Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Going CASHLESS more about Tyranny than Convenience

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© October 12, 2022 [UPDATED 12/21/22 noticing Youtube censored a video in the post]


As far as convenience goes, the concept of a cashless society sounds genius. Robberies by common thugs immediately becomes a difficult proposition by the common criminal. THEN THE CONVENIENCE ENDS WITH THE REALITY OF GOVERNMENT TYRANNY!


Already in Coup-Installed Biden’s America arrests and gulag treatment is occurring to the ideological enemies of Dem-Marxist policies and societal transformation.


IMAGINE when the government controls YOU by limiting or downright cancelling your digital money if you refuse to cooperate with the Dem-Marxist socio-political agenda. When the government controls your means of buying, spending and/or selling; THEN the government controls you. Then your ONLY choices are compliance, rebellion or boning up on how to live a closet Amish lifestyle. And I wrote “closet” because even today the Amish is being persecuted for not complying to government regulations. Today even the Amish use cash and are persecuted for trying to operate outside bounds of Big Brothers watchful EYE:


o   BREAKING: Biden Orders Terrifying RAID On Amish Dairy Farmer; From Blaze Media; Liberty News Network; NO DATE [Over Amish Dairy Farmer’s private gun collection]


o   Amish Farmer Gets Prison Sentence for Processing His Own Meat; Posted by EU Times; The European Union Times; 4/28/22


o   Amish Farmer Faces Fines, Prison Time for Refusing to Comply with USDA Regulations; By Patrick Carroll; FEE Stories; 8/23/22


o   Armed Feds Target Amish Farmer in PA For Farming in Accordance With His Religion and Cutting Out the Government “Middle Man”; By Amber Crawford;; 8/23/22


o   Federal government raids Amish farm for raising livestock and growing crops the natural way; By Belle Carter (from Natural News); your News; 8/31/22


The Amish by religious principle are non-violent and live away from the grid except for utilizing the cash money system to buy and sell. YET Big Brother Government feel the boot of control must extend to the Amish who practice avoiding non-Amish people. ERGO, when say we might have to learn a “closet” Amish lifestyle in a government mandated cashless society, I’m thinking some kind of underground barter system of exchange. Although living like a closet Amish might work for survival, ownership is another matter.


The Tyrant Government will still want their taxes. If digital money is all that is permitted by tyranny, the tyrants will expect taxes to be paid digitally. If one is making a grid-free life, acquiring digital money to pay the tyrant tax could be a difficult proposition. Tyrant’s solution: CONFISCATE YOUR PROPERTY!


I believe you sense the Big Brother Control behind the cashless society. AND I have not even touched upon the open emergence of Satan’s Antichrist Economic System which will become more obvious in a cashless society.


I have some interesting cross posts that hopefully shine a light on the seemingly increasing tyranny especially in relation to going cashless.


First up, THE EXPOSÉ (though UK oriented the info applies to the USA or anywhere a Free People hope to live): “The Smart Money Nightmare: What Life Without Cash Could Mean for You


Next up, World-Signals News: “People want to pay in cash, the struggle continues this way…


Last up, Front Page Magazine: “Biden DOJ Weaponized for 2022 Midterms: What could possibly go wrong?


JRH 10/12/22

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The Smart Money Nightmare: What Life Without Cash Could Mean for You


CBDC Money - Featured image: IMF: CBDCs give more control, but don’t solve every problem



October 11, 2022



It is vital that every person understands what the proposed changes to the monetary system will mean. The changes, if allowed to happen, could be the most devastating event in our lifetime and potentially the biggest removal of liberty in modern history.


Richard Hall of Rich Planet TV has produced the video below explaining the dangers of smart money, central bank digital currency (“CBDC”) and removing cash. Everyone needs to watch this video. It needs to be shared widely, particularly with those who think blockchain is “private” and will “beat” the system and with younger generations who think cash is or should be made obsolete.


