Monday, June 11, 2018

The Clarion Bell Warning

As I was putting together my own warning about Islam’s danger to America’s culture of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, Justin Smith sent a similar and admittedly much more erudite submission than my effort. Justin’s patriotism in this essay is justifiably passionate and undoubtedly drive Multicultural Leftists into apoplexy.

JRH 6/11/18
The Clarion Bell Warning

By Justin O. Smith
Sent 6/9/2018 3:49 PM

I have been ringing the clarion bell warning on the existential threat of Islam for years -- since 1979 -- and it is only in the last few recent years, even after 9/11, that Americans even seem to remotely understand the methodology and machinations within Islam, Sharia law and all that it demands of its adherents and all non-Muslims they engage.

There are some who foolishly believe Muslims are just like us and only differing by praying on mats pointed to Mecca, with their faces on the floor. Wrong! Their history belies their intentions toward you. Do not be beguiled by the weakest among them; be warned by their most violent and pernicious and be aware it is impossible to tell the difference.

Muslims aren't necessarily trying to "change our Constitution", but they do use its freedoms to support their call for Sharia Law in America. They work continually to try to codify Sharia Law into U.S. Law, but fortunately, many states have passed the American Laws for American Courts bill that prevents a judge from considering any Sharia precedent in a case.

This does not stop the current advancement of Sharia Law as a parallel system in our communities, which leads to the Balkanization of any nation. Sharia Law is the mechanism primarily behind the creation of entire Muslim operated communities, cities and regions --- the "no go zones" one finds in France, Germany and the U.K and now here in America, in places like Dearborn, Michigan, Minneapolis, Minnesota and Islamberg, New York.

Ask yourself, what is the value to us from the world of Mohammedanism and Islam? What value has Islam contributed to human society in the last 500 years? Name one worthy thing besides couscous it has given the world in that time?

In every country where Muslims are in the minority, they are obsessed with minority rights. In every country with a Muslim majority, there are no minority rights.

But it's not just the Muslims who are representing the threat to our Constitution and the entire nation by way of Sharia Law.

During her tenure as Dean of Harvard Law School, Elena Kagan, now a Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, revealed, inadvertently or not, the evil agenda of the Leftists in her May 2007 presentation, in which she stated that Sharia Law was compatible with our Constitution and could be incorporated within U.S. law. In Dec. 2005, she accepted $20 million from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal for her pet project at Harvard, the Islamic Legal Studies Program.

There exists an entire group of people in all echelons of our government, from the local and state to the federal, some citizens and some not, who have been educated and lived much of their lives abroad. From the former “president” on down, many of these people have little connection and even less love for our Republic and the traditional American culture and principles upon which the U.S. was founded. These collaborators and traitors continue to tolerate the abuses and acts of terrorism those sons of Mohammed commit, and while they do not hesitate to command a 95 year old invalid to remove her diaper in an airport, a “possible security risk”, due to their own cowardice and complicity, they cannot and will not name the enemy, because the enemy is them and their Muslim allies.

There is one common thread for all the misery, death and suffering in the Middle-East, which is pervasive and dominant...Islam. To welcome its adherents and believers into your midst is to welcome coming misery, suffering and death in equal proportions to the size of any host nation's Muslim population, until they reach majority at which time misery metastasizes.

The formula here is not hard to discern. They complain about discrimination as a minority until they gain control, at which time their discrimination against other ideologies and all religions is all consuming.

The enemy is Islam and the Sharia Law doctrine that accompanies it!

There is a ring of fire and death around Muslim territory in the Middle-East, South-East Asia, Africa and the "Stans" regions. Any area Islam touches is consumed by and impaled by the eon-and-a-half-old program of proselytizing with force and conquest, by the zealots of the ideology of Islam, the Muslim so-called "religion of peace". To invite them in is to invite the enemy into your camp. Keep Islam confined within the ring.

One should note that Japan does not allow Islam to exist inside its country. Islam cannot be practiced and Muslims are not allowed to live or work there. Muslims are not allowed to immigrate to Japan; and just recently, on Friday June 8th, Austria announced that it would expel sixty Turkish-funded imams and close seven mosques, in their crack-down on political Islam.

Marine Le Pen, former French presidential candidate stated: "Austria is taking things in hand and showing that 'when you want to, you can!'"

Matteo Salvini, Italy's new interior minister, exclaimed: "Those who exploit their faith to endanger a country's security should be expelled!"

And that is why our future elections remain critical, if we do not want to continue on our own current path of Islamization and become just as cowed and badgered and suppressed, especially through hate-speech "laws", as Eurabia. We need to elect people who understand the existential threat of Islam and who will pass laws aimed at deporting Muslims and extinguishing and eradicating Islam's influence and presence in our country.

All Muslims must be expelled from America and all mosques destroyed. Muslim immigration to America must be halted.

By Justin O. Smith

Edited by John R. Houk
All source links are by the Editor.

© John R. Houk

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