John R. Houk
© November 5, 2018
These thoughts on a Communist infected Dem Party is the
result of a MeWe Group individual challenge to show the existence of Communism
in the last Dem
Party Platform (2016).
I used a Platform
Summary as an examination point since the original is a lengthy
PDF. You will not find direct accolades to Marxist principles, yet Parts 1
& 2 demonstrate an affinity for a Marxist agenda:
The current scope of the Democratic Party is very much
aligned with Marxist/Communist/Socialist principles which is a complete
contradiction to the Free
Market, Individualism
and government
by People approval (rather than government fiat)
initiated by the great and very successful principles promoted by America’s
Founding Fathers.
Here in Part Three I address the last two items in the Dem
Platform: Religious Liberty and Torture.
Religious Liberty
Opposes attempts to impose a
religious test to bar immigrants or refugees from entering the United States.
Supports a “progressive vision of
religious freedom that respects pluralism and rejects the misuse of religion to
Supports protecting both Muslims
and religious minorities and the “fundamental right of freedom of religion” in
the Middle East.
The use of the term “Religious Liberty” in the Dem Platform
is a hypocritical misnomer. What the Dems really mean is the Liberty to be free
from Religion AND NOT the Liberty to practice Religion in all aspects of
society socially and politically.
When the Dems say “no religious test” for immigrants or
refugees, they are saying that people who practice a religion that has a
theo-politico ideology that undermines the rule of law based on the U.S. Constitution,
the government should freely allow foreigners that would break the law can move
to the USA and hence indeed break the law. Of course the religion the Dems have
in mind is Islam.
article in 2009 examines how Islam contradicts portions of Constitutional
Amendments (Excerpted – Be encouraged to read ALL Islamic theopolitical
contradictions to the U.S. rule of law).
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
Congress shall make no law
prohibiting the free exercise of religion.
Quran Sura 4:89,
“Those who reject Islam must be
killed. If they turn back (from Islam), take hold of them and kill them
wherever you find them.”
In Hadith Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol. 9, Book 84, No. 57),
Muhammad said: “Whoever changes
his Islamic religion, kill him.”
Islamic law relegates non-Muslims
to “dhimmi” status, where they are not to propagate their customs amongst
Muslims and cannot display a Cross or a Star of David.
The First Amendment:
Congress shall not abridge “the
freedom of speech,”
Islamic law:
Enforces dhimmi status on
non-Muslims, prohibiting them from observing their religious practices
publicly, raising their voices during prayer or ringing church bells.
The First Amendment:
Congress cannot take away “the
right of the people to peaceably assemble,”
Islamic law:
Non-Muslims cannot build any new
places of worship or repair any old places Muslims have destroyed; they must
allow Muslims to participate in their private meetings; they cannot bring
their dead near the graveyards of Muslims or mourn their dead loudly.
The Second Amendment:
“The right of the people to keep
and bear arms shall not be infringed,”
Islamic law:
Non-Muslims cannot possess arms,
swords or weapons of any kind.
The 14th Amendment:
guarantees citizens “equal
protection of the laws,”
Does not consider Jews,
Christians and other non-Muslims as equal to Muslims before the law.
15th Amendment:
Guarantees “the right of the
citizens … to vote shall not be denied … on account of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude,”
Islamic law:
Does not allow voting, as democracy
is considered people setting themselves in the place of Allah by making
their own laws.
The above excerpts is not even close of the contradictions between
the rule of law based on the U.S. Constitution and Islam’s theopolitical law.
So one has to wonder the reasoning behind Dems demanding
that people who revere (wittingly or unwittingly) an anti-Constitution rule of
law based on a religion. Especially since Dems believe the government should be
free from religion (by which Dems mean Judeo-Christian moral standards).
A clue might be found in the notorious 45
COMMUNIST GOALS derived from Cleon Skousen’s book “The
Naked Communist.” Royal A. Brown III posted “Scorecard:
The 45 Goals in ‘The Naked Communist’ to turn America into a Socialist State”
on the Dr. Rich Swier
blogsite. By “Scorecard” Brown evaluates which goals have been accomplished in
the Communist agenda for America.
