Monday, March 23, 2015

Illuminating the Bible to your Christian Friends

Dr. Gary L Cass D.Min.
Dr. Gary L. Cass D.Min.

If you are all Biblical Morality you will enjoy this 41 minute video from Defend Christians and Dr. Gary Cass (D.Min.) about homosexual marriage.

JRH 3/23/15
Illuminating the Bible to your Christian Friends

Sent by Dr. Gary L. Cass
Email Sent: 3/23/2015 1:37 PM

Last week Christians watched as churches and denominations fell to the internal pressures of the homosexual movement. In our latest live stream, Dr. Gary Cass addresses the issue of whether Jesus would ever conduct a gay wedding.

Be sure to watch our latest video below and learn how you can respond to Christians struggling with the issue and point them to Scripture to help and encourage them in their worldview.

Be sure to tune in this Saturday for our next "Defending a Christian Worldview Forum," live streaming online at 9:00 EST, 8:00 CST and 6:00 PST. The topic for discussion will be announced by Friday. Watch by going to and clicking on the video icon. During the live stream, you are invited to participate with your comments and questions by joining in the live chat room. Dr. Gary Cass will respond to your questions during the live stream.

Help us equip the Body of Christ by sharing our Worldview videos with your family, Sunday School Class or home group. Please forward this invitation to your pastor, family and friends.

Posted: 3/21/15

Christian Anti-Defamation Commission | PO Box 1115 | Vista | CA | 92085

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