Saturday, December 22, 2018

A God-Given Right That Preexists Government

Justin Smith examines the Right to self-protection is God-given and hence gun ownership for protection cannot be overridden by any law manufactured by human hands.

The opinion is sure to chap the hides of the Left seeking to disengage all things of the Biblical God Almighty from the Rule of Law and American cultural thinking. I for one refuse to believe my existence upon physical death dissolves into an amalgamation atoms and molecules into the material world. I’ll trust in God’s Word in Salvation and eventual resurrected life into God’s Kingdom in Christ Jesus the Savior.

As to the usefulness of a bump stock for protection of Life, Liberty and Property: the I see the American Left manufacture law by Judicial fiat rather the consent of the governed or redesign existing law to the detriment of the governed, the more I sense Americans will embark on a new Jeffersonian Declaration of Independence from a tyrannical Left:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. (YOU should really read entirety)

JRH 12/22/18
So readers, I’ve been using a seven year old laptop to fulfill the

old blogging habit. My lovely wife sprang for an upgrade.
I’m a relatively small-time blogger but with a consistently
growing readership despite some token censorship from the
liberal-oriented blog and social platforms. Still looking to defray Christmas costs.
Whatever my readers can
chip in will be appreciated:

A God-Given Right That Preexists Government

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 12/21/2018 2:09 PM

If the American people don't like firearms and the Second Amendment, for any reason, it isn't the President's place to limit or regulate any firearm or accessory by executive order, as President Trump recently did with bump stocks that accelerate a rifle's rate of fire. It is up to the people to repeal the Second Amendment, if they really desire the removal of a negative right that limits what the federal government can do against them. That is the only legitimate recourse. [Blog Editor: Lawsuit in the works]

Even then, any action against the Second Amendment wouldn't negate or abolish our God-given right to self-defense and to bear any weapon for that lawful purpose, under Natural Law and as acknowledged by the Supreme Court in 2008. A majority of sovereign individuals cannot legitimately take away or abrogate the God-given rights of any one sovereign individual.

[Blog Editor: I highly support the concept of the “sovereign individual” yet only in the context Judeo-Christian faith. I reject most of the ideology of the Sovereign Citizen Movement as inimical to representative government that lead to terrorism inflicting chaos on the community of citizens who wittingly or unwittingly themselves to the social contract of representative government. AND although I reject the idiotic extremist ideology of Sovereign Citizens; if or when the government bypasses the interest of the Represented (i.e. We The People) violating Rights created by the Creator, then sovereign individuals can resist the government along terms articulated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. Those terms do not vacate government taxation unless the taxation is levied without the consent of the governed. AND those terms insure the Rights of individuals to band together to protect God-Given Life, Godly-Liberty and legitimately acquired Property. And for clarity’s sake – that is my interpretive opinion. Full disclosure my opinion is not absolute though I feel valid:

The federal government absolutely does not have the right and authority to regulate our God-given Right to possess and carry any weapon for the Lawful purpose of Self-Defense. And neither do the states.

In Heller v District of Columbia in 2008, the Supreme Court acknowledged that our right to keep and bear arms was a God-given right that preexists government and the Constitution and went further, stating individuals could own weapons of the same sophistication and technological advancement as the military.

States are able to so readily infringe on our right, by demanding permits and fees and such, and have made their illegitimate and illegal acts de facto law, because the people have allowed it; but the states' might-still-does-not-make-right and neither does ANY majority vote that seeks to vote away a God-given right as seen in Natural Law and God's Creation. These laws have stood simply because people have been too afraid of their government to push back against them, as individuals, and/or as an entire people, they have lacked the political will up until the most recent years. [Blog Editor: Interesting PDF entitled. “Influence of the Natural Law Theology of the Declaration of Independence on the Establishment of Personhood in the United States Constitution,” 2008]

I say carry when and if one wishes, anytime. If everyone did this, the law couldn't arrest the nation. And those who do get arrested should question the authority of the State to do so, on the Constitutional grounds of the Second Amendment. Eventually the Supreme Court will be forced to recognize, so long as a person isn't committing any crime with his firearm, he has the right to have it on him, anytime, regardless of whether he or she is black, white, red, yellow, brown or pink.

ANY "Law" restricting one's right to carry a firearm is No Law at All and Should Be IGNORED And REPEALED.

I fault any president who doesn't understand our founding and its principles thoroughly enough to articulate the same position I just did. Instead, we have had a long train of presidents who, despite their on-the-record campaign statements, have seemed all too willing to go along with the illiberal tyrannically bent Democrats and their activist judge lackeys in their machinations to disarm Americans at every opportunity. And that's just the plain facts of the matter ... no hyperbole here.

by Justin O Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Source links and text embraced by brackets are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

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