Here are some excerpts from Brown’s 2018 post:
It is very important that everyone
realize just how far the Communist Manifesto and its goals have been advanced
in the United States …
George Soros and other rich
leftists use some of their billions to finance over 250
socialist/communist/leftist groups in the U.S. that are doing their best to
“resist”, undermine our President and his agenda as well as our Constitution
and Republic. He is a seditionist and I don’t understand why he hasn’t been
charged and convicted for treason. He like many establishment, global RINOs
advocate for a New World Order in which America is definitely not first.
You are about to read a list of 45
goals that were spelled out in the 1958 book “The Naked Communist” and
were entered into the Congressional Record back on Jan. 10,1963, thanks to Hon.
A.S. Herlong, Jr. of FL . As you read this, 54 years later, you may be shocked
by the events that have played themselves out. Source – Communist Goals (1963)
Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35, 01/10/1963.
Among sources include the Democratic
Socialists of America’s own website.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only
hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a
one-world government with its own independent armed forces. …
ONGOING – the Progressives in
our Congress and the current Administration are constantly pressing for this –
this is a primary goal of their chief benefactor – George Soros. Their efforts
are being slowly achieved through regulations put into place by Federal
agencies such as the EPA. The regulations now being put into place by these
agencies are slowly steering the US toward control under the UN and a one world
government . The Agenda 21 protocol is most certainly a part of this effort and
we see the efforts on the left to engage these tactics at every level of our
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw
the Communist Party.
DONE – the Communist Party and
the Democratic Socialists of America and many other Communist oriented groups
are alive and well in America including our major Unions – see the book Barack
Obama and the Enemies Within by Trevor Loudon. This is a classic
tactic of the socialist/communist left. They use our freedoms against us i.e.
free speech. Our leftist lawmakers protect these groups under the guise of free
speech and legislators on the right fail to take on the responsibility of
recognizing and dealing with destructive and undermining activities. This has
now gone to the extreme in our nation as police are being slaughtered by
anarchists across the nation.
15. Capture one or both of the
political parties in the United States.
DONE -there are 65 members of
the House Progressive Caucus who associate with the Democratic Socialists of
America. Most other Democrats in Congress are socialists and believe in the nanny
state. Progressives own the Senate including many RINOs that help the
Democrats. (Rush provided excellent insight on this very subject today)
16. Use technical decisions of the
courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities
violate civil rights.
DONE – The Supreme Court has
made abortions legal, struck down the Defense of Marriage Act at the Federal
Level and also ordered that States with Protection of Marriage Laws even when
in State Constitutions are unconstitutional. LGBT rights are now considered as
a protected class the same as minorities. The attack on American Christianity
and traditional customs, traditions and values continues – prayer has been
taken out of schools and public events; attempts have been made to take God out
of everything including the national Oath, coinage, National Anthem and
religious symbols such as the Ten Commandments and Nativity scenes. Our morals
and family structure have declined drastically as dysfunctional behavior
increases. 40% of all babies are born out of wedlock (73% among blacks),
marriage has declined to less than 50%, gang activity has increased,
entitlement living has permeated at least 50% of our society who pay no taxes
and illegal immigration continues. Attempts to curb such behavior are met with
cries of racism, bigotry, hate crimes, violation of women’s rights, an attack
on women’s health care or some other civil rights violation. The UN has placed
the United States on their list of nations with poor human rights records and
our Attorney General has sued states trying to enforce immigration laws.
(Bold text Blog Editor’s)
17. Get control of the schools. Use
them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda.
Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party
line in textbooks.
DONE – there is no doubt our
public schools K-1-12 & Colleges and Universities are bastions of
liberalism and progressivism; our public schools no longer teach traditional
values/character development nor the Constitution and often use revisionist
history and social studies curriculums and textbooks. Our teacher unions and
Fed Dept. of Education dominated education system fights attempts to provide
voucher or charter school options; eliminate tenure or impose accountability
standards. One of the 8 ways Sal Alinsky advocated to turn a country to
socialism was #6) Education – take control of what people read and listen to –
take control of what children learn in school. This is happening with COMMON
CORE and other Dept. of Education initiatives. Most states have over a 30% drop
out rate from free public high school educations, another root cause of
19. Use student riots to foment
public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist
ONGOING – look no further than
the recent OCCUPY WALL STREET anarchist activities supported by our President,
Vice President and many Progressive members of Congress as well as some City
Officials and other government officials such as the Mayors of New York,
Oakland and Atlanta and the Director of the National Park Services. Also look
at the rise of student flash mobs to rob and loot in many of the Democrat
controlled cities. On many college campuses, conservative speakers are not
allowed and those conservative students views are restricted to “speaking
zones” as a result of liberal student protests.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get
control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
SUCCESSFUL – in poll after poll
over 85% of the press corps admit to being liberal and voting for Democrats.
