Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Muslims Hating America – Time to GO!

John R. Houk
© September 20, 2016

In light of the Islamic terrorist bombing in New York and New Jersey, the accurate background audio report behind the Left Stream Media video feeds is one of the best reality commentary contradicting the politically correct crowd – EVER! I have to tell ya, I've never been a big fan of any information sourced from any kind of Alex Jones media; NEVERTHELESS, this video is so spot on it should be voiced over live on ALL news networks! (Hat Tip G+ Community American Infidel Alliance)

Published on Sep 18, 2016

The establishment is already in full cover-up mode.

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ALSO in light of the Islamic terrorist bombing look at the numerous Islamic terrorist attacks on American soil that Obama has tried to excuse as work-place violence or lone wolf terrorism as if no violence perpetrated by Muslims has nothing to do with Islam. THAT IS MULTICULTURAL LIBERAL HOGWASH!

Terrorism on U.S, Soil Since Obama Administration


The victims: 1 U.S. soldier killed, 1 injured

The killer: Born Carlos Bledsoe in Tennessee, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad converted to Islam as a teenager. He shot and killed a soldier outside a recruiting center. Reportedly, Muhammad was angry about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and how the United States had treated Muslims.

2. FT. HOOD, TEXAS (2009)

The killer: Major Nidal Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, opened fire inside the medical center at Ft. Hood. He was reportedly upset about an upcoming deployment to Iraq. Later, in 2014, Hasan petitioned to become a citizen of the Islamic State.


The victims: 3 people were killed, including a young child. More than 100 people were injured, some requiring limb amputations.

The killers: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were brothers. By all accounts, Dzhokhar was an average American college student before falling under the influence of his older brother, Tamerlan, and becoming radicalized. Tamerlan was shot by police and Dzhokhar was found after a massive manhunt. He was sentenced to death and is currently in prison.


The victim: Daniel Stone, a hardware store employee.

The killer: Daymond Agnew, a 34-year-old California resident. Agnew entered the hardware store and spray painted his face before stabbing Stone 17 times. He claimed that Allah had told him to do it.


The victims: Brendan Tevlin, who was shot at a traffic light. Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young, gay men who were lured from a club and shot. Leroy Henderson, also shot dead.

The killer: Ali Muhammad Brown, the killer of 4 men in 2 states, is a self-proclaimed ISIS supporter. He was the first person to be charged under New Jersey’s 9/11 terror laws. He explained the killings as retribution for Muslim deaths in the Middle East.


The victim: Colleen Hufford was decapitated at the food plant where she worked.

The killer: Alton Nolen converted to Islam and filled his Facebook feed with angry statements about Americans, women, and Judgement Day.


The victim: John Bailey Clark was robbed, shot, and buried in a shallow grave near his home.

The killer: Teenager and ISIS supporter Justin Sullivan murdered and robbed his 74-year-old neighbor. He hoped to use the stolen money to purchase an assault rifle and carry out more attacks.


The victims: 5 U.S. service members were killed, 4 Marines and a Navy officer.

The killer: Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez opened fire at a recruitment center in a strip mall before driving to a Naval support center to continue his rampage.


The victims: 14 people were killed and 22 injured while they enjoyed a county employees’ holiday party.

The killers: Couple Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik assembled an arsenal of weapons and plotted for almost a year before they were married. Farouk was an American, Malik was from Pakistan. Both were shot dead by police.


The victims: 49 people were killed and 53 more were injured at a popular LGBT nightclub in Orlando. The club was hosting a Latin night.

The killer: Omar Mateen was born in the U.S. to Afghan parents. Family and acquaintances say he didn’t seem particularly devout, but his father claims he was enraged by the sight of two men kissing. Mateen was killed by police. His attack was the deadliest mass shooting in American history.

The above list of 10 Islamic terror attacks on American soil was excerpted: LIST OF EVERY ISLAMIC TERROR ATTACK SINCE OBAMA TOOK OFFICE; By SIGRID JOHANNES - Independent Journal Review; I Love My Freedom; Source date – July 2016)

The New York-New Jersey Islamic terrorist bombing can be number 11. And number 12 is the Islamic terrorist attack of Somali Muslim who had gained employment as a security guard went around a Minnesota mall asking patrons if they were Muslim with a “no answer” being followed with a knife slash. Here are Ann Corcoran’s (of Refugee Resettlement Watch) thoughts on the Somali jihadist in a Minnesota mall:

Update September 20th: Here is a story about his original resettlement, as a child, in Fargo, ND. It is a short drive from Fargo to St. Cloud (I drove it while on my RRW road trip this summer).

