knowing that FBI and DHS officials target user accounts based on content, and knowing that Twitter employees have the ability to create content with false attribution to targeted user accounts, it’s worth an even larger pause when considering the relationship. /SD]


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© 2022 The Conservative Treehouse

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