Editorials and Commentaries across the country are unabashedly biased towards
Democrat policies and the Current Administration as are so called news programs
of the mainstream media. All of the major networks were undeniably in the tank
for Obama in the last election with 4 – 1 favorability ratios for Democrat
candidates and 1 – 4 favorability towards Republican candidates. The liberal
media throws softball questions at Democrat candidates and “gotcha” questions
at Republican or Tea Party movement candidates.
21. Gain control of key positions
in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
SUCCESSFUL – There is no doubt
that the mainstream Television media and Motion Picture industry and their productions
are mostly progressive in nature and often show left wing political bias.
Reporting is frequently slanted left as are commentaries and movies. The Obama
administration has pushed the “Fairness Doctrine” through the FCC but has not
been able to instigate it which would destroy the conservative and profitable
radio talk shows. Control over the internet using “net neutrality” has now been
implemented by the FCC and could lead to suppression of conservative views on
the internet as well as free internet for those already receiving govt.
benefits. It should be noted that net neutrality was in effect before Ronald
Reagan took office. He successfully got rid of that law. The left is now
aggressively pursuing reinstating net neutrality, thinking that a new generation
of Americans may once again accept it with the correct persuasion and pressure
from other areas of our society.
The left wing entertainment
industry have also touted the LGBT movement and multiculturalism in the shows
and particularly in their commercials.
24. Eliminate all laws governing
obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free
SUCCESS – Even network
television now uses words that were XXX rated 40 years ago.
There is a huge double standard
here as the word police want to reduce free speech by conservatives – Rush
Limbaugh is ridiculed and boycotted for calling a Democrat hack lobbying for
free birth control at a Catholic college a Slut but Bill Maher can call a Vice
Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin a Cunt on his HBO special and get away with
it. The Federal govt. changes words it doesn’t like to suit its policies
“Obama-Speak” like prohibiting the use of the words Islam or Islamists,
eliminating the phrase war on terrorism and the word terrorist from its vocabulary
replacing it with such phrases as “extremists” “man-caused disaster”,
“workplace violence” etc. Muslims in the U.S. want to eliminate any negative
use of Islam or Muhammad from our language in clear violation of our 1st
Amendment rights.
25. Break down cultural standards
of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion
pictures, radio, and TV.
DONE – shows on network, prime
time TV today would have been rated XXX several decades ago. Nudity bordering
on pornography, sexual displays, obscenity, violence, anti-Christian messages,
progressive ideologies, etc. are the standard in most of the mainstream
television, movie, and print media today. Remember, in order to have Liberty a
people need to have Freedom tempered by morality. The intent of our founding
fathers upon designing our Republic was the assumption that Godly people would
inhabit our nation and would govern themselves for the most part due to their
adherence to the Word of God. The Communists are working hard to eliminate
morality leaving us with un-tempered Freedom which is nothing but anarchy.
26. Present homosexuality,
degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
DONE – The Supreme Court
repealed DOMA and ruled in support of the LGBT community demands. They are now
free to legally marry, are featured in gay rights parades and in personnel
policies of most major corporations as a ploy to convince American Society they
are accepted and are a much larger percentage of the population than they
really are. LGBT couples adopt children and School Districts adopt books
featuring LGBT people as if they are normal. Our lame-stream media assist them
in their activities and goals. Obama has now stated he favors same sex
marriages. Even though 33 states had marriage protection laws, 29 of which are
inculcated in their Constitutions Federal Courts have now ruled these
unconstitutional. The military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” law has been repealed
by Congress and replaced with an LGBT month and active recruitment of LGBTs. Already,
the fastest growing trend of sexual assaults in the military are male on male;
morale and good order and discipline have suffered under this social
27. Infiltrate the churches and
replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and
emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious
nationalist churches such as that of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright attended by the
Obama’s for over 20 years are on the rise. Such churches often preach racists
hate towards other races and anti-Americanism. The Unitarian Universalist,
Humanist and Scientology movements are examples of “social” religion. There is
ample evidence of the ACLU working hard to eliminate Christian traditions in
this country. Our government also looks for their interpretation of “Separation
of Church and State”, a concept not found in the Constitution but begun by a
Supreme Court ruling, in order to prevent our churches from actively being
involved in politics especially where church values conflict with government
values. IRS tax rules also hamstring the ability of tax exempt churches to be
involved in politics – pastors, priests, rabbis, etc. are no supposed to spend
more than 20% of their time talking politics from the podium or diesis.