Youtube VIDEO: Johnny's Cash and The Smart Money Nightmare

[Blog Editor 12/21/22: Just notice Youtube cancelled (meaning censored) the Yuotube account and therefore the video itself. SO BELOW IS THE BITCHUTE VERSION:]


[Bitchute Channel: ⭒𝕍Ã𝖓_𝔻Ê-ℝ𝖆𝖓𝖙É⭒® - ᴸᵉᵉˢᵉ

First Published: October 19th, 2022 19:57 UTC 

*Say No to centrally controlled smart money*

It is vital that every person understands what the proposed changes to the monetary system will mean. The changes, if allowed to happen, could be the most devastating event in our lifetime and potentially the biggest removal of liberty in modern history.

Original Link:]

[Posted by Richard Hall [Suspended Youtube account]

Posted on Oct 11, 2022


Please download and re-post this video. You can download it by clicking the download link. It is vital that every person understands what the proposed changes to the monetary system will mean. The changes, if allowed to happen, could be the most devastating event in our lifetime and potentially the biggest removal of liberty in modern history. NOTE : The news clips in this video are dramatisations using an actor.]


If the video above is removed from YouTube you can watch it on Bitchute HERE.


What better way to shift the world towards the changes required for the “smart money nightmare” to take effect than a crisis or a series of crises. Could recent interventions by the Bank of England be an indication of such a crisis? We don’t know and we don’t know if it is all happening by design and planned well in advance. But we do know they would “never let a good crisis go to waste.”  So recent and significant disturbances in the financial markets are worth noting.


Bank of England Intervenes to Smooth the Market


The British government’s shift toward fiscal stimulus – a plan unveiled by UK Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng – upended British financial markets. The combination of massive energy subsidies and tax cuts alarmed investors, who worried that the British budget deficit would become unsustainable. The result was a very sharp rise in bond yields, a decline in equity prices, and a historic drop in the value of the pound.


Read more: Bank of England Intervenes to Restore Financial Stability, Deloitte, 5 October 2022


In a scathing verdict on the UK’s plans, the IMF urged Kwarteng to “re-evaluate” the tax-cutting plan, which includes the scrapping of the top rate of income tax and an end to a bonus cap for bankers, saying it will “likely increase inequality.”  It urged the UK government to “provide support that is more targeted and re-evaluate the tax measures” during the chancellor’s upcoming announcement.


Shortly after the IMF statement, credit rating agency Moody’s released its own damning verdict, saying the fiscal plan could threaten the country’s credibility with lenders by creating larger budget deficits.


When a government wants to raise money to pay for its spending programme, one tactic is to issue bonds. In the UK, government bonds are called “gilts.”   When the UK government issues gilts, it borrows money from the buyer. The loan term may be a few months, or it could extend to several decades. Bondholders receive an interest payment during the bond’s life and get back their capital when it matures. The interest rate is also known as “yield.”  Today’s bond markets are worth around £100 trillion worldwide, according to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association. Every three months the UK’s Debt Management Office (“DMO”) publishes a Quarterly Review summarising its gilt and money markets operations over the given quarter. The latest Quarterly Review is for April – June 2022. It shows that in the first quarter of 2022 (April -June), 27.5% of the UK government debt was held by insurance companies and pension funds.


Gilt & Treasury Bill Holding Chart - United Kingdom Debt Management Office: Quarterly Review April – June 2022, pg. 3


On 26 September the Bank of England made a statement that it was monitoring developments in financial markets very closely. In a further announcement on  28 September, the Bank of England (“BoE”) said it was taking measures – carrying out temporary purchases of long-dated UK government bonds – to restore orderly market conditions.


Youtube VIDEO: Bank of England takes emergency action to calm markets


[Posted by Sky News

Posted on Sep 28, 2022




Capital Economics said that the BoE’s steps show “it is going to do all it can to prevent a financial crisis” but that UK markets are “in a perilous position. It wouldn’t be a huge surprise if another problem in the financial markets popped up before long.”


Read more: Bank of England will buy UK government bonds in bid to calm markets, Politico, 28 September 2022


Pound Sterling Live wrote that numerous reports suggested the BoE action was taken after UK pension funds were said to be in distress following sharp moves in yields in the gilt markets.


