Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Channel 4 Islam - The Untold Story banned in the UK

Thanks to Sharia Unveiled (12/28/14) here is a documentary about Islam banned in the United Kingdom. You have to know if it was banned in the UK with the multicultural appeasing government there, the documentary tells the truth about Islam. NO Muslim wants a non-Muslim to know the truth about Islam. In fact there is a high percentage of a chance that a majority of Muslims are unaware of the nefarious nature of Islam’s beginnings let alone the lack of comprehending Islam’s past is a conduit to Islam’s present and future as a racist supremacist ideologically politicized cult with the trappings of a religion.

JRH 12/30/14

Posted by Dan 123
Published on Apr 29, 2013

In this ground-breaking film, historian Tom Holland explores how a new religion - Islam - emerged from the seedbed of the ancient world, and asks what we really know for certain about its rise. The result is an extraordinary detective story. Traditionally, Muslims and non-Muslims alike have believed that Islam was born in the full light of history. But a large number of historians now doubt that presumption, and question much of what Muslim tradition has to tell us about the birth of Islam.

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