However, they look the other way when it comes to the so called churches of Al
Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and Louis Farrakhan.
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase
of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the
principle of “separation of church and state.”
DONE – the law of the land
has eliminated all prayer from schools and public gatherings. In 1962 the
Supreme Court again declared that prayer in school was unconstitutional. In
1963 the Warren Court stopped schools from allowing Bible reading in classes.
In 1980 the Supreme Court declared that posting the Ten Commandments in a
school classroom violated the Constitution of the United States. Removing the
belief in God from the Government and schools is #7 Religion – on Sal Alinsky’s
Rules for Radicals to turn a country socialist. (Bold text Blog Editor’s)
29. Discredit the American
Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern
needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
ONGOING – The interpretation of
the Constitution as a “living document” is the mantra of liberals and
progressive in Congress, the White House and the media. Unfortunately, many in
the Libertarian Party have joined the Progressives in this effort. Obamacare is
overt proof that progressive politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid
ignore our Constitution when it suits their legislative purposes. Obama
recently challenged the Supreme Court’s authority for “judicial review” as they
considered the Constitutionality of Obamacare. Even a Supreme Court Justice,
Ruth Bader-Ginsburg recently stated that our Constitution is not a model for
developing foreign powers. Now we have University Professors and others calling
for the elimination of our Constitution as outdated. POTUS Obama has said he
has a pen and a phone and if Congress won’t act on his agenda he will continue
to rule by fiat using Executive Orders, Memos and guidance to federal
departments to emplace controlling regulations, recess appointments, etc. It
should be noted that a major part of this challenge of the Constitution by the
president is a result of a Congress that is failing to speak up and do its job
as one of the branches of our government using the system of checks and
balances put in place by our founding fathers as a protection from just this
sort of behavior. See
30. Discredit the American Founding
Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common
ONGOING – Progressives and the
media rarely mention the accomplishments of our founding fathers and when they
do usually to criticize one or more like Thomas Jefferson for being a slave
owner, completely ignoring all of his accomplishments. Since these men founded
their beliefs in God’s natural laws and sincerely believed liberty and freedom
came from God not government, they are in direct conflict with the beliefs of
socialists, communists and progressives.
31. Belittle all forms of American
culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it
was only a minor part of the “big picture.” Give more emphasis to Russian
history since the Communists took over.
ONGOING – Traditional educators
tend to be liberal and control School District Administrations and often School
Boards. As such they control the textbooks used by the School District. Many
school districts teach revisionist history from revisionist textbooks choosing
instead to emphasize international history and multiculturalism. In many cases
America is made out to be the bad guy in this process – a prime example being
the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan during WWII. Civics, American History and
the role of our Constitution in ensuring our freedom.
32. Support any socialist movement
to give centralized control over any part of the culture-education, social
agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
DONE – our tax laws and other
laws awarding welfare benefits as administered by Federal and State welfare
agencies have changed the culture of the US to an entitlement state where 50%
or more pay not taxes but get money back. Today, a record number of people are
on Food Stamps; Housing Assistance; SSI disability & cash assistance;
Medicaid; and other assistance such as free cell phones and cable television.
The Federal workers Union is the largest of all the unions and the Teachers
Union control our education system. Hundreds of socialist organizations now
exist such as and media matters, and ACORN. Unions such as the
AFL-CIO and the SEIU actively participate in politics supporting most liberal causes
and transporting members across states to participate in bashing anyone trying
to control spending that involves reduction in union benefits or workers paying
more of a fair share.
Additionally, all 8 of Saul
Alinsky’s Rules for radicals fit in this category and are being implemented by
the Obama Administration
1) Healthcare –Control
healthcare and you control the people This has started under the ever changing
law and rules of Obamacare.
2) Poverty –Increase the
Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will
not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. Instead of
programs to defeat the root causes of poverty which is dysfunctional behavior
the govt. and so called minority leaders continue to blame society and racism.