The US market is sensitive to and has been affected by the UK market, Adam Tooze wrote. It raises the question of the overall fragility of global debt markets. Last week tremors were running through euro government bond markets including the German Bund market. “The spasm in the UK market rippled around the world. The EU felt the impact. And so too did the US. As one market participant observed: ‘At the start of the week we were seeing moves in US Treasuries that could only be explained by what was happening in the UK’.”


Professor Richard A. Werner commented on his Telegram channel:


To fight the collapse of the pound, which is due to the excessive money printing since March 2020 (which is done via bond purchases), the Bank of England has announced more bond purchases – more money printing, copying the failed [European Central Bank] ECB playbook.


Coming soon … UK to agree to peg its currency to the US dollar, at a bargain rate of £1 = $1.


Then all eyes on when ECB & Swiss National Bank will follow (= €1). Eurozone countries have no say here, as they gave up monetary sovereignty to a foreign agency not accountable to any parliament.

Prof. Richard A. Werner on Telegram


Is the Bank of England Working in Isolation?


According to Tooze, far more nakedly than in 2020, the BoE’s hurried interventions in September 2022 have exposed the forces that truly propel central bank intervention in the current dispensation. “The policy of asset purchases may look like …  a coordination of monetary with fiscal policy. They may look like impressive demonstrations of the power of central banks. But they are, in fact, crisis-driven defensive reactions to the spasms of leveraged, market-based finance. What is at stake is not fiscal dominance – the central bank following the lead of the elected government – but financial dominance.”


Corey Lynn notes that BoE is one of 63 members of the Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”):


A band of criminals got together a century ago and decided they were going to own the world, hold all of the power, create and hoard all of the money, and keep everyone on a constant spin cycle to fool them. Not only were they going to construct it as they saw fit, but they were going to build the most elaborate enslavement system this world has ever seen – one that gives them full immunity, allows them to operate outside the law entirely, and they were going to do it without anyone realising it until it was too late.


At the top of the ivory tower, sit BIS, the Bank for International Settlements, with sovereign immunity. When carrying out specific activities under BIS, this immunity extends to its members, which is made up of 63 global central banks and monetary authorities, the Federal Reserve System, plus insurers, and payment systems through their subsidiary, that BIS deems “systemically important institutions.”


These are groups of men and women who masterminded a plan to take global control of the world’s money and weaponise it against everyone. The plotting began a century ago, and it’s far past time to foil their plan. - Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1, Corey Lynn, 29 September 2022



Control Framework Pyramid - Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1, Corey Lynn, 29 September 2022


The Bank of England’s Intervention as Part of a Much Larger Picture


Around the world, financial markets look increasingly distressed, The Economist reported:


In Britain government-bond yields have surged and sterling has slumped, prompting the Treasury and Bank of England to issue statements attempting to soothe markets. In Japan the government has intervened in foreign-exchange markets to stem the fall in the yen for the first time since 1998. In China the central bank has increased reserve requirements for foreign-exchange trading, in a bid to restrain currency outflows. At the heart of the turmoil is the relentless rise of the American dollar and global interest rates. There is little relief on the horizon. - Financial markets enter a dangerous new phase, The Economist, 26 September 2022


In a clip from Catherine Austin Fitts’ The Solari ReportJohn Titus briefly discusses The Economist’s article and what the implications are for the world.


Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.


Rumble VIDEO: Financial markets enter a dangerous new phase…Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus

[Posted by Towards The Light

Published October 7, 2022







People want to pay in cash, the struggle continues this way…


Buy-Sell Cash


By Admin

October 8, 2022

World-Signals News


As central banks and globalist institutions rush to transition the world to digital currencies, Austrian citizens just delivered a huge grassroots rejection to ending cash.


More than half a million Austrians have signed a petition calling for a referendum on the constitutional enshrining of the right to unlimited cash payments. In a country of 8.9 million, the massive show of support for the “right” to pay with cash demonstrates the growing movement against digital currencies promoted by central banks across the world and institutions like the World Economic Forum (WEF).


The deadline for submission of petitions regarding proposals for seven national referendums ended on Monday. As reported by the Austrian daily Kurier, the right to cash payments received the most support of seven different petitions, with 530,938 Austrians signing it.


