Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Drew Johnson
Drew Johnson

Intro to R. Smith’s ‘Honor’
Edited by John R. Houk
March 17, 2015

Robert Smith writes about the lack of honor exhibited by media journalists these days. Media publishers appear to be more concerned about political correctness and angering Liberals (aka Leftists, Progressives, and Libtards and so on depending on the degree of annoyance) than integrity in reporting accurate news.

Robert uses Tony Snow as an example of Press integrity.

Then Robert uses Drew Johnson as an example of a journalist who wrote an accurate picture (Original Title: “Take Your Jobs Plan and Shove it, Mr. President” and Re-Edited title: “President Obama's policies have harmed Chattanooga enough”) of one President Barack Hussein Obama’s job policies that followed with the consequence of being fired by the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

If you Google “Drew Johnson: Take Your Jobs and Shove it, Mr. President,” you will discover Leftist websites such as Daily Kos expressed gratification that Johnson was fired because the Editorial was offensive. The thing is there is ZERO content one finds offensive in the piece unless you are a moron that gets offended for criticizing the Obamasiah. Even the title that upset Johnson’s bosses has no offensive wording in it – again – unless you are an Obamasiah Leftist.

Drew Johnson goes public with his side:

Published by newschannelnine
Published on Aug 1, 2013

Published by AmericanIdeology
Published on Aug 31, 2013

The full disclosure rebuttal by the Chattanooga Times Free Press: “Times Free Press responds to inaccuracies in coverage of Drew Johnson firing”.

If you read the above link you will discern someone is lying. Since I am a Conservative knowing that Leftists lie at worst or deceptively twist facts at best, it is my opinion that Johnson’s former employers are lying.

Read “Journalist Fired for Negative Obama Editorial” by Michael Lotfi at BenSwann.com.

JRH 3/17/15

By Robert Smith
Sent: 3/15/2015 11:20 PM

The American public has little chance of getting an honest report on any news subject of political importance unless they have access to cable news, and some of them are questionable.

What is wrong? It is a matter of honor and integrity.

This calls to mind a press secretary for President George W. Bush, Tony Snow.

When he took the position as presidential press secretary he said, this may not be verbatim but relays the message he sent to the nation and members of the press.

The statement he made "I will not sacrifice my honor and integrity for anyone or for any reason."

He was a true gentleman and possibly the best press secretary to serve any president. How many such as he are left in the fourth estate?

I know there are some, Drew Johnson, opinion editor for the Chattanooga Times was terminated for giving a true assessment of President Barak Obama' speech concerning his job program .Just doing his job got him fired,

Is this the problem in the liberal media? Are they sacrificing their honor and integrity in order to protect their employment?

A true journalist reports the news in a factual, no embellishments or distracting manners, unafraid of any consequences and in all cases keeping their honor and integrity intact.

Will we ever see this again?

PSG [ret] R.G. Smith

Edited by John R. Houk

© Robert G. Smith

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