Instead action should be taken on the real root causes including dropping out
of HS; young, unwed mothers; drug use; gang activity, etc.
3) Debt –Increase the debt to
an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will
produce more poverty. Debt has soared by 7T since 2008 and now totals over $18T
headed to $20T+ by the time Obama leaves office. The 10T+ that will have
accumulated under Obama is more than every other Presidents debt added
together. The Fed prints money under QE to artificially prop up the economy and
keeps interest rates low to prop up the stock market which is headed for a
fall. POTUS and Democrats in Congress consistently push for more taxes –
Obamacare adds 20 new taxes.
4) Gun Control –Remove the
ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to
create a police state. The 2nd Amendment is under constant attack with the
latest push to force gun registration by those deemed to have some mental
problems including PTSD. This could include hundreds of thousands of veterans.
The next step after national registration is gun confiscation.
5) Welfare –Take control of
every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)We now are a nanny state
with more people on welfare than people working. Looking for work was removed
by executive order as a requirement to receive unemployment benefits. Food stamps,
SSI benefits, disability pay outs, govt. subsidized housing, free cell phones,
etc. are at an all time high.
6) Education –Take control of
what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
Ongoing – newest method is Common Core; no child left behind legislation has
also been reauthorized.
7) Religion –Remove the belief
in the God from the Government and schools –Christianity and Jeudism are
constantly under attack by intolerant liberals now joined by the Muslim
Brotherhood and other Muslim groups all with the help of the ACLU.
8) Class Warfare –Divide the
people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it
will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor. Obama’s
latest campaign is to push for income equality rather than opportunity meaning
wealth redistribution a concept which will kill free market incentives and
damage the economy. Progressives are calling for higher progressive taxes on
the upper incomes and on corporations.
….in short create a generation
of dependent slaves……the left in the US has shown to be quite effective at that
while at the same time the right is either playing along, or caught like a deer
in the headlights and completely ineffective at dealing with these tactics
34. Eliminate the House Committee
on Un-American Activities.
DONE – Abolished 1975.
40. Discredit the family as an
institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
ONGOING -The breakdown of the
core family and the ever increasing divorce rates as well as decreasing rates
of marriage and increases I births at a younger age and out of wedlock has
certainly occurred. The family is no longer neatly defined as a married man and
woman with children but now includes single parent homes; homosexual parents;
unwed parents; and very young people as parents. The root causes of poverty are
related to dysfunctional behavior. All of this discredits the family unit. #2
on Saul Alynski’s Rules for Radicals is to increase the poverty level as high
as possible. Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you
are providing everything for them to live i.e. a generation of slaves. Under
the Obama Administration poverty has increased along with food stamps,
disability compensation, free cell phones, govt. housing assistance, etc.
42. Create the impression that
violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition;
that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use “united force”
to solve economic, political or social problems.
ONGOING -One has to look no
further than the incidents of Flash Mobs, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and the
Black Lives Matter movement to see this in action. Our current Administration
has allied themselves with this 99/1 movement invoking Marxist principles of
“fairness” to encourage income redistribution through more taxes on the
affluent and on corporations. State and local Police are being marginalized by
denigrating their importance, overemphasizing police brutality and a call for a
national police force. The current move for gun control and limiting of the 2nd
Amendment could fit into this category.
The excerpts I listed from these 45 Communist goals to
transform America demonstrate the Dem Party’s true nature toward Religious
Liberty. The anti-Judeo-Christian nature of these goals is the ONLY reason
their Dem support for anti-Constitution Islamic cultural immigration to the
United States of America.
The last item on the 2016
Dem Party Platform Summary:
Opposes the use of torture and
other war crimes by the United States.
Hmm… All I can say is, “Well, DUH!” Torture in the sense
that Nazis, Imperial Japan, Communist Russia (former USSR), Red China,
Communist North Korea, Communist North Vietnam (now just Vietnam – the non-Communist
South was conquered soon after U.S. withdrawal) and Islamic dominated
nations MUST be opposed. This kind torture led to maiming, dismemberment
and/or death.
That referred to as torture by the Dems though is better
described as enhanced interrogation against Enemy Combatants who have an actual
goal of torture and death of non-Muslims, especially American soldiers.
To extract life-saving information I have no problem with
any enhanced interrogation that does not maim, dismember or kill.
JRH 11/5/18
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