Only petitions that receive the signatures of 100,000 citizens or more can force a debate in parliament on the topic. Given the overwhelming support behind the “right to cash” petition, there may be strong pressure to move forward with an effort to secure cash payments in the country.


Unlike Greece, the U.K., Scandinavia, and the Benelux countries, cash is still king in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, which have all bucked the trend towards a cashless society. In Austria, 50 percent of all transactions are still conducted in cash, far above the European average of approximately 30 percent. Germans are also against digital transactions, with just 9 percent saying they would use mobile payments.


The effort to enshrine the right to cash payments in the country’s constitution has already been a topic for a number of years, with the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) already suggesting making a constitutional change to protect cash transactions in 2019.


Austrians may be especially sensitive to the enormous state power that would come with a completely cashless society. The academic, author, and specialist in economic psychology Erich Kirchler said that World War II still influences the thinking of Germans and Austrians regarding the dangers of giving too much power to the state.


“In that case, the efficiency of state institutions becomes dangerous,” Kirchler told AFP.


German-speaking countries place a high value on privacy, and the fact that cash payments leave a minimal trace, makes it the most secure and private means of conducting transactions.


Other countries, such as Sweden, have enacted laws to ensure society continues to have access to cash and the ability to make payments in cash. However, if Austria enshrined the right to cash payments in the constitution, it would mark the most dramatic step yet in Europe to secure cash payments in the future.


Why protect cash?

Privacy and civil rights organizations have long advocated the right to cash with the argument that privacy, civil liberties, and finical security are at stake. Abolishing cash would force citizens to conduct all transactions through a digital medium, such as mobile payments, credit cards, or digital currencies. Banks and electronic mediums remain vulnerable to hack attacks and even natural disasters, for example, if the power grid were to be knocked out. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, which is a part of the Ministry of Justice, warned in a report that a totally cashless society would be extremely vulnerable if the country were attacked or exposed to a natural disaster.

For those concerned about privacy, such as those in Germany and Austria, digital payments give law enforcement and government authorities a direct window into all transactions.


Even more worrying for some, digital money could one day be linked to political and social behavior in Western countries in a social credit system, as seen in China. Already, during the “Freedom Convoy” trucker protests against Covid-19 policies in Canada, the left-wing government of Justin Trudeau took the unprecedented step of freezing the bank accounts of protesters. Although civil liberty groups decried the authoritarian action as a flagrant abuse of power, many critics worry that the action could now serve as a template to deal with protesters and dissent in the future. If dissidents and those critical of government cannot keep their money outside the digital space, then they will have nowhere to hide their finances should governments, like the one in Canada, take action against them.


The financial columnist and analyst Matthew Lynn wrote for the U.K.’s Telegraph in 2015 that the core issue for maintaining cash is the freedom it provides.


On the other end of the spectrum, globalist institutions like the World Economic Forum have long lobbied for a cashless society and have routinely run articles such as “Why we should try to make cash obsolete,” “The benefits of a cashless society” and “Should cash be abolished?” Back in 2017, economist Joseph Stiglitz called for banning all paper currency in the United States, a position the WEF also positively reported on. Central banks across the world are also currently “leading the way” in the race to institute digital currencies. Although digital currencies and physical currency are expected to run in tandem for many, numerous globalist think tanks and economists are pushing for a complete phase out after an adjustment period.


The debate over cash is expected to rage on, but Austria’s case may not only demonstrate the societal challenges of abolishing cash but also the problems associated with countries giving up their national currency. Some critics point to the fact that Austria’s national currency is the euro may jeopardize the entire effort to secure cash payments. After Austria gave up its own national currency, the schilling, in 2002, it lost a considerable amount of control over its own finances. If the EU were to mandate a digital currency, Austria may be able to carve out a temporary exception, but may ultimately have little power to reject such a mandate.


World-Signals News HOMEPAGE



Biden DOJ Weaponized for 2022 Midterms

What could possibly go wrong?


[Coup-Installed] Biden


By Fred Lucas 

October 11, 2022

Front Page Magazine


What could possibly go wrong in giving the perfectly apolitical Department of Justice more power over elections?


