Sunday, March 8, 2015

Long Live Freedom

King Obama Unconstitutional
Justin Smith provides some very legitimate thoughts on President Barack Hussein Obama’s unconstitutional actions with his pen and phone. Just a heads up there is a section in Justin’s essay that addresses the wealthy elites of the late 19th and early 20th using their Capitalistic attained riches to advance socialistic agendas in Great Britain (these days now more often referred to as United Kingdom).

The families Justin writes about are the Morgans, Rockefellers and Rothschilds. These three names are high fruit on the Conspiracy Theory tree. The Rothschild family holds a particular venom from antisemitic Conspiracy Theorists. (Debunking the NWO spun by Rothschild family: HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE. Promoting Rothschild family NWO laced with antisemitism: HERE and HERE.)

I am certain that the Conspiracy Theorists will come out of the word work with Justin’s post. (Incidentally on a personal level I believe there are some facts involved in the theories, but that the theories too often go off into a ditch on the Left or the Right side of the road.) Justin’s essay is specifically an attack on Obama’s unconstitutional Executive Orders.

JRH 3/8/15
Long Live Freedom

By Justin Smith
Sent: 3/7/2015 10:33 PM

"Es lebe die Freiheit" [Long live freedom] - Hans Scholl's [Jewish Virtual Library] last words (White Rose opposition to Hitler)

American freedom and liberty, as envisioned by the Founding Fathers' Original Intent, are being rapidly destroyed by Obama and the Progressive Democrat fascists, who are advancing the U.S. government towards autocratic and dictatorial rule. They are destroying our Shining City on the Hill, through statist policies rife with the cancers of economic and cultural Marxism and other insidious tactics that are eradicating our traditions, national sovereignty and the historical memory of the American people, and Americans must find the determination and courage to fight this anti-American Progressive movement through every means available.

Too often, the Republican Party advances the Progressive agenda, inadvertently or not, through its own statist propensity and love of protected markets and monopolies, despite its protestations of being completely "conservative" and 100% for free market capitalism. During the 2008 economic crisis, fascism became the rule of the day, and the interests of the American people were sacrificed in order to save huge economic conglomerates like AIG, which were deemed "too big to fail."

In 1920, H.G. Wells explained: "Big Business is in no means antipathetic to Communism. The larger the business grows the more it approximates Collectivism. It is the upper road of the few instead of the lower road of the masses to collectivism."

Many men, such as the Morgans, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, funded the socialist takeover of Great Britain, and these very same men helped President Woodrow Wilson create the Federal Reserve Bank (centralized credit) and a heavy progressive income tax, two of the Ten Tenets of Communism; in this context, control of one-sixth of the United States economy through the Affordable Health Care Act by the federal government and future Progressive regimes, like Obama's, puts us all on an open road to serfdom and a new authoritarian world in America.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild often stated, "Let me issue and control a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws."

In this sense, one must question the moral clarity of vision and the political and legal understanding and knowledge of Republicans, such as Representatives Bruce Polinquin (Maine), Bob Dold (Illinois) and John Katko (New York), since they voted against the repeal of the ACA [Obamacare] in February. They were more interested in "fixing" its flaws and having replacement legislation ready. These politicians are symptomatic of the problem America faces.

Who do these Republicans represent after all? Certainly not conservative America.

Free market economies do not need the imprimatur of any government in order to decide what is acceptable to the people. Consumers must be free to decide on purchases for themselves, and health care providers should supply plans that are acceptable to the free market. If they cannot, the consumers’ purchases will guide the market, without government collusion or coercion.

In a July 2012 appearance on Fox News Sunday, Senator Mitch McConnell contradicts his October 2014 assertion that 60 votes would be needed in the Senate to repeal Obamacare, as he states: "The Chief Justice said (Obamacare) it's a tax. Taxes are clearly reconcilable (in the budget). That's the kind of measure that can be pursued with 51 votes in the Senate."

Shortly after the House voted to repeal Obamacare (239 to 186) on February 3rd, 2015, Senator Ted Cruz told CNS News: "If it can be passed with reconciliation, it can be repealed with reconciliation. And we need to use every procedural means possible to stop the train wreck that is Obamacare."

Following the G.B. Shaw template to advance a Utopian Hell in America [“Bernard Shaw and Totalitarianism” and “The Language of Degeneration: Eugenic Ideas in…”], Obama has used deception and subverted U.S. law. He has also formed a despotic habit of legislating from the Oval Office, which is not a legitimate and Constitutional function of the Executive Branch.

Far from "prosecutorial discretion", Obama's most recent executive order grants five million illegal aliens "executive amnesty", social security cards, three years of Earned Income Credit back-payments and $25,000 each from U.S. taxpayer money, even though they never paid any taxes. This is illegal and unconstitutional, and Obama is breaking U.S. law, as he helps other criminals in the process.

Obama's illegal "executive amnesty" is an overt attempt to change the face of America and legitimize a mass of people, who are greatly inclined to vote Democrat. This is, in large part, aimed specifically at turning Texas into a Democrat majority state, ensuring that Progressives will be virtually unstoppable election after election and far into the future.

Where is the aggressive action against Obama's "executive amnesty" that Senate Majority Leader McConnell, Speaker Boehner and many other establishment Republicans promised?

Sadly, America learned on March 3rd that 75 pathetic Republicans had joined 182 more pathetic Democrats to fund the Department of Homeland Security, as the succumbed to the false narrative that refusing to fund DHS and Obama's executive amnesty would adversely affect national security. This legislation also funds Obama's executive amnesty, and in the process, it severely damages Congressional power for years to come.

Didn't any of these 75 republicans consider that the large number of crimes committed by these illegal aliens against U.S. citizens is a matter of national security?

A brilliant thinker and founder of Eagle Forum, Phyllis Schlafly recently exclaimed: "It's an insult to everyone who voted to elect the Republicans in the last Congressional election. The American people clearly voted against Obama's illegal, unconstitutional bills of all kinds ... He's a disaster for our country, and he doesn't have our national security at heart."

And now, Obama is planning an egregious infringement on our Second Amendment rights by banning 5.62 mm M855 ammo through executive order, because it pierces soft-body armor. This is a deception aimed at the eventual ban on all firearms and ammo, since 168 other rounds (e.g. .308, .223, 30.06) also pierce soft-body armor. If he proceeds, everyone should fill the Oval Office with .223 ammo, by way of UPS or 3000 feet per second muzzle velocity, depending on one's vision for America - Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide.

Even in America vigilance is required to keep freedom and liberty alive. The Progressives of both parties hold, in part or whole, post-Constitutional ideas that advance Obama's fundamental transformation, which eradicates our Founding Principles and traditional precepts concerning the rule of law. They are advancing this Progressive agenda through illegitimate, extralegal and illegal means, as they assault our American Heritage and place many Americans in an unendurable situation, which will eventually lead to armed rebellion, unless any future Statesmen can successfully repel this tide of fascism: If not, the Sons and Daughters of Liberty will fight once more in order to restore Constitutional governance and the Republic in Our Beloved America.

Justin O Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Text and/or links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith 

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