Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Usurpation of our Constitution

Obama-Leftists Destroying Constitution

Robert Smith writes about America’s Left eroding the U.S. Constitution.

JRH 3/31/15
Usurpation of our Constitution

By Robert G. Smith
Sent 3/30/2015 9:40 AM

From the lowest city official to the top office in our country, our Constitution is being usurped~~ Yes even in the Supreme Court.

Our Chief Justice, John Roberts has taken on a role [overstepping the] House of Representatives and ruled that a law [Obamacare] was a tax even though there was no tax mentioned in the law. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg advised the Egyptian parliament not to use our Constitution as a model as it is out dated, even though it has served us well for 224 years and is as suitable now as it was at its inception. Justice Elena Kagan actively advocates the use of Shariah Law in our Constitution. They both should be impeached.

Eric Holder's Justice Department, with full knowledge of President Barak Obama, refuses to enforce the laws he is obligated to enforce under our Constitution.

The President has, by executive order, made recess appointments to posts that require congressional [approval] even though Congress was not in recess but on holiday closure.

He has endeavored to put disclaimers in the Second Amendment even though there are none [See HERE and HERE]. He has called the Benghazi, the IRS, and NSA problems, phony scandals but has done nothing to enlighten the American people as to what occurred.

New Jersey is attempting to pass a law that would allow police officers to seize your cellphone and examine the contents- a violation of the fourth and fifth amendments of our Constitution. [See HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE]   

Local governments are using medical information against patients- again a violation of the fourth and fifth amendments. And medical ethics concerning releasing your medical information without your acquiescence. [Blog Editor: In full disclosure I can’t place my finger on recent media coverage in which “local governments” used “medical information against patients” pertaining to a Constitutional issue. In act of pure speculation perhaps Robert Smith is referring to HERE, HERE and/or HERE)

These are but a few examples of the misuse of our Constitutional rights.

Don't you think it is time to take a serious stand against a serious problem and put a stop to the usurpation of OUR CONSTITUTION?

By PSG [ret] R.G. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
All links and all content enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.

© Robert G. Smith

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