Sunday, May 1, 2022

Ministry of Truth – The Tentacles of Tyranny

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© May 1, 2022


Unless you live under a Sheeple rock you must conclude the EO created (meaning no constitutionally Congressional authorization!) Disinformation Governance Board – aka Biden’s Ministry of Truth – is a dictatorship ploy to tell how YOU how to think and believe. Which translates as Dem-Marxists determine what is truth and what is a lie regardless of actual facts or opinions based on facts.


The question becomes: When will Americans begin to rise up against the Dem-Marxist increasingly unmasked assault on Liberty?


I begin with Lou Dobbs and Tom Fitton discussing the Ministry of Truth on a Rumble video. Then the American Thinker examines the Ministry of Truth tyrannical aspects and the Canada Free Press focusses on the Ministry of Truth’s female-Goebbels in Nina Jankowicz.


JRH 5/1/22

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Rumble VIDEO: FITTON WITH LOU DOBBS: Biden Admin Targeting Free Speech with Disinformation Governance Board!

Posted by Judicial Watch

Published April 29, 2022


Judicial Watch President @TomFitton joins Lou Dobbs on "Real America's Voice" to discuss the Biden Administration's creation of a "Disinformation Governance Board" at the Department of Homeland Security and the danger it poses to free speech. WATCH NOW!



The Ministry of Truth Is Where the Rubber Meets the Road



Truth-Lies Programming - Image: TheDigitalArtist via PixabayPixabay License.


By Andrew W. Coy

May 1, 2022

American Thinker


Is this the hill that patriots will die on? Is this the moment when MAGA nation says, "Hell, no"? Is this the time when hardworking blue-collar Americans say with a unified voice: "We will not comply"? Is this the legal case where the Supreme Court acts as if it is ...the Supreme Court and declares Mr. Biden's newly created Bureau of Disinformation unconstitutional from its inception? Is this the final straw, where a clear plurality of Republicans "man up" and act as the opposition party should, and refuse to fund Mr. Biden's "Ministry of Truth"?


I think America and the rest of the world will know the answers to these questions soon. If the answers are yes, we still have a country based on the U.S. Constitution. If the answers are no, we are done as a democratic republic, and the Constitution has no teeth.


The Biden regime announced this past week the creation of the Ministry of Truth. According to the Biden goons, the Ministry of Truth is necessary to fight off and thwart misinformation and disinformation. The Biden regime and its henchmen, they and they alone, will decide what is truth and facts...and what is misinformation and disinformation.


This is horrific and a direct attack on the Constitution. And it also puts citizens on notice that opinions, and ideas, and editorials, and online comments, and unapproved newspaper articles that are not government-approved...are now illegal. Non-approved government speech, thought, and writings will become a crime.


What Biden and his "Brown Shirts" are doing is exactly what dictators do. They are making it illegal to have a different point of view. The only ideas and thoughts and values allowed...will be those of the Biden regime and the Deep State apparatus.


Especially ominous is that Biden's people are putting the Ministry of Truth in the Department of Homeland Security — the one that has all the guns, ammunition, and bombs, all the spying, surveillance, and espionage capabilities to "watch over" Americans. Biden and his "Stasi" are serious about making it illegal to have a different point of view from the government's. They are making free thought, free speech, and free press illegal.


Mr. Biden has put himself on the same side as Stalin, Hitler, Castro, and Mao. This is not an overstatement. Communist China is pleased with Biden. All of these dictators had in some way their own Ministry of Truth that did not allow the citizens to think and speak for themselves. Biden and this Progressive regime will now make it illegal, and thus punishable by fees, forfeiture, and prison time, to think and believe and say as Americans wish.


George Orwell in his dystopian novels 1984 and Animal Farm predicted this decades ago. What Biden and his Progressive party are doing is right out of Orwell's novels. Only dictators limit free speech. Only despots censure different opinions. Only evil human beings do not allow for a different point of view.


Make no mistake about this Ministry of Truth: it is not about misinformation and disinformation. It is about criminalizing speech, thoughts, and ideas that the government does not approve of.


The Biden regime and the Deep State are the same cabal that has put the J-6 freedom fighters in jail without official charges filed against them or bail being afforded to them. As Biden does this, Xi Jinping smiles, and Stalin nods in approval. When a group of evil people who are in charge of government put American citizens in gulags, which violates the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, then that same government will certainly criminalize speech that has not been approved by government. This is not a slippery slope; this is a suicidal cliff from the beginning.


Who is going to decide what is misinformation? The government. Who is going to decide what is disinformation? The Biden regime. Who is going to decide what speech is illegal? Homeland Security. Who is going to decide what the financial fee will be for unauthorized ideas...Deep State. Who is going to decide how long a prison term will be for speaking out loud information opposing the government? The cabal.


Unfortunately, Westernized democracies are beginning to look an awful lot like the CCP and China. Australia looked anything but democratic in the lockdown of citizens who were not vaccinated. And Canada looked a lot like an authoritarian regime in its crackdown on the truckers convoy.


