Monday, October 7, 2019

Islam's Final Objective

Justin Smith is from Tennessee making it understandable his concerns about the deceptive nature used by Muslims living in America creatively sanitizing Islam to be conducive to Founding American Principles and the influence of Christianity to America’s Founding. OF COURSE if anyone compares American historical documents from the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers promoting ratification of the U.S. Constitution TO THE Quran, Hadith, Sira AND Sharia and all documents/manuscripts pertaining to American history and Islamic history – you easily realize there is NO conducive COMPARE THERE.

Justin’s observations about Islam in Tennessee is an observation one could notice across every State in the Union.

(Side note: I’m not the only pebble on the beach with whom Justin share’s his thoughts. Notice he submitted this post to me on Friday 10/4/19. So you may have run into other versions on other website venues. I ran into a version I first discovered on a MeWe Social Group which linked to a 10/4 post at The Federal Observer under the title, “Muslim First, Last and Always: Islam’s Final Objective”. Justin typically offers titles to choose from which is the reason you may discover similar posts by Justin Smith at different venues. As you will notice I went with the combination of “Islam’s Final Objective – We Are Not America: We’re Muslim.”)

JRH 10/6/19
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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
Islam's Final Objective 
We Are Not American: We're Muslim

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 10/4/2019 5:15 PM – Last Update Sent 7:53 PM

"I have always brought my children up [to] think of themselves first, last and always as Muslim." ~ Sharifa Alkhateeb -- August 5th 1989 Political Awareness Conference for Muslim Americans [Geller Report Transcription] 

The first Muslim women, Zulfat Suara, elected in the state of Tennessee to any position, was recently sworn into her position on the Metro Nashville City Council, in September, and she took her oath on the Koran, as she was surrounded by her Muslim friends, Muslim apologists and the Democrat illiberal anti-American, anti-Christian supporters who celebrated her win with shouts of "Islam" from one woman heard in a video, one woman reciting a Muslim verse and a Muslim imam chanting an Islamic prayer. All of this belies Suara's often stated contention that she will act for all her constituents, as an at-large Councilwoman, in a secular manner, without seeking to impose her Islamic ideology on others.  

Zulfat Suara sworn in on Quran (via American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) press release)

[Blog Editor: Bare Naked Islam is often criticized for being too brash in its criticism of Islam. A 9/10/12 BNI post demonstrates how Sharia-supporting Muslims DECEIVE non-Muslim Americans with graphic illustrations of the negative aspects of Sharia that Muslims like Zulfat Suara will NOT tell you about AND probably even lie about the Sharia that every Constitution-adhering would condemn: TENNESSEE: Muslim hijabi running for office is an unapologetic supporter of sharia law, the antithesis of the U.S. Constitution; By BNI; Bare Naked Islam; 9/10/19. – At the end of the BNI post is a 3 minute & 55 second interview of Zulfat Suara effusing over how great Sharia is with text boxes popping into the video refuting Suara’s stand:

581 subscribers
August 19, 2019

Update: One day after the 18th anniversary of 9/11, Sharia Activist, Zulfat Suara, became the 1st Muslim elected to Nashville city government.

Zulfat Suara was a candidate for Nashville Metro Council. After placing second among 15 candidates, Zulfat Suara proceeded to a runoff election for Nashville’s Metro Council. The runoff took place on September 12, 2019..

To learn more about Sharia: [scroll down to heading “More on Sharia (Islamic Law) - If you liked Jim Crow, you’ll love Sharia

Please sign up and be part of our action organization at]

Noted by Cathy Hinners at the Daily Roll Call, the prayer is a verse recited by Muslims five times daily in the Al-Fatihah and it translates: "Please don't let me be like the Christians or Jews". One can only view such a prayer offered in any government building as the despicable and reprehensible act that it is, especially when one considers that America is actually historically and factually founded upon Christian and Western principles.  

At first glance and taken at face value, Suara does seem to represent a paradox, with a big smile and a hearty laugh, since she notes that her mother was a Christian and so too is her half-brother. But everyone who knows anything about Islam understands that whenever the father of a home is Muslim, Islam rules the household and those Christian principles are suppressed, discouraged, and silenced with constant demands they be abandoned.  

However, one need not search too far to conclude that Zulfat Suara is far from the peaceful, secular Muslim she claims to be, whether viewed by her political activism in the American Muslim Advisory Committee [AMAC], which advocates for Sharia Law in America as evidenced in its opposition to bills that were passed in Tennessee demanding American law for American courts, or through her associates in the AMAC. One cannot ignore her glowing support of two of the most radical Muslim women in the nation either, as she profusely praised both Representative Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Ilhan Omar in a January 3rd 2019 online (Twitter) post, (DAILY ROLL CALL 3/2/2019 -- Pat Hamsa) even though both of these Congresswomen are strong advocates [Rashida Tlaib & Ilhan Omar] for Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and Al Shabaab.   

Even the appointment of Samar Ali to treasurer of Suara's campaign belies Suara's claims, since (as I wrote in 'Islam: Death Cult' September 2012) Ali interned for a bank in 2007 -- the Islamic International Bank -- which regularly financed Islamic terrorism and paid $5300 to "Palestinian" suicide bombers. Ali also founded the U.S delegation to the World Economic Forum in 2009, whose International Advisory Panel was at one time chaired by Saleh Abdullah Kamel, a "main sponsor of Al Qaeda" according to the UN Security Council.  

