Sunday, March 22, 2015

America Demands the Truth

Clinton on a C-17, with blackberry in hand
Clinton on a C-17, with blackberry in hand – Where’s the missing email?

So, is it credible that Hillary Clinton did not use her personal email server for government business? Is it not more plausible that the thousands of emails deleted from her servers had incriminating evidence of either scandalous decision making, illegal usage or both? Justin Smith lays out his position on Hillary’s non-government probably unsecured private email servers.

JRH 3/22/15
America Demands the Truth

By Justin O. Smith
Sent: 3/21/2015 8:11 PM

Orchestrating lawless secrecy, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, prevaricator extraordinaire, broke U.S. law and compromised national security by diverting State Department records to Bill Clinton's private and unsecured email server and by also exposing classified secrets to enemies of the United States. She didn't want anyone in the government or the public to see her records, which she knew would contain damning evidence that would derail any successful run for the U.S. Presidency.

Although the Federal Records Act of 1950 makes it clear that all records received and generated by any employee of the federal government belong to the government, Hillary Clinton and her aides decided not to preserve her emails on State Department servers, during her four years as Secretary of State. They also performed their own review of these emails, in order to determine which ones to return and which ones to destroy, turning the law on its head and illegally destroying 33,000 emails.

"I can recall no instance in my time at the National Archives when a high-ranking official at an executive branch solely used a personal email account for the transaction of government business," observed Jason Baron, a former National Archives director of litigation (2000 - 2013).

On March 3rd, Judge Andrew Napolitano asserted that Clinton committed a felony by using her personal email address, which essentially concealed the government documents she generated from the U.S. government. This is an offense punishable by three years in prison and permanent disqualification from holding office. And holding classified secrets in a non-secure facility outside the government's control is punishable by a large fine and a year in jail.

Since the story broke (NYT) on March 2nd, Clinton has argued that she turned over all the proper documents, but she just did it two years after leaving office; however, the State Dept. Records Management Handbook explains that officials who fail to turn over documents can face "fines, imprisonment or both for the willful and unlawful removal or destruction of records as stated in the U.S. Criminal Code."

DOJ attorney Shannen Coffin told viewers on the Kelly File, "State Department regulations also say that departing officials have to make sure that all their official records are in the files of the Dept. of State upon departure. That couldn't be any clearer."

Will the Obama administration's Dept. of Justice prosecute Clinton for keeping four years of classified records on her non-secure server after she left office, just as Eric Holder prosecuted Gen. David Petraeus, who kept 15 months of classified records in his home in a desk after he left office?

Michael Steel, spokesman for Speaker Boehner, noted that Hillary Clinton didn't hand over 55,000 emails "out of the goodness of her heart" last year. Steel recently stated, "She was forced to by smart, determined and effective oversight ... The American people deserve the truth."

The existence of Clinton's personal email account was discovered by the House Select Committee on Benghazi, as it investigated the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and sought correspondence between Clinton and her aides about the attack. Clinton's correspondence could provide pivotal clues concerning the terrorist attacks and the following days, whether Clinton wants it to or not.

A review of approximately 300 emails in February made Rep. Trey Gowdy realize that the State Dept. records were seriously incomplete. He explained to Chris Wallace (Fox News) that "huge gaps" existed in Clinton's email records, and this was debilitating the House Select Committee's efforts to get to the bottom of the attacks on the U.S. Consulate at Benghazi.

These huge gaps became apparent in light of the photograph ofHillary Clinton Changes Twitter Photo That Got Second Life in E-mail Controversy 2 toon Clinton on a C-17, with blackberry in hand, [Hillary Clinton still hasn’t handed over any email records from day famous photo of her on Blackberry was taken: lawmaker] and on her way to Libya to discuss Libyan policy. There are not any emails for several weeks on either side of that trip, including the trip itself, according to Rep. Gowdy.

Can anyone actually believe that such a trip wouldn't have generated a single document?

It is also of the utmost importance to find any existing emails between Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin, her top aide and confidant, since it has long been known that Abedin's family is closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. Huma's mother, Dr. Saleha Abedin, still edits the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, which was founded by an associate of Osama bin Laden's, Abdullah Omar Naseef, who was the secretary of the Muslim World League, a front for financing terrorism. Huma worked for JMMA from 1996 to 2008.

How did Huma Abedin [See HERE and HERE] receive a security clearance to work at the State Dept., which allowed her access to top-secret documents?

The Abedins were deeply involved in plans to use the Muslim Minority Affairs to create a fiery cauldron of Islamic revolution, and it was while Huma Abedin was advising Hillary that the State Dept. dropped its "terrorist" designator for the Muslim Brotherhood and its policy of refusing to deal with the Muslim Brotherhood. One must wonder how many top-secret files Huma Abedin transferred to various Islamic nations, not necessarily our friends, such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Clinton's top two aides, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, used personal emails while working for Clinton at the State Dept. Were they all transmitting sensitive, classified State Dept. information and information about Benghazi on their personal emails?

The foreign policy implications surrounding former Sec. of State Clinton's emails are significant, especially once one reviews El-Mogaz News reports (Aug 2014) that Nagla Mahmoud [See HERE and HERE], wife of ousted Egyptian President Morsi, was "threatening to expose the special relationship between her husband and Hillary Clinton," through letters in her possession. One email sent to Clinton, by former Clinton White House staffer Sidney Blumenthal, quotes an intelligence source asserting that the attack on the U.S. Consulate at Benghazi was funded by "wealthy Sunni Islamists in Saudi Arabia." [See HERE]

On March 20th, Chairman Trey Gowdy gave Hillary Clinton until April 3rd to respond to the following formal request in a letter to her lawyer, David Kendall, or face a subpoena: "I am asking Secretary Clinton to relinquish her server to a neutral, detached and independent third-party, such as the Inspector General for the State Department, for review and independent accounting of any records contained on the server ....”

America demands answers for the families of the four brave Americans who perished horribly in the attacks in Benghazi. They deserve the truth surrounding the decision to leave them to die, and the answers must be mercilessly retrieved from Clinton's emails by Congress, the independent third-party and a Special Prosecutor. Other truths are certain to come to light concerning the ObamaObanded Benghazi Victims administration's numerous Middle East policy failures. But the terrible images of our fallen Americans, unnecessary deaths, remain fresh, and Obama and Clinton must be held accountable for this one betrayal and act of treason, if nothing else: America demands the truth.

By Justin O. Smith
Edited by John R. Houk
Links and text enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.

© Justin O. Smith

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