Tuesday, May 2, 2017

OK Dems Target YOUR Privacy

John R. Houk
© May 2, 2017

I am on the FreedomWorks email list. They know I live in Oklahoma. As such FreedomWorks tracks legislation in my fair State. When the legislation is antithetical to Conservative principles, they get the ball rolling to stiffen opposition to the Left-Wing agenda.

I have discovered the Oklahoma State House is preparing to vote on a Bill if passed, would make ALL your donation history a matter of public knowledge.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t Left Wing Nuts - like violent the anti-Trump rioters – to know where I live giving them the opportunity to harass me potentially violently to intimidate my Conservative stand, DO YOU?

The Bill is SB 579. A brief reading of the Bill indicates it is aimed at PACs, the State Dems (the Bill author is a Dem State Senator) want to know who and what every Joe-citizen is giving to. If you ask, “Why?” The possible answers lead to Big Brother monitoring of politically active citizens. I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT!

Being a Joe-citizen myself, I am unsure of the proper citation Bill sections or sub-paragraphs or whatever. I think you can figure out from the labelling I have below:

SB 579; Section 2; B (1)

B. (1) The name, address, occupation and employer of any person other than a political action committee making a contribution or contributions exceeding Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in value in the aggregate, the date and amount of any monetary or in-kind contributions made during the time period covered by the report, and the aggregate total of all contributions accepted from the person during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report;

Section 2; C (5)

(5) The name, address, occupation and employer of any Oklahoma resident making a contribution or contributions exceeding Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in value in the aggregate, the date and amount of any monetary or in-kind contributions made during the time period covered by the report, and the aggregate total of all contributions accepted from the person during the calendar year of the time period covered by the report.


The FreedomWorks email provides a link for individuals to participate in emailing an Oklahoman’s State District Representative. Unfortunately, the form does not provide the name of your Representative according to the District you vote in.

Also in my personal search for my District and Representative, I discovered the dot-gov does not provide the Representative’s personal email.

What I did then was locate my District, find my Representative and then use the dot-gov email form with the FreedomWorks wording for the mass email to the dot-gov form with the proper information to get to my Representative.

To find the State District you live in, GO HERE to find the map you wish to use.

After you get your District number, you can GO HERE to find your current OK State Rep.

When you find your OK State Rep, simply click the email button and a form email will come up for you to enter your info and the FreedomWorks text to protest SB 579.

Below is the FreedomWorks email alert.

JRH 5/2/17
Liberal Extremists

By Jason Pye
Sent 5/1/2017 5:00 PM

For weeks, the radical left has terrorized Berkeley, California, turning that city into a war zone. They’ve smashed windows, hurled Molotov cocktails to set fires, and violently attacked conservatives like you, all to silence conservatives’ voices.

But if that’s not bad enough, several liberals in the Oklahoma House of Representatives want to make it easier for these extremists to target YOU! Don’t let that happen. Contact these state representatives right now. Tell them to protect your privacy rights. Tell them to stop SB 579 today.

John, if enacted, this bill will put your donation history online for the world to see, making you and your family an easy target for these extremists.

Don’t let them put your family at risk. Don’t let them pass this bill!

For Freedom,

Jason Pye
Director of Public Policy, FreedomWorks

400 North Capitol Street, NW Suite 765 Washington, DC 20001

Toll Free 1.888.564.6273
Local 202.783.3870

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