This can happen and is happening in America. One must wonder how long it will be until Tucker Carlson is arrested for "crimes against the state"! Is Tucker living on borrowed time?


With the creation of the Ministry of Truth, there certainly will be financial punishment and prison time given to citizens who are convicted of misinformation and disinformation. This will happen. This is the purpose.


Will any of these be a crime of misinformation/disinformation, punishable by incarceration?


– To say the vaccine, the lockdowns, the closing of public schools, and the social distancing did not work at all. And that herd immunity would have done much better.


– To say the 2020 election was stolen, and President Trump actually won.


– To say Joe Biden and the Biden family have illegal activities going on with the country of China, and he and his family have been bribed and thus compromised by China.


– To say illegal activity has been discovered on Hunter Biden's laptop. And this illegal activity shows crimes being committed by the Biden Crime Family.


– To say there are only two sexes: male and female.


– To say it is a baby, a human being, from conception inside the womb.


– To say the Deep State apparatus in America has used the country of Ukraine to launder illegal money for the elites, and that is the only reason America is interested in backing and protecting Ukraine against Russia.


– To say the American government worked in concert with the Ukrainian government to create non-sanctioned bio-labs in Ukraine, much like in Wuhan, China.


– To say the COVID-19 virus came from a weapons lab in Wuhan, China, and that both America and China were working on it together.


– To say the "vaccine" is really not a vaccine, and at best is a therapeutic. 


– To say the Biden government is corrupt and illegitimate and that Biden has dementia.


– To say Hillary Clinton was behind the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax from the beginning.


– To say the J-6  Save America rally was actually used by the FBI/CIA/NSA and Deep State as a false flag to imprison MAGA Nation into the gulags? 


– To say Biden should be impeached because of his refusal to constitutionally protect our southern border from illegal immigration, illegal drug trafficking, and illegal child trafficking.


– To say that our rights come from God and God alone, and that no government can take these God-given rights away. [Bold Text Emphasis is Blog Editor’s]


Would these statements now, under the Bureau of Disinformation,  become crimes against the state? Probably.


The Supreme Court had better not be cowards-crooks-compromised; the Republican Party had better not be cowards-crooks-compromised. Both bodies must step up. Both bodies need to be out early and strong in saying this Ministry of Truth is illegal and unconstitutional from birth. They must fulfill their obligation to the American citizens and to the Constitution and do the right thing...right away. Regardless of the personal cost. Now. [Bold Text Emphasis is Blog Editor’s]


This indeed is the hill to die on; this is for sure the time to say, "Hell, no," and it is the precise moment to declare, "We will not comply."  We will not go quietly into that dark night. It is approaching the time for choosing. [Bold Text Emphasis is Blog Editor’s]


© American Thinker 2022



When It Comes to Disinformation, No One More Atrocious than Nina Jankowicz

Meanwhile, the government Disinformation Governance Board headed by Nina Jankowicz, set up to spot disinformation is itself an atrocious disseminator of Big-Time Disinformation.


Jankowicz-Poppins - Superdisinformationalisticeexpiadocious


By Judi McLeod 

May 1, 2022

Canada Free Press


Now that it’s officially up and running, the first mission of the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board under Nina Jankowicz is speeding toward a full-blown Resurrection of Hillary Clinton’s “Russians Stole The Election” claim—only this one tailor-made to tinker with the outcome of  November Midterm elections.


It’s a concerted move already underway as the government’s unpopular ‘Disinformation’ Board hits the ground running.


Knowing how badly the Joe Biden administration is failing America, the Democrats are beyond desperate to avoid being wiped out in Midterms.


How long before Republicans up for election in Midterms will be blamed for Russian disinformation?


Incredibly,  desperate Dems seem ready to exploit Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to try to pull off their next Election Fraud.


“Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has curtailed the reach of Russian state media in the U.S., forcing the Kremlin to use other avenues to reach Americans and other Western audiences, according to a recent Department of Homeland Security intelligence assessment obtained by Yahoo News. (AOL, April 29, 2022)


The war, along with Russian media’s coverage of it, “has spurred Western governments, social media companies, and individuals to limit or disengage from Russian state media outlets, likely degrading many outlets’ ability to directly message to Western audiences through 2022,” states the April 22 DHS bulletin, produced in coordination with the Defense Intelligence Agency.”


The Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board will take over the messaging of Western audiences “through 2022”. 


“The assessment is part of the U.S. government’s tracking and analysis of Russian state-sponsored messaging efforts targeting Western audiences. But those who track Russian disinformation remain concerned about the Russian government’s capabilities when it comes to meddling in the 2022 midterm elections. (AOL)


How long before Republicans up for election in Midterms will be blamed for Russian disinformation?


“President Biden’s pick to lead his Department of Homeland Security’s Big Brother-like Disinformation Governance Board has her own history of posting disinformation online. (NY Post, April 28, 2022)


“Nina Jankowicz, who was a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, has repeatedly cast doubt on The Post’s reporting about Hunter Biden’s laptop.