[Blog Editor: Here’s the John Houk Youtube version of the Valley News Live report from St Cloud Minnesota:

I guess as time goes on we will hear if he came to the US as a refugee youngster and benefited from the generosity of US and state taxpayers or whether he is a relatively new refugee (the vast majority of the Somalis in the US came in through the Refugee Admissions Program).

Only a small fraction of the nearly 200,000 Somalis in the US now came in through other legal means (some came illegally across our southern border).

Remember what MN Governor Dayton said last year, don’t like our Somalis get out of Minnesota!

It is simply pathetic that a couple of hours ago all of the officials arrayed in a lengthy St. Cloud press conference—the mayor (who has been a vocal advocate for the expanding Somali enclave there), the police, even the FBI couldn’t bring themselves to identify the dead perpetrator, but waited (did they wait on purpose?) to give the ‘Somali community’ time to spin the story.

He was a good boy, no violent past, a good student, a college student in St. Cloud. (Maybe even a security guard!) So what! He was first and foremost a Jihadist. And, Obama and his Lefty friends who chalk up ‘violent extremism’ to poverty and lack of opportunity can just shut up! This guy had prospects for a good future and he chose jihad for Allah instead.

Here is Michael Leahy at Breibart:

The Saint Cloud Times is reporting Dahir Adan, a member of the local Somali Community, was the man who attacked nine people at a local mall Saturday while shouting about “Allah.”

A short time earlier, St. Cloud Somali-American community members identified the deceased suspect as Dahir Adan.

Leaders of the Somali-American community in St. Cloud gathered Sunday with his family and issued a statement of sympathy for the family and the nine victims of the attack.

Community leader Abdul Kulane said as far as the family and community know, the suspect did not have any history of violence. He was known as a smart, accomplished student at Apollo High School. He was a junior at St. Cloud State University, Kulane said. Adan was also working part-time as a private security officer, leaders said.

At a press conference on Sunday, St. Cloud, Minnesota city officials refused to release the identity of the man who attacked nine people with a knife in a local mall Saturday night while shouting “Allah.” The attacker was killed by an off-duty police officer from a nearby city who happened to be in the mall at the time.

And then here Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit has more where we learn that he was originally from Fargo, ND (another major resettlement city not far from St. Cloud) from the Jihadists facebook page. Thank the Lutherans of Minnesota and North Dakota for changing America by changing its people.  (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is the major federal contractor with subcontractors in READ THE REST (Knife-wielding attacker (who injured 9) in St. Cloud mall was a Somali; By Ann Corcoran; Refugee Resettlement Watch; 9/18/16)

Here is the account of former policemen turned firearms training owner Jason Falconer taking down the Islamic terrorist Dahir Adan:

Jason Falconer, an off-duty police officer and owner of Tactical Advantage, a firearms training company, was shopping at Macy’s when he saw Adan heading his way. After identifying himself as a law-enforcement officer, Falconer ordered Adan to the ground. David Unze, a reporter for the St. Cloud Times, took it from there:

The suspect got down [and] almost immediately lunged at Falconer with the knife.

Falconer fired once, and the suspect went down. He got up and lunged at Falconer, who shot him again. The suspect then tried again to lunge at Falconer who fired a third shot that killed the suspect.

When the last shot was fired, the suspect was so close to Falconer that Falconer was falling backwards as the suspect came at him. (Minnesota Knife-wielding Attacker Killed by Off-duty Officer; By Bob Adelmann; New American; 9/19/16)

Bob Owens writing at Bearing Arms has a decent bio of Jason Falconer and wonders why the MSM fails to point out that Falconer was actually a civilian packing a gun while shopping? The civilian Falconer saved lives with his gun permit to carry a weapon!