As an undergraduate at Vanderbilt University, Ali stated, "I will always be Arab and I will always be American and I will always be Muslim." However, as she grew professionally, her emphasis has been on being Muslim to the point of betraying America. And while many Americans have ancestors from overseas, we now see ourselves as simply American, as once noted by Lt Col Allen West who stated that he was purely and simply an "American" and not an "Afro-American".  

One of Suara's associates on the board of the AMAC, Drost Kokoye, regularly and blatantly exhibits her own anti-American Islamic racism, asserting the Constitution "writes white supremacy into law". She states that she is a Kurd and doesn't like being called "an American", and she has regularly met with Islamic imams, such as Zaid Shakir who stated in 2001 that Muslims could take over America quickly, if they were better organized [Page 10 of PDF]; Shakir added that "under Islamic law (the non-believers, Christians and Jews) won't be equal with Muslims" (first reported by Investigative Project [I found at Clarion Project]). Kokoye also went on record in 2015 as an advocate of violent protest and riots, in order to achieve political goals [Canary Mission under heading “Promoting Violence”], which isn't a surprising thing to see from any Muslim.  

Under Suara's influence, backed by the Nashville Post and Bill Freeman, black business leaders of the Nashville Business Alliance PAC and the Tennessee Immigration and Refugee Rights Coalition, Tennessean's will see Islamic issues take front and center in Nashville, "Little Kurdistan", and Suara and Kokoye will continue to undermine Western principles and the rule of law through the AMAC's support of Muslim concerns and illegal immigrants in Nashville and elsewhere in Tennessee, essentially also rewarding the TIRRC for its support of Suara's campaign.  

It should be obvious to all that Suara isn't honestly offering any secular governance in Nashville. Whatever the citizens of Nashville achieve through anything she offers; it is certain to be laden heavily with benefits for Muslims and a strong anti-American sentiment.  

Often mistaken for Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Islamic activist Sharifa Alkhateeb is seen in a viral and alarming C-Span video, speaking at the Political Awareness Conference for Muslim Americans on August 5th 1989, that I have personally transcribed here, since no transcription appears to exist on Google. Alkhateeb's message can only be seen as a call to end the United States republic, as she states:

"Our final objective is not to just become a part of the system that we experience now and that we see. Our objective ... Our Final Objective is to create our own Islamic systems and not only create Islamic systems for Muslims but to look at all the other people who are sharing this country with us as potential Muslims. ... we have the obligation ... to bring them into the same style of thinking, the same way of behaving, into the same objectives that we have ... And in that long range process of making America Muslim -- All of America Muslim -- we have to have some way of dealing with them ... and be very calculated about it, or else we will not accomplish our goals"  

Quoting a lady who had asked her a question, Sharia added: "We're not American. We're Muslim". 

[My Real Player Download link: - My Real Player embed shows up as an audio version of the C-SPAN video:

End of availability attempt.]

In 2015, the Center for Security Policy found that fifty-one percent of U.S. Muslims want Sharia Law in America. Only thirty-nine percent of those polled acknowledged Muslims should be held accountable by American courts.  

[Posted by Fox News
Sep 23, 2015

American Muslims speak out on 'Hannity' Watch David Webb and Sean Hannity talk about Controversies, Islam, and Religion on Hannity.]

This is simply a start, since America witnessed nearly 100 Muslim candidates for one office or another run across the country in the 2018 election. More are certain to follow in light of an accelerating growth in the United States Muslim populations and no real halt to Islamic immigration into our country.  

Erasing American culture, traditions and adherence to the U.S. Constitution, accelerating the introduction of more exotic and incompatible immigration populations into America is the way to go for many anti-American Democrats and their Muslim allies, as the enemies of America, they are not concerned by the existential threat the violent Islamic ideology and its jihadis represent to America.

They see their actions as a way to edge America closer to anarchy and collapse, in order to achieve their cherished dictatorship rising from the ashes. And not one single person who truly loves America should allow Islam's Final Objective to go unanswered easily.  

By Justin O. Smith

Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.
Edited by John R. Houk
Source links and text embraced by brackets are added by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

1 comment:

  1. After reading Justin's excellent article I am reminded of the comments of two men after 9/11, one well-known, Osama bin Laden, the other obscure, an imam who advocated a Ground Zero mosque with a joke and a broad smile amid many New York supporters. Osama was pleased to hear that Europeans were more receptive to Islamic pamphlets after 9/11 and he said people are naturally attracted to the stronger horse. The violence in Islam's texts is the 'stronger horse' of which he speaks. Finally the imam joked that there was a mosque, a prayer room inside the twin towers that fateful morning and attended by people who had missed Friday's prayers. He said it appeared the attack was a reminder to everyone from Allah not to miss Friday's prayers. I pleaded to stop the airline plotters twice, once before 9/11 and again August 2006. I was emboldened to do so as a result of two things, images of Christ and Pi appearing before me in my home at age 17 and still there and 2) my senior thesis on airport security after the Soviets shot two off-course planes down. Airline security was our Achilles's heal to both terrorist attack and communist determination to stamp their propaganda on Nature herself even if it is a missile striking down an errant plane. My head is spinning over the latest revelations that Pelosi has taken great pride for the last 25 years in her membership of the Gang of Four, now Eight on an Intelligence Committee. As a former Democrat, I tried to throw the Party a lifeline before 9/11 in my pleas to stop the plot seeing as they had sued United Airlines on behalf of Abu-Aziz to the tune of millions of dollars. Enough is enough!
