Saturday, July 1, 2017

CNN Caught Distorting News AGAIN!

John R. Houk
© July 1, 2017

CNN (aka the Communist News Network or Fake News Network) is not only a Left Stream Media leader in hate-Trump stories (NBC/MSNBC is right up there) it also is one the largest purveyors of Fake News against President Trump.

As such Project Veritas has exposed CNN – AGAIN – to disseminating Fake News with the agenda of making President Trump and CNN panelist Billy Baer appear as liars about voter fraud to the favor of the Dem Party.

First, a quote from Project Veritas about this toward the end of a post on their website:

Carr’s “direct co-workers,” are from the program New Day, hosted by Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo, which hosted an eight-minute panel discussion featuring six Trump supporters.

Leaked audio from the segment–an hour and a half long–was provided to Project Veritas.

The audio proved that CNN had selectively edited the segment to make the Trump voters appear as conspiracy theorists.

In reality, the context of their arguments was omitted to feed CNN’s Anti-Trump narrative. (American Pravda Part 3: CNN Selectively Edits, Hates Trump, and Think Voters Are Stupid; By Nicholas Evangelista; Project Veritas; 6/30/17)

Next, I will cross post the email alert from James O’Keefe of Project Veritas followed by the James O’Keefe tweet that has 2-minutes and 19-seconds of the 8-minute CNN/Camerota Panel.

As of the moment I was looking for corroboration, I could only find a USSA News story that utilizes InfoWars/Prison Planet as part of their source. (A source too often unjustly accused of fake Conspiracy Theories yet in many cases a quite justified accusation.) I am cross posting the USSA News story because it has the same footage the O’Keefe tweet has but with an added extra minute.

JRH 7/1/17
CNN caught AGAIN

By James O’Keefe
Sent 6/30/2017 1:34 PM
Sent by Project Veritas

This morning, I released another Project Veritas video—where CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota engages in some questionable “selective editing,” in order to make a pro-Trump panelist look like a conspiracy theorist.

In the video, Alisyn Camerota skeptically asks a panelist, Billy Baer, if there’s any proof of President Trump’s claims that there was widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election.

Baer says he doesn’t personally have any concrete proof—and the video cuts off his answer, making him look like a conspiracy theorist.

But, in the full audio obtained by Project Veritas, CNN cuts out Baer’s next sentence: where he references a Project Veritas video that exposed how easy it is to fraudulently obtain a ballot, at polling places all across the country.

When we say that CNN is peddling “fake news,” we don’t just mean they’re making up stories. They’re also twisting words, taking opinions out of context, and misrepresenting the facts in order to build a narrative that doesn’t exist.

If we’re going to stop fake news at CNN, we’re counting on your help right now.

Watch this video immediately, and then tweet it to @RealDonaldTrump—so he knows exactly how many Americans are joining him in the fight against fake news.

Thanks for your help.

In truth,



CNN Accused Of Editing Out Eyewitness Testimony Of Voter Fraud

June 30, 2017

CNN has been accused of deceptively editing a statement from an interviewee to omit the part where he describes the voter fraud he personally witnessed when he worked as a poll watcher.

As Infowars reports, the accusation stems from Project Veritas’ latest video exposing the inner workings of CNN.

In the Project Veritas video, the organization’s head James O’Keefe refers to an eight minute segment CNN aired on March 30.

That segment involved a forum of Americans discussing their views on President Donald Trump.

One of those Americans was William Baer, who stated that during his time as a poll watcher, he saw people being bussed in to polling stations.

If Baer’s remarks were to be proven true, they would give credence to President Donald Trump’s concerns about voter fraud in the 2016 election, which Democrats have been very quick to denounce.

Unfortunately, according to O’Keefe, Baer’s full explanation for what he saw never made it to air.

O’Keefe’s report contains the raw audio of the March 30 segment which shows that Baer’s explanation – during which he states that, during his time as a poll watcher in New Jersey, he personally witnessed lax voter registration standards that would make it very easy to commit voter fraud – was cut out from the piece completely.

“The piece suggests that Baer did not have a legitimate answer to [CNN host Alisyn] Camerota’s question – in actuality the answer was cut because it didn’t fit their narrative – this is a textbook lie of omission,” claims James O’Keefe.

See the relevant segment of Project Veritas’ latest video – including the leaked audio from the moment Baer provides eyewitness testimony – below.

News of CNN’s obvious selective editing comes as the battle concerning whether or not President Donald Trump is correct to be concerned about voter fraud rages on.

Earlier today, CNN had Kentucky’s Democratic Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes on air to accuse President Donald Trump of attempting to justify his lies with his voter fraud panel’s recent request for information to aid in its investigation.

The Baltimore Sun quotes Democratic Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz as stating, “President Trump’s voter fraud investigation is an attempt to suppress and disenfranchise voters, plain and simple.”


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CNN Caught Distorting News AGAIN!
John R. Houk
© July 1, 2017
CNN caught AGAIN


1214 West Boston Post Road No. 148
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Founded by James O’Keefe, the mission of Project Veritas is to:

Investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society.

Project Veritas is the most effective non-profit on the national scene, period.

We’ve had dozens of successes, many of which are detailed on this site.  The pattern is clear:

Project Veritas launches an investigation with the placement of our undercover journalists. The rollout of our findings creates a growing and uncontainable firestorm of press coverage. Corruption is exposed, leaders resign, and organizations are shut down.

We get immediate, measurable and impactful results, and our return on investment is unparalleled.

Project Veritas is a registered 501(c)3 organization.  Project Veritas does not advocate specific resolutions to the issues that are raised through its investigations, nor do we encourage others to do so. Our goal is to inform the public of wrongdoing and allow the public to make judgments on the issues.
CNN Accused Of Editing Out Eyewitness Testimony Of Voter Fraud


Birth of the Tea Party

March 4, 2010, midnight. I watched Harry Reid live on CSPAN gut a passed bill that had nothing to do with health insurance and stuff over 2,000 pages between its covers. This “amendment” was now Obamacare. I was so enraged I wanted to smash my head through the TV. I didn’t. Instead, I created that very day. It was time for me to do whatever I could to educate the people and stop this corruption. The Tea Party was born.

I Had Finally had Enough

This site is here directly because of the direction this country, the USA, is headed. Too much government!

At the debut of this site, March 2010, I was 41. At age 37, I was working two full-time jobs and had a part-time business in NYC, all in the financial industry. I moved to Austin, Texas and discovered America. I discovered an America where I could solely afford a house with a mortgage, as opposed to renting a tiny NYC apartment for the same amount. I discovered I could make $10,000 less a year and take home $5,000 more due to a lack of state, county, and city taxes. I discovered I could get a driver’s license (including the road test) in under an hour, as opposed to the ten hours and five visits to the NYDMV (because of endless bureaucracy) it took me simply to exchange my license. I discovered a place where the taxes imposed are not more than the cost of the product itself, (e.g.: cigarettes). I discovered that government is the problem, and not the solution.

At age 40, I was single, had a good job, could afford to own a nice house, car, pool, and pay my bills on time and consistently. I worked hard to acquire this “wealth.” At age 41, the economy fell apart, as did my life. I lost  READ THE REST

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