The Dems, including President Barack Hussein Obama and Crooked Hillary, have gone out of their way to promote bringing in even MORE Muslim refugees from Islamic terrorist infested nations. Sure both the Afghan Islamic bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami and knife wielding Somali born Islamic terrorist came young to the USA and became naturalized citizens, but THE POINT is they both came as refugees or immigrants from Islamic terrorist riddled areas. Were they radicalized to terrorism as kids? It is quite doubtful that was the case. Do they belong to a faith whose earliest beginnings was based on terrorist raids for booty, slaves, sex-slaves and a choice of oppressed 2nd class living, convert or die? THIS IS THE VERY REASON Muslims should be required extra vetting with relation to the probability of assimilation into American culture. NO ASSIMILATION – NO IMMIGRATION!

Here is a video graph that one of my friends Jyrki left as a comment to another post that help Americans (and Westerners in general understand having the counter-culture Islam infest our nation or nations:

Posted by friendofmuslim
Uploaded on Mar 30, 2009

Islam will overwhelm Christendom unless Christians recognize the demographic realities, begin reproducing again, and share the gospel with Muslims.

America’s Left went out of its way to vainly attempt dissuade any attempt of blaming Islamic terrorism for terrorist attacks – NYC Mayor de Blasio:

The mayor’s statement is absolutely incoherent. It’s “intentional” but not “terrorism.” All right. So this means the bomb in Chelsea was not an accident, but was put there deliberately in order to kill and maim. That seems to be the very definition of terrorism, but the mayor, a good friend of Islamic supremacists such as Linda Sarsour, assures us it is not terrorism.

What on earth could he mean? Remember that de Blasio is indefatigably committed to the mainstream dogma that Islamic jihad terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, and indeed, that “Islam” and “jihad” must never be mentioned in connection with terrorism. He won’t mention Islamic jihadis, but by saying that there is no connection to “terrorism” in this bombing, he is strongly implying that it was not committed by Muslims. His politically correct speech restrictions make it impossible for him to speak clearly and coherently about this, and so he entangles himself in a contradiction. Any other kind of terrorist could have planted this bomb, and it was certainly terrorism, but as de Blasio knows that most people (understandably) connect terrorism with Islam and Muslims, but can’t say that without violating his PC speech code, and was anxious above all to exonerate Islam, he said that the bombing was “intentional” but not “terrorism.” READ THE REST (NYC: IED explosion wounds 29, Muslims cheer on Twitter, de Blasio says “intentional,” but not “terrorism”; By  ROBERT SPENCER; Jihad Watch; 9/18/16 7:19 AM)

The Dailey Wire is telling us today (9/20/16) that de Blasio wants Americans to look the other way because he is promoting with his Leftist-in-Chief and Crooked Hillary that even more of an influx Muslim refugees should be in the USA!

Obama’s Tuesday UN speech was essentially to accept globalism over national sovereignty as the norm spouting skewed factoids as usual to back up his Left Wing globalization message. I am going to cherry pick BHO’s globalist notions in regard to bringing counter-culture Muslims into the West and into the USA in particular (Yes Leftists, I used the phrase “cherry pick”. Get over it):

And as these real problems have been neglected, alternative visions of the world have pressed forward both in the wealthiest countries and in the poorest: Religious fundamentalism; the politics of ethnicity, or tribe, or sect; aggressive nationalism; a crude populism — sometimes from the far left, but more often from the far right — which seeks to restore what they believe was a better, simpler age free of outside contamination.

We cannot dismiss these visions. They are powerful. They reflect dissatisfaction among too many of our citizens. I do not believe those visions can deliver security or prosperity over the long term, but I do believe that these visions fail to recognize, at a very basic level, our common humanity. Moreover, I believe that the acceleration of travel and technology and telecommunications — together with a global economy that depends on a global supply chain — makes it self-defeating ultimately for those who seek to reverse this progress. Today, a nation ringed by walls would only imprison itself.

So the answer cannot be a simple rejection of global integration. Instead, we must work together to make sure the benefits of such integration are broadly shared, and that the disruptions — economic, political, and cultural — that are caused by integration are squarely addressed. 

It does not require succumbing to a soulless capitalism that benefits only the few, but rather recognizes that economies are more successful when we close the gap between rich and poor, and growth is broadly based. And that means respecting the rights of workers so they can organize into independent unions and earn a living wage. It means investing in our people — their skills, their education, their capacity to take an idea and turn it into a business. It means strengthening the safety net that protects our people from hardship and allows them to take more risks — to look for a new job, or start a new venture.

