Saturday, March 10, 2018

We Are At War

This post on Blogs for Victory expresses the frustration felt by real American Patriots who have zero interest of a Leftist transformation of American culture. I am one. Are you? If you feel the frustration, then vent it in the comment section. Keep in mind, if your venting is awesome, it will be cross posted on my blogs.

JRH 3/10/18
 We Are At War

March 9, 2018

We have often wondered if a new civil war would ever break out. If leftists would ever take to arms to defend their ideology, or if they would be too cowardly as many of us have surmised.

Well make no mistake about it folks, we are at war with a new, hyper-radicalized Democrat Party, aided and abetted by the Progressive Media. The Democrats, spurred on by their media masters, have done a political 180 over the last 20 years and now openly advocate anti-American views, and actively support policies that are completely destructive to our society and way of life.

Consider that every single Democrat voted against a tax break for the average American worker; they have opposed all efforts to secure our borders; they defy Federal immigration laws; they obstruct Federal law enforcement, they encourage and financially enrich our foreign enemies; they impose punitive regulations on our domestic businesses, they actively work towards destroying our energy independence; they defer to the World courts rather than our own judiciary; they actively promote domestic policies that disadvantage American citizens; and they harbor deep contempt for anyone who challenges their world views.

In other words, they are in the process of trying to demoralize and completely destroy traditional America, and we had all better wake up and realize this very sobering fact. Sowing discord? The Russians are amateurs compared to our progressive media.

[Blog Editor: As of this reading, Blogs for Victory had 12 responding comments. They won’t count for cross posting potential unless those individuals comment on the blog.]
The author “Cluster” aka Carl Shaver.

Edited by John R. Houk for this blog.


  1. Hello and greetings to my Christian constitutionalist patriots 3%ers and tea party freedom fighters.

    We've all seen and read the post, that the Democratic Party is a mental illness and that's exactly what it is ! It's a mob of mentally ill individuals who believe that there is nothing wrong with their ideas and philosophies, which this could not be further from the truth !.

    The people that believe in their ideology go into schools and shoot up children, and in most mass shooting cases, or mob murders it's always the Democrat, and just like any good mentally ill individuals they can always blame it on someone Or something else !

    So then they want to impose penalties on something or someone who had absolutely nothing to do with it!, they are the Victimizers calling the Real Victims the Perpetrators, they want to penalize the Victims, and the whole time Patting Themselves on the Back and Pretending To Be Good People, pretending that they Are the Only Ones Who Know the Difference Between Right and Wrong and Good and Evil better than Anyone Else in the World!, and they are the only ones with a plan that actually works and Everyone Else is Wrong !.

    So the whole entire time their intentions are entirely evil and deceiving we have seen this over and over in history we do not need to Repeat That Here in America!.

    The Democratic Party which is in all reality the Communist Party, and their members include Islam, radical terrorist, mass murderers, master deceivers, people that walk into a church and pretend they are Christian, when the entire time they are a Islamic spy!.

    They're willing to Create and tell Any Lie Necessary to Accomplish their Goal which is to gain more and more power To Satisfy The Demons Inside Of Them, which can Never be Satisfied! You can see by their political ideology strategy With taxes, no matter how much they can get off of the people every year they will Demand More !!!.

    They can never have enough power, or enough money to do the job right first time, because they spend so much money Being Paid Kickbacks and Payoffs, the funds for a project are never enough, Because the Money Just goes Around in a Circle and comes back TO Their Pockets.

    So you see my friends This Is A Horrible Mental Illness that These People Have, and they Have Become a Army of Demons, telling Thousands Upon Thousands of Untruths, Creating Deception After Deception, and finally Thanks to our Founding Fathers We see that they are Out To Silence Our Voices before they try to Slaughter US, They Wish To Disarm Us To Make It Easier For The Mass Slaughter, just like their colleagues and friends Did Hitler and Stalin !

    Our founding fathers left Us an important message And laws the two main tools And weapons that WE need to defend Ourselves AND our Freedoms and our liberties, Are the Freedom Of Speech And The Freedom to Bear Arms, and They are the Main Targets for this Demonic Army To be Successful!
    Do Not Let Them Succeed !!!

    Bill Sharpe.