A few too many one-offs, anomalies, and more than a couple of bad apples are enough to prompt even the most apt to provide the benefit-of-the-doubt to suspect the department has been politicized.


So it’s not very encouraging that the Biden administration’s Justice Department has made voting and elections a top priority, as detailed in my new book “The Myth of Voter Suppression.”


Thus far in 2022, an FBI SWAT team arrested a pro-life speaker at his home, raided the home of a former president, expanded its net for extremism to include concerned parents at school board meetings, all while an FBI whistleblower says the bureau ran interference to protect Hunter Biden.


Such anomalies and one-offs–that tend to always lean in one direction–perhaps shouldn’t raise concerns about the department’s expanding role in American democracy. On Oct. 4, Justice Department officials held a virtual briefing with 300 election officials and workers across the country, primarily about grant funding and physical security of voting sites. That would be entirely appropriate, though one is left to wonder given the Justice Department has too often shown its partisan stripes.


President Joe Biden signed a March 2021 executive order pushing an all-of-government approach to expanding voter turnout, largely based on recommendations from Demos, a liberal think tank. Don’t forget that Biden already set the predicate earlier this year for probing outcomes his party doesn’t like when he declared the election “could easily be illegitimate.”


In late 2020, a Demos policy brief called for the incoming Biden-Harris administration to use executive action to “strengthen Department of Justice’s enforcement of and guidance on voting rights statutes” and “pursue aggressive civil and criminal enforcement of federal voting rights protections.”


The Biden Justice Department obliged, filing lawsuits against the states of Arizona, Georgia, and Texas over their election integrity measures in those states.


Biden further appointed top Justice Department officials with a long record of opposing any voter ID laws and state laws that promoted accurate voting lists.


One is Vanita Gupta, the associate attorney general.


Gupta returned to the Department of Justice after running the civil rights division during the Obama administration, which included overseeing the 2015 lawsuit to try to stop North Carolina’s voter ID law.


Gupta is a former CEO of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and was previously a lawyer with the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, as well as a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union.


Biden also named Kristen Clarke as the assistant attorney general to lead the Civil Rights Division that oversees the DOJ’s Voting Section.


Clarke was previously the president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and worked for the New York attorney general’s office and the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund.


In the face of a bona fide open-and-shut case of voter intimidation, Clarke, as a private lawyer, lobbied the Justice Department to drop its case against the far-left New Black Panther Party, which was seen on video intimidating voters at a Pennsylvania polling place during the 2008 election. The intimidation was perceived as benefitting Democrats, so it apparently didn’t matter. The Obama Justice Department complied with the push.


Clarke further led a lawsuit to stop the then-Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp from enforcing election integrity policies.


In July 2021, the Department of Justice issued guidance on federal statutes regarding voting methods—including mail-in voting—and warnings on conducting post-election audits, which Democrats staunchly opposed.


In June 2021, the Justice Department sued Georgia over its voting law regarding the use of voter ID for absentee ballots. The Biden DOJ’s complaint in federal court contends that provisions of the law were adopted to deny or abridge the right to vote based on race. The following November, the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against Texas over what it claimed were “restrictive voting procedures.” The Justice Department also sued in July 2022 to claim Arizona election reforms suppressed voting.


The lawsuits continue even void of evidence. As “The Myth of Voter Suppression” points out, the 2022 primary elections, the first test of the 2021 state election reforms, show the laws didn’t suppress anything.


Georgia had a 168% increase from the off-year primary of 2018. In Texas, turnout was 17.7% in 2022, about 3 million votes compared to 17.2% in the 2018 primary. Arizona had a record primary turnout in 2022 of 35.12%, or 1.4 million ballots cast, compared to the 33.3% turnout in 2018, with 1.2 million ballots casts.


In response to Biden’s executive order, the Justice Department announced in May 2022 that it would provide “educational materials related to voter registration and voting” and “facilitate voter registration, for all eligible individuals in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons.” Convicted felons have generally been a reliable Democrat voting bloc.


With just a little over a month before Election Day, it will be interesting to see how political the Justice Department will be before and after the actual voting.


Copyright © 2022 ·

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