[Blog Editor: Here comes the egregious Leftist lie based on cooked statistics]

These are the policies that I’ve pursued here in the United States, and with clear results. American businesses have created now 15 million new jobs. After the recession, the top one percent of Americans were capturing more than 90 percent of income growth. But today, that's down to about half. Last year, poverty in this country fell at the fastest rate in nearly 50 years. And with further investment in infrastructure and early childhood education and basic research,

So just as I’ve pursued these measures here at home, so has the United States worked with many nations to curb the excesses of capitalism — not to punish wealth, but to prevent repeated crises that can destroy it. That’s why we’ve worked with other nations to create higher and clearer standards for banking and taxation — because a society that asks less of oligarchs than ordinary citizens will rot from within.   [Blog Editor: Like secretively laundering $1.7 billion in American money into foreign European currency and sending it in an unmarked cargo jet to Iran???] That’s why we’ve pushed for transparency and cooperation in rooting out corruption, and tracking illicit dollars, because markets create more jobs when they're fueled by hard work, and not the capacity to extort a bribe. That’s why we’ve worked to reach trade agreements that raise labor standards and raise environmental standards, as we've done with the Trans-Pacific Partnership, so that the benefits are more broadly shared. [Blog Editor: Does this transparency and fighting corruption crap sound just a tad bit twisted to anyone else???]

[Blog Editor: Can you catch the basic Marxism phrase --] It turns out building accountable institutions is hard work — the work of generations. The gains are often fragile. Sometimes we take one step forward and then two steps back. [Blog Editor: Then comes the criticism of culture based on national sovereignty] In countries held together by borders drawn by colonial powers, with ethnic enclaves and tribal divisions, politics and elections can sometimes appear to be a zero-sum game. 

[Blog Editor: BHO implies that the “strongman” state is the institution of the Conservative Right exonerating the agenda of authoritarian global Left] Without this evolution, ultimately expectations of people will not be met; suppression and stagnation will set in. And history shows that strongmen are then left with two paths — permanent crackdown, which sparks strife at home, or scapegoating enemies abroad, which can lead to war.

[Blog Editor: Now comes another lie from BHO – friend to Marxist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn (See Also HERE) and admirer of Marxist Saul Alinsky and Frank Marshall Davis]

Now, I will admit, my belief that governments serve the individual, and not the other way around, is shaped by America’s story. Our nation began with a promise of freedom that applied only to the few. But because of our democratic Constitution, because of our Bill of Rights, because of our ideals, ordinary people were able to organize, and march, and protest, and ultimately, those ideals won out —

[Blog Editor: After the stealth lying of being an American exceptionalist believing in the American Revolutionary principles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness with guaranteed Rights from Nature’s God comes the globalist lie of accepting counter-culture refugees because that’s just who we are – unless you are a Leftist defined racist, xenophobe, culture superiority nationalist (as in truth, justice and the American Way)]

This leads me to the third thing we need to do: We must reject any forms of fundamentalism, or racism, or a belief in ethnic superiority that makes our traditional identities irreconcilable with modernity. Instead we need to embrace the tolerance that results from respect of all human beings.

It’s a truism that global integration has led to a collision of cultures; trade, migration, the Internet, all these things can challenge and unsettle our most cherished identities.  And in Europe and the United States, you see people wrestle with concerns about immigration and changing demographics, and suggesting that somehow people who look different are corrupting the character of our countries.

[Blog Editor: Do you see Obama’s twisted lie? Americans don’t view people who look different as corrupting the character of our nation, RATHER sane Americans see that Islam corrupts every single principle that our Founding Fathers set in stone via our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights that Obama early pretended an affinity toward!]

Now, there’s no easy answer for resolving all these social forces, and we must respect the meaning that people draw from their own traditions — from their religion, from their ethnicity, from their sense of nationhood. But I do not believe progress is possible if our desire to preserve our identities gives way to an impulse to dehumanize or dominate another group. If our religion leads us to persecute those of another faith, if we jail or beat people who are gay, if our traditions lead us to prevent girls from going to school, if we discriminate on the basis of race or tribe or ethnicity, then the fragile bonds of civilization will fray. The world is too small, we are too packed together, for us to be able to resort to those old ways of thinking.

