Monday, March 2, 2015

Our Un-Sealable Borders

DMZ Fence sentry station

Robert Smith sent a query that pertains to keeping illegal aliens from entering the USA. He compares his duty in the military along the South Korean side of the DMZ I presume as a guard. The query leaves me to guess what part of the U.S. Military he served because he doesn’t specify and to be honest I am not knowledgeable enough to know if the American Army or the American Marines have guard duties in the DMZ. Mr. Smith signed his email with PSG retired. I never served in the military, so I am unaware of the acronym “PSG”. Without doing much investigation my best guess comes from Wikipedia:

United States Army

In the United States Army,[10] Rifle Platoons are normally composed of 42 soldiers. They are led by a Platoon Leader (PL), usually a second lieutenant (2LT), and with a Platoon Sergeant (PSG), usually a Sergeant First Class (SFC, E-7). Rifle Platoons consist of three nine-man Rifle squads and one nine-man Weapons squad each led by a Staff Sergeant (E-6). The Platoon Headquarters includes the PL, PSG, along with the PL's Radio-Telephone Operator (RTO), Platoon Forward Observer (FO), the FO's RTO and the Platoon Medic. (PlatoonUnited States Army; Wikipedia; page was last modified on 16 February 2015, at 20:07)

Mr. Smith is quite appreciative of the amount of security provided by the DMZ South Korean side fence. (See Also HERE,  HERE and HERE) He is incredulous that such a secure fence can be constructed and maintained in South Korea but American voters are continuously told that the same thing cannot be accomplished along the U.S./Mexican border.

JRH 3/2/15
Our Un-Sealable Borders

By Robert Smith (PSG – ret.)
Sent: 2/26/2015 8:39 PM

Several Administrations have declared our southern border cannot be sealed. This however brings to mind the most secure border in the world today. The border of which I speak is the border between North and South Korea.
The building of the fence at the southern edge of the demilitarized zone, commonly called the DMZ, was built by our Army Corps of Engineers and South Korean allies.
The first tour was spent trying to stay alive. The last two consisted of running patrols in the DMZ and patrolling and guarding the fence.
The fence consists of two fences. The primary fence is eight feet high, the secondary fence is twelve feet high. Both fences are topped by razor wire concertina type wire. Approximately twenty five meters separate the two fences.
There are security observation towers placed at intervals along the fence, each tower is in visual contact with the towers on either side of them. These towers are manned 24-7 by three to five men.
In my second tour the finishing touches were being made on the fence and we had a few infiltrators make it through the fence and into South Korea.
In my third tour the fence had been completed and the only North Koreans that came through the fence were those individuals seeking asylum.
I am sure such a fence along our southern border would produce results much the same as we have in Korea.
So why is it not being built?
There should not be any discussion about immigration reform or any type of amnesty until our borders are secure.
Call your Senator and Representative let them know how you feel about this issue.
Edited by John R. Houk

© Robert Smith

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