Monday, April 25, 2016

The Hijra: Conquest Of The West By Colonization

Blog Editor Intro to Fatouros Post on Ann Corcoran
Editor John R. Houk
Intro date: April 25, 2016

Ann Corcoran

Dee Fatouros sources The Counter Jihad Report in turn sources the Center for Security Policy (CSP). How’s that for a Counterjihad pedigree? The key for all is the expertise of Ann Corcoran who blogs at Refugee Resettlement Watch. Corcoran has recently released a book entitled “Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America”.

The term “Hijra” has many Arabic spellings and apparently meanings depending on the part of the Muslim world is culturally from. The original meaning refers to the Muslim false prophet Mohammed – Courtesy Wikipedia:

The Hegira or Hijrah (Arabicهِجْرَة), also romanized as Hijra and Hejira, is the migration or journey of the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Yathrib, later renamed by him to Medina, in 622 CE.[1] In June 622 CE, after being warned of a plot to assassinate him, Muhammad secretly left his home in Mecca to emigrate to Yathrib, 320 km (200 mi) north of Mecca, along with his companion Abu Bakr.[4] Yathrib was soon renamed Madīnat an-Nabī, literally "the City of the Prophet", but an-Nabī was soon dropped, so its name is "Medina", meaning "the city".[5]

The Hijrah is also often identified erroneously with the start of the Hijri calendar which was READ ENTIRETY at Wikipedia

Wikipedia also provides a brief page of other meanings and Western World uses of the word “Hijra”.

Ann Corcoran focuses on a meaning that use migration as a form Muslim Jihad to conquer the Western World for Islam. This Hijra Jihad sounds something a bit similar to the Muslim Brotherhood agenda for the West in a discovered document entitled “The Project”: The Patrick Poole explanation and the IPT PDF that includes the English Translation after the original Arabic.

READ THE Fatouros explanation of Ann Corcoran’s position that watch her on a Youtube video which Fatouros posts afterword.

JRH 4/25/16
The Hijra: Conquest Of The West By Colonization

Posted by Dee Fatouros
April 24, 2016

Ann Corcoran has been a leader in sounding the clarion regarding what has happened to and what is really behind our so called "refugee resettlement program".

There is much information and some pertinent links as well as her concise 4 minute video at the end of this post.

Citizen awareness concerning this issue is vital to the survival of our American way of life.


Washington, DC — Last week, the chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, wrote the Department of State demanding that it halt the resettlement of refugees in the city of Spartanburg in his district. In his letter dated April 15, 2015, Congressman Gowdy objected to the “lack of notice, information and consultation afforded to me and my constituents” and posed seventeen pointed questions, including (as paraphrased by Politico):

o   Why and when was his district approved [as a refugee resettlement site]?

o   What steps were taken to notify local government officials and whether they approved the plan, and where funds for the office and the refugees will come from?

o   When are the first refugees expected to arrive?

o   What benefits are they entitled to?

o   How many will be resettled?

o   What is their country of origin?

o   Who is responsible for housing, employment and education services for them?

Rep. Gowdy was particularly concerned about the security implications of this immigrant migration. He asked: “Do any of the refugees to be resettled in the Spartanburg area have criminal convictions? If so, for what crimes has each been convicted?” And “Please explain the background-check process performed on refugees scheduled to be resettled in Spartanburg.

The necessity for such congressional oversight has been underscored by an important new monograph by Ann Corcoran entitled, Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America, which was published today as part of the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series. Ms. Corcoran documents that Muslim immigration as a form of jihad via colonization called hijra dates back to the time of Mohammed. In fact, she quotes hadith sources that assert that migration is a religious obligation for Muslims to spread Islam and build the Islamic state. She also cites longtime Libyan leader, Muammar Qaddafi, who once said that Europe would be conquered without guns and swords, but with Muslim migrants overrunning the continent. A powerful new documentary by Martin Mawyer called “Europe’s Last Stand; America’s Final Warning” illustrates just how accurate this prediction is proving to be.

As practiced today, the hijra strategy is an important part of a covert, pre-violent “civilization jihad” pursued by the Muslim Brotherhood. The UN High Commission on Refugees – which, like the rest of the United Nations, is dominated by the dictates of the Islamic supremacist organization known as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – is complicit in the process of bringing Muslim refugees to America. Interestingly, no Muslim refugees are ever resettled in wealthy, low-population density Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia.

Particularly troubling is the evidence that Ms. Corcoran compiles concerning the secrecy surrounding this U.S. refugee resettlement program. She provides estimates of how many Muslim immigrants have been quietly resettled in American communities with no local input. And she discusses the State Department’s primary targets in the United States for Muslim resettlement and showcases models to be found in communities that are resisting this program.

In her book, Ms. Corcoran recounts her personal trajectory from typical, uninformed citizen to a national authority on refugee resettlement policies and programs, the focus of her highly acclaimed blog, Refugee Resettlement Watch. It began in 2007, when large numbers of Muslim Meskhetian Turks were quietly resettled by the U.S. State Department in her hometown in Western Maryland, prompting her to research intensively what was afoot.

Although the author and other concerned local residents succeeded in that instance in blocking the dumping of immigrants that are, as a practical matter, unlikely ever to assimilate, the episode led Ms. Corcoran to the discovery of a frightening pattern: Across the United States, the federal government is attempting stealthily to relocate Muslim immigrants into unsuspecting and often unsuitable rural communities. She found that the affected locals, and even states, are totally by-passed in a resettlement process effectively driven by the United Nations, with U.S. agencies playing a clearly subordinate and non-sovereign role.

In addition, Ms. Corcoran has documented how U.S. officials stubbornly refuse to answer affected communities’ questions about Muslim resettlement. In fact, the State Department went so far as to stop holding townhalls and meetings in Washington, DC to discus after local community representatives began to attend.

Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney said of the new Civilization Jihad Reader: 

Ann Corcoran’s report is required reading for anyone worried about the threat to America from the global jihad movement. She has provided shocking details of how a stealth effort by jihadists to advance their stated goal of “destroying Western civilization from within” is being abetted by the U.S. government. 

It is to be profoundly hoped that Ms. Corcoran’s analysis will raise awareness of this problem and that, especially with the concern being expressed by influential legislators like Congressman Trey Gowdy, it will help force U.S. officials to halt a dangerous refugee resettlement program. Her suggestions about what average citizens can do to catalyze such changes amounts, moreover, to a real public service.

An excellent site for further reading and information can be found at, Center For Security Policy.

For further information on the threats shariah poses to our foundational liberal democratic values, see more titles from the Center for Security Policy’s Civilization Jihad Reader Series at

Center for Security, Jihad Reader Series

Citizen researcher: Get “the plan” for your community before it goes to Washington

Ann's Book Release: Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America [Blog Editor: Here is the CSP pdf link]

Posted by securefreedom
Published on Apr 20, 2015

Buy Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America on


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