[Blog Editor: Here President is absolutely correct as to violence and persecution against those who believe or live differently. HOWEVER, Obama misses the point of assimilation! All those who disagree on politics, faith, lack of faith, lifestyle and etc. in American assimilation agree on one thing; viz., that we agree to disagree in assimilation. If your politics, race, religion and etc. cannot agree to disagree; then hello, YOU cannot be an American and it is time for you to LEAVE!]

And there is a military component to that. It means being united and relentless in destroying networks like ISIL, which show no respect for human life. But it also means that in a place like Syria, where there’s no ultimate military victory to be won, we’re going to have to pursue the hard work of diplomacy that aims to stop the violence, and deliver aid to those in need, and support those who pursue a political settlement and can see those who are not like themselves as worthy of dignity and respect.

[Blog Editor: I don’t have a problem with Obama’s thoughts about the Middle Eastern Muslims and “ISIL” above; however, if Obama’s concept of diplomacy means repatriating Muslims who have been taught from the cradle to the grave to hate Americans and Jews, then the diplomacy is best resolved in the Middle East and NOT on American soil.]

And what is true in the Middle East is true for all of us. Surely, religious traditions can be honored and upheld while teaching young people science and math, rather than intolerance. Surely, we can sustain our unique traditions while giving women their full and rightful role in the politics and economics of a nation. Surely, we can rally our nations to solidarity while recognizing equal treatment for all communities — whether it’s a religious minority in Myanmar, or an ethnic minority in Burundi, or a racial minority right here in the United States.  [Blog Editor: In the case of U.S. Americans tolerance is only valid in the case of melting pot assimilation as in E Pluribus Unum – Out of Many, One. Until that tradition is respected you are not welcome here. Does E Pluribus Unum hold in Israel as Obama suggests at the UN?] And surely, Israelis and Palestinians will be better off if Palestinians reject incitement and recognize the legitimacy of Israel, but Israel recognizes that it cannot permanently occupy and settle Palestinian land. 

Blog Editor: This is where the American Left, Obama and European Multiculturalists simply don’t get it! The land that is claimed to be occupied is NOT occupied. It is Israel’s land not only by 20th century treaties originally agreed to by early Arab leaders not infected with Nazi inspired Arab Nationalism that bred hatred of Jews, but also by the Word of God recognized as Divine by Observant Jews and devoted Christians. Present day Arabs that call themselves Palestinians are more so migrants than the Jews that were booted out of their homeland by conquering Romans wearied by continuous Jewish attempts at independence and later by intolerant Jew-hating Muslims that only tolerated 2nd class conquered Jewish dhimmis living in Muslim dominated cultures. So NO, Israelis shouldn’t have to leave their own land.]

My own family is a made up of the flesh and blood and traditions and cultures and faiths from a lot of different parts of the world — just as America has been built by immigrants from every shore. And in my own life, in this country, and as President, I have learned that our identities do not have to be defined by putting someone else down, but can be enhanced by lifting somebody else up. They don’t have to be defined in opposition to others, but rather by a belief in liberty and equality and justice and fairness.

[Blog Editor: The above paragraph demonstrates that Obama; ergo Crooked Hillary and the Dems; have rejected one of America’s mottos of E Pluribus Unum and believes in the Leftist Multiculturalist paradigm of all divergent cultures can differ and stand in one nation – IT’S IMPOSSIBLE!]

This is what I believe: that all of us can be co-workers with God. And our leadership, and our governments, and this United Nations should reflect this irreducible truth.

[Blog Editor: When Obama says, “This is I believe,” and uses the word “God,” Americans have to wonder the nature of the god he believes in considering congregating under the Black Liberation Theology Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, growing up in Indonesia under a Muslim step-father while attending Muslim religious education AND being mentored by avowed Communist Frank Marshall Davis who was also a pornographer as in a godless person.]

READ ENTIRETY – Blog Editor Commentary in bold text (What you missed from Barack Obama’s speech while everyone was talking about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s divorce; By Rob Crilly; Independent; 9/20/16 18:07 – London)

As usual when it comes to immigration and/or Islam the Dems lie or twist the facts to transform America into a Leftist utopia that will end the Original Intent of the Founding Fathers’ vision for a unique Republic where government was by the People and Civil Rights encoded into the stone of the U.S. Constitution. The Living Constitution of American Leftists renders our Constitution unrecognizable.

JRH 9/20/16

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