Monday, May 15, 2017

Give Voice to the Voiceless

Shamim Masih (Mahmood) is a Christian Human Rights activist and journalist from the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. In case you are unaware, Pakistan has some of the most stringent Islamic Blasphemy Laws enforced globally among Muslims. Blasphemy Laws are often used as a financial by greedy or vengeful Muslims that trump-up false charges for one kind of gain or another.

That is the environment that Christian-Pakistani Shamim has dealt with his whole life. You can imagine Shamim’s life and livelihood might be held by a thin thread that American Christians would consider incredulous in understanding.

I am asking you to be an advocate for Shamim Masih on a financial basis whether it is a one-time gift or an ongoing monetary support. Support for Shamim just could be a glimpse of hope for impoverished Christian-Pakistanis who live constantly under the thumb of Islamic Supremacism.

 SUPPORT Shamim’s Christian advocacy in Pakistan. First contact Shamim in case he has found an easy way to donate. I like to use Western Union sending money with this LINK to the destination of Islamabad (Contact Shamim in case he has changed cities). Shamim’s email is, Western Union may ask for Shamim’s phone - +92-300-642-4560

JRH 5/15/17
Give Voice to the Voiceless

By Shamim Masih (Mahmood)
Sent 5/14/2017 9:58 PM

Respected Sir,

Based on my personal experience while covering the incidents of religious discrimination and persecution of Pakistan’s minorities’ communities in the recent years. I have observed that main stream media in Pakistan do not cover the persecution and religious discrimination. So I have planned to become the voice of the voiceless people of Pakistan. Thus starting “” with the aim not only to cover the routine events, but especially to become the voice of the voiceless people in Pakistan. Some work has been done on it and much to do. I am writing this letter to you seeking the support in this regard in any sense you can either financially or morally. Please Google me as "Shamim Masih" Below is the concept note please go through it and give your input.

Kind Regards,

SUPPORT Shamim’s Christian advocacy in Pakistan. First contact Shamim in case he has found an easy way to donate. I like to use Western Union sending money with this LINK to the destination of Islamabad (Contact Shamim in case he has changed cities). Shamim’s email is, Western Union may ask for Shamim’s phone - +92-300-642-4560

Give Voice to the Voiceless

 During the recent decade, it is observed that the national main stream media does play down incidents of religious discrimination and persecution of Pakistan’s minorities communities. This is partially due to government’s ‘requests (read orders)’ to newspapers editors and TV channel heads not to highlight or give extensive coverage to such issue as “they bring a bad to the country.” The other factors of lack of coverage of minorities’ communities is the fact that main stream channels are not very keen on giving a voice to the voiceless. There are only a handful of journalists belonging to minorities’ communities working in the mainstream media but they too are unable to project the plight of their people effectively as they have little or no say at all in editorial matters.

There is a dire need to produce more journalists from such communities’ train them professionally and provide them with a platform in the national media from where they can bring forth the issues facing their people as well reports persecution and discrimination meted out by the majority. 

[Blog Editor: Below is the text of an attachment sent along with the Shamim email. The attachment text is similar to the text of the Covenant Communication Shamim-profile page. Since there are some differences, I’ll stick with the attachment text which is a bit more detailed.]

Short Profile

Shamim Masih, a professional journalist with diverse work experience from humanitarian to journalism.  He has bilingual work experience at print and electronic media outlets; starting from Independent News Pakistan (INP) English desk to columnist at “Daily Times”. Shamim worked as a diplomatic correspondent with the leading Urdu paper, “Daily Khabrain & Channel 5”, Daily Mail, Daily Sama, Pakistan Today and presently working as Diplomatic Correspondent for Online International News Network, and lead reporter for “British Pakistani Christian Association”. As stringer he worked with BBC world service and other international media outlets.

He has vast experience of highlighting political and social issues. He has been covering the legislations at Parliament house to sectarian violence, covering from the UN Secretary General press conference to bombing at worship places and burning the Christians’ colonies accusing blasphemy. He has also interviewed the Federal Ministers and the Ambassadors in Pakistan. He was the first one to write for the Christian minor girl, Rimsha, falsely accused of blasphemy, who later got international attention.
He is ambassador of “Parliament of the World’s Religions” in Pakistan ( As a social reformer/peace maker, he has been arranging different seminars/conferences to promote peace and harmony between people from different faith, culture and background. He is a blogger and can be reached at
Now days; I’m also working on new areas/proposals to promote peace and harmony at the media house,

SUPPORT Shamim’s Christian advocacy in Pakistan. First contact Shamim in case he has found an easy way to donate. I like to use Western Union sending money with this LINK to the destination of Islamabad (Contact Shamim in case he has changed cities). Shamim’s email is, Western Union may ask for Shamim’s phone - +92-300-642-4560
Edited by John R. Houk
Some links by the Editor. Text enclosed by bracket is by the Editor. The Western Union contact support data is by the Editor.

The Covenant Communications’ inspires to be Pakistan’s leading independent web-based TV channel, and magazine by using the dynamics of media, diplomacy and peace to provide neutral and objective analysis of domestic, regional and international issues.
This especially focuses on issues like interfaith harmony, dialogue among communities, cultural diplomacy, religions, peace, extremism, dynamics of various conflicts and domestic politics. Our special emphasis remains on safeguarding the rights of sidelined community in Pakistan like children, women and non-Muslim communities in Pakistan by highlighting their issues effectively in the mainstream media.

‘The Covenant Communications’ team welcomes contributions in any form ranging from opinion pieces, reports highlighting various events connected to inter-faith harmony, domestic abuse, domestic politics, development issues and issues related to Pakistan’s domestic and foreign policy, development project descriptions and advertisements.

Our team comprises dedicated individuals who believe in creating space for dialogue and multicultural and inter-religious exchanges to know each other better. You are welcome to add fuel to ‘The Covenant Communications’!

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