“During a series of live tweets during the presidential debate between Biden and Donald Trump in October 2020, Jankowicz had referenced the laptop.


“Back on the ‘laptop from hell,’ apparently—Biden notes 50 former natsec officials and 5 former CIA heads that believe the laptop is a Russian influence op,” Jankowicz tweeted.


“Trump says ‘Russia, Russia, Russia,’” she added.


“Her tweet resurfaced immediately after she revealed she’d been named executive director of the new disinformation bureau on Wednesday — as conservatives slammed her as a “leftist radical” and expressed doubt in her ability to spot misinformation.”


The self-proclaimed Russian disinformation expert wasn’t singing a lullaby on Friday when a cringeworthy video of her emerged on TikTok adapting the “Mary Poppins” classic “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” into a song about fake news and disinformation.


Youtube VIDEO: 'Useful idiot': Biden's ‘disinformation’ czar Nina Jankowicz slammed as a 'woke-bot'


[Posted by Sky News Australia

Posted Apr 30, 2022


The woman appointed to be the executive director of the Biden administration’s much maligned new Disinformation Governance Board has been widely mocked after an old TikTok video she posted resurfaced online.]


“Information laundering is really quite ferocious. It’s when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious, by saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet, so disinformation’s origins are slightly less atrocious,” she sang. (NY Post, April 30, 2022)


“Jankowicz tried to brush off the controversy surrounding her old laptop tweet, saying: “For those who believe this tweet is a key to all my views, it is simply a direct quote from both candidates during the final presidential debate. If you look at my timeline, you will see I was livetweeting that evening.”


“But the Russian misinformation expert had told the Associated Press just a week earlier that there was doubt the laptop even belonged to Hunter and there were multiple red flags that emails uncovered from the device were legit.


“We should view it as a Trump campaign product,” Jankowicz said at the time.


“Jankowicz had also tweeted a link to a news article in October 2020 that she said cast “yet more doubt on the provenance of the NY Post’s Hunter Biden story.”


“Not to mention that the emails don’t need to be altered to be part of an influence campaign. Voters deserve that context, not a [fairy] tale about a laptop repair shop,” she added in another tweet.


The so-called “(fairy) tale about a laptop repair shops got nothing on the tawdry tale about how the Dems will exploit  Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for political gain.


“Jankowicz, who has researched Russian disinformation tactics and online harassment, also previously praised Christopher Steele — the author of the since-discredited Trump-bashing dossier. (NY Post)


“In August 2020, Jankowicz tweeted about the former British spy’s appearance on the Infotagion podcast, writing: “Listened to this last night – Chris Steele (yes THAT Chris Steele) provides some great historical context about the evolution of disinfo. Worth a listen.


“More recently, Jankowicz flagged concerns about the potential for Elon Musk to takeover Twitter.


“I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities,” she said in an interview with NPR ahead of Musk’s takeover deal emerging.


“Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Chinese state media outlets began amplifying Russian allegations of U.S.-funded bioweapon labs in Ukraine, portrayals of NATO as the aggressor through decades of U.S.-led eastward expansion, and assertions that Western sanctions are unlikely to be effective,” the DHS assessment states. (AOL)


“However,” the report adds, “Chinese-state media did not amplify some other Russian-backed narratives, such as the claim that Nazis ran Ukraine.”


“The DHS bulletin notes that RT’s twitter handle urged its followers to join alternate platforms like Canada-based video streaming service Rumble, which hasn’t yet limited Russian state media content. As of March 18, RT’s Rumble account had 36,000 subscribers compared to late February, when it had almost 4.6 million subscribers to its now-blocked YouTube account.


“Russia could also attempt to compromise U.S. voting infrastructure, as it has done in the past, said Shelby Grossman, a research scholar at the Stanford Internet Observatory who has been tracking pro-Kremlin propaganda online since before the invasion.


“Even if such attempts are on their surface not very effective, the perception of voting infrastructure insecurity could undermine confidence in the election,” she told Yahoo News.


“Cindy Otis, a former CIA analyst and expert on disinformation threats, did not view the DHS document but said that generally speaking she thinks it’s too early to say whether efforts to decrease Russian state media’s reach are working, let alone whether they will limit Russian disinformation operations that target U.S. elections in 2022.


“Moscow has a whole suite of other tools it continues to use despite limitations on RT and Sputnik, such as gray propaganda websites through which it launders disinformation; its foreign allies who amplify narratives for them; domestic and foreign influencers, such as media personalities and social media stars, including in the U.S., who amplify Russian disinformation; and fake social media accounts,” she said.


A former senior government official involved in aspects of the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections put it more bluntly.


“They don’t need China; they don’t need state media,” said the former official, who also requested anonymity. “They just need social media and Tucker Carlson.”


Meanwhile, the government Disinformation Governance Board headed by Nina Jankowicz, set up to spot disinformation is itself an atrocious disseminator of Big-Time Disinformation.


Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,


Older articles by Judi McLeod


Copyright © Canada Free Press

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